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This paper picks up and discusses issues regarding the relationship between language and practice commented upon by Michael Fielding in an earlier edition of this journal. The position taken is sympathetic to Fielding's concerns but attempts to situate the debate in a wider theoretical perspective. The basic thrust of the argument centres around two considerations: the extent to which language may be said to be partly constitutive of educational practices and a radical misconception as to the nature of education inherent in what Fielding labels 'the language of performativity'.  相似文献   

教育行动研究作为一种解决现实课堂教学问题的实践方法和特殊的教师教育方法正受到越来越多的国内外教育研究者的关注。它倡导教师即研究者通过对自己课堂中的教学现象进行考察和研究并从中获取知识,改进教学质量。教育行动研究与教师专业发展密切相关。教育行动研究可以改进教学质量,提高教学水平,帮助在职教师重建知识体系,促使教师向专家型教师转化,是在职外语教师专业发展的可行的、有效的途径。  相似文献   

There is a marked tendency in educational research to marginalise the written word, and to be wary of what I here call its ‘writerliness’: its capacity to go beyond the prosaic and the utilitarian, where meaning is understood largely in terms of the success of language in reflecting reality. I note various symptoms of this in the world of educational research, but especially in standard textbooks of educational research method, where the ambition to eliminate writing is particularly evident. In its second half the paper turns to educational research as the investigation less of causes than of meaning. Here writing—finding the right words—is itself research, rather than a process that is first performed according to various protocols of method and then ‘written up’. I draw on an illuminating discussion of this in Raimond Gaita's Introduction to recent editions of Peter Winch's The Idea of a Social Science and apply it to current debate over discipline in UK schools.  相似文献   

“全语言”是当代风靡多个英语国家的一种语言教育的哲学。它不是一种指导狭隘实践的教条,而是语言观、学习观、人类观的融合体。从学习者、学习内容与学习环境三个方面来看,全语言是“作为全人的学习者在整体情境中对整体语言的学习”。全语言研究有助于深入了解语言与语言学习的本质,反思和剖析母语教育的基本理念,重新思考母语教育的意义,树立母语教育的整体观。  相似文献   

Ninety‐one percent of 227 surveyed teachers of children up to seven years of age (including 101 teachers who monitored educational television series for the Project), in 17 local education authorities in England and Wales, claimed to use educational television broadcasts to assist them with children's language development. However, apart from the nursery teachers, they appeared to put emphasis on language skill acquisition rather than language development, reinforcing the language policy of the schools. Two thirds of the teachers stated that they were catering for children individually when using educational television, although class viewing was the normal practice. The usual method was to watch a programme continuously from beginning to end (even when a video recorder was used) and then to discuss it with the children and to give written work on letter formation, sentence formation, initial sounds, etc., often by filling in worksheets. The teachers were encouraged in this practice by the television series, as these promoted the learning of language and reading skills rather than language development. There was no evidence to suggest that general interest series were used to any extent to enhance language development, in spite of overwhelming agreement by the teachers that television stories, songs and poems were valuable in this respect. A change of attitude by teachers towards language and educational television is desirable, involving the examination of current practices, the analysis of the material presented by broadcasters and the relating of developmental factors to the medium  相似文献   

Mixtecos, members of an Indigenous group from Mexico, have settled in large numbers in New York. Their children are found in bilingual classrooms (Spanish–English), but little is known about parent–school interactions. This work describes the educational ideologies that 23 Mixteco mothers shared during 5 focus group interviews distributed across 9 months. The results are presented as structured anecdotes that underline (a) education as a cooperative endeavor between teachers and parents, (b) preference of Spanish over Mixteco as family language, and (c) mothers’ commitment to overcoming their own illiteracy. The educational ideologies of these Mixteco mothers reflect deep commitment to supporting their children's education.  相似文献   

近些年来,随着中国的迅速崛起,汉语热随之而兴起,很多国家纷纷制定应对中国未来发展的对华交流人才培养计划,其中美国实施的"中文领航项目"就是针对中国的飞速发展而制定的美国汉语教育战略,其目的是通过系统化教育培养美国汉语精英,在汉语使用和影响以及话语表述权上起到领航作用,进而保障语言教育中的国家安全。因而,我们有必要认识到这一项目对中国国家安全带来的潜在威胁,并制定出国家安全语言战略和计划,实现国家诸多领域的健康发展。  相似文献   

编者按:这是一组区教育局长关于教育科研与区域教育发展关系的论述,甚有新意,推荐给大家一读.以往人们对教育科研的认识就是,只有经过申报通过立项的课题才是教育科研,而没有立上项的就不是教育科研.  相似文献   

语文教师,应该本着对祖国文化的热爱和传承中华文明的责任去教授语文,一定要体察这份责任,不要让自己的价值在心中缺失,要明白自己心灵的终极需求是什么。胸怀和格局不一样,教育结果自然也不一样。语文教师就要树立起大语文教学观,不能为了教而去教,要和其它科目、其它艺术形式结合起来,不能局限地去教语文。这样才能享受自己的课堂,才能让语文学科的博大精深激励自己不断求索,让自强不息、厚德载物的国学精髓丰满自己的人格情操。  相似文献   

对于"教育研究"和"教育科学研究"这两个概念,各级政府、教育行政部门、学校和研究人员有不同的使用偏好.本文通过对"教育研究"和"教育科学研究"两个术语的使用情况及其关系的研究分析,论述了"教育研究"和"教育科学研究"不是同一个概念,不能交互使用.二者都有存在的必要,不过在使用这两个术语的时候要考虑它们各自适用的范围.  相似文献   

裕固族是中国人口较少民族之一.在中国现代化进程中,随着民族政策的制定、调整和族群文化自觉意识的觉醒,裕固族地区先后开展了两次语言教育试验,却都以失败告终.通过对这两次语言教育试验的民族志描述和之所以失败的归因分析,并对民族自治地方教育政策的制定和实施过程中存在的问题进行讨论,发现有三种效应--应激效应、黑箱效应和计划效应值得注意.  相似文献   

Owing to the growing internationalisation of research, educational researchers in the Netherlands are increasingly expected to publish through the medium of the English language. Though this undoubtedly benefits the communication between scholars, there are also side-effects. This paper discusses problematic issues from three perspectives: (i) the use of a non-native language for communication between scholars in the area of education; (ii) the use either exclusively, or not, of a publication record of such publications for purposes of recruitment and promotion of staff; (iii) the relationships between research groups of different disciplines and/or universities. It will be argued that the demand to publish exclusively in a non-native language has damaging effects as far as the context of education is concerned. Not only will it lead to a denial of one's own background and culture, but the uniformisation, (which is the result of it), will also stifle the rich educational landscape by allowing the publication only of items of international interest. The model of the natural sciences is not adequate for the context of education because of the necessarily more local character of the content of educational problems and production of strategies to deal with these. Thus it will become clear that the integrity of the educational researcher is at stake as the research area is selected.  相似文献   

关于我国外语教育政策的若干思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外语教育政策关系到我国教育工作的全局。本文论述目前我国外语教育的现状,对当前国际政治形势下我国外语教育政策的制定取向提出了几点思考,以期对我国外语教育政策的制定有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   


Schools need to do a better job of recognizing the contributions and gifts students bring with them. Such a community-spirit approach could help everyone, from teachers and parents to district leaders and the Secretary of Education, dissuade the public from individualistic school structures and instead focus on equitable solutions that include the norms and histories of the people schools serve.  相似文献   

语文教育现代化是一个教育形态变化的历史进程。这个进程经历了白话文革命、科学化的改造、人文精神的回归三个阶段。当代的语文教育现代化的要素包括 :教育思想的现代化、教育内容的现代化、教育手段的现代化。实现当代语文教育现代化的路径包括 :语文教育传统的现代转型 ,国外教育理念的范式转换 ,教师个性化教育实践的实现。  相似文献   

The concept that research is an essential part of a nation's educational operation and of its efforts to adapt to new contingencies is a relatively new one in England. Until recently, changes in English education, whether in curriculum matters, local provisions, or national policy, developed slowly, in a piecemeal fashion, part of a pragmatic process familiarly described as "muddling through." Yet recent and rapid progress can be seen. Several research organizations supported by the various interested parties have become increasingly active with official support, and research efforts have consciously been directed at current pressing problems in an effort to illuminate policy issues. Still, only the newcomer to the English scene will be surprised at the apparently casual and unsystematic way in which these developments have taken place and at the dense mists that obscure the relationship of research and policy-making at both local and national levels.  相似文献   

紧扣当前教育信息化的时代背景,首次从信息视野,即基于信息视野教育研究原理,对教育研究设计进行研究探讨.以教育研究系统的教育研究者、教育系统、教育研究内容、教育研究方法、教育研究媒体、教育研究交互六要素不断迭代深入,为总体研究思路,并以案例进行了实践思考.期望为教育信息化时代教育研究设计及其相关理论提供一些借鉴.  相似文献   

隐喻语言:一个被忽视的教育范畴   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
从语言本身的历史发展来看,由于追求教育语言的科学化,教育隐喻语言在教育活动中受到了冷落。实际上,作为本源性存在的教育隐喻,有着独特而丰富的人文精神意蕴。教育隐喻是人与自然的粘合剂,并能凭借丰富的想象空间唤醒学生的创造力,有利于学生的心灵舒展。对教育隐喻的解读是新的意义不断生成的过程,也是科学发现的重要途径之一。教育是通过对生命的关注促进人的精神自由成长的活动,所以呼唤隐喻的回归,教育更易达成人性完善的目的。  相似文献   

基于EML构建移动学习资源对象单元的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
教育建模语言(EML)是构建E-learning资源的技术。该研究以EML应用特征为基础,对移动学习资源进行特征分析,然后对EML在移动学习资源建设中的应用进行了详细的研究和可行性分析,提出了移动学习资源对象单元构建模型,并对该模型进行了关键因素分析,最后给出了EML在大学英语移动学习资源构建中的应用案例。  相似文献   

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