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学校剧除了对中国戏剧的发展有重要影响以外,其实在教育上亦有独特的价值,但它的发展受制于社会传统,故而有点曲折,特别是在东方社会。在制度化教育以前,古希腊人已经注意到教育与戏剧有着极为重要的关联;夸美纽斯将演剧带入了学校教育,并在课程上给它一定的地位;杜威则赋予了它更新的内涵,由此学校剧经历了从宗教手段之一到艺术教育最高级形式的转变;如今更发展为教育戏剧,用以辅助普通学科的教学。  相似文献   

考察传说中的学校,我们可以从中发现游戏在教育机构的专门化,即学校的产生中具有非同一般的意义。具体体现在:一、教育的场所往往也是游戏的场所;二、教育的内容和手段常常与游戏密切相关。  相似文献   

家庭教育和学校教育具有一致性,但在教育目的、教育内容、教育的关注点等方面也存在着利益与需求的冲突。在学校与家庭的教育博弈中,家庭在配合学校教育的同时要充分认识到家庭的责任,敢于表达自已的愿望,参与学校管理,维护自身的权利。学校则应该树立远大的教育理想,倾听家长的呼声,提高教师素质,改善课堂教学。  相似文献   

审美游戏与中学课程教学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
审美游戏是人类特有的一种融创造性、娱乐性和教育性为一体的活动,由于学校教育和审美游戏在本质上具有同一性,因而在实践活动中可以将二者有机地结合起来。以中学课程教学为例:语文和哲学是关于语言和解释的游戏,音乐和数学是关于符号和序列的游戏,美术和历史是关于时间和变化的游戏,地理和物理是关于空间和运动的游戏,生物和化学是关于模拟与复制的游戏。搞好课程教学的关键在于充分发掘身体、器物和符号这三者之间的内在联系并不断地促使其相互转化。  相似文献   

学校德育活动实效性低下的问题引起人们越来越多的重视。当前德育活动存在的主要问题是:德育活动是教师的意愿与设计;德育活动的内容来自成人视阂,是空洞的、抽离的;德育活动的形式是制度化的;德育活动的发展与享乐的追求没有统一起来。提高德育活动的实效性,解决这些问题的关键在于,在德育活动中注入游戏精神,即一种自成目的的精神,一种积极开放的精神,一种自由想像和大胆创造的精神,一种平等的精神,一种过程就是结果的非功利精神,一种不断自我生成、自我更新的精神,一种不断创生的精神。而其中。最核心的精神是自由的精神。就实践而言,德育活动应成为学生自主与自愿的活动;德育活动的内容应回归学生的生活世界;德育活动的形式应该具有生成性与开放性;德育活动的发展与享乐的追求应统一。归根结底,改进德育活动在于以自由之精神培养自由之个体。  相似文献   

Since the very earliest times, schools have provided a place (the playground) and a time (playtimes) in which children can have time away from the direct involvement of adults and formal learning. Although the basic design of school grounds has changed in a number of ways over the years, from the subtle to the more direct, what effect these changes have had on the overall education of the child is less clear. Research has identified a number of positive effects on leaning that playtimes and the informal use of school grounds provides, yet it is also clear that schools themselves often greatly under‐use this potential, or even actively restrict access to it, as a counter to what is often seen as the ‘problem’ of playtime. This paper will draw on recent research into ‘what’ happens on school playgrounds and ‘where’ it happens, using visual examples from the UK. The findings from this research will explore the direct links that have been found between school building design and children’s use of the outdoor environment for play.  相似文献   

多校区办学实验教学管理与效益的发挥   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对在多校区办学及实施学分制选课选教条件下,实验教学、实验室建设、实验队伍管理等出现的新的问题,新校区的实验室综合效益的发挥。依据国家教育方针、政策,学校的办学指导思想,在几年的实践和探索中,总结了多校区办学实验教学管理与效益的发挥。  相似文献   

本文对在多校区办学及实施学分制选课选教条件下,实验教学、实验室建设、实验队伍管理等出现的新的问题,新校区的实验室综合效益的发挥。依据国家教育方针、政策,学校的办学指导思想,在几年的实践和探索中,总结了多校区办学实验教学管理与效益的发挥。  相似文献   

The use of ‘play’ as a means of teaching elementary mathematics is discussed. The games used are described and the underlying theory explained. Results obtained from work with over 150 children are presented and the case for ‘Playway’ argued in the light of these.  相似文献   

五年制师范生开展课本剧学习活动的双重价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课本剧是语文学习活动的形式之一,五年制师范生在校期间开展课本剧学习活动,既是当下语文学习的需要,又是未来从事教师职业的需要,因此具有双重价值。从自身语文学习层面和教师职业发展层面分析双重价值。  相似文献   

一、小学党组织在学校素质教育中应起到引导方向的作用 中国共产党的基层组织--党支部这种组织形式,是党的领导在各个部门、各条战线的具体体现,是加强党对各个部门、各条战线领导的有效形式.加强党对教育工作的领导,尤其是加强对小学推进素质教育的领导,是小学党组织的一项重要职责.  相似文献   

“十一五”教师教育的前瞻性、创新性、校本化与网络化,对教师进修学校的发展趋向、功能定位、特别是对研训教师的能力和水平提出了严峻的挑战。旅顺口区教师进修学校以科学的发展观为统领,下大气力,广开思路,多形式、多渠道,全方位探索队伍建设的有效模式,促进了研训教师专业引领能力和水平的快速提高。  相似文献   

The current status of play therapy in the elementary schools of Taiwan was investigated in relation to its compatibility with Chinese culture and its potential for wider societal adoption. Seven participants, four counselor educators and three elementary school counselors, in West Taiwan participated in this phenomenological qualitative inquiry. Seven assertions emerged from the interviewing data, implying that the potential for adopting play therapy in Taiwanese school counseling is embedded in the society. However, there are insufficient facilities and a lack of play therapy resources. Further investigation of the infrastructure in school counseling is necessary. Suggestions for practice and research regarding the development of play therapy and child counseling are presented.  相似文献   

将潜在课程与高中历史课程相结合,通过不同角度分析潜在课程如何运用在高中历史课程中,如何在新课改下的高中历史课程中发挥与利用潜在课程,从而建立起高效课堂。  相似文献   

Play is an important aspect of children’s development and its value to education has been widely explored. However, play in children with disabilities and especially children with autism may be restricted when compared to that of their non-disabled peers of similar age and abilities. Moreover, play has been neglected to a certain extent in school practice due to the focus many teachers place on academic attainments and the difficulty in engaging autistic children in play activities. Children spend most of their time in schools as opposed to attending interventions individually. School based research can improve the educational outcomes for autistic children and, therefore, there is a pressing need for more research to be conducted in school settings. The current literature review aims to: (i) identify empirical studies using interventions to develop play skills in autistic children at school, and (ii) explore the features of play skills targeted in these studies. A systematic search of two electronic databases: (i) PsycINFO, and (ii) Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) has been conducted between 2000 and 2014. Fourteen papers were collected and the findings suggest that a significant number of studies have been conducted in schools exploring a wide range of play skills. Strengths and limitations of the reviewed studies are given as well as implications for practice and future research. Conclusions are discussed in the light of the high ecological validity of real world studies and the need to bridge the gap between academic research and school practice.  相似文献   

Australian Play School is a children’s television programme developed in collaboration with early childhood educators. It is screened free to air across Australia. Two hundred and twenty-four adult carers of young children aged 1–8?years completed an online survey via a link on the Play School website. The survey addressed child behaviours during and after viewing, and adult perceptions about which programme segments were most engaging to the child. Play School elicited a large number and variety of behavioural responses from children during and after viewing. The types of responses elicited suggest that viewing the programme may be beneficial for children’s development and learning. Results were tempered by the age of the child and this, as well as the impact of carer attitudes and carer input during and after viewing, needs to be explored further before results are translated into recommendations for programming and optimal viewing strategies.  相似文献   

The Uses of Play     
《Teaching Artist Journal》2013,11(4):241-248
An inquiry into the place of play in the work and life of artists and TAs.  相似文献   

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