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After breakfast they played a very strange game. The cheerful old man put a watch in his jacket pocket, with a guard-chain round his neck, and a notebook and a handkerchief in his trouser pocket. Then he went up and down the room holding a walking stick, just like the old gentlemen who walked in the streets. Sometimes he stopped at the fireplace, and sometimes at the door, pretending to stare with great interest into shop windows. He would then constantly look round, as if afraid of thieves, t…  相似文献   

Thecoach(马车)stoppedataneathouseinaquiet,shadystreetinnorthLondon.Oliverwasgentlycarriedintoabed,andreceivedmorecareandkindnessthanhehadeverhadinhislife.Buthehadafever,andformanydayshelaythereunconscious(不省人事).Whenheeventu鄄ally(最终)awoke,weak,thinandpale,helookedanxiouslyaroundtheroom.‘Whatroomisthis?WhereamI?’hesaid.‘ThisisnottheplaceIfellasleepin.’MrsBedwin,themotherlyoldhousekeeper,heardhiswords,andin鄄stantlycametohim.‘Hush,bequiet,mydear,oryou薷llbei…  相似文献   

On Oliver’s ninth birthday,Mr Bumble the beadle came to the house tosee Mrs Mann.Through the front window Mrs Mann saw him at the gate.andturned quickly to the girl who worked with her. ‘Quick!Take Oliver and those others upstairs to be washed!’ shesaid.Then she ran out to unlock the gate.(It Was always kept locked to  相似文献   

The boy helped Oliver to his feet, and took him to a pub. Meat, bread, and beer were placed before Oliver, and his new friend urged him to satisfy his hunger. While Oliver was eating, the strange boy looked at him from time to time with great attention.' Going to London? ' he asked him finally.  相似文献   

As soon as Mr Bumble came out,Noah cried,‘Mr Bumble! MrBumble!It’s Oliver Twist,sir.He’s become violent(动手打人).He triedto murder the,sir,and Charlotte,and Mrs Sowerberry as well.’ Mr Bumble was shocked and angry.‘Did he? I'll come up there  相似文献   

Oliverwastakentothenearestpolicestation.Theofficeratthegatelookedattheboy,“Anotheryoungthief,eh?”Heturnedtotheoldgen鄄tleman,“Areyouthepersonwhowasrobbed,sir?”“Yes,Iam.”repliedtheoldgentleman,“ButI薷mnotsurethatthisboyactuallytookthehandkerchief.Idon薷treallywanttotakehimtocourt.”“Toolate.Hemustgobeforethemagistratenow.”Olivewaslockedinasmallstonecell,whichwasdisgustingly(令人作呕的)dirtyandsmelly.Asthekeyturnedinthelock,theoldgentle鄄mansaidtohimselfthoughtfully,…  相似文献   

Oliver stayed a prisoner alone in the dark room for a week.He criedbitterly all day,and when the long night came,he spread his little handsover his eyes to shut out the darkness,and tried to sleep.He was givenfreezing water to wash with,and was beaten dajly by Mr Bumble in front of  相似文献   

But he could not see how these would help him get to London anyfaster,so he continued walking. He walked twenty miles that day.The only thing he had to eat was his  相似文献   

‘What’s your name.boy’asked a particularly fatman with a very round,red face. Oliver was frightened at the sight of so manypeople,and started to cry. ‘Why are you crying?’ The beadle hit him on the back,and so naturallyOliver cried even more. ‘The boy is a fool.’one member of the board  相似文献   

“这次我们为大家带来的《雾都孤儿》是由大师级导演罗曼·波兰斯基(《钢琴师》、《苔丝》等)执导的最新版本。电影讲述的是孤儿奥利弗从济贫院到伦敦的坎坷经历。他身世可怜,常常被人欺负,到了伦敦后又被骗加入扒手团伙,还差点丧命。然而奥利弗最让人感动的地方是他的善良,无论别人怎样对他,他都以善心相待。最终善良战胜了邪恶,奥利弗也迎来了属于自己的光明未来。”  相似文献   

波兰斯基和他的团队再次证明,伟大的故事永远不会过时。  相似文献   

‘This is him,Fagin,’the Dodger said to the old man.‘My friend Oliver Twist.’ Fagin smiled and shook Oliver’S hand.Then all the young gentlemen  相似文献   

见错就改,有错必纠!看好最后一段,3处错误各在哪呈?请仿照下面的批改形式,把你挑出的错误寄过来吧!  相似文献   

(continued) Sarabi:It’s not true.Tell me it’snot true. Simba:It’s true. Scar:You see,he admits it,Mur-derer! Simba:No,it was an accident. Scar:If it weren’t for you,Mu-fasa would still be alive! It’s your  相似文献   

Butonelittlemansaid,“Someonehaseatenmylittleloaf.”Andanotherlittlemansaid,“Someonehasdrunkmylittleglassofwater.”Thenthesevenlittlemenwenttobed,butonelittlemansaid,“Someoneissleepingonmylittlebed.”AllthesevenlittlemencametolookatSnow-whiteasshesleptonthelittleman’sbed.Theysaid,“Sheisverybeautiful.”“Sheisverybeautiful.”“Sheisverybeautiful.”“Sheisverybeautiful.”“Sheisverybeautiful.”“Sheisverybeautiful.”“Sheisverybeautiful.”Snow-whiteawoke,andsawthesevenlittlemenwiththeir…  相似文献   

★ Repulse Bay(浅水湾)The beach here is one of Hong Kong's most picturesque(独特的). Golden sand lines the bay to the traditional Chinese-style Life Guard Club(香港拯溺总会). There are shower and changing facilities and lifeguards on duty from April to October. Formerly the old colonial Repulse Bay Hotel, the lovely, rebuilt Repulse Bay Arcade(有拱廊的街道)houses, shops and restaurants.  相似文献   

加拿大是一个人口不到3千万、却有着美国疆土面积两倍的国家,主要的语言是法语和英语,但近年来也有相当一部分来自发展中国家的移民在这里居住。大部分加拿大人都很强调个人的独特性,他们有不少风俗习惯和美国的差不多,但也有它的独特之处。  相似文献   

From skyscrapers to quaint (奇异的)villages, sightseeing in Hong Kong is amazingly diverse for an area which is just 1091 square kilometres. If you spent one day travelling from bustling Hong Kong Island to the rural New Territories, you would see many different facets of life:executives heading for high-tech offices, vendors selling traditional wares in bustling (熙熙攘攘的)markets, worshippers (礼佛者) praying in incense-scented (香烟缭绕的) temples and farmers bentlow planting vegetables.  相似文献   

1.The little traveller hasgreater power.He takes a drinkof water,and runs a thousandmiles.Before he goes,he takesoff his hat.When he rests,onhe puts it.2 .This is the name of aday.There are six letters in it.The third letter is N,but thereis no S in it.Which day is it?3.Italways beats and hops.Itnever sleeps or stops.All ourlife we do not part.With our little…Riddles(谜语)(英文)…  相似文献   

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