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素质教育的全面实施给高校的外语教师提出了更高的要求,因此,外语教师的师资培养成为高校发展过程中的一项重要的任务.  相似文献   

外语师资教育中的反思性教学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国目前的师资教育缺乏终生教育意识,反思性教学是教师发挥主观能动性,对教学不断质疑、不断改进的过程,它能帮助教师树立终生教育的观念,是教师可持续发展的内在动力,在师资教育中采用反思性教学,能在一定程度上弥补目前师资教育的缺陷,是师资教育中可采用的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

本文通过对河北省高校外语师资现状调查,客观地分析了大学外语师资的现状,找出外语教学现状中亟待解决的问题,从而有针对性地反思现行师资培训模式中的不足,发现其中存在的问题。主要体现在教师队伍不稳定、教学方法单一、英语综合能力差、处理教材的能力低和专业知识薄弱等几个方面。针对这些问题,作出假设,提出了岗前和在岗师资培训的方案以及基于教育理论、教学法和教学手段的师资培训内容。  相似文献   

论中国旅游教育的发展和师资的培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出以能力本位的教学和培训方法,培养和训练旅游职业教育师资,强调实践教学环节,加快培养和训练“双师型”复合人才,以适应中国21世纪旅游事业的发展的需要。  相似文献   

外语师资培养与反思性教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面向21世纪的外语教学改革能够成功的关键在很大程度上取决于教师的职业素质的提高,这就要求外语教师应是具有创新思维的开拓。因此传统的“师资培训”将逐渐被“教师教育”所取代。“教师教育”的目的是确定教师在教学实践中的主体地位,使教师由“教书匠”变成“科研”。在这个过程中,反思性教学由于侧重于教师的自我更新和自我评价,越来越受到人们的重视,已成为外语教师可持续发展的动力和有效途径。  相似文献   

法国高校外语师资的培养模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对外语师资培养的指导思想、课程设置、教学管理措施的分析,阐明了法国高校外语师资培养模式,并结合这一模式提出了可资借鉴的几点启示。  相似文献   

师资教育中的教师自主能力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对师资教育中的教师自主能力的分析归纳,指出教学行动研究是培养教师自主能力的较好方法。  相似文献   

我国新的英语课程标准倡导任务型语言教学途径,给广大外语教师提出了更高的要求。因此,任务型教学中外语师资教育也变得越来越重要。文章着重探讨了任务型教学对外语教师的要求及在此背景下外语师资的培养策略,包括任务型教学理论知识的学习,开展任务型教学反思,组织或参加任务型教学专题研讨会等。  相似文献   

外语教师教育的新视点:外语教育语言学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的外语教师教育理论严重制约了外语教师的进一步发展,本文通过对外语教育语言学的内涵、研究范围以及与相关学科关系的探讨,希望能为今后的外语教师教育提供一个新的模式。  相似文献   

微格教学与师范生课堂教学技能的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对师范生必备的教师技能的阐述 ,提出用微格教学方法对培养师范生课堂教学技能的方法与途径 ,具有很强的针对性和实用性  相似文献   

从PCK到PCKg:教师专业发展的新转向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从知识论的角度探讨教师的专业发展问题是当前教师教育的一个重要研究方向。文章从教学的知识基础出发,分析了学科教学知识以及学科教学认知概念的来源、内涵及特征。通过对学科教学认知模型的解析,从动态的学科教学认知的视角,对我国教师专业发展存在的问题及发展取向进行理性思考。  相似文献   

The authors develop and explain a framework toguide research on the relationship betweenmathematics teachers' knowledge of content andtheir teaching. The framework istwo-dimensional. The dimensions are (a) theelements of teaching and (b) the processes ofteaching in which knowledge of content is ofconsequence. The interplay between the elementsof teaching and the processes of teaching isdiscussed theoretically, consideringconnections to existing literature about therole of teachers' subject matter knowledge.Three vignettes from the authors' work withpre-service secondary mathematics teachersinvestigate further the relationship betweencontent knowledge and effective mathematicsteaching. The vignettes also serve toillustrate the complexity of investigationsinto this relationship. Direction is offeredfor use of the framework in future research.  相似文献   

教师职业技能培养模式的建构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着课程改革的推进,需要针对新的技能要求改革原有的培养方式,提出建立职前技能培训、入职技能辅导、在职技能提高一体化的教师职业技能培训体系。目前要实现一体化的教师技能培训目标,应从教师终身发展、专业发展的角度,统一规划教育教学,建立三个阶段相互连结的教师技能培训的目的要求、内容方式与措施体系,使三个阶段形成有机结合、系统连贯的整体。  相似文献   

This paper examines science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge and ways in which that knowledge might be captured, articulated and portrayed to others. The research from which this paper is drawn has involved interviews with experienced science teachers in an attempt to make the tacit nature of their practice explicit. Initially, case methodology was envisaged as being a way of documenting these teachers' pedagogical content knowledge. However, over time, the form of knowledge and information that we were gathering and attempting to portray extended beyond that which could reasonably be described as being case-based. Hence we have developed an approach to articulation and portrayal based on what we call the CoRe (Content Representation) – which represents the particular content/topic of the science teaching – and PaP-eRs (Pedagogical and Professional experience Repertoire) – which help to illuminate specific aspects of the CoRe and therefore offer insights into pedagogical content knowledge itself. The results of this study offer new ways of conceptualising what pedagogical content knowledge is and how it might be captured, documented and disseminated.  相似文献   

通过对中等职业学校培训教师的调查,对"双师型"教师的能力要求进行了研究,在分析模具专业中职学校师资队伍现状的基础上,结合省级骨干教师培训工作对"双师型"教师培训进行了探索与分析。  相似文献   

This study attempts to identify theinfluence of student teachers' subject matterknowledge for teaching on the process ofpedagogical reasoning. This influence isstudied through the way in which the concept offunction is presented to pupils in teachingthrough the textbook problems. Our findingsshow that the four student teachers in ourstudy differed in their subject-matterknowledge for teaching both in the differentaspects of concepts they emphasised and in theuse of a representation repertoire to structurelearning activities. All of this conditionedthe use of graphical and algebraic modes intheir planning of subject matter to bepresented to pupils. We explored also theinfluence of images of mathematics,teaching and learning on student teachers'organisation of the subject matter forteaching, but found this only slight. Finally,regarding the relationship between subjectmatter knowledge and pedagogical contentknowledge in student-teachers' ways of knowingthe subject matter, we offer some implicationsof these findings for mathematics teachereducation programmes.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question of how to develop prospective teachers' pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in science teacher education. The main focus is on the knowledge transformation process and on the cognitive strategies used to shift prospective teachers' explanations within the domain of modelling thermal physical phenomena. This study investigates the development of PCK within a group of 28 pre-service physics teachers during the first semester of their two-year post-graduate teacher education program. It focuses on the central issue of the relationships between observable phenomena, like macroscopic thermal properties of matter and their interpretation and/or explanation in terms of corpuscular characteristics and/or thermodynamics theory. The strategy is based on the consideration that knowledge transformation is not a one-way process from subject matter knowledge to pedagogical content knowledge, as literature suggests, but a bidirectional process involving deepening of subject matter knowledge and increasing awareness of pedagogical issues.  相似文献   

教师成长初期的教育实践能力培养应当积极关注教师专业化、新课程实施以及高校教学改革的要求。文章以澳大利亚拉筹伯大学教育学院的实践课程考察为基础,思考我国教师职前教育实践能力培养,得到以下启示:优化课程设置与实施方式;以科学的知识观看待教育实践能力的建构;建立学习标准与评价反馈机制,关注教育实践能力培养的实效。  相似文献   


Case studies have pointed out that teachers’ disciplinary knowledge affects their pedagogy; however, the results are not consistent. There is a need for quantitative research to examine the relationship between teacher knowledge and practice, particularly in social studies where content-specific studies are mostly qualitative. The authors used history as an example and surveyed all public and private junior high school social studies teachers in Taiwan to examine if disciplinary backgrounds significantly affect teachers’ knowledge, conceptions about the discipline, and their teaching practices. Hierarchical linear modeling analyses show that disciplinary backgrounds significantly affect teachers’ subject matter knowledge and pedagogy. Evaluations of effect sizes suggest that academic backgrounds can serve as useful proxies for teacher recruitment. The results also indicate that nature-revealing courses affect teachers’ subject matter knowledge and pedagogy.  相似文献   

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