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三、议论文Since we are social beings,the quality of our livesdepends in a large measure on our interpersonalrelationships. One strength of the human condition is ourpossibility to give and receive support from one anotherunder stressful(有压力的)conditions.Social support makes  相似文献   

In1837,the historian Carlyle m ade the firstrecorded use of the word“queue”(排队).H e spoke ofthe French and their“habit of standing in a queue”.Forty years later Paris was the best place to wait inline.H owever,queuing becam e popular in Britain too.The Second W orld W ar was the golden age of queuing,and people joined any line in the hope that it was aqueue for som ething to buy.This was the source ofm any Second W orld W ar jokes:Shopkeeper to custom er:Excuse m e,m iss,are youpregnant(怀孕)?Custom er:W ell,...  相似文献   

Frederick B. Patterson, President of the National Aeronautic Association, has just returned from a trip to Europe, undertaken to make the Pulitzer Trophy race next October an international contest. …  相似文献   

(A)Everyone needs friends.There is an old saying,"Friends are God!s way of taking care of us."But how do you find real friendship and keep it?  相似文献   

Now a computer is able toteach you English.It will soon beable to translate any language foryou,too.It is one more result ofthe development(发展)of micro-processors-those very small partsof a computer known as"siliconchips"(硅片).So you don't have togo to classes or buy textbooks.In afew years you won't need the inter-national language of English.A computer can be a good  相似文献   

王为忠 《新高考》2011,(11):57-59
A society in Germany which advises on etiquette(礼仪) and social behaviour has called for kissing to be bannedin the workplace.The Knigge Society says the practice of greeting colleagues and business partners with a kiss on the cheek isuncomfortable for many Germans.  相似文献   

(1)Students must apply (申请) for a place before attending any class. Applications whether by post or in person, are dealt with strictly in the order they received at the Adult Education Office.You can apply:  相似文献   

ASometimes the real world can be a confusing place. It is not always fair or kind. And in the real world there are not always happy endings. That is why, every once in a while, we like to escape into the world of fantasy -a place where things always go our way and there is always a happy ending. We want to believe in fantastic creatures in imaginary lands. We want to believe in magic powers, good  相似文献   

“Soon, you’re going to have to m ove out。” cried m y neighbor upon seeing the largest tom ato plant known to m ankind or at least known in m y neighborhood. O ne tiny 9-inch plant, bought for $1.25 in the spring, has already taken over m uch of m y rose bed, covering m uch of other plants, and is w ell on its w ay to the front door. R oses require a good deal of care,and if it weren’t for the pleasure they give, it wouldn’t be worth the w ork.A s it is,I have a garden full of sw eet-sm elling roses for m os...  相似文献   

J&M Music Store
· Rock, pop and country music
· Buy CDs new or used
· Listen before you buy
· Guitar lessons offered  相似文献   

AInrecentyears ,advancesinmedicaltechnol ogyhavemadeitpossibleforpeopletolivelongerthaninthepast.Newmedicinesandmachinesarebeingdevelopedeverydaytoextendlife .Howev er ,somepeople ,includingsomedoctors ,arenotinfavoroftheselife extendingmeasures ,andtheyargu…  相似文献   

APerhapsyouwillvisitNewYorkoneday .Youmightbeastudentthere .HereissomeadviceGetagoodmapofthecity .Itwillalsohavesubway(undergroundtrain)andbusmaps .Rememberthedirectionsuptown ,downtown ,eastandwest.FeeltheexcitementofNewYork .Havefun !NEWYORKCONVENTIONANDVIS…  相似文献   

Passage 1 Only mother love is true love. It gives everyone everything all his life. When you are still a baby, mother takes good care of you as much as  相似文献   

AAsinglemother,LiRuizhiranintoseriousfinancialproblemshalfayearago .Herformerhusband ,whoshedi vorcedin 1 990refusedtopaythemoneyhepromisedfortheirson .Asanordinaryworker,shecouldnotearnenoughtosupporthersonwhoisnowacollegestudent.Whatwasshetodo ?Afterprivate…  相似文献   

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