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SCI量化评价功能的局限性及其修正   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
SCI数据库及其期刊影响因子的学术量化评价功能,在国内外具有广泛的影响.无论是在科技管理领域还是信息服务领域,都将其作为学术定量评价的手段之一加以利用,但同时也对它的评价功能提出了质疑和修正.本文从期刊影响因子、SCI数据库、学科间的差异、科学引证活动等方面对SCI学术量化评价的局限及其修正进行文献综述,并对一些新方法和新指标作了简单介绍.  相似文献   

SCI论文学术质量指标与评价模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以SCIE和JCR数据库为依据,分析SCI期刊的影响因子、期刊分区和论文他引频次与论文学术质量的内在关联性,并以此为不同学科领域SCI论文学术质量评价指标建立量化评价模型,为SCI论文的学术质量及科研绩效的评价提供参考依据。  相似文献   

本来我想写《“量化学术”是不科学的》,但是想不如突出重点,就把最突出的问题些出来,因为对论文的SCI检索作为评估标准已经深入到中国的每个学术细  相似文献   

科学使用量化指标 谨防期刊功能异化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分析了学术评价量化作为主要的评价标准产生的原因,剖析了它是如何影响期刊功能的正常发挥,进而得出单纯追求论文数量指标具有诱发科学工作者学术不端行为的倾向。因此要为科学使用量化指标构造和谐学术生态环境,发挥编辑在防止期刊功能异化中的作用,以克服量化指标本身的局限性所引发问题。同时指出在网络环境下越是主动对具体的编辑过程加强“知识管理”,学术评价量化的绩效就越大,也就越有利于学术评价量化工作的开展,进而能形成学术评价量化与发挥期刊社会功能作用之间的良性互动局面。  相似文献   

以中国SCI论文水平的分析为切入点,通过实证数据指出中国SCI论文数量多,但平均引用次数不高的严峻现状.同时,在清华大学研究生内进行问卷调查,并采访清华大学具有丰富科研经验的教师,发现论文质量问题、科研诚信问题、科研管理制度问题是造成这种现状的主要原因.为改变中国SCI论文水平的现状,提出建立“质”、“量”并重的科研评价体系,取消研究生SCI论文数量的规定以及采用社会性评价机构评估科研水平的建议.  相似文献   

仿照SCI建立的CSSCI作为引文索引工具具有明显的不足,将CSSCI与现行人文社会科学评价机制集合用于高校人事、科研量化管理,将引发诸多问题。有关CSSCI问题的争议,对于反恩高校学术评价标准与管理文化有积极意义,将为建立现代大学制度提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

长期以来,由于人文社会科学没有自身的学术成果评价体系,自然科学的评价方法尤其是量化管理越来越多地被运用于人文社会科学中。量化管理的确是科学管理的一种方法,但它在被运用到人文社会科学时,呈现出简单化、单一化的趋向,学术管理者对它所能起的作用往往有过高的期望值。这既不完全符合人文社会科学科研管理的运行规律和目的,也不完全符合人文社会科学自身的发展规律和特点。  相似文献   

如何正确使用SCI标准评价基础科学   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
近年来,SCI论文成为评价一个单位、一个研究人员基础理论研究水平高低的重要指标;同时,有些单位在制定科研成果奖励时,也对SCI论文给予较高奖励。对SCI论文应有一个客观公正的认识,SCI论文水平并不一样,也不是所有SCI论文的水平都非常高。据此,试图给出在评价基础理论研究成果时,如何正确使用SCI标准,并对SCI标准的滥用给我国基础理论研究带来的负面影响进行分析。  相似文献   

“五唯”是我国学术评价过度依赖量化数据的概括性表述,也是当前学术评价体系改革中难以破解的顽疾。立足于学术评价的不确定性特征及其风险,厘清同行评议的重要性以及同行专家的地位与责任,能够为学术评价改革提供一种有效的思考视角。我国学术评价“五唯”问题产生的根源之一在于科学共同体的“权力”让渡,其主要原因是我国学术评价与科研资源分配的过度绑定,而同行专家负责任的意识以及水平不足,进一步为“权力”让渡留下了空间,由此引发学术评价中“行政干预学术”、量化指标主导等不良后果。当前,构建“负责任”的评价体系、推动学术评价多主体协同改革的关键在于厘清行政权力和学术权力的责任与边界,将资源分配权进行必要下放,同时逐级明确责任主体及其使命,使负责任的同行拥有学术评价的实质性权力,以防止责权的错位以及不合理的“权力”让渡。在这一过程中,面临着若干亟待分析和解决的基本问题。  相似文献   

慎重看待“SCI”   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
美国<科学引文索引(SCI)>是一种比较权威、相对客观的评价方式,但它造成的负面影响也不可忽视.应该公正、客观、全面地认识SCI评价体系,办好一批中国学术期刊.  相似文献   

The increasing prospects of digital piracy has prompted the perceived need by electronic publishers to adopt technical systems of protection, and governments to reform their copyright laws. This article is a preliminary study of the management of intellectual property by electronic publishers, defined as those involved in the production of online databases, and CD-ROMs. It focuses on three main issues: (1) how electronic publishers view the increasing threat of piracy; (2) the methods of protection employed to protect intellectual property in digital format; and (3) the importance of technological protection of intellectual property in electronic publications. The analysis is based on a sample of 23 UK electronic publishers. The interviews revealed an interesting assortment of protection methods and did not show that technological protection was a preferred way. Instead, the means of protection, in addition to copyright law, comprised niche markets, pricing, trust, bad publicity, and nontechnical and technical means.  相似文献   

中德海洋学核心期刊论文国际合著的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
万琪  华薇娜 《现代情报》2016,36(2):150-156
本研究选取Web of Science数据库,收集中国和德国发表的海洋学论文,将论文分为国际合著组与非国际合著组,利用文献计量学的方法,借助EXCEL、SPSS和UCINET软件,比较两国各年的发文量、论文的篇均作者和篇均参考文献数、收录期刊的影响因子、论文的被引频次以及合著国家。研究结果显示,中国海洋学领域的国际合著起步晚于德国,但发展迅速,近年来中国海洋学国际合著的论文量已超过德国;同时中国海洋学国际合著论文的质量和学术影响力都弱于德国,并且中国海洋学论文合著国家的范围也小于德国海洋学的合著国家。  相似文献   

A computer-mediated group is a complex entity whose members exchange many types of information via multiple means of communication in pursuit of goals specific to their environment. Over time, they coordinate technical features of media with locally enacted use to achieve a viable working arrangement. To explore this complex interaction, a case study is presented of the social networks of interactions and media use among members of a class of computer-supported distance learners. Results show how group structures associated with project teams dominated who communicated with whom, about what, and via which media over the term, and how media came to occupy their own communication niches: Webboard for diffuse class-wide communication; Internet Relay Chat more to named others but still for general communication across the class; and e-mail primarily for intrateam communication. Face-to-face interaction, occurring only during a short on-campus session, appears to have had a catalytic effect on social and emotional exchanges. Results suggest the need to structure exchanges to balance class-wide sharing of ideas with subgroup interactions that facilitate project completion, and to provide media that support these two modes of interaction.  相似文献   

The main premise of this article is that in information societies generally, and in virtual social contexts particularly, a distinctive style of interaction to facilitate the communication of difference, heterotopic communication , has emerged. It rests on two cultural foundations: an ideological belief in the positive, socially integrating power of communication, and a prevailing ethic of instrumental rationality, subjective individualism, and strategically practiced self-interest. The former is demonstrated by the use of simulation and spectacle as sources of information; exhibitionism/voyeurism as a communicative style; and the awareness of surveillance. The latter is seen in the competitive use of knowledge as a commodity; a surface globalism masking deep parochialism; lateral as well as vertical information inequity; and the use of public versus private as strategies for engagement rather than as spaces. Those who engage in heterotopic communication resort to their 'own devices' both in the sense of personal agendas, strategies, interests, and interpretations, and in the form of the telecommunication tools that help realize them. These personal and technological devices allow individuals with the right educational and technical resources to avoid exposure to disagreement, difference, or other information that does not serve their direct purposes or reflect their particular views of the world; yet they also help convey the appearance of openness, availability, and cooperation. This style of interaction is used strategically in combination with information and communication technologies to gain social or economic advantages, but it may encourage social separatism and parochialism, inhibit the negotiation of disputes, and emphasize competing interests.  相似文献   

This article presents an account of the process of development of the NSFNET and its significance for the emergence of the Internet of the 1990s. The fact that the development of the interconnected system of computer networks occurred within the realm of academic research is not incidental. The dynamics of the world of scientific research were intimately related to the shaping of the network and to the way in which it spread to other sectors of society. The construction of computer networks crossed the boundaries between science and society in order to build the scientific realm by transforming the world in which it is embedded.  相似文献   

严翔  成长春  贾亦真 《资源科学》2018,40(1):216-225
在文献回顾的基础上构建城镇化进程中产业、空间与人口的交互发展对能源消费的融合传导机制, 并基于向量形式的Kaya拓展模型与“多项连乘和加总”的LMDI改进形式,对中国1998—2015年间的能耗总量变化进行因素分解。研究显示:城镇化对生产端能耗的拉动效应远大于生活端;传统能源驱动型产业的转型升级 与技术进步缓解了能源压力;近些年除消费支出以外的其他经济单元,因粗放型“三高”发展模式的改善,较居民 消费具有能耗比较优势;居民消费效应仍是间接能耗提升的主导因素,城乡居民消费行为趋同对生活能耗波动的正向贡献日趋增强,并随着人口规模的扩张成为能源可持续发展的掣肘;摊大饼式空间低密度蔓延加剧了能源 消费,仅人口集聚的规模效应对生活能耗波动具有负向贡献。进一步指出在新型城镇化能源约束强化的情境下,虽然产业层面的结构调整与技术进步对能耗的削减效应仍存在,但更应关注人口层面的居民消费方式及用能习 惯的改良,释放空间层面的资源配置对降低能耗的新动能,努力实现共享经济以缓解能耗压力,并据此提出几点 建议。  相似文献   

The development of vaccines to prevent infectious diseases has been one of the most important contributions of biomedical sciences. Increasing understanding in biochemistry, molecular biology, molecular genetics and related fields have provided an opportunity for the development of new generation vaccines that are based on rational design approaches. This is possible because of proper understanding of the microbial-genetics, biochemistry, host-pathogen interaction and recent developments in molecular immunology. Another important improvement made in the quality of vaccine production is the incorporation of immunomodulators or adjuvants with modified delivery vehicles viz liposomes, Iscoms and microspheres apart from alum being used as a gold standard. This article reviews the art of vaccination from Jenner period to present day context highlighting all the developments made at each stage of the vaccine development. Various criteria have been discussed regarding the selection of epitopes that expand B & T cells, its linkage with other accessory cells of the immune system, means to overcome MHC linked immune unresponsiveness, enhanced antigen processing and presentations that specially induce either helper or cytotoxic or mucosal immune responses were critically discussed.  相似文献   

Trust between transaction partners in cyberspace has come to be considered a distinct possibility. In this article the focus is on the conditions for its creation by way of assuming, not inferring trust. After a survey of its development over the years (in the writings of authors like Luhmann, Baier, Gambetta, and Pettit), this mechanism of trust is explored in a study of personal journal blogs. After a brief presentation of some technicalities of blogging and authors’ motives for writing their diaries, I try to answer the question, ‘Why do the overwhelming majority of web diarists dare to expose the intimate details of their lives to the world at large?’ It is argued that the mechanism of assuming trust is at play: authors simply assume that future visitors to their blog will be sympathetic readers, worthy of their intimacies. This assumption then may create a self-fulfilling cycle of mutual admiration. Thereupon, this phenomenon of blogging about one’s intimacies is linked to Calvert’s theory of ‘mediated voyeurism’ and Mathiesen’s notion of ‘synopticism’. It is to be interpreted as a form of ‘empowering exhibitionism’ that reaffirms subjectivity. Various types of ‘synopticon’ are distinguished, each drawing the line between public and private differently. In the most ‘radical’ synopticon blogging proceeds in total transparency and the concept of privacy is declared obsolete; the societal gaze of surveillance is proudly returned and nullified. Finally it is shown that, in practice, these conceptions of blogging are put to a severe test, while authors often have to cope with known people from ‘real life’ complaining, and with ‘trolling’ strangers.  相似文献   

军队信息化的动因、任务及对策探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于未来高技术战争需求的牵引、军用信息技术发展的推动和构建核心能力的内在要求,我军必须加快信息化建设。为此,本文运用战略管理中的价值链方法对军队的任务及军队信息化的任务进行了全面分析,并提出了加速我军信息化建设的对策。  相似文献   

Electronic data interchange (EDI) provides means for interorganizational communication, creates network externalities, requires an advanced information technology (IT) infrastructure, and relies on standards. In the diffusion of such innovations, institutional involvement is imperative. Such institutions contain governmental agencies, national and global standardization organizations, local government, and nonprofit private organizations like industry associations. The last type of organizations we call intermediating institutions. They intermediate or coordinate ("inscribe") the activities of a group of would-be adopters. Unfortunately, little is known of how these organizations shape the EDI diffusion trajectory. In this article we examine one specific type of intermediating organizations?industry associations?and how they advanced the EDI diffusion process in the grocery sectors of Hong Kong, Denmark and Finland. We identify six institutional measures, placed into a matrix formed by the mode of involvement (influence vs. regulation) and the type of diffusion force (supply push vs. demand pull), that can be mobilized to further the EDI diffusion. Industry associations were found to be active users of all these measures to varying degrees. Their role was critical especially in knowledge building, knowledge deployment, and standard setting. Furthermore, institutional involvement varied due to policy and cultural contingencies and power dependencies.  相似文献   

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