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吸阮渔价,’」城卜,气达, 776 BC,did not inelude women PI即ers untill A .first plaVed C.first PlaVing (1997全国) B .to be first Plaved D .to be first Pla夕ing hi汀一and thent甲to eoPy what he does Glaneeat C .Stare at D.Wateh the bird toda夕,_? 一BUt 1 fed it Vesterday.(2999全国) 俪llVou don’t Vou Vourt四s比well,Clare,vou rnU‘t BD A .do Vou .(200〕全国) We 6 .If you want to ehange for a double room vou’11 have to Pa夕 $15.(2000全国) A .another B.other C.more D.eaeh 7 .Dor…  相似文献   

1.W e m etsuch a difficultproblem none ofus could work out.(work后面加it)A.that B.w hich C.and D.as2.This is one of the film s that greatly interested us.(one前面加the或only)A.has B.is C.are D.have3.Is this the m useum they are going to visit tom orrow?(去掉the)A.where B.that C.there D.the one4.H e s very tall,we allknow it.(去掉it)olenA.and B.that C.as D.this5.I saw the sam e film you lastw eek.(you后面加did)A.as B.w hich C.that D.×6.fail to finish the task should be criticized.(fail…  相似文献   

请看下面两道2006年高考试题:-I reminded you not toforget the appointment.-.(2006年江西卷)A.Soyou did B.SoI donot C.Sodid you D.SodoI(答案是A)-It’s burninghot today,isn’t it?-Yes.yesterday.(2006年福建卷)A.Sowas it B.Soit was C.Soit is D.Sois it(答案是A)不  相似文献   

妙州称娜云 粥畔)尔巷犷 (2)1 don’tre麟巡 if it Inight},ave upsetl,er. A .to tell C.}一aving told 3.(l)We don’t allo、 (2)We don’t allo 8.(l)I n the_week we’11 have another exam. (2)In the week_,we’11 have another exam. A .eoming B.to eome C .eome D.eame 9.(l)_阮m the lower, our Tianjin eity looks mo花beautifol. (2)—from the tower. we can see our beau- 6fulTi咧in eity. A.Seeing B.Seen C.TO see D.Having seen 10.(lhae sPOd meet_next week isof目吧at 诵脚枷ce· (2)Thes即rts meet_now 15…  相似文献   

喊二竺探罗’A .No problemC .The same to you.C .1 thirlk 50D .1’m sor一yB .That’5 all dght.D .An(1 you?eo]our Peneil?.—Hao Hai山),,91、the}。estf()()t},all playe一111 C}11,1:1 .1 thirlk.—.(人连市)2.—Can 1 borrow your —_.(甘肃省) A .Thanks a lot B.No,it’5 mine C .Yes,here you are D.1 have one3.—? —June 1 st.(甘肃省) A .What day 15 it today B .when 15 ehildren’5 Day C .What time 15 it now D .Whieh day 15 it一oday4.—Weleome baek to sehool,boys and girls. —_.(四川省) A .eert…  相似文献   

l、My aunt arrived here—a warm spring_moming.(哈尔滨市)一A·in B.atC.onD·by么—Show me the letter,please. —Whieh one?The one_Peneil?(杭 少I.l市) A .in B.with C.by D.on3 .Kate looks_her mother.She 15 good- looking,too.(杭州市) A .after Bfor ClikeD,at4The teaeher told us that、light_mueh fas,er than sound.(贵阳市) A .travels B.travelled C.was D.will be5.His grandma_for two挥ars.(广西) A .was died B.has been dead C .was dead D.has died6.We don,t know if it .If it we won’t 90 swimmi…  相似文献   

1 .If it sunny tomorrow,1 fish- ing in south Lake.(2006长春) A .15:90 B.will be:90 C .15;will 90 D.will be;will 90 2一Her radio 15 too loud,isn’t it?一Yes.Let me tell her to_.(2005福州) A.加m it uP B.加m uP it C .turn it down D.加m down it 3.一1 like to eat fish and ehiPs in the oPen air. What about you?一M觅19Q.(选出与划线部分意思相同或相近的一项)(2006黄冈) A .50 do 1 B.50 aml C .Either 15 OK D.You deeide 4 .How many_are there in the interna- tional village?(2006广东) A.Chinese …  相似文献   

1 .Can you_what the teaeher wrote on theblackboard? A .m砍e uP B .make of C .make ollt D.make from2.—It,5 a good idea.But who’5 going to_the Plan? —IthinkTomandGregw山.(2侧义〕N州田T) A.set aside B.carry out C .take in D.gettlirough3‘You have done well in your studies,1 hope youCan A .keeP it uP B.keeP it out C.kieeP it down D.keeP it off4,Being much toofat,Bush was advlsed to reduce玩5 food fQr each meal,yet he would_that. A .have none of B.aceePtof C,take eare of D.listento5…  相似文献   

1 .He eouldn,ts叮_it was_troubled him. A.what;that B.whar;what C .that;what D.what:who2 .1_there last year,but Dad didn,t let me do 50, A.was to have gone B.were to 90 C .was gone D.went3 .My letter,_to the wrong nutnher,retumed to me yesterd盯. A .to be addressed B.being addressed C .having been addressed D.to have been addressed4 .There will be an old professor_with us in the lab. A .worked B.works C .to have worked D to work5 .In faee of a failure,it 15 the most important to_a good s…  相似文献   

1.(l)_15 well known toall,the earth 15 round (2)_15 well known to all that thee斌h 15 round. A.That B.With C.It D.As 2.(l)It’5 good_you to take a walk硫er sup- per every day. (2)It was really stupid_him to refose the in- vitation. A. 3. of B .to C.肠r D.at (1)He isu浦t for the job,_; (2)He isn’t fit for the job,_ A .isn’t he C .doesn’t he B .15 he D .does he 4.(l)15 this museum_”u visited the other day? (2)15 this the museum_you visited the Other day? A .that B.where C .in whie…  相似文献   

1 .1衍shto咖y抽民a liulelo叫笋r,___I? A .do B.盯旧y c.don’t D.叹旧y献2 .Eve州而ng in thi.~统101硬笋to,,don,t_? A .it B.面5 C.that D.此y3 .No助dy was Watehing二,__? A.~he B.weretheyC.wereyOUD,~,4.阮ch 15枯s八时切陀,i即,t_? A.此y B.itC二抽搜D.d姗5 .Howh以山e teais,it? A .15 B.isn,t C.初U D.won,t6.例ng~飞exeoio has hel网to曲prove ourl姗Ith,抽圈1’t_? A.面5 B.廿以t C.they D.it7 .None面山概s吸男图6ons,hel博J,__? A .aren,t thay B.,山ey C.isn’t it D.isn’t it8.巧』~at the right tilne,…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.选择填空。1.Would you mind____down your radio?A.turn B.turning C.to turn D.turning it2.It!s too noisy.Could you____?A.turn down it B.turn it down C.turn it on D.turn on it3.This shirt is too small for me.Please show me____.A.other B.the other C.another D.others4.———Do you____stop eating ice cream?———No,I don!t have to,but I____eat less of it.A.must,must B.have to,mustC.must,have to D.have to,have to5.———Thank you very much for your help.———____.A.You!re right B.Thank y…  相似文献   

l‘Such a businessrnan_honest.He gets his money by dishonest ways. A .ean,t be B.ean’t have been C.may be D.may not be 2 .Nlghthasfa】len.We have to stay here forthe垃ght, , A.shouldn’twe B.haven’t we C.mustn’t weD,don’t we 3.一May 1 watch TV after suPPer? Suade hlm. A.was able C .e0Uld B .was ableto D.could be ableto -一NO,you_ A.mustn’t C.needn’t B .may not D.not 4.You_have eome to attend the meeting the day before yesterday· A.would B.Should C .need D.must 5 .He mu…  相似文献   

1 .The认/o rldwi功out劝ieves 15 a very moving nlm.I_it twiee already.(2005陕西省) A .will see B.see C .saw D.have Seen 2 .Please the TV.It’5 time for the evening news.(2006福建省宁德市) A .turn on B.turn off C .tum down D.turn uP 3 .Oetober 12th was one of_daysin 2005,for Shenzhou Vl was sent uP sueeess-九lly into spaee.(2006福建省莆田市) A .exeiting B.more exeiting C .much exeiting D.the most exeiting 4一My Parents are always striet with me.一Don’t be angry.You’11 understand the…  相似文献   

1.选择填空。1 .She_fifteen years old next year·A .15 going to be B.are going to be C .will be D.15 2 .If It_tornorrow,we’11 have to stay at 11onle. A .will rain B.15 going to rain C .rainsD,will be rainy 3 .There_all exciting basketbal]ga一ne on TV this afternoon. A .will to be B.15 going to be C .be D.will have 4 .F乏飞ther 15 111.My unele_to see him SOOn. A .eomes B.had eome C .15 eoming D.come 5 .1_to see a film tonight. A .am going B.will going C,shall going D.was going 6 .…  相似文献   

U川t解1.单项坟空1 .W的山以!叭说闰e试b万朋_! A.衍n曰B .15,甘唱to目C.isfal】ing D.腼肠刃劫2 .It,。_~h目日曰睡d四we all leamby_既声ne似. A.‘不城B.此;tha C.不坟;不坟D.不坟;此3._曰‘山℃瓜声ne川笼it isto加,el ina旅han.(气球)! A .What B.肠别C.How an D.WI以an4  相似文献   

一、语言知识应用(‘0分) 11 don’t think it’5 a good idea to_other’5 homework.It will start a bad habbit. You Shou一d do your、n work.( A .make B.finish C.eoPy D.do 2.She 15 at math than English.( A.即od B.better C.well D.bad 3 .He said that he_90 to the movies初th his frierid_Fridy night.( A .would:onB.will:in C.would:in D.w呈11:on 4.She me.She didn’t want to be my friend anymore.( A .15 inte化sted in B.was exeited at C.was mad at D.was Pleased with 5 .She ean’t_her shyness.She e…  相似文献   

1.情态动词CAN「考例」: 1)There’s no light on.They ____ be at home.(06全国24) A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.shouldn’t 2)If it were not for the fact that she ____ sing,l would invite her to the party.(06福建27) A.couldn’t B.shouldn’t C.can’t D.might not 3)Some aspects of a pilot’s job ____ be boring, and pilots often ____ work at inconvenient hours.(06湖南32) A.can;have to B.may;can C.have to;may D.ought to;must 4)-Is Jack on duty today? -It ____ be him.It’s his turn tomorrow.(06四川32) A.mustn’t B.won’t C.can’t D.needn’t「答案及解析」:1-4 ACAC。第1,4题can’t表示“不可能”;第2题can表能力;第3题can的意思是  相似文献   

请看2006年的两道高考英语试题:1.(江苏)We haven,t settled the question of it is necessary forhim to study abroad.A.if B.where C.whether D.that2.(重庆)In time of serious accidents,we know some basicthings about first aid,we can save lives.A.whether B.until C  相似文献   

1.I did not expect t o survive t hatlong.(Unit1)【考点】句中that用作副词,相当于so,意为“如此;那么”,多用于口语,其后大多修饰副词和形容词。例如:I can’t walk that far.我不能走那么远。She wasn’t that angry.她没有那么生气。但它也与so一样有一个异乎一般副词的特点,其后可接much,many,little,few等不定代词。例如:I have sone that much.我已做了那么多了。Why did you eat that littel.你干嘛吃那么少?【考例】Sometimes it was a bit boring to workthere because there wasn’t always muchto do.(2004广东)A.more B.…  相似文献   

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