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Despite the fact that the Maslow's hierarchy of basic needs has been vastly applied in literatures, a majority of resources has neglected to take the need to know and to understand into account. Moreover, there is a wide disagreement in the rest of resources in situation of that need. This article attempts to show that (1) Maslow has had faith in that need as a basic need; and (2) even though Maslow has not explicitly mentioned the situation of this need in his hierarchy, it is possible to find its situation through implications of Maslow's writing and other researchers' findings.  相似文献   

王丹 《海外英语》2014,(19):186-187,207
Set in the years before and after the American Revolutionary War, Irving’s short story“Rip Van Winkle”is frequently read as a mythic escape from history; however, Irving’s vision of history is far more complicated than what it appears to be in the sense that Irving presents his ambivalent attitudes toward the new America the Revolution created by hiding his discourse of implicitly criticizing the American Revolution’s legacy under the cover of his explicit or public celebration of the Revolution.  相似文献   

Where is China? Mike has a new toy bus. He wants to playwith it in school, but it's time for class and he hasto go to the classroom. It's ten twenty now. MrClark comes into the classroom of Class Four. Heputs up a map on the blackboard in his geographyclass. He wants to tell his students about China."China is one of the most famous countries,"theteacher says, "Look! It's here. The Chinese aregood people and they're our friends." Now Mr Clarksees that all his students are looking at the map, butMike is looking in his desk.  相似文献   

Hao Jingfang's science-fiction novelette Folding Beijing was named the Best Novelette at the Hugos on August 21st, 2016. It is originally written in Chinese and gain recognition among foreign readers after being translated into English. The fact that the translation put Chinese science-fiction on the international map again after the Hugo-award winning science-fiction The Three Body Problem written by Liu Cixin is an important event in Chinese science-fiction translation history. The contribution of Ken Liu's English version should not be neglected. This paper looks at the successful translation and its communication from the perspective of Multiple Causality of Translation proposed by Anthony Pym to probe into the kind of causation operative in the translation of Folding Beijing, including the material or initial cause, the final cause, the formal cause, and the efficient cause. Ken Liu's English version has made such a great success that a study of its formation and development may provide insights for home translators longing to help Chinese science-fiction reach more readers.  相似文献   

The author has undergone a major shift in the way of teaching his undergraduate computer programming courses. In the classroom, the teacher's computer is connected to a splitter and a video projector that display the computer's screen to the entire class. Using this technology, the programming language itself is used live in class to help the students learn how to program. The students are learning in a context by far livelier than those of previous methods. Teaching computer programming is not achieved by lecturing and writing the program instructions on board or by displaying program instructions to the class on transparencies or slides of electronic presentations. With the implementation of student-centered approaches, the students migrated from the state of passive receivers to constructors of computer programming concepts. Students are coached to develop a sense of exploration, individuality and autonomous thinking. The enthusiasm for technology has been facilitating and supporting the learner-centered approach. Everyone in this approach is a learner, including the teacher.  相似文献   

谭幸 《海外英语》2013,(5X):205-207
The Sound and the Fury is William Faulkner’s greatest work; four narrators tell the story of the deterioration of the Compson family from different perspective, exploring the cause of deterioration indirectly. The novel centers on Caddy’s moral decay from different perspective. The thesis analyzes the processing fall of the Compson family through the analysis of three characters, Caddy, Quentin, and Jason. Caddy’s deterioration is closely related to her loss of virginity, and her impending wedding causes Quentin to commit suicide who loves her deeply and possessively. However, Jason is heartless who he does not care his family. His tragedy lies in the decay of human nature. The thesis gives the general cause of the downfall of the family and readers will have a general concept of the family’s deterioration.  相似文献   

It is argued that the lack of consensus on what constitutes an inquiry-based approach makes the generalization about it difficult, because the concept is relatively unspecific and vague. This problem can partially be solved by constructing a set of activities promoted by inquiry, thus defining the inquiry objectives for classroom and laboratory teaching. Five high school and college Mexican teachers' PICK (pedagogical inquiry/content knowledge) was documented and assessed by means of Loughran, Mulhall and Berry's (2004) l-CoRe (inquiry content representation) developed by the authors through a proposal of a set of seven inquiry activities. They were also interviewed to construct the professional and pedagogical experience repertoires, a second tool by Loughran et al. (2004) to document PICK. It was observed that all teachers interviewed have used inquiry to modify their students' way of thinking, mainly through question posing. Some of them employed research as their main tool to promote scientific inquiry but others mentioned the lack of time to do it. It is interesting to notice that in spite of the fact that inquiry is out of the curriculum in M6xico, the teachers make use of it to improve their teaching practice. According to their answers, their actions in the classroom or the lab were classified within the three general approaches expressed by Lederman (2004): implicit, historical and explicit. It is concluded that a given teacher cannot be classified exclusively in one of them, because in his/her activities one general approach overlaps the others. The authors conclude that Lederman's classification has to be taken into account as an orientation to characterize a given activity of one teacher, even though the same teacher may use another activity characterized by other general approach. That is, Lederman's classification applies to characterize activities, not persons  相似文献   

The paper presents a detailed report of the project implemented to solve the problem that I spend a lot of time correcting my students' errors in their oral work.I assign them to do after class,It is hypothesized that learners' interestinoral practice after class will be greatly increased.We will spend three weeks practicing oral work activities.Methodologically,four methods are used,and they are analytic method,cause analysis.Questionnaire survey,and brainstorming activation.  相似文献   

A horse is a horse,of course.Unless he's Deva,the piano-playing horse. In the hills of western Sullivan County,after Deva 1)ambles over to the piano,he uses his tongue and lips to make music from the keys. How does he do it? Deva's 2)dentist Finch says that many horses might get scared by the sound and the piano.But Finch is not surprised that Deva is a piano 3)prodigy.Horses are smarter than many people think.  相似文献   

Venus is similar in size and chemical makeup when compared with Earth - and the pair formed about the same time, more than four billion years ago. But that is apparently where the similarities end. According to a year's worth of data sent back from the European Space Agency's Venus Express orbiter launched in November 2005, the second planet from the sun is nothing like Earth - from its torrid surface to the upper reaches of its acid-laced atmosphere. The bottom line: just be glad you live here.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to explore USA educators' resistance toward cultural awareness for Korean students and families in the New York metropolitan area. The authors aim to challenge teachers' color-blindness that is widely spread among USA educators. Guided by critical race theory, the authors show that the perceived fairness of color-blindness could cause struggles for Korean parents and students in American schools. The authors posit USA teachers need to thoroughly understand that if a teacher does not see color, then s/he does not really see children. This study, hopefully, will help educators recognize the necessity of understanding diverse ethnic parents' perspectives and needs. Also, this study will provide an opportunity for educators to rethink assumptions that are embedded in color-blindness, and advance muiticultural education that is more culturally relevant and responsive for different ethnic/racial groups' needs.  相似文献   

China is the largest solar water heater producer and market in the world. Despite the fast growth and an installed capacity that accounts for the majority of the global gross, China's per capita solar hot water capacity is still very low, implying a huge margin of market potential; and the recognition of the industry in the global market is handicapped by the scattered scale of production and inconsistent product quality. To ensure continued growth of China's solar water heating (SWH) industry, Chinese Government has established a series of national SWH standards, three national testing centers, and a certification program to lay the foundation for the development of the Golden Sun product labeling system. China General Certification Center (CGC) developed the Golden Sun product certification and labeling system on a pass/fail basis evaluating with established criteria. The system was designed to help manufacturers acclimate to explicit consistent requirements and to identify and fix the deficiencies in the design and execution of the program itself. Timely revision and integration of the national standards are recommended to accommodate the test procedures and requirements to new technologies and the evolving SWH ,market. Strict implementation of the Golden Sun certification and labeling system are suggested to avail improving the quality control and forging internationally reputable brands of Chinese solar water heating products.  相似文献   

Langfang is located in the middle of Hebei province;it lies between the Bohai Sea to the east and the capital city of the country to the west,and lies between the Yan Mountain to the north and a large area of fertile plain soil to the south.It is less than 50km from Langfang to Beijing and takes less than an hour to the sea.This piece of land,interdependent with Beijing-Tianjin,is like a bright pearl,proudly embedded in the Beijing-Tianjin corridor.  相似文献   

The Story of Joseph, from his sold to Egypt to his reunion with his family, is one of the longest stories of ~Thc Old Testament'. It's a story of a young man's growth which belongs to the fictional tradition of bildungsroman in the West. This paper explores the techniques of Joseph's characterization in the process of Joseph's reunion with his brothers.  相似文献   

R. Inglehart (1990, 2005) considers values to be one's reactions to changes in the environment. According to his approach values develop in the socialisation process. Values can be divided into traditional, modernist and postmodernist. According to Rokeach (1973), values are an element of culture, an image of the desirable that might not be directly expressed in human behaviour. Kalmus and Vihalemm (2004) found, based on Rokeach's and Schwartz's (1992) questionnaires, that Estonians consider most important values to be health, strong family ties, peace in the world, clean environment, happiness and state security. Also, the results of the study “infants' and toddlers' intelligence and the impact of the growth environment” financed by Estonian Science Foundation, allow to conclude that parents consider most important that children are healthy, happy and smart (Veisson, 2001). In the framework of the state financed project of Tallinn University “school as developmental environment and students' coping” (2003-2007) questionnaires were administered to 3838 students, 2048 parents, 620 teachers and 120 school directors. According to the mean value a hierarchy of 14 values was formed. It appeared that students and parents think that the most important is academic success, whereas teachers place academic success on the 3rd-4th place and school directors even on the 8th place. Teachers and school directors consider the most important is their school students' security and the second is honesty. Also students and parents think that honesty is the 3rd most important value at school. Students consider politeness and parents discipline worth giving the second place among school values. Students' health is relatively highly valued by teachers and school directors (in case of both groups the 3rd place). Unfortunately, children themselves and their parents think that in their school health is not very highly valued (10th place). Joy of school came on the last place in the values hierarchy.  相似文献   

The assumptions of the Educational Revolution of Mao Zedong in his late years arc tightly interrelated with his attempt to revitalize and realize the ideals of Chinese society. The practices of the Educational Revolution during the Great Cultural Revolution can be traced back to Mao Zedong's thought. Among all of the educational propositions put forward by Mao Zedong in his late years, the most influential and the most far-reaching for the education policies and practices are the following three directives, which symbolize Mao's educational ideals. The first one is the May 7^th Directive, the second one is the July 21^st Directive, and the third one is the directive for workers and peasants to control and administer the schools. These three directives challenged the fundamental problems of China's educational system, such as the aim and task of schooling, the forms and systems of education, and the leadership and control of schools.  相似文献   

何琴 《海外英语》2012,(3):192-193
John Edgar wideman’s "Fever" is a multiple-voiced text, narrating experiences of the blacks during the yellow fever epidemic in Philadelphia in 1793. The "fever" is essentially a metaphor of racism and endangered human existence. This paper attempts to uncover what lies beneath the "fever" via disentangling the text’s narrative strategies and to foreground Wideman’s concern on his people.  相似文献   

Much was said and written during the 2005 World Year of Physics about Einstein's work in the Bern, Switzerland, Patent Office(Fig. 1). He took the post(Technical Expert 3rd Class)there after completing his studies at the Zurich Polytechnic(later called ETH) in 1900 and being unsuccessful in his attempts to obtain a university position. However,little seems to be known of the patent applications he examined during his five years at the office in Bern. This paper discusses one of those applications--one that was submitted by rather remarkable individual.  相似文献   

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