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师范专科学校作为我国师范教育的重要组成部分,多年来为我国的基础教育培养了大批师资。然而随着社会的发展及20世纪90年代教育改革的进一步深化,师范专科学校的危机进一步加重,师范专科学校向何处去?是取代原有的中等师范学校培养小学师资,还是升格为师范学院继续培养初中师资,还是另觅出路?笔者参照欧美一些先进国家师范教育的发展改革趋向提出了一些自己的看法。  相似文献   

19世纪中期前后北欧各国先后发展的民众高等学校教育运动,是一场民族精神振兴的大众化教育运动。这场来自民间的自发教育力量,创立了社区精神塑造的新模式,也成为了高等教育大众化发展的早期尝试,这对今天发展中国家的社区教育与高等教育大众化的发展,都具有重要的启发意义。  相似文献   

This synthesis paper explores current leadership training in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education in Bulgaria. The analysis begins with discussion of global factors influencing the implementation of leadership training in STEM education in general and then presents information about the current status of leadership training in Bulgaria with emphases on the country's economics, politics and geographical location as specific factors influencing leadership education. A short background of Bulgaria is presented with regard to population, gross domestic product, educational system, engineering force and possible need for leaders in industry in Bulgaria and the European Union. The paper provides an overall view about the current status of leadership training in all Bulgarian universities offering STEM education and concentrates specifically on two major universities by examining their currently offered programmes. As part of the discussion, similar training elements in other European countries and the USA are presented.  相似文献   

以中国人民大学报刊复印资料《中小学教育》转载论文为样本,透视了当前基础教育研究热点,发现基础教育研究重点关注了教育均衡、异地高考、大数据、普通高中多样化发展、教师专业发展、课改反思、教学探讨等方面,在此基础上对未来基础教育发展研究做了展望。  相似文献   

教育技术学专业是教育领域的新兴专业,随着信息技术迅速发展在近年获得了极大地发展壮大。以唐山师范学院教育技术专业学生为研究对象,利用SPSS软件统计,论述了教育技术学专业培养学生的能力倾向性,为专业发展提供一定借鉴。  相似文献   

高等职业教育应牢固树立为地区经济建设和社会发展服务的办学思想。坚持以服务为宗旨、以就业为导向,不断深化教育教学改革。要进一步明确高等职业教育的培养目标,科学建构课程体系,合理选择课程内容,不断创新教育教学及人才培养模式,重视实践教学环节,加强实训基地建设,深化实践教学及考核方式改革。努力为学生的未来发展和就业服务,为经济社会发展服务。  相似文献   

This article analyses the influence of the European Union’s educational policies on the implementation of devices for the recognition and the validation of informal and non-formal learning within public policies on education and training for adults in European Union Member States. Portugal and France are taken as examples. The European Union’s statements have influenced the development of devices for recognizing adult competences, regardless of the social, cultural and economic specificities of each country. However, sociocultural and sociopolitical characteristics influence the conditions under which recognition devices and the methods of their experimentation and generalization emerge, and are the vector of conflicts of interests between macro- and micro-sociological levels. There is at the same time a ‘culture of convergence’ impelled by the European Commission, and a process of adaptation in matters of cultural and territorialised practices, which aim to avoid marginalization. Data are drawn from official documents and interviews with people in charge of training institutions.  相似文献   

香港职业教育事象及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
香港职业训练局的发展愿景、品牌标语、课程体系、行动载体、专业教育,以及香港理工大学工业中心"培养首选的毕业生"的人才培养定位等教育事象,真实地解释了香港职业教育的发展轨迹、个性特色。这些先进经验可以为中国职业教育改革提供基本理念、关键要素、发展路径、结构设计、动力来源、机制措施等方面的启示。  相似文献   

远程继续教育和企业教育的新型关系与合作机遇   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在许多大型企业中,企业培训部门向企业大学的发展和转变,改变了企业教育的理念、模式以及实践,企业教育与远程继续教育的关系也随之发生了根本性的变化,产生了前所未有的新型关系和教育合作机遇。本文旨在分析远程继续教育和企业教育的关系变革和教育合作的机遇及优势。文章分为四个部分,第一部分介绍企业大学兴起的背景和现状;第二部分阐述企业培训部门转向企业大学后,在教育目标、教育策略、管理模式、课程类型、教学模式、学习对象六个方面产生的变革;第三部分分析远程继续教育和企业教育产生的新型关系,表明企业大学和远程继续教育走向一致的发展趋势;第四部分分析远程继续教育机构和企业大学教育合作的机遇和优势,说明双方的合作能够达到优势互补,通过分享办学理念和优质教育资源,取得良好的社会效益和成本效益,最终获得远程继续教育机构、企业大学以及企业员工的三赢成效。  相似文献   

借鉴国外经验改革实践教学   总被引:1,自引:9,他引:1  
该文比较了欧美发达国家根据社会和经济发展需求而制定出新的应用型人才培养计划,认为加强实践教学环节是培养应用型创新人才的关键。由此针对目前我国实践教学中存在的问题而提出改进措施,并对实践教学的改革作了实践与探索。  相似文献   

富国强民是国家发展的根本,发展教育是富国强民的基础。进入新世纪,中国的教育改革随着时代大潮一起风起云涌,新的教育思想、教育理念,新的教育方法、教育形式层出不穷,而中小学教师继续教育培训更是牵动了上至国家领导、下至黎明百姓、专至教育大家、泛至社会各阶层人士。本文从多个方面简要论述了中小学教师继续教育理论的形成、发展与实施过程,分述了继续教育工作档案的特殊性,从而折射出这个特殊时期特殊教育形式的特殊性。  相似文献   

Adult learning is seen as a key factor for enhancing employment, innovation and growth. The aim of this paper is to understand the points in the life cycle at which adult learning takes place and whether it leads to reaching a medium or high level of educational attainment. We perform a synthetic panel analysis of adult learning for cohorts aged 25–64 in 27 European countries using the European Union Labour Force Survey. We find that investment across the life cycle by cohorts older than 25 still occurs: participation in education and training as well as educational attainment increase observably across all cohorts. We also find that the decline with age slows down, or is even reversed for older cohorts, for both participation in education and educational attainment. Finally, we can identify cross-country differences in approach. In Nordic countries, adult learning is achieved primarily through participation in education and training without adding to formal educational attainment. In central Europe, adult learning occurs primarily in the form of increasing educational attainment. In Ireland and the UK, a combination of both approaches to adult learning is observable.  相似文献   

This paper confronts the problems of defining the European Engineer in terms of educational and practical training, focusing on civil engineering. The supply and demand requirements of engineering management and practice are analysed, comparisons are made with the position in the USA, and appendices give details of the educational process in a number of European countries.  相似文献   

高职音乐教育专业舞蹈教学,以基本训练、表演性组合训练和民族民间舞风格特色训练为主体内容,循序渐进,合理安排,体训为主,配合授知,注重实用,突出表现力与创造力的培养。  相似文献   

High educational aspirations are considered to be a crucial factor for educational success and social advancement. As is also the case in many western European countries, migrants in Germany have higher aspirations than non-migrants. Although migrants’ average school performance levels are significantly lower, their greater educational aspirations exert a positive influence on the acquisition of higher educational qualifications. This paper investigates whether higher aspirations are also revealed in respect of Germany’s highly prevalent dual vocational education and training (VET) system and how this affects the transition to dual VET for young people from a migration background. Multivariate analyses using the database of the German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) relate to school-leavers in Years 9 and 10 of general schools who aspired to enter dual VET upon completion of schooling. If we control for the main influencing factors, young people from a migrant background are shown to exhibit higher occupational aspirations with regard to dual VET than their counterparts not from a migration background. However, viewed in overall terms, higher occupational aspirations lead to poorer chances of transition to dual VET. This is much more noticeable amongst migrants than amongst non-migrants.  相似文献   

也谈中小学教师继续教育中的师德培养   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着新世纪的到来,教育事业的发展对教师师德提出了更高的标准。在全国范围内开展的中小学教师继续教育培训过程中,各级教育主管部门、培训院校过于注重学历层次的达标和专业知识结构的更新,教师师德的培养被不同程度地忽视了,继续教育的质量因此受到了很大的影响。本文通过对当前我国中小学教师师德的现状分析入手,谈谈新世纪加强中小学教师师德修养的必要性,以及在继续教育培训中如何加强中小学教师师德的培养。  相似文献   

欧盟及其成员国从政策与法律、组织管理、制度安排、培养培训及科学研究等层面为促进职教教师专业发展提供了大力支持与全方位服务.借鉴欧盟的先进经验与理念,紧紧把握"服务"这一核心理念,构建符合中国职业教育发展实际的职教教师服务体系是推动职业教育高质量发展的现实需要,也是我国职业教育改革与发展中最重要的基础性工作之一.  相似文献   

Almost all of the emphasis within interdisciplinary education in geriatrics has focused on the training of clinical teams, to the exclusion of an appreciation for the unique issues facing educational teams. This paper explores the perils and payoffs of the development and implementation of an interdisciplinary curriculum by an inter-institutional faculty team at the Rhode Island Geriatric Education Center (RIGEC). Following a discussion of the principles and concepts guiding the development of the curriculum - an interdisciplinary team approach, a goal-based focus, and continuous quality improvement - the structure and implementation of the curriculum development are described. Special attention is directed toward process and outcome evaluation issues. Lastly, recommendations related to the educational team process are suggested as guidelines for faculty developing academic teams in gerontology and geriatrics. Overall, the unique and multifaceted challenges of educational teams are highlighted and lessons learned from the RIGEC experience summarized.  相似文献   

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