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1.The young lady was holding a baby in her armsand was crying for some more milk.A.it B.one C.she D.who2.He often offers seats to others.His manner is______of a gentleman.A.it B.one C.that D.this3.—There must be a dozen pens in this house,butI can never find one when I need one.—Keep looking.____is sure to turn up.A.It B.One C.That D.This4.I want to buy a recorder,_______that can playCD.A.the one B.another oneC.another D.one5.—Did you suffer a lot during that period?—__________.…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择。 1. Rita is good at swimming, ____? A. doesnDt she B. does she C. isnDt she D. is she 2. Thank you for ____ to my party. A. come B. coming C. comes D. to come 3. He didnDt have a good time until you ____. A. get long B. come along C. came along D. come from 4. How are you ____ with your new classmate? A. get along B. get on C. getting along D. coming along 5. Let us go to the library, ____? A. donDt you B. will you C. shall you D. wonDt we 6. They were all really friend…  相似文献   

1.单项填空。1 .M柳15 a shy girl:she always_when we want to take herto a Party·A .holds up B.holds on C.holds baek D.holds together 2.His eareer_when he was given a job in a eomPuter eompany·A.took off B.took down C.took uP D.took away 3 .Thep二ane erashed_it took Off from the ai甲ort. A.suddedy B.hu币edly C.esveeially D.immediately 4.It 15 not how mueh you read but what you read thar_. A.eounts B.deela了es C.announees D.tells 5 .China has speeial football sehools where ehildren aequi…  相似文献   

梁茜 《中学生英语》2002,(17):23-23
1.The man over there is my brother.___ is a doctor. A.She B.He C.Him D.His 2.Both Kate and I__students. A.is B.am C.are D.be3.______is my son.Do you like to play with____?  相似文献   

第一卷(选择题)第一部分:英语知识运用第一节:语法和词汇知识从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。1 .He made uP an exeuse for his failure in order to avoid A.to be punished B.being punished C .to punish D.punishing 2.一1 wonder if 1 eould use your Phone? A .Sure.Go ahead B .1’m 50叮but 90 ahead C .No,it’5 a Pleasure D .Yes,you would 3 .The girl 15__about daneing.She believes she ean make a good daneer some day. A .erazy B.fond C .interested D.devoted 4.1_the俪rten PaP…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择 1. I went to the beach. Where did you go ____ the school trip? A. on B. for C. with D. in 2. If I have seven days ____, I!d like to go to Beijing. A. long B. off C. on D. with 3. I don!t think it!s a funny story. In fact, it sounds ____. A. bore B. bored C. be boring D. boring 4. I!m sorry I cannot go to the movies. I!m ____ tired. A. a little of B. a few C. kind of D. a kind of 5. When she was in France last time, she ____ souvenirs for me. A. buy B. buys C. buyed D. b…  相似文献   

Unit 9Ⅰ. 单项选择(每小题 1 分, 共 20 分)1. she want to go to a movie on Sunday?A. Does B. Do C. Are D. Is2. — kind of movies do you like?—Action movies.A. WhatFs B. How C. What D. Which3. Young people usually go to see a romantic film weekends.A. to B. on C. in D. of4. —Do you want to the cinema with us?—Yes, I do.A. goes B. want C. to go D. go5. —I want to an action movie.—OK. I want to go with you.A. see B. read C. hear D. look6. Tom often plays basketball his friends.A…  相似文献   

51.—__me a new sweater,Daddy? Mine is worn out and you promised. —Sorry.I was too busy to remember. A.Did you buy B.Have you bought C.Had you bought D.Will you buy52.__her home.Lucy helps her mother do the housework A.As soon as she returns B.On arriving C.After she gets D.Directly she reaches  相似文献   

1 .My father_on business for two Weeks·He’11 return in 3 days.(2006河北课改区) A .left B.has left C .has gone D.has been away 2 .How many_work in your faetory? (2005湖北省) A .Gennan B.Russian C .JaPanese D.Australian 3一How beautiful she sings!一Yes,she has a ve卿sweet_.(2005河南省) A .voice B.sound C.noise D.mouth 4.一Have you heard today’5 weather fore- east?一Yes.Better weather 15 .We ean expect“n outing·(2006江苏启东) A .in the way B.by the way C .on the way D.in this way…  相似文献   

I.单项填空1.What does the doctor say each illness?A.to B.for C.with D.at2.Is possible to get online in this way?A.this B.that C.it D.one3.He went there as soon as possible a rainy night.A.on B.in C.at D.during4.——How do you plan to spend the holiday?  相似文献   

1 .He ean’t read or write.Wllo do you think he this letter? A .has write B.has wrote C .has written D.has to write 2 .The Poor boy 15 in dangeLW已should do allWe_helP him out. A .Can do B.Call to D.ean to do D.can 3 .It was not_she took off her glasses 1 realized she was a famous film star. A.when;that B.until;when C .when;then D.until;that 4 .1 ean’t 90 home now.A lot of work_tobe done. A .have B.remains C.are D.is remaining 5 .has been said on how to use the idiom. A .Many B.Afe…  相似文献   

1.Those days,many girls thathe knew tall men cars. A .and liked;with B .liked;with C.like;with D .liked;in 2.If you me carefully now ,you can something interesting. A .listen to;hear B .are listening to;hear C.are hearing;listen to D .hear;listen to 3.She said she the radio for ten days. A .has bought B .had bought C.has had D .had had 4.I don t know if she me about it when she in five days. A .tells;arrives B .tells;with arrive C.will tell;will arrive D .will tell;arrives 5.The bus her…  相似文献   

1. His illness has not developed to the point you know nobody and no medicine can cure it. A. where B. which C. that D. what 2. Li Ping, home to see your mother; it is said that she is serious- ly ill. A. goes B. go C. going D. to go 3. Once , the book wh…  相似文献   

I.单项选择。(15分)1.Hi8 f_ather looks after the panda——night.A.in B.on C.for D.at2.He usually——to school early.Look!He——his teacher over there.A.come,help B.goes,helping C.goes,helps D.comes,is helping3.一 ●________________一 ——She works on a fam. 。A.Wherle does she work? B.Does she g单up eady?C.Can she see? D.Does she like it?4.There isn’t aJly water——bread in the衔dge.A.and B.because 、 C.or D.at5.Many foreigners——Chinese food——g00d.A.say,is B.speak,are C.tell,is…  相似文献   

1. He has made a very good impression on his boss and he is soon promoted to a higher position. A. finally B. accordingly C. eventually D. yet 2. Thank you much. Without your help, I couldnAt have done so well. A. even so B. ever so C. as yet D. so far 3. This is the school in which the scientist studied 50 years ago. A. actual B. genuine C. real D. original 4. Are you this evening? IAd like you to help me with my English. A. adaptable B. acceptable C. advisable D. available 5. The re…  相似文献   

情态动词 1. Before liberation he ____ work day and night for the landlord. A. must B. had to C. could D. might 2. Don8t you have a friend who ____ lend you some money? A. might B. must C. shall D. has to 3. You ____ ask her to go there with you; I8m sure she won8t refuse you. A. must B. need C. shall D. could 4. ——Must I be a good swimmer to be a diver? ——____. A. No, you needn8t B. Yes, you needn8t C. No, you don8t D. No, you mustn8t 5. The American ____ speak Chinese, but he __…  相似文献   

I.单项选择。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的正确答案。1.The baby was ill,the doctor looked it——Very carefully· A.at B.on C.up D.over2.His parents have to dowork in the garden every dayA.much B.many C.a lot D.a3.Emma has to stay A.at.athome to lookhis grandmother.B.in,over C.in,up D.at,after4.I—————一a story—book.There————————some pictures in it. A.am,are B.have,has C.am,have5.He felt............................——after he finished his homework. A.tired B.…  相似文献   

I.词汇短语复习1.He has done__his studies since he came to our school. A.good at B.well at C.well in D.nice in2.You may__my house any time you would like to. A.drop to B.call on C.drop in at D.visit to  相似文献   

Unit 2 4 .单项选择1 .You may stay and clean the classroom withus,A.but you don'thaveB.but you don't have toC.and you don't needD.and you don'tneed to2 .Mr Green often helps me myEnglish.A.with   B.by   C.in3.He didn't go to the cinema.He stayed athome .A.too   B.still   C.also   D.instead4.— Can you go and see a film with us? —Sorry,I can't. I do somehousework tonight.A.can  B.may  C.need  D.will have to 按要求完成下列各句 (每空一词 )1 .我得把英语书带到这儿来。I the …  相似文献   

1.选择填空。(本题共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分) L一Can you sPeak English?一Yes,but only_. A.相巧good B.a little C .a lot of D.many 2 .Thereis_old library near here. _libraJ了15 next to the station. A .a;A B.an;A C.an;The D.a;The 3 .He 15 too_.He often sle印s_ the day,A·small;on B.l工守;山止运g C .5妙;in D.smart;at 4.Wllat sP0rtS_Paul andhis伍end of- ten Play? A .15 B.does C.do D.are 5 .Marial水es going to the~ie叭d_ TV. A .watching B.watches C .wateh D.watched 6.一Does Sa幻n…  相似文献   

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