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Algunas veces profundos, frecuentemente estimulantes y otras veces amenzadores son los cambios que a finales del siglo XX están ocurriendo en el mundo. Gracias a los medios de comunicación es fácil estar informado de acontecimientos como la caída de la Unión Soviética, los cambios de Europa del Este y Asia; pero, aparentemente, estamos menos concientes de los cambios que se están dando en América Latina. El fin de la Guerra Fría, el triunfo de la democracia, el colapso del comunismo, la revolucín tecnológica en las comunicaciones, la economía global, los sistemas de libre mercado y el impacto mundial de la cultura popular de los Estados Unidos, son factores externos que han influido de manera muy profunda en los cambios de América Latina. En esta investigación pretendemos analizar brevemente algunos de los cambios ocurridos en Latinoamérica y discutiremos cuáles fueron las causas de dichos cambios.  相似文献   

Film and cinema     
《Cultural Trends》1993,5(17):51-73

宁宗一 《寻根》2001,(4):58-63
回顾中国小说艺术发展史和小说出版以及传播史,我国的一些经典性和名的古代小说几乎部部皆有评本传世,有的一部小说还有多种评本。其中如钟伯敬、叶昼和毛氏父子等的《三国演义》评本,李卓吾、叶昼、金圣叹等的《水浒传》评本,陈士斌等的《西游记》评本,张竹坡、李渔、龙等的《金瓶梅》评本,以及脂砚斋、护花主人、黄小田等的《红楼梦》评本,卧闲草堂、齐省堂本、黄小田、张虎等的《儒林外史》评本等等。  相似文献   

Cannes Film Festival has drawn worldwide attention for its unparalleled international impact. And film professionals of the world can hardly resist the attraction of Golden Palm prize. This article reviews the ten landmark events in the historical relationship between Chinese film and Cannes Festival. 1956: Chinese film's relationship with Cannes Festival can date back to 1956. Although new China had yet to establish diplomatic relations with France, it dispatched a film delegation led by…  相似文献   

Tile ends are auxiliary building components of ancient China. Thesecylindricallyshaped small accessories are fixed at the end of rafters for decoration and for shielding the eaves from wind and rain. Eaves tiles first appeared during the Shang and Zhou dynasties (c. 16^th century - 221 BC) and were widely used in various types of architecture during  相似文献   

Research indicates that immigrant and refugee students benefit from use of their native languages in education. Nevertheless, what this means in practice has infrequently been examined by researchers, and teachers often struggle to find ways to use their refugee students’ native languages as resources that encourage the development of the native languages as well as academic language and literacy in the new language. This small-scale, exploratory project employed an innovative, five-day critical media literacy curricular unit, and then examined how it served as a context for native language and English literacy development. Participants were 14 adolescent newcomers to the U.S. from Somalia, Kenya, Djibouti, and Ethiopia, all speakers of Somali with limited or interrupted formal schooling experiences. Participants had varying but mostly beginning levels of print literacy skills; yet as recent migrants, most used social media to interact with others locally and globally, in multiple languages, oral and written. As described here, our efforts to foster peer-to-peer Somali language communication resulted in multilingual interaction across a range of social and academic purposes in the classroom. These research findings highlight how in-class use of social media analysis can serve to achieve multilingual and (critical) literacy learning aims.  相似文献   

李嘉球 《寻根》2020,(1):84-91
清初,苏州徐枋与宣城沈寿民、嘉兴巢鸣盛,并称“海内三遗民”;又与朱用纯、杨无咎,合称“吴中三高士”。笔者钦佩徐枋的气节与才华,阅读徐枋《易居堂集》及其好友归庄、葛芝、韩纯玉、陈瑚等人的诗文集后发现,徐枋与苏州太湖之滨的光福(今苏州市吴中区)关系密切。  相似文献   

The UK Film Council established a Research and Statistics Unit in order to gather data relating to film to inform the development of UK Film Council strategy and to provide an information service to the industry, government, the arts and cultural sector and the wider research community. The Research and Statistics Unit draws data from both official and unofficial sources and commissions its own special-purpose studies to gather information relevant to the strategic objectives of the Council. Key tasks are the measurement of the size of the market for film and the various elements of the film value chain, the performance of films supported by the UK Film Council and the performance of UK films in general. Special-purpose research projects currently include a detailed survey of the film production workforce, a study of the economic impact of the UK screen industries and studies of the social impact of local cinemas and the experience of Black- and Minority-led film production companies. A range of industry and official partners are collaborating in these studies. The Research and Statistics Unit also provides statistical and policy analysis relating to the wider policy environment of UK film, including issues such as the future of film tax incentives. This analysis has been developed within the HM Treasury ‘Green Book’ framework with particular reference to understanding market failure in relation to film. Central to the market failure argument is the cultural value of film in both its qualitative and its quantitative aspects. UK Film Council research is placed in the context of the literature on hedonic pricing and contingent valuation. The industrial challenges of increasing cultural value are discussed. Finally, consideration is given to the potential of film to contribute directly to ‘public value’.  相似文献   

《Popular Communication》2013,11(2):89-109
This study investigates the ways in which gender transgression and "queering" are used as an indicator of deviance and villainy in children's animated full-length movies. Through an analysis of male villains in 10 full-length animated movies, this article examines the ways in which gender transgression creates what is termed a "villain-as-sissy" archetype that signifies villains as deviant and enhances the positive gender qualities of heroes. Further, this study discusses the potential impact this pattern of representation may have in terms of limiting and reinforcing heteronormative gender roles and promoting negative associations about gays.  相似文献   

许竟成  彭大国 《寻根》2007,(6):117-118
一期思,其地在淮河西部南沿,《山海经·海内东经》于"汝水入淮"下记载:"淮在期思北。"期思建县,早在春秋中期。《左传·文公十年》载:"期思公复遂为右司马。"  相似文献   

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