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形成性评价对学生自主性的促进机制研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
形成性评价指教师在教学过程中对学生的学习情况进行的动态评价和及时反馈,这种评价形式能引导学生调整自己的学习方式、促进教师不断改进教学.形成性评价如果使用得当,能有效地提高学生的自主意识,帮助学生成为自主高效的学习者.  相似文献   

School autonomy,accountability and collaboration: a critical review   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
English education has recently experienced radical policy reform in the areas of school autonomy and accountability. The key focus of this paper is on how schools might best navigate through these policy moves. It highlights how these moves have constructed schools, teachers and students in problematic ways but also how they are offering possibilities for improving the quality of schools and schooling. The focus here is on the promise and scope of school collaboration. The difficulties of creating socially responsive and responsible collaboratives in the current ‘heterarchical’ and market-oriented policy environment are acknowledged. Guided by quality democratic governance, they are, nonetheless, presented as crucial in supporting schools to productively deal with the demands of this environment.  相似文献   

This paper examines conceptions of governance and freedom embedded within a new school autonomy policy in Queensland (Australia). Drawing on interview data from case study research, it foregrounds the practices of two school leaders from a secondary school in regional Queensland. It considers how such conceptions foster an entrepreneurial leadership of competition and compliance but also how they create space for something other than these dominant performative priorities. The paper’s theoretical contribution responds to calls for more nuanced accounts of entrepreneurial leadership to better understand how current performative demands are impacting on school leaders amid increasingly autonomised education systems.  相似文献   

The field of university assessment, including quality assurance, is structured by power and conflict, and shaped by technologies of assessment such as self-studyby academic units, numerical performance indicators and whole institution evaluation and ranking. In reconstructing and comparing the recent evolution of assessment practices in Argentina and Australia we detect a common neo-liberal approach to assessment, supported by global agencies such as the World Bank.Assessment policies and practices are used toadvance neo-liberal agendas, often incontradiction with national traditions inhigher education. In both countries moreexternalised and institution-centred forms ofassessment have facilitated the reformedgovernment heteronomy vis-à-vis theuniversities, the rise of business-stylemanagement inside them at the expense ofparticipatory governance, the transformation ofintellectual autonomy into corporate autonomy,and the reduction of diversity and academicindependence. However, some forms of universityassessment can be used to facilitateinternally-controlled reflection withinacademic units, directed towards educationalobjectives.  相似文献   

90年代初,墨西哥政府公布了教育现代化规划后,随即掀起了教育改革的浪潮。墨西哥中小学课程改革即是这次教育改革的第一个重大步骤。从93—94学年起,墨西哥实施了新的教学计划,对中小学的课程设置和教学内容都进行了重大改革。本文仅对墨西哥中小学课程改革过程中的小学数学课程改革作一综述,为我国小学数学教师、学科  相似文献   

Although peer assessment is widely implemented in higher education, not all students are highly engaged in it. To enhance student engagement in peer assessment, we designed and developed a web-based tool, autonomy-supportive peer assessment (ASPA), to support students’ need for autonomy when they conducted peer assessment. Students’ sense of autonomy, and their behavioral, emotional, and cognitive engagement in peer assessment were examined via interviews and surveys. We also examined students’ academic performances, including their improvement from initial to revised essays and the quality of feedback they provided. Survey results indicated that the ASPA group (1) experienced a slightly higher sense of autonomy than the non-ASPA group, and (2) spent much more time on each evaluation criterion than the non-ASPA group. Interviews suggested that both the ASPA and non-ASPA groups were engaged in peer assessment. However, there were no statistically significant differences between the two groups in behavioral, emotional, cognitive engagement, and academic performances.  相似文献   

This article takes a dual focus on the theme of student formative peer assessment. On the one hand it offers a thorough literature review in this field, while on the other it unpacks a case study of curriculum design where peer assessment has been adopted. The practical example draws on recent changes made to a third- and final-year undergraduate research dissertation course in a UK architectural school. Although peer assessment worked quite well in this small setting, similar findings might be uncovered when scaled up to larger cohorts, as well as other disciplines and year groups. The research findings are certainly relevant for other contexts. Qualitative research from a focus group with six students on the course informs the empirical body of the paper. Through engaging with students’ reflections, as well as the relevant literature, and reflexively looking at the curriculum changes, this paper discusses some of the benefits and drawbacks that can arise from peer assessment in this context. Peer assessment is not without its challenges and hiccups, but, despite these, the benefit to autonomous critical thinking cannot be understated. And arguably peer assessment is especially germane for final-year undergraduates as they embark on employment or more advanced studies.  相似文献   

学校章程评估是一种教育行政评估,核准学校章程是教育行政部门依法行政的一项职能。对学校章程的评估主要是论证章程的合法性和可能性,要发挥鉴定功能、调控功能和导向功能。  相似文献   

In the past few decades, several countries have introduced reforms aimed at increasing school autonomy. We evaluate the effect of the introduction of autonomous academies in England on the educational trajectories of children with special educational needs. This has been done using longitudinal data on all schoolchildren in state schools in England, from the National Pupil Database. The results show that the effects of school autonomy on educational inclusion are not uniform and depend on schools’ previous performance and socio-economic composition. Schools that obtained autonomy under the control of an external sponsor (sponsored academies) were more likely to decrease the proportion of pupils with special needs and remove additional support for them. We do not observe these effects in the schools that voluntarily applied for the more autonomous status (converter academies).  相似文献   

Threat assessment is a violence prevention strategy used to investigate and respond to threats to harm others. In 2013, Virginia mandated the use of threat assessment teams for threats to self and to others, effectively subsuming suicide assessment with threat assessment and raising questions about the distinction between the two practices. In a statewide sample of 2,861 cases from 926 schools, there were more threats to self (60%) than others (35%), with only 5% involving threats to both self and others. Threats to self were more likely to be made by females (odds ratio [OR] = 3.38) and students with fewer prior disciplinary actions (OR = 0.48). Threats to self were much less likely to involve a weapon (OR = 0.07), but more likely to be attempted (OR = 1.50) and result in mental health services (OR = 2.96). They were much less likely to result in out‐of‐school suspensions (OR = 0.07), legal action (OR = 0.17), and/or changes in placement (OR = 0.53). Overall, these findings support a clear distinction between suicide and threat assessment.  相似文献   


This paper considers some of the new realities that are likely to affect higher education, particularly those arising from developments in communication and information technologies. Four scenarios are presented as illustrations of how higher education might change; some of the elements that make up these scenarios are already emerging. The paper then explores the role that leadership and governance play in helping institutions to address the new realities, particularly as change impacts on institutional culture and functioning.  相似文献   

The 1999 National Education Act emphasizes the importance of quality assurance and national education standards. The main principle of educational provision of high standard lies in recognition of the importance of assessment for enhancing educational quality and raising the standard. Such recognition has led to establishment in Thailand of the Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (ONESQA). The office is an independent body set up to develop the criteria, methods for external assessment and assessment of educational institutions at each level of education as stipulated in the national education law. The ONESQA became operational in November 2000 and it must appraise every school at least once every 5-year cycle. In this paper, the unique and the roles of the ONESQA will be described. The achievement of the ONESQA concerning the first round assessment of 35,134 schools at the basic education level will be reported and recommendations for quality improvements and lessons learned for the second round assessment will be explored.  相似文献   

This article provides empirical evidence of policy adoption, outcomes and consequences of decentralization and school autonomy initiatives enacted in Argentina during the 1990s. The study examines what school autonomy meant in Argentina and how it was adopted at the provincial and school levels. Using qualitative data on school districts of the Greater Buenos Aires, the study analyzes the role that organizational and political factors play in the implementation of school autonomy reform. Given that previous studies showed that reform praxis varies across environments, this research looks comparatively at the outcomes of the reform process across organizational systems (i.e. provincial and former national) and diverse local sociopolitical environments.  相似文献   

The French school is changing from a pyramid-like structure where all schools are conceived as units executing decisions made at the top into one organized on a network basis with schools as basic units linked together through ‘conventions’. There are conventions between schools on how to allocate specialized options and clientele in each catchment area, conventions between schools and local political authorities or firms concerning resources, etc. This article examines the evolving relationship between these two models from the beginning of the 1980s. It first points out their limits: while the increase in the power of local political authorities over schools through the allocation of complementary subsidies is an undeniable fact, initiatives concerning actual teaching activities remain quite modest. Secondly, it shows that the state has progressively abandoned the idea of reaching local consensus on education-related values in favour of a more pragmatic view of local compromises on certain key measures. Finally, the article examines the link between school autonomy and educational equality.  相似文献   

As the second leading cause of death for adolescents, suicide is a major concern for school personnel. School psychologists' training in mental health makes them well-positioned to lead in suicide prevention efforts; however, studies have shown a lack of preparedness in crisis intervention and, more specifically, suicide risk assessment. This study surveyed practicing school psychologists (N = 92) to explore their perception of both their role and competency in suicide risk assessment. Suicide risk assessment was defined as a broad term pertaining to any measures taken in suicide prevention, intervention, or postvention. The majority of school psychologists reported having a primary role at the tertiary level (i.e., intervening with a student identified as needing help). Participants indicated lacking adequate graduate preparation; however, most participants were confident in their knowledge of suicide and suicide risk assessment and were comfortable identifying and intervening with a student who is suicidal. Implications for practice and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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