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文章分析了在线学术会议的特点,探讨科技期刊如何通过举办在线学术会议来促进学科建设,归纳科技期刊举办在线学术会议的现状,提出了具有针对性的建议.通过文献资料法和逻辑分析法总结在线学术会议的优势及助力学科建设的作用,发现科技期刊举办在线学术会议能够在扩大科研队伍、深化学科研究、传播优秀成果、助力成果转化四个方面促进学术交流.  相似文献   

科研合作网络的重要作者发现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,使用复杂网络理论对文献的科研合作网进行分析得到了广泛的研究.文章对DBLP数据库中1998年至2007年的作者合作数据构造科研合作网络,并且通过复杂网络的基本统计度量,如度、聚集系数等对网络的总体面貌进行了宏观上的描述.在微观层面,文章提出了高效的重要作者发现算法,能够从作者的合作数量以及合作范围对重要作者进行排名.通过分析科研合作数据作者的影响力,从而为科研人才评价提供参考.  相似文献   

刘竟  杨国立 《图书馆杂志》2012,(10):59-65,96
以2007-2011年高校图书馆馆员在CSSCI来源期刊中发表的8,942篇文献和其包含的60 985条参考文献为研究对象,利用CiteSpaceⅡ对相关数据进行处理,分析了高校图书馆的科研产出、多产作者及合作团体、对高校图书馆科研具有重要影响的文献、研究热点,以知识图谱的方式,全面把握和梳理五年间我国高校图书馆的科研状况。  相似文献   

灰色文献在党校图书馆的开发与利用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
灰色文献是一种丰富的信息资源.它通常是指那些没有公开出版的各种政府内部报告、科研情报机构内部出版物、各种学术会议资料以及取得各级学位未发表的学位论文,也包括翻译手稿、商业广告、政府文书、工作文件以及政府机构编写的调研报告等等.灰色文献具有出版灵活、内容丰富、流通面窄等特点,具有决策、预测、评价、反馈等多方面的作用.随着文献收藏数据化、文献传播自动化网络化的发展,灰色文献的作用将越来越大.  相似文献   

文章应用复杂网络的相关知识,对国内的医药学文献数据进行数据挖掘.以机构为研究对象,通过构建机构科研合作网络,对网络的静态参数、拓扑结构、动态演化进行挖掘分析,找出机构间科研合作网的静态特征,并以年为单位切分时间片,分析网络的动态演化特征.通过研究得出机构合作网络的静态参数,同时发现,机构科研合作网络有明显的局部化特征,它的主网络是一个小世界网络,具有无标度特性.机构的影响力和活跃度不仅体现在发文量上,同时也体现在与其他机构的合作程度上.  相似文献   

高校科研数据的隐私风险已成为科研数据共享与利用的对立面,相关主体有必要展开针对性的数据治理。论文采用文献研究、比较分析与网络调研等研究方法,在厘清个人数据及数据隐私等基本概念内涵的基础上,对数据密集型研究环境中容易产生数据隐私风险的涉人类参与者研究、国际合作研究、高校图书馆科研数据管理活动进行了梳理,并基于国家法律法规监管和伦理审核规范,对高校图书馆在科研数据管理中防范数据隐私风险的治理方式提出建议,认为高校图书馆要对科研数据深化生命周期隐私监管,提高平台隐私保护技术水平,以及加强对研究人员的数据素养教育。  相似文献   

基于Web of Science和中国知网中“链接分析”方面的文献数据,首先简要介绍了国内外链接分析研究的发展趋势,然后融合Citespace Ⅱ、SATI 3.1和Netdraw等文献计量与可视化分析软件构建了:①引文共被引聚类图谱,揭示出国际链接分析研究的起源文献和核心知识基础.②国内外Top100作者形成的科研合作网络,揭示出国内外链接分析领域科研团队的数量和规模情况,以及这些科研团队形成的合作模式.③引用期刊共被引聚类网络,揭示出国际链接分析研究的主要参考期刊.④主要发文国家的科研合作网络,揭示出国际链接分析领域发文量最大的国家是美国,其次是中国,发文量较大国家之间的科研合作较少.⑤国内外全时段链接分析文献关键词的共现知识图谱,识别出国内外链接分析领域的研究热点.⑥国内外分时段链接分析文献关键词的共现知识图谱,通过对比分析不同时段的关键词数据,识别出国内外链接分析研究近5年(2009~ 2013年)的前沿热点主题.  相似文献   

作者利用美国的WOS核心期刊数据库,对中美两国作者自1900以来在国际核心期刊上发表的有关大数据方面的文献进行收集,并对收集到的文献按照文献量、作者、学科、来源期刊、引文等方面进行文献计量分析,据此来了解中国大数据方面的科研生产率、核心作者、核心机构、核心期刊、优势学科和具有国际影响力的研究成果等情况,并通过与美国的对比分析发现自身的优势和有待进一步深入发展的空间.  相似文献   

随着我国科学技术日新月异的发展,各学术团体和研究机构为了进行有效的学术交流,都要举行各种类型的学术会议(以下简称会议)。会议文献是会议的产物,具有很高的情报价值。在发达国家,会议文献的开发利用已具有很高的水平。相比之下,我国的会议文献开发利用工作还很落后。因此,有必要对怎样充分开发、有效利用我国会议文献这一问题进行研究。  相似文献   

王伟  华薇娜 《中国出版》2012,(23):49-54
数字出版时代,电子书正日益改变着国际出版格局。随着近年移动阅读设备的普及和移动出版的蓬勃兴起,电子书产业迎来了新的黄金期。本文运用文献计量学知识对国际上多年来有关电子书研究的文献进行处理和分析,以期从科研定量数据的角度反映国际电子书研究的发展规律,总结经验并为将来的研究应用提供一定的参照借鉴。  相似文献   

Community archives have compelled shifts in dominant archival management practices to reflect community agency and values. To analyse these shifts, we ask: In what ways do community archives and their staff challenge traditional archival modes of practice? Do community archives work within or against dominant frameworks for institutional sustainability? Do community archives challenge or replicate dominant custody practices? Based on semi-structured interviews with 17 founders, staff and volunteers at 12 Southern California community archives, this research examines the diverse models of practice utilised by community archives practitioners that diverge from and challenge standard practices in the field. By addressing these questions, our research uncovers a variety of models of practice employed by communities in Southern California to autonomously create and sustain their archives.  相似文献   

获取、吸收、交流、运用、消费、组织与创新信息能力7种能力协调互动的发展形成群体能动性发挥的保障,促进信息能力由适应、控制水平与创新水平发展,根据群体信息能力各要素间的关系,设计出群体信息能力测试分析模型——信息能力玫瑰图,并以西部农村群体信息能力调研数据为例,分析信息能力玫瑰图的功用,旨在为深入研究与分析信息能力提供一种新的方法与思路。  相似文献   

Information quality and community municipal portal use   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents an in-depth research investigation of the role information quality plays in the use of community municipal portals. These portals are a new type of website spearheaded by local governments and community agencies in response to citizen calls for a more user-friendly, comprehensive, and convenient way of accessing community-based and local government information via a single entry point. Prior empirical evidence on electronic government adoption and use shapes the study's theoretical model. The model was tested via a survey completed by 1279 respondents across five community municipal portal sites in the province of Ontario, Canada. The survey polled respondents' uptake and perceptions of these portals. Cross-validation using structural equation modeling analysis indicates that information quality plays a critical but indirect role in influencing a person's use of a community municipal portal. In addition, other end-user factors, namely perceived ease of use and compatibility, also affect usage. Importantly, the need to pay attention to the information quality of community municipal portals is raised as a means of rallying citizen response to this new type of website specifically, as well as to local government websites more generally.  相似文献   

高校图书馆为社区服务的实践与探索   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
开展社区信息服务是高校图书馆责无旁贷的新使命。高校图书馆应增强对社会生活的参与,从文化、教育、科研等多方面促进社区经济发展和社会进步,哈尔滨师范大学图书馆在一些方面已有较好的尝试与探索。  相似文献   

Research topics and research communities are not disconnected from each other: communities and topics are interwoven and co-evolving. Yet, scientometric evaluations of topics and communities have been conducted independently and synchronically, with researchers often relying on homogeneous unit of analysis, such as authors, journals, institutions, or topics. Therefore, new methods are warranted that examine the dynamic relationship between topics and communities. This paper examines how research topics are mixed and matched in evolving research communities by using a hybrid approach which integrates both topic identification and community detection techniques. Using a data set on information retrieval (IR) publications, two layers of enriched information are constructed and contrasted: one is the communities detected through the topology of coauthorship network and the other is the topics of the communities detected through the topic model. We find evidence to support the assumption that IR communities and topics are interwoven and co-evolving, and topics can be used to understand the dynamics of community structures. We recommend the use of the hybrid approach to study the dynamic interactions of topics and communities.  相似文献   

本文以社群信息学理论为基础,围绕社群信息学的重大问题,探寻信息革命在社区中的社会起源及发展.通过对信息技术在伊利诺斯州本地机构中的使用情况进行调查,探寻当地社区信息革命的社会足迹.调查发现:网速测试暴露出的数字鸥沟仍然存在;信息技术应用总体来说得到了很好的发展,但是在信息技术负责人和机构负责人之间也存在差异;所有城镇参加调研者都能讲述令人颇感意外的当地信息技术起源的历史;一些特定组织网络是地方负责人可依靠的资源.推动社区跨越数字鸿沟的主要因素有:网络组织者,作为数字技术和网络早期采纳者的本地组织,计算机素养.图1.表4.参考文献36.  相似文献   

The Community Heritage Grant Program (CHG) run by the National Library of Australia is an institution in the Australian cultural heritage landscape, providing foundational support to many small organisations who work in community memory-making. In this paper, the author presents the findings of her research into who and what is being funded by the CHG Program, and what the program highlights about community memory-making needs. Drawing from 23 years of public data, this research raises questions about the CHG Program model and its validity and purpose in a changing social and technological environment. Ultimately, the lesson from this study is that more research is required to identify and better understand Australian perspectives of community archives and memory-making.  相似文献   

This paper stems from the observation that researchers in different fields tend to publish in different journals. Such a relationship between researchers and journals is quantitatively exploited to identify scientific community clusters, by casting the community detection problem into a co-clustering problem on bipartite graphs. Such an approach has the potential of leading not only to the fine- grained detection of scholar communities based on the similarity of their research activity, but also to the clustering of scientific journals based on which are the most representative of each community. The proposed methodology is purely data-driven and completely unsupervised, and does not rely on any semantics (e.g. keywords or a-priori subjective categories). Moreover, unlike “flat” data structures (e.g. collaboration graphs or citation graphs) our bipartite graph approach blends in a joint structure both the researcher's attitude and interests (i.e., freedom to select the venue where to publish) as well as the community's recognition (i.e., acceptance of the publication on a target journal); as such may perhaps inspire further scientometric evaluation strategies. Our proposed approach is applied to the Italian research system, for two broad areas (ICT and Microbiology&Genetics), and reveals some questionable aspects and community overlaps in the current Italian scientific sectors classification.  相似文献   

文章选择社群口述档案为研究对象,针对目前社群口述档案建设研究"重实践、轻理论"的不足,对社群口述档案促进成员身份认同的作用进行思考,提出其作用表现为促进社群成员划定自我边界、构建群体认同,最终实现身份自觉认同。  相似文献   

本文阐释了Community Informatics(CI,“社群信息学”)的内涵和主要思想,认为它与我国的社区信息化和农村信息化分享共同的兴趣与宗旨,即运用现代信息技术推动社区发展;与社区/农村信息化相比,CI之新在于,它以社群主义、网络社会理论、社会资本理论等当代社会科学理论为基础,强调ICT应用中的社区振兴(或社区赋权)和社区参与.本文认为这些新理论以及与之相适应的新方法对解决我国社区/农村信息化效益低下等问题具有重要的参考价值.本文也提出了与CI引进相关的其他问题,例如CI应该成为谁的视角和方法,应该如何规划自己的“东渐”路径与前景.  相似文献   

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