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In this article, a basic controversy for art education in Spain is analysed, and its antecedents in thought and social and artistic practices are reviewed. The controversy refers to the question whether school art education should be oriented towards the fine arts or towards the manual arts. Consequently, which should be the cultural model of reference in contemporary art education? These two controversies are considered as two dimensions whose poles have, to a certain extent, the capacity to articulate various educational trends. The values associated with each pole of each dimension are discussed: for the first dimension, creativity, originality, self‐efficacy and the value of accomplished work; for the second, increase of cultural capital and intercultural solidarity. Finally, the possibility is considered of elaborating educational models that would integrate the various mentioned educative values. The question is raised of the compatibility of these educational values, and it is pointed out that art education has the capacity to generate educational spaces of interchange and dialogue in which to combine languages and perspectives that can contribute to human development and to the mutual coexistence of social groups.  相似文献   

Educational selection has been a central issue for Structural Functionalist, Marxist and Interpretative sociologists of education. While knowledge about selection processes within schools has increased over the past two decades, as a result of ethnographic studies of schooling, the social process of collective teacher decision making, when teachers are engaged in institutional channelling, has been largely neglected. This paper explores collective teacher decision making at a point of allocation through the medium of a case study of setting in one 9‐13 years middle school. The paper argues that the discussion concerning the recent initiatives of educational selection embodied in modularisation, pupil assessment, common examinations and national testing should be informed by research of teacher interaction at points of allocation.  相似文献   

艺术教育以其鲜明的形象、充沛的情感,美化人的心灵,使受教者进入更高的精神境界,成为一个具有高尚情操的人。这种独具特点的审美品格,使艺术教育在全民族精神素质的提高中发挥着不可忽视的作用。在异彩纷呈的后现代语境下,艺术教育的审美品格呈现出多元化发展的态势:技术理性与情感的矛盾,使艺术教育中审美情感得以凸现;文化工业所带来的标准化与独创性的矛盾,使艺术教育中审美独创性得以高扬;信息全球化与民族性的矛盾,使得人们开始关注艺术教育中审美民族性的问题。  相似文献   

教育学:科学抑或艺术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“教育学是科学还是艺术”是教育学史上的经典论题之一。围绕这一论题,基于不同的学术立场和文化语境,学者们提出了一些富有启发性的观点。总体上,“科学”指向“知”,追求符合教育事实的规律;“艺术”指向“行”,探寻指导教育实践的规则。因此,两者的对峙实质上是“科学理论”与“实践理论”的分野。随着教育学作为统一的知识体的瓦解,“教育学是科学还是艺术”这一论题面临着前提性的困境,但又由于其对教育学发展路向的暗示,获得了在现时代的存在合理性。  相似文献   

传统教育注重智力和学科能力的发展,缺乏情感态度与价值观及人格的养成,就连艺术教育也是以技能和专业知识为目标而缺少审美、情感和人文内容。基础教育实际存在不同程度忽略甚至否认艺术教育的重大价值的倾向。近年来教育科学研究的重大发现,使人们重新认识和审视艺术教育的价值。在教育教学中渗透艺术性、融合艺术形式,特别是通过综合性的艺术教育模式,能使学生的人格、智力、人文素养等方面得到整合发展。  相似文献   

This report outlines the cognitive accomplishments of young children involved in graphic dialogue with adults. A token of collaborative drawing is examined exhibiting the degree to which adult informed tutoring enabled children in their drawing development, enhanced their motivation and ability in narration and resulted in drawings meaningful to them. The case studies examined are the result of a three‐year research project conducted by undergraduate students of Athens University Department of Early Childhood Education under the supervision of the author of this article. This game‐like pedagogical strategy is inspired by L. Vygotsky's educational philosophy and based on B. & M. Wilson's model of adult–child graphic dialogue. It is understood as a method of instructing drawing enabling children to pass from that which they can achieve alone to that which they can accomplish with adult assistance. This educational approach answers to a call for a more socially accountable art education addressing the child's need to deal with issues he encounters in his everyday life and as such is open to adult and cultural interference. A similar educational approach intends to challenge the long‐standing, non‐interventionist art educational theory also known as ‘child art’ and its contention that a prerequisite for a creative individual is expression free from social and adult influence.  相似文献   

中国戏曲以鲜明生动的艺术形式,承载着文化传承和伦理道德教化的重大使命.在“以德治国”的指引下,戏曲艺术与校园德育工作有着天然的结合优势.戏曲艺术走进德育课堂,完全能够胜任艺术传播与德育工作结合的重任.在传统德育工作体系中尝试融入戏曲艺术来辅助德育的可行性方案是:通过课堂教学、校园文化、社会环境、借鉴戏曲界师德资源四种途径将戏曲与德育有机融合,用隐性教育手段“物化”德育内容,深化德育效果,提升德育内涵.  相似文献   

朱晓丹 《辽宁高职学报》2011,13(6):77-78,86
生态论教育思想是全球性生态危机背景下诞生的一种新的教育理念,生态论思想与现代教育实践的融合对于当代音乐教育工作有着重要的指导意义。当代中国艺术歌曲中有大量饱含生态论价值的优秀作品,这些作品必将是以生态论教育思想为指向的当代音乐教育所亟需的艺术资源,具有较高的生态教育价值。  相似文献   

Contemporary art is a popular feature of the cultural landscape in the United Kingdom, and recent research has recommended introducing its practices into state education. Yet these practices are still rare in schools, and this paper argues that the many difficulties that arise from attempts to introduce them are indicative of their socially contingent character, which threatens to disrupt the ideological underpinnings of orthodox school practices. The school art projects ‘Room 13’ and ‘Teaching through contemporary art’ are used as prominent examples of contemporary art practices that support a relatively high degree of learner autonomy within state education, yet are situated outside of government initiatives. Through these projects the paper explores the dilemmas that the participants face, which include questions of learner agency, choice and creative risk, and the effects of regulatory assessment systems upon collaboration, experiment, play and ephemeral learning outcomes. The paper concludes by examining the possibilities of encouraging these more ‘risky’ contemporary practices in schools.  相似文献   

A remarkable feature of the sociology of education is its proliferation under a broad gamut of research themes and topics. Understanding the relationship of education to social reproduction and social change are pivotal to the sociology of education, and have fruitfully informed research in fields such as gender and education, vocational education and lifelong learning, policy sociology in education, cultural sociology of education, literacy, social justice and education, globalisation and education. Tracking the historical trajectory of the sociology of education in Australia, this article underlines the productivity of educational research and methodological advances in the fields of gender, literacy, and policy. It also points to the failure of the sociology of education and educational research to engage with the education system’s complicity in reproducing Indigenous and ethnic disadvantage. I argue for an sociology of education along lines envisaged by Emile Durkheim who recognised the importance of understanding education systems past and present, so that educators might comprehend the relationship of education to social change. New theories, methodologies and fields of education play an important role in informing understandings of contemporary education. However, if education and educational research are to inform social futures, they require an educational imagination able to account for achievements and deficiencies; an educational imagination able to undertake theoretical deliberations about the social and material conditions, struggles and occlusions that have and continue to constitute the purpose and practice of education.  相似文献   

This article introduces the art‐based action research (ABAR) methodology as part of the international discussion of art‐based educational research (ABER). The participatory and dialogical approach of ABAR was inspired by a consideration of the pressure for change in art education stemming from the practices of relational and dialogical contemporary art. The need for ABAR as a tool of culturally decolonising, sustainable art education research was identified in multidisciplinary collaboration with the University of Lapland's (UoL) northern and circumpolar network. The methodology was developed collaboratively by a group of art educators and researchers at UoL to support the artist/teacher/researcher with professional skills for seeking solutions to recognised problems and to promote future actions and aspirations in the changing North and Arctic. This article describes how ABAR has been used in school projects, in doctoral theses and finally in a development project with an impact on regional development in the North. These examples show how art education developed through the ABAR method has supported decolonisation, revitalisation and cultural sustainability in schools, communities and businesses.  相似文献   

On the grammar of religious discourse and education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
If it is generally true that skewed educational policies and practices often follow from more fundamental epistemic or semantic misconstruals of the logical character of particular forms of human enquiry, this would seem to be especially true of religious education. This paper sets out to identify and expose some of the dubious philosophical assumptions underlying latter day conceptions of religious discourse and education — as apparent, for example, in tensions between literalist and expressivist readings of religious discourse and confessional and non-confessional approaches to religious education. In short, whilst this paper rejects literalist interpretations of religious discourse (and any consequent religious fundamentalism) in favour of a non-literalist conception of religious narratives as epistemically continuous with forms of imaginative human art and literature, it also rejects idealist, social constructivist and relativist interpretations of story in favour of a realist account of religious and other serious cultural literature as truth-focused forms of objective human enquiry, knowledge and understanding. On this view, although the language of religious narrative is no less metaphorical, analogical and/or figurative than that of great poetry, it is — no less than great poetry — concerned to disclose quite objective aspects or dimensions of spiritual, moral and metaphysical reality. The paper concludes with some observations on contemporary challenges of religious education.  相似文献   

通过阐释当代漆艺教育的发展历程,分析当代漆艺面临的主要问题,并结合漆艺在当代文化语境中的多重身份,探讨了当代漆艺教育的发展方向。当代的漆艺教育要兼顾漆艺研究、漆艺教学与相关产品设计开发的均衡发展,坚持大漆技艺传承的基础上,促进教学形式的多样化,并结合文化创意产业发展,促进当代漆艺与现代生活的融合。  相似文献   

This paper draws on insights from Jacques Rancière's writing on politics and aesthetics to offer new perspectives on debates in education and the arts. The paper addresses three debates in turn; the place of contemporary art in schools and gallery education, the role of art in democratic education and the blurring of boundaries between participatory art and community education. I argue that Rancière's work helps to illuminate some essentialist assumptions behind dichotomous arguments about contemporary art in the classroom—both over‐hyped claims about its value, and exaggerated fears about its threat to educational values alike. On democratic education I argue that his work highlights the importance of the aesthetic dimensions of democratic learning and, on art and community education, I issue caution against readings of Rancière's work that frame his contribution as a ‘rehabilitation‘ of the aesthetic. Although each debate is tackled discretely, the paper advances the overall argument that attention to equality in Rancière's work—both aesthetic and political—is vital when applying his philosophy to debates that occupy the boundaries of education, politics and art.  相似文献   

One problem of contemporary education is that it tends to be overly specialized. Ideally, education, as opposed to mere training, should develop broad personal competence. Some educational programs promote this whole person competence more than others. Amongst physical activities the art of wilderness travel unites a wide variety of skills and knowledge. It can be seen as a paradigm of an art which unifies the many goals of outdoor education. In this paper wilderness travel is described as an art, its features are examined, and its general lessons described. “Wilderness Travel” symbolizes not only the actualart of travel through the wilderness, but also the way in which such journeys can teach us important lessons about daily life.  相似文献   

The British government interned 24,000 men and4000 women of “enemy” nationality living in Britain in the spring of 1940. Some were Nazis but most anti‐Nazi Jewish refugees. Using oral histories, supplemented by documentary sources, this paper explores the experiences of these refugees, especially their educational experiences. It describes how, with little outside assistance, the refugees developed a rich cultural and educational life in the empty space of the internment camps, creating “universities”, technical schools, children's schools, newspapers, lectures, concerts, and art exhibits. Emphasis is placed on the refugees ‘ educational and cultural agency, or activism; on the educational impact of age, gender, and other forms of diversity; and on the refugees’ use of education to help them cope with wartime changes in their social and political status and in their personal identities.  相似文献   

李叔同是中国著名的艺术教育家,在近现代艺术教育领域里,开一代风气之先河.他不仅提倡"先器识而后文艺的"艺术教育思想,强调人格教育,而且在具体的教学过程中,进行了一系列的艺术教育创新举措.他的创新活动,既吸收引进了西方先进的艺术教育思想,又结合了当时艺术教育的现状.同时,他还满腔热忱地投入到艺术教育实践之中,根据学生的个性特点,因材施教,充分地挖掘出了学生们的艺术潜力和天分,培养了一大批杰出的艺术人才,为我国早期艺术教育的发展做出了突出贡献.  相似文献   

The changing British society with new commitments to educational inclusion for disabled people should mean increased individual freedom of choice and greater chance of participation. However, juggling this with the continuing emphasis on education for the economy brings the danger of new forms of social exclusion of those who do have different needs and require additional support to take advantage of opportunities and make informed decisions about their professional futures. This contradiction encourages the deteriorating academic and career-oriented foresight of special schools and the inclusion of all disabled students in mainstream education, without providing enough support to cater for the diversity and differentiation it generates. This paper adds to this debate by reporting on the work in progress of a project funded by the European Social Fund, concerning the educational experiences of a group of young disabled people still in full-time mainstream or special education. It presents some personal accounts of the young people's perceptions of how their educational environment influences their personal aspirations for future careers and post-school choices. This research strives to give a voice to young disabled people, informing policy concerned with young people, education and transitions to work.  相似文献   

田恒平 《培训与研究》2007,24(10):82-84
教育的供求矛盾是教育运行的主要矛盾,矛盾在博弈中走向市场均衡。新时期教育供求矛盾表现为三大特点:教育供给从机会走向选择;教育需求从数量走向质量;供求矛盾从单一走向多重。矛盾产生的制度原因即有内在的规则,也有外在的规范,同时整体贯穿着文化认知的因素。  相似文献   

It is argued, through the example of art education seen from a broad cultural perspective, that the concept of lifelong learning implies common terms of reference for learning in all contexts in which learning takes place, especially in schools, colleges and universities. This implies a common approach to standards at all levels of formal educational provision. The disparity of school art and art in other learning contexts is discussed, and concepts of standards currently in use are examined and found to be highly problematic. The idea of practitioner referenced standards is introduced in relation to standards derived from educational theory and practice. In the case of art these are considered in terms of ‘what it is that artists do; what it means to engage with a work of art at first hand; what people have to say about artists and works of art; and what it means to engage in learning’. Ways of relating these standards to each other and to lifelong learning in the context of a research rationale for an art curriculum are put forward. In conclusion, it is suggested that co-ordination of the current review of the National Curriculum and the developmental work on standards currently being undertaken by the QAA would represent a basis for the establishment of appropriate standards for lifelong learning, although this would require a new level of co-operation between the relevant educational sectors. Such standards would assist in reducing the possibility that lifelong learning could develop as a further isolated and self-justifying educational sector in a divided national educational system. They would also provide an opportunity for post-modern thinking to make a worthwhile contribution to educational debate.  相似文献   

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