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With an emphasis on high-stakes testing and a focused curriculum, it would seem at times, the joy of creativity is missing from the classroom. This article describes a curricular approach the children named “Creative Endeavors”, as implemented by a first grade teacher. The approach is described in three phases. In the exploratory stage the children were presented with various media, made requests for additional materials, and explored different forms of expression. In the second phase the children made choices based on interests, and typically worked with others in a spirit of collaboration with an emphasis on the process of the project as well as affective responses. In the final phase of intentional planning, children began to independently design, construct, and take responsibility for their project working alone or with others. Phases are intended to provide a blueprint for other teachers to explore creative endeavors in the classroom. Children in this project communicated through various media including sewing, photography, and drama. Through collaborating with peer and choosing projects, the children became authentically engaged in the various classroom experiences. Although the curricular approach was intended to foster creativity, in each phase writing about their projects became a natural and critical element in the process. Children wrote about their experiences, the steps they took to take part in the process, why they chose it, and reflected upon the projects undertaken.  相似文献   

This study uses a Vygotskian approach and a socio-cultural lens, as well as the Transactional Reading Theory to investigate how social interactions and literary transactions can combine through buddy reading to empower young readers and promote literacy in a first grade classroom. The research focuses on how literary transaction and social interaction work together to facilitate emergent and early readers in a ‘partner/buddy’ reading approach. The research question asked whether or not ‘partner/buddy’ reading can promote literacy through social interaction, and yielded three major themes, including the use of reading strategies to scaffold learning, making connections with and to the text in order to construct meaning, and using play as a type of social interaction and motivational method. The findings suggest that buddy reading as a classroom tool can effectively promote literacy and learning in a cooperative setting.  相似文献   

根据国家教育部考试中心制定的最新二级C语言等级考试大纲,结合多年的二级C语言培训经验,总结了复习和答题的方法与技巧,旨在帮助更多的考生顺利通过二级C语言的考试。  相似文献   

母语思维在英语听力理解中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外语思维在目前的英语教学尤其是听力教学中,得到了很大的重视,而母语思维则被认为会干扰外语思维的形成。本文从听力理解的性质和特点出发,分析了母语思维在听力理解中的作用。  相似文献   

文章通过教师对两种不同的教学模式-"以教师为中心"和"以学生为中心"的课堂中角色和作用对比,探讨了在新形势下教师该如何发展积极的导向作用,为学生创造良好的学习氛围.  相似文献   

中小学多媒体网络教室的功能特点及配备方案探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了中小学多媒体网络教室应具备的功能和系统特点。并结合浙江遂昌中学的实践,总结了该校配置多媒体网络教室的经验,分析了目前存在的问题及解决方法。  相似文献   

汉语作为二语的课堂教学语言是指汉语教师为了达到教学目的在教学中有意识使用的专门语言,兼有讲授和语言示范的双重作用,既是教学的媒介语又是学习者的目的语,具有区别于一般学科知识课堂教学语言的特点,需要教师在对其进行组织和选择时遵循一定的原则和规范。  相似文献   

This article describes a learning context in which the first grade classroom teacher creates a learning community where she uses different teaching strategies to encourage children’s second language use and learning. The first graders share, discuss, and learn both the second language (German) and content.  相似文献   

聋校学生的书面语言能力主要通过语文课的教学获得。然而 ,经过多年语文课的学习 ,很多聋校学生的书面语言能力仍然很低下 ,成为提高文化知识的一大障碍。其根本原因在于 ,聋校的语文课基本上是参照普通中小学的语文课经过一定调整而来 ,但普通中小学学生是在已经获得了基本的口语能力之后开始语文课的学习。由于聋生缺乏相应的口语基础 ,现行语文课的教学并不能保证根本改变聋生书面语言水平低下的状况。发展聋生基本的语言能力应该通过语言课。在开始语文课的教学之前先开设语言课是解决问题的途径。语言课与语文课具有不同的性质和任务。语言课应选择适合自身任务的教学内容 ,并遵循适合聋校学生语言发展规律的教学原则  相似文献   

教师教学语言之于第二语言习得有其广泛的理论基础,教师的教学语言在第二语言习得中有着在其他学科中不可比拟的特殊性,它既作为学习者的目标语,同时又是教师教授语言的媒介。因而就要分析教师教学语言的现状,归纳提出了教师教学语言的基本特点,以引起教师对课堂教学语言的关注,更好的发挥教师话语在第二语言习得中的作用。  相似文献   

文章用大量的数据证明:汉语复音化之初越是口语性强的作品,复音化的程度越高;但到了春秋战国时期,却反过来,即越是书面语强的作品,复音化的程度越高。  相似文献   

书面的"综述"是我们在教学中经常接触的一种语篇类别。"综述"语篇的写作是一项学生的综合语言能力。它与学生的语法能力,语篇能力及思维能力密切相关。在实际教学中我们发现,虽然学生经常撰写"综述",但是不知道如何科学地撰写。所以本文将结合相关理论分析学生语料,并针对不足为写作教学提供一定的指导性建议。  相似文献   

Introduction Literature in language teaching has a long pedigree.It was a fundamental part of foreign language teaching in the‘classical humanist’paradigm,where an understanding of the high culture and thought expressed through literature took precedence over mere competence in using the lan- guage.Indeed,in the teaching of European classical lan- guages,such as Greek and Latin,the literature was virtually all that remained of the language.  相似文献   

交际能力是语言教学中要着力培养的关键能力,而课堂教学是一项最稳定、最经常、占用时间最多的活动.教师要充分利用课堂教学的优势,有针对性地组织设计各类课堂活动,使学生们能够在互动中提高自己一种的交际能力.  相似文献   

<正>Trying to teach English well gives many teachers a headache even though they try very hard.One of the major reasons is that these teachers lack the art of English as a classroom language,which they stillhaven’t realized.Here,the writer would like to discuss the problem with readers from four points of view.  相似文献   

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