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本论述了湍流中标度律的存在性,并结合K41、β模型和分维的介绍,全面讨论了存在于充分发展湍流中的标度律及其对湍流研究的意义。  相似文献   

研究了Gledzer-Ohkitani-Yamada模型中各种模型参数随外力的变化情况,计算了该模型充分发展湍流速度结构函数的相对标度指数随泰勒微尺度雷诺数的变化,计算结果既显示了与She-L啨vesque的速度结构函数标度律和实验结果的一致性,又给出了需要实验进一步检验的部分.  相似文献   

文章对盛行于唐宋时期的辞赋化文体律赋进行了分析。主要论述了律赋存在于当时社会环境下的合理性,律赋的产生背景,律赋在体式方面的优势,如限韵、句式特征,以及构思方面的特点,并结合一些唐宋律赋名家的作品和赋论,探讨了律赋的文学和社会价值。  相似文献   

叔本华认为主体具有感性、自我意识、知性和理性四种认识能力,其作用机制分别是充足理由律的存在理由律、动机理由律、生成理由律和认识理由律四种形态。叔本华的“充足理由律”理论首次阐明了人类知识必然性的具体图景,为人类经验和知识的确定性奠立了基础,具有重要的认识论意义。  相似文献   

清代词律批评理论的词学史意义主要体现在四个方面:第一,清代词律批评理论自身的完善为词学研究树立了榜样,词律学作为一门独立的学科而存在;第二,清代词律学完善了词学研究体系与方法;第三,清代词律学研究的成果有效地指导了词人的创作;第四,清代词律学还对词籍校勘产生了重大影响。  相似文献   

师德教育接受过程中的诸要素之间存在着本质的必然的联系,对师德教育接受中的需要驱动律、个别差异律、情感参与律、环境影响律和非直线规律进行了论述。  相似文献   

白话联有两类 ,一类是白话律联 ,另一类是白话非律联。白话律联的存在体现了人们在改革对联所使用的语体时 ,对文言联旧有声律规则的留恋和对韵律美的执着追求 ;而白话非律联则有彻底挣脱平仄束缚的趋势  相似文献   

从莱布尼茨在《单子论》中提出“充足理由原则”以来,“充足理由律是不是形式逻辑(普通逻辑)的基本规律”这个问题在学术界一直存在着争论.争论的焦点集中在充足理由律的逻辑要求之一,即“理由是否真实”和“充足理由律能否形式化”.作者概述了多种具有代表性的观点,讨论了充足理由律是不是逻辑思维的基本规律,并且针对充足理由律的两点问题谈了自己的看法.从而,作者认为充足理由律是形式逻辑的基本规律.  相似文献   

相似是指相对于特定的参考系及标准,对象之间既存在着相同的部分又存在着相异的部分,它是相同与相异的统一。相似性规律可分成三个不同的原理:客体相似律,认识过程中的主客体相互作用的信息相似律和主体信息加工相似律。对此三者进行了形式化的逻辑表达,揭示出了它们在解决复杂性问题上的认识论和技术方法学意义。  相似文献   

从莱布尼茨在《单子论》中提出“充足理由原则”以来,“充足理由律是不是形式逻辑(普通逻辑)的基本规律”这个问题在学术界一直存在着争论。争论的焦点集中在充足理由律的逻辑要求之一,即“理由是否真实”和“充足理由律能否形式化”。作者概述了多种具有代表性的观点,讨论了充足理由律是不是逻辑思维的基本规律.并且针对充足理由律的两点问题谈了自己的看法。从而,作者认为充足理由律是形式逻辑的基本规律。  相似文献   

As a universal conclusion of turbulent scale, scaling laws are important to the research on statistic turbulence. We measured two-dimensional instantaneous velocity field in turbulent boundary layers of flat plate with the momentum thickness Reynolds number Reθ=2 167. Scaling laws have different forms in different wall distance and scale. We proposed an expected scaling law and compared it with the She-Leveque (SL) scaling law based on the wavelet analysis and traditional statistical methods. Results show that the closer to the wall, the more the expected scaling law approached to the SL scaling law.  相似文献   

Scaling properties of Navier-Stokes turbulence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

INTRODUCTION The stepped channel design has been used fomore than 3500 years. Greek and Minoan engineerswere probably the first to design an overflow steppedweir and stepped storm waterways respectively(Chanson, 2001). Later, Roman, Moslem, Mughaand Spanish designers used a similar technique. Thesteps increase significantly the rate of energy dissipation taking place on the channel face, reducing thesize of the required downstream energy dissipationand the risks of scouring. Rec…  相似文献   

语文独立分科到今天不过百余年的历史,可这个百年却是人类社会最为动荡、变化急剧的百年。而百年语文教育变革核心其实就是语文教育本质的变迁。一切关于语文教育的现象归根结底都归结于“语文”是什么的问题。近代中国一直是缺乏民族自信、完全西化的,甚至亦步亦趋。我们抛弃了中国古代语文教育的宝贵经验。今天当我们这个民族建立了自信时,我们可以理智地反思我们的传统。所以反思近代语文教育理念的变迁、得失,认清语文教育的特质、规律对我们今天的语文教育改革来说意义重大,对未来中华民族的发展更是事关重大。  相似文献   

清末民初通过规定师范生毕业效力义务保证师资来源;实行教师任职资格检定制度,建立了教师职业准入机制;从对教师注重精神奖励到立法确定教员薪俸标准,这些做法初步构建了师资管理与待遇的大体框架。清末民初大学、中学、小学教师的薪俸依次递减,差别较大,不尽合理,且因教育经费的短缺难以保证全额发放,因而出现了师资队伍动荡不安,中小学教师流失严重的社会现象,这种现象反过来又制约了清末民初基础教育的普及和发展。清末民初教师的任用与待遇史实昭示:教师所从事的工作属于创造性的复杂脑力劳动,只有择优录用教师,并切实改善教师的地位和待遇,充分发挥其从教的积极性和主动性,才能使教师真正成为具有竞争性和吸引力的职业,赢得教育事业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) provides low-level turbulence alerting service for the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) through the windshear and turbulence warning system (WTWS). In the WTWS, turbulence intensities along the flight paths of the airport are estimated based upon correlation equations established between the surface anemometer data and the turbulence data from research aircraft before the opening of the airport. The research aircraft data are not available on day-to-day basis. The remote sensing meteorological instruments, such as the Doppler light detection and ranging (LIDAR) and radar, may be used to provide direct measurements of turbulence intensities over the runway corridors. The performances of LIDAR- and radar-based turbulence intensity data are studied in this paper based on actual turbulence intensity measurements made on 423 commercial jets for a typical case of terrain-induced turbulence in association with a typhoon. It turns out that, with the tuning of the relative operating characteristic (ROC) curve between hit rate and false alarm rate, the LIDAR-based turbulence intensity measurement performs better than the anemometer-based estimation of WTWS for turbulence intensity at moderate level or above. On the other hand, the radar-based measurement does not perform as well when compared with WTWS. By combining LIDAR- and radar-based measurements, the performance is slightly better than WTWS, mainly as a result of contribution from LIDAR-based measurement. As a result, the LIDAR-based turbulence intensity measurement could be used to replace anemometer-based estimate for non-rainy weather conditions. Further enhancements of radar-based turbulence intensity measurement in rain would be necessary.  相似文献   

Following the relational turbulence model, we examined the extent to which relational uncertainty and partner interference mediate distance and relational maintenance, here assessed as relational continuity constructional units (RCCUs), as predictors of relational turbulence. Results were consistent with and extend the relational turbulence model, with relational uncertainty mediating RCCUs and partner interference mediating distance. In addition to highlighting RCCUs as a communicative buffer against relational uncertainty, the results reveal a complex picture of geographic distance. Addressing mixed findings in previous research, it appears distance may foster relational turbulence yet also predict reduced turbulence when accompanied by diminished partner interference.  相似文献   

Sediment dynamics are usually described in terms of the studies developed under a steady uniform flow, where the hydrodynamic forces are taken those pertaining to the mean time-averaged flow speed. However, the inherent turbulence plays an important role and should be considered implicitly in describing the complexity of turbulence effects in geophysical phenomena. This paper reviews the implementation of isolated turbulence, generated by oscillating grid on two important sediment transport phenomena, i.e., incipient sediment motion and suspension. The generated quasi-isotropic, laterally homogenous turbulence (that is, at a distance further away from the grid) permits an in-depth investigation of the effect of turbulent fluctuations and brings new insights in understanding both phenomena. The critical Shields profile for the incipient sediment motion characterized using the second order of turbulence statistics is qualitatively similar to the Shields curve obtained under a steady uniform flow. In the suspension of particles, there is a two-way interaction between sediment and turbulence. High concentration of suspended particles changes the turbulence structure and the presence of coherent vortices changes the particle settling velocity, which subsequently alters the concentration within the suspension layer. The studies of turbulence on incipient sediment motion and particle suspension provide a better understanding of the underlying physics of sediment behavior at the near-bed region.  相似文献   

高斯光束通过螺旋相位板和轴棱锥可获得高阶贝塞尔光束。在实验室模拟大气湍流并研究了贝塞尔光束在湍流大气中的传输特性。着重讨论了湍流扰动强弱及拓扑荷数变化对贝塞尔光束传输特性的影响。实验表明,湍流强弱及拓扑荷数变化都会影响贝塞尔光束的传输,大气湍流会降低贝塞尔光束的相干性。  相似文献   

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