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Long association with a mathematics teacher at a Grade 4–6 school in Sweden, is basis for reporting a case of teacher–researcher collaboration. Three theoretical frameworks used to study its development over time are relational knowing, relational agency and cogenerative dialogue. While relational knowing uses narrative perspectives to explore the experiential and relational nature of collaboration; relational agency, draws on activity theory perspectives and identifies the change in the purpose of collaboration, from initially conducting classroom interventions to co-authoring research. Finally, cogenerative dialogue, deploys hermeneutic-phenomenological perspectives and investigates the dialogue that transpired between Lotta and the author, as they co-authored their research report. Such analysis sheds invaluable light on a case of expansive learning activity.  相似文献   

在学术道德观念缺失,学术不端行为盛行的当下,由同方知网自主开发的"学术不端文献检测系统",为全面抑制抄袭、剽窃、一稿多投、不当引证、不当署名等学术不端行为,提高我国学术文献质量提供了有效的手段。学术期刊应充分发挥"CNKI学术不端文献检测系统"优势,提高办刊质量。  相似文献   

文章采集了Web of Science(WoS)数据库的相关数据,比较分析了我国“双一流”建设高校、AAU大学的科研论文合著机构的类型、国别、合著篇数及其引用情况,并采用社会网络分析的方法进一步统计了各个合著机构在论文合著网络中的中心度,绘制了“双一流”建设高校和AAU大学之间的论文合著网络。根据统计分析发现:中美两国建立了紧密科研合作关系;国家力量是科研创新的重要支撑;校企合作排名反映了不同的创新模式;中国高水平大学通过与香港地区各大学的合著“借船出海”。为进一步推动“双一流”建设,我国在科研创新中应当坚定不移走自主创新、开放共赢的合作发展道路,构建国家力量和市场力量“双轮驱动”的创新模式,进一步明确大学、研究机构在科研创新中的功能定位。  相似文献   

The article makes a case for the construction of narratives as major focus for career planning. Narratives can be seen as an appropriate compliment to the analysis of objective test data that has dominated our practice in the past. Narrative is described as an approach for career counselors to understand clients' vocational experiences and future plans. Subjective and objective aspects of a career narrative are explored, and emphasis is placed on co-authoring a career story that is subjectively meaningful and objectively sound. The client's subjective understanding of the career story is given importance as being pivotal information that must be considered in career counseling. Five key interventions are described from a narrative perspective.  相似文献   

There have been concerns that nonnative-speaking (NNS) researchers are at some disadvantage due to power differentials that result from the predominance of English in the academic world. This study investigates the assumptions and the findings of previous studies related to NNS researchers' publications in English in internationally refereed journals through in-depth interviews with four NNS doctoral students in the United States. The interviews sought to find out what challenges NNS doctoral students experience and how they cope with the challenges from research to publishing. Several salient issues emerged through the study, such as co-authoring, conducting certain types of research, getting native-speaker assistance, making the most use of local knowledge, and negotiating feedback from journals. The findings of this study imply that collaboration with native speaker (NS) mentors and colleagues can be beneficial in spite of potentially unequal power relations. In addition, the most use of NNSs' local knowledge can be positive in the sense that it brings valuable insight into Center-based academia. This study, however, suggests that it is critical to create a space for various voices in the Center publishing communities. Key words: nonnative-speaking doctoral students, writing for publication, co-authoring, local knowledge, situated knowledges, legitimate peripheral participation  相似文献   

1970年,新加坡总理李光耀在香港大学年会上以"双城记"为题做了一场发人深省的演讲,除了讲述新加坡和香港地区所取得的相似成就与优势以外,还进一步做出预测,表示两地在未来将会取得更大的成功.在此基础上,笔者试图从一个更为广泛和更具批判性的视角进行深入分析,首先梳理出二者基本差异,进而再讨论是哪些特定的政治、文化和教育因素最终导致了二者的不同发展路径和成果.国际研究学者围绕同一主题共同创作了一篇具有独到见解的文章,这使得1970年发表的这篇文章在35年后又被重新提起.  相似文献   

This study uses Bourdieu’s interconnected notions of fields, habitus and capital as a theoretical template to analyse the responses of eight mentors of Newly Qualified Teachers with regard to the motivations and challenges of their role. The data reveal that each mentor was a highly committed re-creator of the fields and habitus in which they operated, although this was not consciously done. They were each also committed to helping the NQTs develop professional cultural capital. Although Bourdieu famously referred to education as ‘symbolic violence’ the data from this study give no indication that the recreation of fields through the mentoring of professional practice was viewed as an act of dominion on the part of the mentors. Rather, these mentors saw their role as an empowering aspect of professional agency in which both parties shared in a co-authoring of a (usually) positive and mutually-affirming outcome.  相似文献   

In an attempt to determine if an open classroom environment encourages greater curiosity and/or openmindedness than does a traditional classroom environment, 41 open classroom children and 42 traditional classroom children completed an openmindedness scale and 5 subtests of a curiosity scale. Sex was included as a factor and IQ was included as a covariate in all analyses. No significant sex differences were found. The significantly higher mean curiosity score for the open classroom group was primarily due to significant differences between classrooms on 2 of the subtests: those measuring preference for novelty and change (p <.05). The results were interpreted as an indication that the open classroom may encourage some aspects of curiosity to a greater extent than does the traditional classroom.  相似文献   

综合运用文献计量学和社会网络分析学方法,对福建师范大学福清分校近8年(2003-2010年)来发表的1950篇论文,从合著率、著作形式、单位合作网络三个方面,分析了我校的科研合作状况与特点。结果表明:我校科研合作意识不断加强,本校合著增长迅猛,合作单位日益增多,合作关系不断强化。但仍存在合著率低、跨学科合作少、单位合作网络规模小等问题,本文有针对性地提出了三点建议。  相似文献   

李琳 《教育教学论坛》2020,(14):381-382
智慧教室是一种在信息技术支持下的建构创新性课堂教学模式的教学空间,智慧教室作为智能化教学环境在高中信息技术课堂上的应用,极大地提高了高中生学习兴趣,打造出高效课堂,提高了教学质量。文章主要介绍了智慧教室环境下的高中信息技术教学。  相似文献   

全国高等学校本科教育工作会议强调要加快建设高水平本科教育、全面提高人才培养能力。课堂作为本科教育开展的重要阵地,课堂质量的高低将对人才培养产生重要影响。通过分析应用型本科院校第二课堂与第一课堂建设中学生、教师、课程和课堂文化存在的不协同问题及成因,并以投资学专业为例尝试构建应用型本科院校专业技能与理论培养相结合的第二课堂与第一课堂协同发展机制,为应用型本科院校专业建设、人才培养提供建议。  相似文献   

朱艺 《成才之路》2021,(15):50-51
提问作为课堂教学中的重点,能够促进教师和学生之间的有效交流,提高学生的学习效率。文章分析语文课堂提问存在的问题,并将弗兰德斯互动分析系统和50节语文课堂教学的提问环节相结合,探讨语文课堂提问的特点,为打造高效课堂奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

The article examines whether the increase in international contacts among university researchers is an impact of a general globalisation trend, or whether it is an effect of policy initiatives on national and supranational levels such as EU research programmes. The present study demonstrates that the sheer volume of international contacts among Norwegian university staff has increased substantially during the last 20 years with respect to conference participation, guest lecturing, study and research visits, peer review work, research collaboration and international publishing. While patterns of international visits have not changed with respect to geographical pattern, research collaboration and co-authoring has become increasingly directed towards other European and Nordic countries. Moreover, we demonstrate a homogenisation between fields of learning regarding the degree of international contact while there are significant differences in geographical orientation. We conclude that general trends of globalisation and regional policy initiatives from the EU are supplementary rather than contradictory with respect to international contacts among Norwegian university staff. Data are drawn from studies based on questionnaires carried out in 1981, 1991 and 2000 among all tenured faculty members of Norway’s four universities.  相似文献   

运用建构主义理论,探讨英语教学中如何应用抛锚式教学模式进行基础教学,目的在于提高学生语言自主学习能力并为其创设研究性学习环境。教师在此中应充当好设计、引导、协助、调动的角色,逐渐释放必要的空间给学生思考及用目的语进行表达,逐步实现"以学生为中心"的英语课堂,并鼓励、帮助学生自主建构语言知识体系。  相似文献   

课堂教学是教学过程中的重要环节。在英语课堂教学中,外籍教师与中国学生因其各自文化的差异,不可避免会发生文化冲击现象。采用问卷调查和访谈,从中国传统文化的视角诠释外籍教师在课堂教学中发生文化冲击的原因,提出外籍教师与学生都应尊重异国文化差异,并注重教育教学方面的文化调适,从而帮助外籍教师与学生减少文化冲击,提高课堂教学质量与效果。  相似文献   

高职院校作为培养高素质应用型人才的重要阵地,要创新与改进高职英语教学模式,注重翻转课堂在英语课堂教学中的应用,充分点燃学生的英语学习兴趣,调动学生参与课堂教学活动的积极性与主动性,从而全面保障英语课堂教学质量。分析翻转课堂教学模式内涵与应用必要性,结合高职英语课堂教学中存在的问题探讨翻转课堂教学模式在高职英语课堂教学中的应用。  相似文献   

英语课堂用语,作为英语教师在课堂上从事和组织教学所使用的语言,它不仅是教师进行英语教学的工具,同时也是学生学习英语时一个重要的语言输入来源。课堂用语的数量和质量在某种程度上决定着英语课堂教学的成败。因此,对当前英语教师课堂用语的使用进行深入认识与思考对于英语教学具有重要意义。  相似文献   

大学物理课堂教学中运用多媒体手段的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多媒体课堂教学获得了巨大发展。使用多媒体手段辅助大学物理教学,对帮助学生理解复杂、抽象的物理现象有很积极的作用。运用power point甚至可以代替板书。但是,传统的板书教学也具有不可替代的教学效果,也是教学媒体的一种,是多媒体教学中不可缺少的一个组成部分。根据每节课各种媒体的教学资源,综合加以运用,既利用发挥了多媒体资源的优势,又充分发挥教师的主导作用,以期取得最佳的教学效果。  相似文献   

Keeping classroom animals is a common practice in many classrooms. Their value for learning is often seen narrowly as the potential to involve children in learning biological science. They also provide opportunities for increased empathy, as well as socio-emotional development. Realization of their potential for enhancing primary children’s learning can be affected by many factors. This paper focuses on teachers’ perceptions of classroom animals, drawing on accounts and reflections provided by 19 participants located in an Australian primary school where each classroom kept an animal. This study aims to progress the conversation about classroom animals, the learning opportunities that they afford, and the issues they present. Phenomenographic analysis of data resulted in five categories of teachers’ perceptions of the affordances and constraints of keeping classroom animals.  相似文献   

课堂观察是课堂研究的一种重要方法,有效地进行课堂观察设计是教育科研人员必备的基本素质。课堂观察的设计一般有以下几个步骤:明确观察目的,选择观察视角;确定观察维度,确定观察指标;选择观测点;确定观察记录方式;选择设计观察量表;确定人员分工,对观察者进行培训。充分、有效的课堂观察设计保证了课堂观察的成功。  相似文献   

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