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一、问候和称呼在英语国家,人们会选择合适的问候语和不同场合的人问候。例如,刚认识的成年人一般用“How do you do?”相互问候;朋友见面时,则用“How are you?”对方的回答是“Fine,thank you.And you?”而中国人和朋友或刚认识的人见面时,常用“您好”或“你好”来问候。此外,大多数中国人常以“吃饭了吗?”、“你要去哪里?”问候相识的人。二、感谢和赞扬当西方人表示他的感谢时,中国人有时可能会觉得不好意思而说“No,no.”来谢绝,而英国人则说“I’m glad to hear it.”或“Thank you.”由于缺乏必要的社会文化背景知识,中国学生听…  相似文献   

I'm happy to meet you.很高兴见到你。 I like your sense of humor.我喜欢你的幽默感。 I'm glad to see you again.很高兴再次见到你。 I'll call you.我会打电话给你。 I feel like sleeping/taking a walk.我想睡/散步。  相似文献   

1.当你请求对方帮助,而对方没能满足你的要求时,你可以 说:Than kyou just the same. 不说:I don’t mind.或It doesn’t matter. 2.当你十分赞同别人提出的建议时,你可以 说:Good idea. 不说:I’m glad to hear that.  相似文献   

A Sunday school teacher was telling her pupils the importance of making others glad.“I've make my granny glad yesterday,”said a small boy。“Good boy. Now tell us how you made her glad.”“I stayed with her three hours. Then I said to her, ‘Granny, I'm going home.’She said, ‘Well, I'm glad!’”一个主日学校的老师在对学生讲使别人高兴的重要性。“昨天我就使我奶奶高兴过。”一个小男孩说。“好孩子。现在告诉我们,你是怎样使你奶奶高兴的。”“我在她那儿呆了三个小时。然后我跟她说:‘奶奶,我要回…  相似文献   

1.thanks,thank youthanks是名词,可单独使用,thank是动词,后面需跟人称代词的宾格形式:you,her/him or m e,但Thanks与Thank you一样,都是礼貌用语,当得到别人帮助或受到别人赞扬,需要表示谢意时可以使用,至于要感谢的内容,或“因……而感谢某人”,后面可以跟for短语。例如:Thanks for your help.感谢你的帮助。Thank you for your letter.谢谢你的来信。W e should(应该)thank her for her good news.我们应该感谢她给我们带来的好消息。2.very,m uch,very m uchvery,m uch和very m uch作为副词都有“非常”或“很”的意思,但用法有别,…  相似文献   

glad & happy glad意思是"高兴的;乐意的",指因某事使人情绪上得到短暂的喜悦。常用作表语,一般情况下不作定语。例如:I am glad to help you with your English.我很乐意能帮你学习英语。Glad to see you again.很高兴再次见到你。happy意思是"快乐的;幸福的;高兴的",指使人感到内心的满足、幸福和愉悦。可指较长时间或一时的心理状态,既可指本人高兴,也可指使人高兴的事。祝贺新年或庆贺生日时常用到它。可用作表语和定语。例如:  相似文献   

Hello!Hello! 你好!你好! Hello,hello,how are you? 你好,你好,你好吗? I’m fine,I’m fine,thank you. 我很好。我很好,谢谢。 Hello,hello,how do you do? 你好,你好,你好。 I’m glad to meet you,too! 我也很高兴认识你。  相似文献   

“have+宾语+……”是个很有用的结构,熟练、正确地使用它,能使我们的表达地道而生动。1.have+宾语+现在分词意义:使(保持)……一直做某事(处于某种状态) (宾语与宾补之间呈现逻辑上的主动关系。) 相近说法:keep/leave/get+宾语+现在分词特殊用法:用于否定句时,常表示“不能让”“不允许”等含义。例:She蒺ll have you doing all the housework if you are not careful.He soon had them all laughing.Don蒺t have your mother waiting so long.We can蒺t have that sort of thing happening.(我们决不能让那种事情发生。)I蒺ll …  相似文献   

通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳的一项。A man was walking along the street when he saw a woman struggling with a large box. It was half in and half 1 of her car. He was a helpful kind of man, so he went up to the woman and said, “Let me give you a hand with that box. It looks very 2 .”“That蒺s very kind of you,”the woman said. “I蒺m having a lot of 3 with it. I think it蒺s stuck(不能动,受阻).”“Together we蒺ll soon move it,”the man said. He 4 into the b…  相似文献   

刘权 《海外英语》2005,(1):44-45
1.You’ve got a point there.你说得挺有道理的。A:What do you think of my suggestions?你认为我的建议如何?B:I think you’ve got a point there.I will consider itcarefully.我认为你说得挺有道理的。我会仔细考虑你的建议。A:I am so glad to hear that.Thank you.我很高兴听你这么说。谢谢。B:You are Welcome.不客气。2.fall(all)over oneself竭尽所能A:Did you have a good time in your brother’s home last winter holiday?去年寒假你在你哥哥家过得愉  相似文献   

A Dirtier HandWhen he was a child, Mike did not always obey the rules of school. One day the teacher caught him breaking a rule and asked him to come up to be punished. In that school beating the palm of hand(手掌心)with a ruler was the punishment. Mike蒺s hands were very dirty, so on the way to the teacher蒺s desk, he wiped one of his hands on his coat.The teacher looked at it for a moment and said,“Mike, if you can find a dirtier hand in the class, I shall not punish you.”“Here it is…  相似文献   

陶滢 《英语辅导》2000,(5):34-34
“Thank you”是英语中的常用语,比我们汉语中的“谢谢”一词使用范围广得多。它可以用于诸多场合,对许多事情表示感谢,诸如收受礼品、被邀请、接受帮助或其他方面的好处等等。总之,在英语里面,“Thank you”几乎可以用于各种情况,不管是陌生人还是亲密的朋友,只要对方对你稍有好处。而你如果不用“Thank you”表达感谢之意,往往就会使人觉得没有教养、没有礼貌,似乎认为别人的帮助是理所当然的。此外“Thank you”还可用于其他许多场合,比如:  相似文献   

Jenny meets her friend Nancy in the Garden Street. They are very happy to meet each other(互相). Then Jenny tells Nancy about her new house.Jenny:Hi, Nancy! I' m so glad to see you here!Nancy:Hi, Jenny! I' m glad to see you too! How are you?  相似文献   

一、原题:最近,你校同学正在参加某英文报组织的一场讨论。讨论的主题是:公园要不要收门票?请你根据下表所提供的信息,给报社写一封信,客观地介绍讨论情况。注意:1.信的开头已为你写好。2.词数:100左右。3. 参考词汇:门票—entrance feeDear Editor,I蒺m writing to tell you about the discussion we蒺ve had about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks.…Yours truly, Li Hua 二、学生答卷:Dear Editor,I蒺m writing to tell you about the discussion we蒺ve had about whether …  相似文献   

小兔子N ini刚去英国定居,她很高兴,这回学的英语可派上用场了。在那她认识了很多小伙伴,每天她见到小伙伴的第一句话就是()A.H ave you had your m eal?B.H ello!感恩节的晚上,N ini被邀请去小伙伴家吃饭时,小伙伴说:“W ould you likesom e vegetables?”N ini很喜欢蔬菜,于是说()A.Y es,please.B.T hank you.天色已晚,N ini要回家了,走时还没忘说些感谢及客气的话()A.I’ve w asted you a lotof tim e,I w illgo hom e.B.I am afraidI m ust be leav-ing now.T hank you foryourgood dinner.链接1:当熟人见面时,总免不了相互问候…  相似文献   

早上、上午一见面,“Good m orning.”说在先。下午见面问声好,“Good afternoon.”少不了。晚上遇见“Good evening.”,“Good night.”别时吟。路人、熟人擦肩过,“H ello。”“H i。”都没错。电话、网上打招呼,说声“H ello。”也算数。初次见面“H ow do you do?”,再次见面“H ow are you?”。有人向你表感谢,“That’s allright.”不用谢。“You are welcom e.”情亲切,“Notatall.”亦可接。得到别人帮助后,应该说声“Thank you。”。若想事先表歉意,应该说声“Excuse m e.”。做错事情要道歉,“I’m sor-ry.”挂嘴边。同意别…  相似文献   

When somebody does something for you,remember to say“Thank you!”And the response will be“You’re welcome.It's my pleasure!”整句话的意思是:当别人为你做了某件事时,要记得说“谢谢!”回答是“不客气, 我很乐意!”大家要记住It's my pleasure!“我很乐意!”这个句子哦。当你帮助了别人,别人对你表示感谢  相似文献   

☆ 问候 Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早上/ 下午/ 晚上好! Hello / Hi! 你好! Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你! How do you do? 你好! How are you? 你(身体)好吗? Fine , thank you! / I am OK! 很好, 谢谢! ☆ 介绍 My name is... 我叫…… I am from England. 我来自英国。 I am a student. 我是一个学生。 This is Mr / Mrs / Ms / Miss... 这是……先 生 / 夫人 / 女士 / 小姐 ☆ 感谢 Thank you (every much )! 十分感谢! Thanks a lot! 太感谢了! Thank / Thanks you for your help! 谢谢你 的帮助! You are we…  相似文献   

英语中的很多习惯用语并不像表面的意思,有的甚至是大相径庭,下面介绍如下:1、A:What’s your poison?你要喝点什么?B:I’m easy,it is up to you.我怎样都行,由你作主。2、easy—going意思是“随和的”例如:He is easy going,work with him is your pleasure.他很随和,同他工作是你的荣幸。3、Bring it up.意思是“放马过来”例如:I think I dance best,if you don’t believe,bring it up.我舞跳得最好,如果不信放马过来(意思就是比试比试)。4、It is on the house(或者on the house)意思是“免费的”.例如:We went to a restaurant,t…  相似文献   

1.H ave you got an um brella?(L1)你有雨伞吗?在询问对方有什么东西时,常用“H ave you got...?”句式,它相当于“D o you have...?”。英国人常用“H ave you got...?”提问,其肯定回答为:Y es,I have.否定回答为:N o,I haven t.美国人则常用“D o youhave...?”提问,其肯定回答为:Y es,I do.否定回答为:N o,I don t.2.Ive lost m y dictionary.H ave you seen it anywhere?(L1)我的词典丢了,你在什么地方看到过它吗?这个句子是发现自己的东西已丢失,向别人了解或询问以求得到帮助时的常用语。被问者如不知道被问的情况,在作否定…  相似文献   

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