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特色办刊:高职院校学报生存与发展的关键   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在高职教育发展过程中,高职院校学报已是一支不可忽视的生力军。学报的论文发表与交流,既可以提高教师的业务水平,又可以进一步提升学校教学、科研的整体水平,使学校形成一个良好的学术氛围,对推动高职教育的发展起到了良好的促进作用。由于高职院校学报起步晚,底子薄,经验少,要想从高校学报中脱颖而出,必须依据自身的优势和地方特点,坚持特色办刊,努力成为独树一帜的学术交流平台。  相似文献   

论如何办出高校学报特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何办出学报特色 ,是当前高校学报急需解决的一个大问题。作为反映大学教学和科研成果的高校学报其特色主要取决于学校的教学和科研特点。为此 ,应利用学校的学术优势 ,开拓有特色的稿源 ,体现地区特色和学校学科优势 ,同时在刊物装帧设计上体现刊物特色 ,优化信息传播  相似文献   

从目前高校学报的办刊现状分析,探讨地方专业性高校学报在学校多学科发展中的特色创建问题。认为学报应结合学校的办学特色和学科优势,实行适当开放办刊,打破"小而全"的局面,努力办出特色。  相似文献   

高校学报走特色化办刊之路不仅是必要的,而且是必须的,是其办刊宗旨的客观需要,被学报办刊实践所验证。应综合考虑学校类别属性,学科优势,地域性,民族特色等几个方面,仔细分析学校各种主客观因素,科学决策,才能形成自己的特色。在学报特色化办刊实践中,学报编辑要增强特色意识,通过设置特色栏目,体现学报特色。  相似文献   

论高校学报个性特色之构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
有个性和特色的学报才有生命力,学报工作者可从三方面着手构建学报的个性和特色:首先,要量身定制,确立适合自己的办刊目的、方向和思路;其次,在内容上,要根据学校的学科优势和科研优势确定登载的重点,依据地域优势开设特色栏目;再次,在外在形式上,装帧设计要新颖别致,富有个性。要使特色之花常开不谢,还需要主编和编辑不断开拓创新。  相似文献   

高校学报与学科建设是紧密联系、相辅相成、相互作用的,学报学术水平是学校学科整体水平的反映和重要标志。从湖北省属15所院校、21家学报调查结果来看:高校学报的质量取决于该校学科建设的水平。学报要发展,必须依托本校的学科优势,办出特色,两者形成良性的互动关系,以此扩大学校的声誉,提高办学水平,使学校在激烈的竞争中始终立于不败之地。  相似文献   

核心竞争能力是指其他竞争对手无法模仿、替代的东西.对高职学报来说,它指的是特色,主要通过学报的特色栏目来体现.高职院校学报特色栏目的 设置要根据学报的定位,结合所在学校的学科优势、地缘优势,与地方文化建设、区域经济建设等紧密结合.找出特色之后,还需精心地打造才能使之成为刊物的核心竞争力.  相似文献   

期刊各类评比、评奖以及核心期刊的选刊,影响因子是其中重要的评价指标之一,而影响因子高的期刊均显示出某方面的专业特色。随着高等教育事业的发展,高校学科也进入了"多元化"时期,原有的特色学科优势日渐削减或力量明显减弱。既要办出学报水平,又要满足学校发展的需要,对编辑而言,这是一个两难选择。高校学报要解决好这一矛盾,寻求学报健康发展之路。  相似文献   

高校学报的专业化发展,一方面要依托本校的专业力量和学科优势,依托本校的师资力量和专家队伍进行学术研究,另一方面还要吸引外稿进行深度研究。从学报本身来说,办好特色栏目,以特色栏目展现学报的专业趋向,是学报专业化发展的一个重要举措。  相似文献   

以无锡商业职业技术学院学报设立的两个特色栏目为例,重点阐述其创建的缘由、创建的基础、创建的过程、创建的成效,以此说明高职院校学报要提高办刊成效,首先应当从挖掘学校本身的办学特色资源,创建特色栏目入手,在发挥学报学术研究平台功能的同时,助推高职院校教育教学的发展。  相似文献   

Computer‐assisted learning (CAL) is becoming ever more important as a method of teaching and facilitating learning in an increasingly overburdened higher education sector in the UK. A number of authors have made pleas for more evaluation and research in the area of CAL. This study set out to evaluate the attitudes to CAL amongst over 300 business and management undergraduates using a questionnaire survey. The survey revealed a positive disposition towards CAL irrespective of age, gender or educational background. In addition respondents were asked to compare the features of CAL with those of other more traditional methods of teaching and learning. Two factors were identified, labelled CAL ‘instructional’ features and CAL ‘tutorial’ features. The instructional features of CAL were rated more highly than its tutorial features. Respondents rated CAL as better than traditional methods in terms of its instructional features and about the same as traditional methods in terms of its tutorial features. Younger respondents rated the instructional features of CAL more highly than did the older respondents. The findings were discussed in terms of their implications for the use of CAL in an expanding system of mass higher education.  相似文献   

Presentations of a visible moving object immediately suppressed ongoing distress vocalization in newly hatched ducklings, but presentations of only the auditory features of the object initially had no effect. However, as the ducklings received more and more exposure to the visible moving object, the object’s auditory features gradually acquired the ability to suppress distress calls themselves. These auditory features failed to develop suppressive properties in ducklings which received prolonged exposure to those features but never saw the object in motion. The gradual acquisition of behavioral control by the auditory features of a moving object is taken to represent the essence of the imprinting process.  相似文献   

中国古典目录学在两千多年的发展过程中 ,逐渐形成了具有时代性和民族性的基本特征 :一、重文献整理而轻应用 ;二、重文献描述而少推理 ;三、重文史而略技工  相似文献   

特色服务是指图书馆以某种特色资源、某种特殊方式和对某一特定读者群进行的服务。文章以桂林图书馆针对不同服务对象、利用特色馆藏和网络环境开展服务为例,探讨地方图书馆的特色服务问题,提出了进一步创新特色服务的思路,探讨了图书馆特色服务的方式和方法。  相似文献   

自驾车旅游安全保障体系探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,随着生活水平的提高,自驾车旅游备受旅游者亲睐。但是,由于自驾车旅游本身的特性,自驾车旅游过程中出现的安全事故越来越多。自驾车旅游的自主性、体验性以及对基础设施的依赖性与旅游安全直接相关。应从旅游者自身、自驾车旅游组织方(者)、旅游目的地以及政府公共服务部门四个方面保障自驾车旅游的安全。  相似文献   

Friends' Influence on Adolescents' Adjustment to School   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23  
Adolescents may be influenced both by their friends' behaviors and by the features of their friendships. To examine both types of influence, seventh and eighth graders ( N = 297) were asked in the fall of a school year to report their involvement and disruption at school. The students also described the positive and negative features of their best friendships. Teachers reported on the students' involvement, disruption, and grades. These assessments were repeated in the following spring. Students whose friends in the fall described themselves as more disruptive increased in self-reported disruption during the year. Girls' self-reported disruption was more influenced by that of their very best friend than was boys'. Students whose very best friendships had more positive features increased in their self-reported involvement during the year. Students whose friendships had more negative features increased in their self-reported disruption, but only if their friendships also had many positive features. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings, and the adequacy of different methods for estimating friends' influence, were discussed.  相似文献   

Research is clear on the benefit of early intervention efforts and the importance of intensive instructional supports; however, understanding which features to intensify is less clear. General intervention features of group size, instructional delivery, and time are areas schools can consider manipulating to intensify instruction. Also, each of these features can vary along a continuum making them easier or more challenging for schools to implement. What is unclear is if implementing very intensive interventions early in school (first grade), which require significantly more school resources, provides accordingly accelerated student learning. This article investigates the role of intensifying instructional time for the most at-risk first graders in schools implementing research-based instructional and assessment practices within multitiered instructional support systems. Results indicate that students receiving more intensive intervention made significantly more progress across a range of early reading measures. Intervention features, limitations, recommendations for practice, and implications for treatment resisters are discussed.  相似文献   

以西北民族大学为个案,研究当代高校青年教师择偶观、婚姻观、生育观及性观念的现状及特征,探索高校青年教师独特的婚恋观形成的内在原因以及在婚恋观中所体现出的传统性与现代性的矛盾与和谐。研究发现:影响婚恋观的因素包括生物生理、个人属性与社会文化环境三个层面,三者形成既矛盾又相互促进的关系,同时,婚恋观的现代性正逐渐凸显,但还需继续在与传统性的碰撞中寻求平衡。  相似文献   

Fifth-grade students studied a map of a fictitious island while twice listening to a related narrative containing target feature and nonfeature items. The students were cued by varying iconic and verbal stimuli in four map cue conditions; they received immediate and delayed tests to recall text items, map features, and feature locations. The students were also required to rate their confidence in each response. Students remembered more text features and were more confident of their responses when cued by icons plus labels and by icons only. Students in these groups also recalled more map features and their locations on a map reconstruction task. Memory for feature information and pictorial retrieval cues appeared to activate memory for nonfeature information contained in the text.  相似文献   

浅谈女性主义对设计的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会的发展,女性自我意识的不断提高,女性在社会中逐步处于显著的地位.平等、真实、勇敢地表现自我成为新时期女性的审美特征.设计师应该抓住此要点,并将其溶入设计中,从而更好地迎合女性消费者的消费需求和消费心理.  相似文献   

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