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身为上海博物馆馆长的他,时时沉浸在书画的海洋中,他多次策划的书画展出活动,原本与他深厚的学养紧密相连。现在让我们走进他的家“参观”一番,那才是名副其实的——第一次推门进入陈燮君家的人大都会发出“哦!”的一声惊叹,不为别的,只因您眼前会出现“奇观”:他的家满屋子的书籍堆得像云南石林一般。古人以“汗牛充栋”形容人家藏书多,陈燮君家的书山书林恐怕没有什么成语可以来形容。他的书多得早已无法用书架来容纳了,只得一摞摞堆放在地上、桌上、床上,直至人和书都几乎没有立锥之地,许多地方你都必须侧着身子才能通过。是的,这个家里…  相似文献   

某艺术家为秦桧夫妇塑造的站像,在上海一家艺术馆展出,作品名叫《跪了492年,我们想站起来喘口气了》。作者说:"为秦桧夫妇塑站像不是为他平反,而是为了呼吁现代社会要重视人权和女权,因为秦桧夫妇的跪像是过去人权和女权被侵犯被压迫的最好表现。"消息见报后,人们议论纷纷。说实话,跪在杭州西湖岳庙前的秦桧,几百年来,虽然让老百姓拍手称快,但也一直使极少数国人感到不舒服,每每想起便如芒刺在背。所以,历史上曾有人几次毁掉或搬走秦桧的跪像,近者如汪伪政权时,汉奸们就有过类似动议,但害怕激起民愤,弄巧成拙,最后作罢。像今天的现代艺术家这样让秦桧昂然"站起来"的举动,还是前所未有的,多少也算是个"创意"。作者的创作意图听来很"高尚",说是在呼吁尊重人权。所谓人权,是指在一定的社会历史条件下,每个人应该享有的基本权利。讲人权,就不能脱离特定的历史背景去空谈。如果以《世界人权宣言》的  相似文献   

只任“闲职”的董事长乔布斯 美国航天工业巨子休斯公司的副总裁艾登·科林斯曾对一个人做过这样的评价:“我们就像小杂货店的店主,一年到头拼命千,才攒那么一点财富,而他几乎是一夜之间就赶上来了。”这个人就是史蒂夫·乔布斯——世界闻名的苹果公司创办人。他22岁开始创业;可以说是白手起家,用了短短4年时间,就创造出2亿多美元的个人财富。对于乔布斯来说,取得这样骄人的成绩,足可以为他赢得更多的赞誉,也足以让他开拓更广阔的市场,但这个大男孩却遭遇了挫折。  相似文献   

谭小芳 《职业圈》2012,(19):58-59
只任“闲职”的董事长乔布斯 美国航天工业巨子休斯公司的副总裁艾登·科林斯曾对一个人做过这样的评价:“我们就像小杂货店的店主,一年到头拼命千,才攒那么一点财富,而他几乎是一夜之间就赶上来了。”这个人就是史蒂夫·乔布斯——世界闻名的苹果公司创办人。他22岁开始创业;可以说是白手起家,用了短短4年时间,就创造出2亿多美元的个人财富。对于乔布斯来说,取得这样骄人的成绩,足可以为他赢得更多的赞誉,也足以让他开拓更广阔的市场,但这个大男孩却遭遇了挫折。  相似文献   

爱新觉罗·溥任,又名金友之,81岁,末代皇帝溥仪的弟弟,在回忆末代皇帝时,他说道:“我1918年出生的,民国七年。溥仪和我不是一个母亲,他就算过继给同治和光绪,他们都没有儿子。过继后他当了宣统皇帝,3年之后就退位了,那时候还在宫里头,说是享受优惠条件,没搬,当小朝廷。我五六岁的时候还到宫里头去过,跟溥杰一块去的,溥仪比我大12岁,那时候他就十七八岁了,见他时得给他跪安。那时候  相似文献   

他出生仅9个月时,因小儿麻痹症导致双腿膝盖以下肌肉萎缩。别人学走,他学跪。20岁那年,他成为一名民办教师,可当时,在他任教的那所小学里,他几乎成了光杆司令——教师只剩下他一个,学生也流失得差不多了。他决定挨家挨户地去家访,把那些散落在田间地头的辍学孩子们劝回来。  相似文献   

“三岁看老”是句老话,意思是一个人的将来从三岁时就能 看出个大概。 过年回家,正上小学的表弟整天缠着我,就像个跟屁虫。不过我到是很乐意如此,因为家里只有他比我小,和他在下起让我油然有一种做长辈的满足感。 那天,我以一个长辈的口吻问他一个很经典并得到了一个很经典回答的问题。“表弟,你长大了想干什么?”“解放军,科学家,为国家作贡献!”望着表弟那一脸的认真,也就在那瞬间,我突然看到了小  相似文献   

一个普普通通的人,日夜守望在“天鹅湖”畔,随时准备救治受伤的天鹅。他把受伤的天鹅带回家中,当成自己的“孩子”,与它们同饮一井水,同住一间屋,等到天鹅伤势痊愈后,将它们放归大自然。30多年间,他花费40多万元,使500多只天鹅获得了新生。他就是现年51岁的“天鹅卫士”袁学顺。  相似文献   

踢球,无论是城里的孩子还是乡下孩子都愿意玩,可能爱玩球是人类的一种天性。我小时候踢的球,除了足球,还有毛球。 那一年,过了正月,我们屯来了一个男孩,大家叫他“付球子”,他是随父亲扛活来塞外的,比我大不了几岁,念过二年小学,虽然识字不多,但也算是我们这里的小秀才,是羊群里的一个骆驼。叫他“付球子”可能是因为他长得有些球球蛋蛋,又常在腰上挂一个口袋,里面装满了大大小小的球,大家才这样叫他,他的真名大家  相似文献   

“不到喀什,就不算到新疆”。 这话一点也不假。没有什么地方能像喀什一样,具有那么浓郁的新疆民族特色。她就像一个小小的民间艺术中心,集聚了维族人民的智慧与风情,是镶嵌在古丝绸之路上的一颗璀璨明珠。 喀什位于帕米尔高原脚下,塔克拉玛干沙漠西边,它的西南、西北三面临山,喀什噶尔河浩浩荡荡,从城南绕过,流向盆地,造就了南疆最大的绿洲。喀什的全称就叫喀什噶尔,突厥语意为“绿色的琉璃瓦屋”或“玉市”。  相似文献   

Cultivation of taste and bounded rationality: Some computer simulations   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
One can approach the economics of the arts, as any field of applied economics, in either of two ways. First, one can treat economic theory and econometric technique as subjects settled by specialists in those fields, to be used in the ec onomics of the arts as they are given, very much as if one were studying the demand for maize. Alternatively, one can treat the economics of the arts as a field which may need and suggest its own developments in theory and technique, suitable to its spec ial problems and processes, from which general economic theory and econometric theory might in principle learn something. Perhaps this latter view is implausible, given the high state of development of economic theory and econometrics in the modern liter ature. Yet many of the advances embodied in these fields have come from particular areas of application-and the economics of maize has been a particularly fertile field.I am indebted to participants in the Seventh International Conference on Cultural Economics, Fort Worth, Texas, October 1992; to p articipants in the Seminar on the Economics of the Arts, Venice, Italy, December 1992; to participants in the conference of the Pennsylvania Economists' Association, Wiles-Barre, PA, June, 1993; to participants in the second conference on Simulating Soci eties, Siena, Italy, July 1993; to participants in the conference of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics, Rensselaerville, NY, August 1993; and to participants in the Third Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Economics and Manage ment, Portland, OR, August 1993, for useful comments on topics related to the research reported in this paper. Errors and omissions are, of course, attributable to the author.  相似文献   

中国城市发展已步入存量提升阶段,城市保护与更新工作愈发重要.城市形态类型学是一门分析城市物质要素形态特征、总结城市形态发展内在规律的学科,对指导城市保护与更新具有理论与现实意义.通过对城市形态类型学理论的剖析,构建可用于传统城市形态类型分析的8个研究要素:区域、城镇、三维空间、街道网络和街道、街区、地块、公共空间、建筑...  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,乡村建设问题已经逐步上升到国家战略层面,特别是在机构改革已经完成,国土空间规划已经起步,乡村振兴全面推进的大背景下,以往仅重点针对乡村建设空间的单一规划编制路径已无法全面、科学地管控县域乡村发展。在梳理县域乡村建设规划编制的政策发展历程及研究现状基础上,以问题导向-目标导向-结果导向为研究脉络,对空间辨识、空间战略、空间格局3方面内容进行分析。发现县域村镇空间布局存在域面乡村体系规划缺位、缺乏整体系统考量、弱化生态和生产空间控制的问题,确定全域统筹、多规融合、分区分级、分类管控以及底线控制5条基本战略,以实现生产、生活、生态空间的协同发展。同时,结合山西省平陆县县域乡村建设规划实践,尝试通过村镇体系重构、空间管制分区划定、绿色产业体系建构、乡村风貌建设、整治导则编制等策略,探索县域层面乡村"三生"空间协同发展路径。  相似文献   

Various authors have stressed the need for an adequate archiving and preservation policy of audiovisual material, given its cultural, historical, juridical, social and economic value. In view of the sustainable preservation of audiovisual material, the opening up of the archive is seen as a real challenge. Various aspects, such as requirements concerning formats, metadata standards and legal implications, need to be taken into account. Furthermore, different types of users should be able to consult the archive in a user-friendly way, a factor which should not be neglected. This article studies and discusses the current situation in Flanders regarding the digitisation and disclosure of the Flemish audiovisual cultural heritage, comprising the audiovisual material in the archives of different Flemish institutions, including broadcasters, (post-) production companies, government institutions and cultural organizations. Based on 45 qualitative interviews, a SWOT analysis is created to assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats concerning the digitisation and disclosure of the audiovisual archive. Moreover, this environmental analysis includes some recommendations concerning the future preservation of this audiovisual cultural heritage.  相似文献   

Sabzalieva  Emma    Creso M.  Martinez  Magdalena  Kachynska  Nadiia 《Minerva》2021,59(2):149-172

There is growing attention to science diplomacy among scholars, policymakers, and scientific associations around the world. However, there continues to be contestation around the concept of science diplomacy, currently framed alternately as a new understanding of diplomacy, part of the global challenges discourse, central to the internationalization of science, and typifying competitive innovation. This contestation is furthered by the involvement of a broad array of policy instruments and actors in science diplomacy. In response, this paper focuses on a single policy instrument, examining eight bilateral and multilateral scientific cooperation agreements led by Canada, India, Norway, and the United Kingdom. Kingdon’s multiple streams framework is employed to explain how the interplay between policy actors, the policy agenda, policy problems, and policy alternatives leads to the creation of science diplomacy policies. Across the cases, all of the current science diplomacy discourses were applicable, holding stronger explanatory power in the problem and policy streams of the policy process while not obviously matching processes seen in the political stream. The findings also identified a gap in the current framing in understanding how geopolitical dynamics impact the creation of science diplomacy policies and how different policy actors negotiate, exploit, or are subject to these forces. By stabilizing one element of the ongoing debates around science diplomacy, the paper contributes a deeper examination of the array of policy actors and their involvement in different stages of the policy process leading to the formation of scientific cooperation agreements as tools of science diplomacy.


风景名胜区周边涵盖大量本土乡村,随着旅游业价值提升,旅游产品挤压乡村空间,导致原始乡村空间异化,乡村空间从传统的农业生产、生活空间异化转变为复合型空间。以大理三月街片区为例,以问题为导向,从生产、生活、生态等方面分析三月街片区成为"灯下黑"的原因,针对风景名胜区边缘型乡村的现状及问题,提出合理重构"生产、生活、生态"空间、提升乡村"造血"功能、与风景名胜区共建共享、提倡公共参与等发展路径。  相似文献   

当前,国家高度重视长江经济带和长江流域城市群规划建设,长江流域城市是国内城市现代化建设和城市治理现代化的典型样本。近几年来,城市治理现代化问题的研究主要从经济、法律、公共管理、技术、生态等方面探索实现智能化、人性化、可持续发展的城市现代化治理路径,鲜有将“文化”作为城市现代化治理的主要手段进行深入研究。《长江流域城市文化与治理研究》一书,从城市文化形象、文化精神、文化资源、文化遗产、文化空间、文化产业、文化品牌等7方面入手,以长江流域典型城市为研究对象,深入探讨城市文化现代化及其治理的相关问题。今后可以扩展研究对象,在长江流域城市文化及其治理关联性、城市群文化及其综合治理研究等方面进一步探索。  相似文献   

国际学术界对城市文化空间的研究自21世纪初才逐渐被学界所重视,相关研究成果较少.近年来,随着不同学科、不同视角的融入,城市文化空间的理论与实践研究内容日趋丰富.为探究国际城市文化空间的文献特征、趋势与研究热点,以1997—2020年"Web of Science核心合集"中4844篇与城市文化空间研究高度相关的论文为基...  相似文献   

传统民居是指按照传统方式建造的具有地域性或民族性特征,供家庭或家族居住使用的民间建筑。以清朝至民国时期甘南藏区传统民居为研究对象,通过系统的梳理、比较、分析认为:甘南藏区传统民居在其发展过程中,先后有帐篷、板屋、碉房、土木平房、土木二层楼房等多种形制的建筑风格;甘南藏区的居民由于不同的生产、生活方式使其在发展演变中表现出传统型、混合型以及商业型3种模式;藏族传统民居具有地域适用性强、多功能的土平屋顶、建材多就地取材、民居内部格局深受风俗习惯的影响等特征。  相似文献   

In recent years the control and monitoring of works of art has gained more and more importance. In particular, works partially or totally realized with wood, such as polychrome sculptures, painted panels or Crucifixes, are highly sensitive and delicate and thus need a particular attention. The wooden support is, in fact, an essential element for the stability of pictorial layers: the color lies on a preparation, which in turn, is anchored to the wood. Wrong conservation methods, i.e. in an environmental climate that is not controlled, or intrinsic mechanical stresses, can warp such structures, and the effects can be irreversible and destructive to the painted layer. The use of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors for the quasi-distributed, in situ measurement and continuous monitoring of deformations in painted wood panel is proposed. In order to demonstrate the applicability of FBG sensors to painted wood panels, a wooden support, made using the same 15th–16th century techniques, was prepared in the Opificio laboratories. A number of Bragg grating sensors were affixed in several critical points, on the back and front sides and on the strengthening cross-beams, in order to detect deformations in the panel dependent on the variations in the environmental relative humidity (RH). Measurements during the removal of the cross-beams are also reported. The results of measurements have shown the applicability of FBG sensors for the continuous in situ monitoring of valuable wooden objects and works of art.  相似文献   

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