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范桦 《江苏教育》2022,(67):67-68
<正>江苏省苏州市立达中学校以学生已有水平为基点,着眼于学生素养提升,积极构建“立达”教学范式“。立达”教学范式指向人的全面发展,指向学生核心素养的提升,强调学思结合、学用结合,其实现路径的基本逻辑是“实践—反思—改进—实践—反思—改进……”“。立达”教学范式历经4年多的研究,初步形成了较完整的架构,对语文阅读教学有很大的指导意义。我们基于“立达”教学范式,将项目化教学引入阅读教学,整合阅读材料,搭建阅读任务群,丰富阅读方式,把阅读与实践、活动、  相似文献   

高中语文选修课程非常有利于实现提高语文素养,培养审美能力、探究能力等语文教学价值追求.鉴于选修课的课程定位,笔者提出高中语文选修课“三四式”教学范式.所谓“三四式”选修课教学范式,就是三个结合型课堂组织形式和四种自主性学习方式.“三个结合型”课堂组织形式即“前课、正课、后课”相结合,“大课”“小课”相结合,以及文本阅读和综合实践活动相结合的开放的选修课教学组织形式.“四种自主性”学习方式即“探究性阅读”“批注式阅读”“比较式阅读”“读书报告会”.  相似文献   

“思辨性阅读与表达”是《义务教育语文课程标准(2022年版)》(以下简称“新课标”)中提出的“发展型学习任务群”之一,旨在培养理性思维和理性精神。以感悟类文本为例,借助SOLO分类理论,通过聚焦三次课标中“教学建议”的变化,寻求以“阅读中寻思维原点、讨论探究中循运思理路、反思评价中探内容构建”的思维范式路径,形成以逻辑思维为核心的“思辨性阅读与表达”思维范式,发挥其促进思维能力的重要作用。  相似文献   

阅读教学是语文教学的“重头戏”,在当下的儿童文学阅读中,“快餐式”阅读、“漫画式”阅读等正在成为一种新的阅读范式。阅读过程浮光掠影、蜻蜓点水、一目十行,停留在故事情节的“浅表性”层面,阅读呈现出碎片化、跳跃性、快捷性特征,阅读过程快速、快感、快捷。这样的阅读能够让儿童获得语文信息,但绝不能让儿童获得语文知识、语文智慧和语文素养。语文教学呼唤阅读的“深度”回归。一、当下语文教育中的“浅阅读”现象  相似文献   

百年现代语文教育的主流范式,就是语文教育本体的“工具论”、“应付生活论”、“应需论”(或可称“实用论”、“应试论”、“应世论”),语文教学实践的“阅读本位论”、“以读带写论”(或可称“阅读基础论”、“阅读决定论”、“吸收本位论”),综合起来,可称为以应付生活为目的,以阅读为本位的“实用吸收”型范式。现代语文教育的一切现象、成就与问题,皆由此衍生。如重功利轻人文,重实用轻文学,重训练轻积累,重占有轻体验,重技能轻素养,重知识应用轻生命感悟,重语言轻言语,重机械记忆轻应用能力,重读轻写,重解释轻创造,重吸收轻表现……,…  相似文献   

“三动”阅读育人体系,以“生动”为前提,以“互动”为关键,以“感动”为目标,在语言能力、文化意识、思维品质、学习能力四维和谐发展的基础上凸显文化意识的培育。“三动”阅读育人体系是基于过程视角建构的,其整体框架包括:基于“1+X”模式的内容开发、“宝塔式”教学设计、“三融三分”阅读策略、“4I”课堂范式、“多维立体”评价机制。  相似文献   

阅读作为提升语文核心素养不可或缺的一部分,在个体的终身发展中发挥着巨大的作用。通过阅读,学生可以感受世间百态,审视社会现象,达成自我升华。因此,在整本书共读推进过程中,笔者结合一线教学实践,提出由“读”到“创”的实践路径,生发“共通—共情—共鸣”的阅读范式,试图探索出切实、有效的实施策略,力求让整本书阅读真实发生。  相似文献   

阿尔都塞的“意识形态理论”是在吸收马克思经典作家的基本概念和拉康精神分析学的有关理论基础上发展起来的,在当代西方批判理论,尤其是大众文化研究领域中颇具影响的一种理论话语。从“意识形态”理论衍生出来的文学批评范式“症侯阅读”对当下大众文化研究,起着非常重要的作用。但这种“症侯阅读”批评范式,有本质化、机械化的弱点,将它用于对一种“意识形态”批判时,其本身又同时在构建另一种“意识形态”,从而陷入一种理论的悖谬之中。  相似文献   

正作为小学语文老师的我一直认为,课外阅读应该从娃娃开始培养。近年来,育才小学“主题阅读”的教学主张一直吸引着我。学校在现行语文教材的基础上开发出两套“121读本”作为校本教材:《主题式现代美文阅读》《主题式古代诗文诵读》。依托教材,推出“精读品悟”“略读感悟”“现代美文阅读”“古代诗文诵读”四种课型,明晰了主题阅读单元教学范式。在平时的教学中又该如何高效利用这套教材,真正让主题阅读为语文教学推波助澜呢?  相似文献   

建构表现存在论语文教育学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国现代语文教育理论范式是一种“以应付生活为目的,以阅读为本位的实用吸收型”范式,它自有其历史功绩,然而其要害是片面强调主体外部的生存性、功利性动机,造成对人内在的言语生命冲动的压抑。“表现、存在本位的发展创造型”范式应成为语文教育转型的方向。语文教育表层特性是言语表现,深层本质是为人生、发展、存在奠基,是言语人生、诗意人生的教育。语文教育的出路在于从工具主义“应世”的外部语文学,向表现存在论“应性”的内部语文学转向。  相似文献   

While the importance of phonological sensitivity for understanding reading acquisition and impairment across orthographies is well documented, what underlies deficits in phonological sensitivity is not well understood. Some researchers have argued that speech perception underlies variability in phonological representations. Others have investigated the role of more general auditory sensitivity for reading development and reading difficulties, arguing that poor phonological representations may actually be due to broad underlying auditory deficits, which are not restricted to speech stimuli. We argue that these hypotheses are not necessarily mutually exclusive. In this review, we demonstrate that auditory sensitivity and speech perception can be integrated into a single developmental model, in which auditory sensitivity may have an indirect impact on reading; this impact is mediated by speech perception. In the model, we distinguish general auditory sensitivity as falling into at least two general categories: rhythmic and temporal. Correspondingly, speech perception itself can be distinguished as suprasegmental and segmental. Theoretically, the proposed model integrates a broad range of studies on general auditory and speech perception to suggest a developmental trajectory for reading acquisition that can be explored from before birth. Practically, the proposed model points to different ways of understanding and diagnosing reading difficulties and distinguishing reading difficulties across languages and orthographies.  相似文献   

Given the increase of bilingual students in the K-12 public school system, understanding reading comprehension performance, especially among this population, has been a major focal point in the research literature. This study explores the nature of reading comprehension among a sample of 123 Spanish–English bilingual elementary students. We add to the existing knowledge base regarding reading comprehension in two significant ways: (1) augmenting the Simple View of Reading by testing the role of both vocabulary depth contribution and dual-linguistic ability in English reading comprehension; and (2) questioning the manner through which reading comprehension is understood through measurement and conceptualization. Specifically, we build a comprehensive model of reading comprehension that tests the effects for vocabulary depth, Spanish oral language, and biliteracy. In line with previous research that suggests different reading measures tap different abilities, we test our model for three different measures of reading comprehension: a cloze exercise, a passage and multiple choice based test, and a timed silent sentence reading judgment task. Our findings converge with previous research on the role of vocabulary depth in reading comprehension and also challenge prior work which has compared different reading measures. Implications for theoretical and empirical approaches to understanding reading comprehension, specifically among Spanish–English bilingual students, are discussed.  相似文献   

Pathways of relations of language, cognitive, and literacy skills (i.e., working memory, vocabulary, grammatical knowledge, inference, comprehension monitoring, word reading, and listening comprehension) to reading comprehension were examined by comparing four variations of direct and indirect effects model of reading. Results from 350 English-speaking second graders revealed that language and cognitive component skills had direct and indirect relations to listening comprehension, explaining 86% of variance. Word reading and listening comprehension completely mediated the relations of language and cognitive component skills to reading comprehension and explained virtually all the variance in reading comprehension. Total effects of component skills varied from small to substantial. The findings support the direct and indirect effects model of reading model and indicate that word reading and listening comprehension are upper-level skills that are built on multiple language and cognitive component skills, which have direct and indirect relations among themselves. The results underscore the importance of understanding nature of relations.  相似文献   

“理解式阅读教学法”是针对传统的“文章学阅读教学法”的弊端而提出来的中学语文阅读课教学法。它以培养学生理解力为目标,强调通过阅读学习,提高思想水平、陶冶情感、启迪智慧,为学生建立正确的世界观和人生观打下基础。理解式阅读教学法对教师的素质和课堂教学方式都提出了新的要求。  相似文献   

The central theme of this article is that contemporary neuroanatomical-neurolinguistic models which conceptualize language and reading as multidimensional, interactive functional systems are more able than earlier localizationist viewpoints to contribute to our understanding of individual differences. After providing a theoretical rationale for this position based on Luria (1973,1980), three modern neuroanatomical-neuroloinguistic models, derived from the extensive case study literature of adult asphasia, alexia, and acquired dyslexia, are discussed. Specifically, the Geschwind-Dejerine model of reading which stresses involvement of classical perisylvian structures in the left hemisphere, Bastian's (1898) competing model which postulates more bihemispheric involvement in reading, and a neurolinguistic model to account for the different ways surface, phonological, and deep dyslexics access meaning, are critically evaluated in terms of their empirical validation, utility, and limitations for understanding individual differences. Finally, suggestions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

The double-deficit hypothesis of dyslexia posits that reading deficits are more severe in individuals with weaknesses in phonological awareness and rapid naming than in individuals with deficits in only one of these reading composite skills. In this study, the hypothesis was tested in an adult sample as a model of reading achievement. Participants were parents of children referred for evaluation of reading difficulties. Approximately half of all participants reported difficulty learning to read in childhood and a small subset demonstrated ongoing weaknesses in reading. Structural equation modeling results suggest that the double-deficit hypothesis is an accurate model for understanding adult reading achievement. Better reading achievement was associated with better phonological awareness and faster rapid automatized naming in adults. Posthoc analyses indicated that individuals with double deficits had significantly lower reading achievement than individuals with single deficits or no deficits.  相似文献   

主动型阅读教学模式有文本阅读型阅读教学模式和问题探究型阅读教学模式等两种基本模 式,前者有A、B两种基本框架,分别以文章学理论和文体学理论为依据,A注重对文本的"解"、"寻"、"读",B注重对理解能力和交际能力的培养;后者以问题探究为核心,重视探究方法的培养.主动型阅读教学模式重视语文特征和语文学习规律,有较强的科学性、操作性和有效度,又有一定的新课程意义.  相似文献   

While it is well known that reading is highly heritable, less has been understood about the bases of these genetic influences. In this paper, we review the research that we have been conducting in recent years to examine genetic and environmental influences on the particular reading processes specified in the dual‐route cognitive model of reading. We argue that a detailed understanding of the role of genetic factors in reading acquisition requires the delineation and measurement of precise phenotypes, derived from well‐articulated models of the reading process. We report evidence for independent genetic influences on the lexical and nonlexical reading processes represented in the dual‐route model, based on studies of children with particular subtypes of dyslexia, and on univariate and multivariate genetic modelling of reading performance in the normally reading population.  相似文献   

This study investigated effects of reading medium (print vs. digital) on integrative processing and integrated understanding of an illustrated text on human sexuality, as well as whether reading medium indirectly affected integrated understanding via integrative processing. Participants were 100 undergraduate and graduate students in educational sciences. Integrative processing was indicated by participants’ gaze transitions between complementary textual and pictorial parts of the document during reading, and integrated understanding was indicated by participants’ integration of textual and pictorial information in post-reading written responses. Results showed that participants who read the illustrated text on paper displayed more integrative processing during reading than did participants who read exactly the same text on a computer. In turn, integrative processing positively affected comprehension performance, resulting in a mediated effect of reading medium on comprehension via integrative processing. There was no main effect of reading medium on integrated understanding, however. Also, prompting participants to pay attention to both text and illustration as well as their relationship did not have any main effects on integrative processing or integrated understanding; nor were there any interaction effects of reading medium with instructional prompt on integrative processing or integrated understanding. These results are discussed in terms of the insights they offer into reading medium effects on processing and comprehension, as well as in terms of the directions they suggest for future research in this area.  相似文献   

分析了大学英语文本阅读的特点,认为单纯句子层面的浅层次阅读难以实现对文章的完整理解。把顶层结构理论应用于英语文本阅读,并结合构思图示理论,提出英语阅读应采取“自上而下”模式,注重文本内容的结构分析和文本语用分析。结合实例详细阐述了顶层结构分析在英语阅读教学中的实际应用。  相似文献   

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