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顾喆  裴靖 《音乐世界》2008,(8):102-103

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吴颖  裴靖 《音乐世界》2008,(1):106-107
四个生活在上海的年轻人:主持人周瑾、歌手王啸坤、出版人 HANSEY,记者甘鹏,有个共识:媒体、大众在这一年中不断声讨着正在成长中的80后。他们就此有个想法,以80后力量,做一件事。开始只是摄影展的念头,后来扩大搜罗范围,将展览定位为"私物"展。展物可以是王啸坤的一只琴盒,它随王13从家乡来上海,放在阳台上风吹日晒,见证这位"我型我秀"冠军夺冠一年;也可以是只可爱米奇林玩偶,那是周瑾理想中,胖老公的标准像,谁说当下女生都喜欢美男呢;可以是 HANSEY 的一本大画册,那是他今年自立门户后创业的象征:亦可以是甘鹏孙悟空提线木偶,这是在一家已关门的小店买到的,他思索:理想斗不过商业?这些物品直指这次展览的主题——2007年酷一族80后生活。浓缩为四字,即为"酷在当下"。酷是形  相似文献   

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顾喆  裴靖 《音乐世界》2008,(7):94-95
01陈奕迅世界巡演上海站启动Live时间:2008年4月26日地点:上海体育场票价:VIP、1080、680、480、300、200、100(元)订票热线:021-54666818陈奕迅继美国、加拿大、悉尼、墨尔本之后,将于4月26日在上海体育场举办"陈奕迅世界巡回演唱会-上海站"的演出。这也是他 MOVING ON STAGE 演唱会的第八站。  相似文献   

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顾喆  裴靖 《音乐世界》2008,(4):94-95
日前,世界知名运动时尚服饰品牌 Kappa 携手全球唯一集体攀登过14座8000米以上高峰的西藏登山队,在云南民族村西藏园进行了隆重的独家服饰赞助签约仪式,同时也揭开了 Kappa 喝彩08巅峰之旅系列活动的序幕。Kappa 将作为西藏登山队的唯一指定服饰品牌,将伴随运动员们完成08年登顶珠峰的历史使命,著名艺人黄征,安又琪等到场助威。仪式由知名体育主持人黄健翔主持,国家体育总局登山运动管理中心副主任张江援、Kappa 中国副总经理任轶先生等领导与西藏登山队的全体队员出席了会议。国家体育总局登山运动管理中心领导对西藏登山队取得的成绩予以了充分肯定,随后,任轶先生与西藏登  相似文献   

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顾喆  裴靖 《音乐世界》2008,(5):98-99
由小松拓也和王加琦倾情加盟、携手"一茶一坐"和贝榕出版公司推出了女作家吕玫创作的音乐小说《八十八夜》CD 写真套装,以"纸上偶像剧"的形式先期亮相。继戚薇和袁成杰后,小松拓也和王加琦也联手结成男女组合。因为小松拓也是日本人的关系,王加琦当仁不让地成为了他的中文教师,只见在采访时,小松一有不明白的问题,王加琦马上就会在其身边当起翻译。《八十八夜》中的5首歌曲中,有4首出自小松拓也之手,而他透露在之后推出的专辑中将继续走创作的道路,王加琦也在积极学习填词。谈到公司对两人"情侣"定位,王加琦表示两人尚处在"恋人未满"的阶段,"我们比情人少一点,比朋友多一点。等他学好中文,等我学好日文再看将来的发展吧。"  相似文献   

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顾喆  裴靖 《音乐世界》2008,(10):94-95
为了推广 BACARDI 百加得朗姆酒在全球范围内推出新的广告和品牌形象,一场名为BACARDI MIX AND MATCH 08全国巡演展开。嘻哈主持唐志中 Jason 的团队 Hommiez、加拿大知名 DJ 团队 Team Canada DJs 等都为这场盛宴助兴。接受采访时,他们表示,Hip-Hop 不只是音乐,而是一种生活态度,"有自信的喜欢 Hip-Hop的人,从他的一举一动就可以看出,甚至看鞋就可以知道,到非洲也看得到喜欢这种文化的朋友。"而在中国做过表演的 Team Canada DJs,提及中国现在的音乐状态,认为近两年来有了很大的飞跃,懂得欣赏打碟的人也越来越多,他们很乐意给这边带来更多更好的音乐。  相似文献   

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顾喆  裴靖 《音乐世界》2008,(9):94-95
2007年底发行的个人第二张专辑《我就是我》,上市3个月一直在各排行榜保持不俗成绩,信曾表示能有今天的成绩真的是离不开这么多年一直都欣赏他、支持他的歌迷们,一路走来也是他们让这么多歌曲成为经典,演唱会中将带来多首脍炙人口的新老歌曲,也会用摇滚的风格翻唱更多老歌。这次的演唱会,最大的不同就是只有他一个人在舞台,"一个人的舞台有更大的空间。以前的演唱会会因为是乐团的形式而受到一些限制,现在一个人,在音乐上、编排上,整体的表演和呈现上都更自由。"去年到今年,信经历了事业上的一个转折,面  相似文献   

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顾喆  裴靖 《音乐世界》2008,(12):92-93
横向:1.我国神话故事中的人物,被称为"天界第一战神"2.唐代大诗人杜甫《望岳》中的一句,后接"一览众山小"3.崔健的一首歌,收录在《给你一点颜色》专辑4.朴树的一首成名歌,范玮琪也翻唱过5.中国内地女歌手代,表音乐专辑有《和寂寞说分手》、《听雪》等6.以大熊猫和中国功夫为主线的一部搞笑动画电影7.刘玉玲参演的一部女权主义主题的美剧8.贺军翔、杨丞琳主演的一部电视剧,又名:《恶魔在身边》9.以《士兵突击》原班人马为班底拍摄的一部电视剧  相似文献   

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顾喆  裴靖 《音乐世界》2008,(6):94-95
横向:1.张学友、郑中基合唱的一首歌2.翻拍自日本富士电视台45周年台庆剧,由言承旭主演的一部电视剧3.日本运动题材漫画代表作之一4.刘畊宏的一首新歌5.指我国宋代苏轼与他的父亲苏洵、弟弟苏辙、三人皆以文学名世,故有此并称6.长泽雅美、塚本高史、明石家秋刀鱼主演的一部描述老少恋的日剧7.尹晶喜、金锡勋、郑启云主演的一部韩剧8.长春电影制片厂1990年出品,由郭林导演,刘  相似文献   

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吴颖  裴靖 《音乐世界》2008,(3):100-101
全球热门模特电视节目登陆中国在美国及全球100多个国家备受欢迎的职业模特选拔节目——America’s Next Top Model(美国超模新秀比赛真人秀)在2008年一月份正式登陆中国,很多  相似文献   

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吴颖  裴靖 《音乐世界》2008,(2):102-103
1.出自中国古代庄子与惠子的对话中惠子所说的一句2.上户彩、大泉洋主演的一部日剧3.泛指连接到因特网4.冈田准一、堤真一主演的一部日剧5.对莎拉波娃的简称6.山名,在河北省河北平原北部,由潮白河河谷直到山海关,东西走向7.比喻用强硬的  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to validate and extend the findings of an exhaustive literature search in Year 1 and a meta-analysis in Year 2 of a 3-year project in which nine (9) small-group discussion approaches were identified. Having identified parameters of discussion that were, to a greater or lesser extent, present in these nine discussion approaches, our goal in the study being reported in this paper, was to evaluate the nine discussion approaches on a common set of discourse features known to characterize ‘quality’ discussions. Although there is overlap among some studies in the nature of the measures used, the extant literature does not afford a uniform basis on which to evaluate student talk as an indicator of student understanding and critical thinking. In the present study, we identified features of classroom discourse that might serve as proximal indices of students’ learning and comprehension and we employed each of these proximal indices in analyzing and evaluating the discourse samples solicited from the proponents of the discussion approaches.  相似文献   

企业实行激励机制的最根本的目的是正确地诱导员工的工作动机,使他们在实现组织目标的同时实现自身的需要,增加其满意度,从而使他们的积极性和创造性继续保持和发扬下去。由此也可以说激励机制运用的好坏在一定程度上是决定企业兴衰的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

Can parents learn how to help their children with mathematics through programmes like those for raising reading skills? Janine Woolgar, educational psychologist, London Borough of Bexley, describes a pilot study which may encourage teachers and parents to work together and which was completed while the author was a trainee on the educational psychology course at North East London Polytechnic.  相似文献   

Why are so many teachers reluctant to make talking to parents a priority? In the Warnock Report, the 1981 Education Act and, more recently, the Fish Report teachers were urged to form 'partnerships' with parents. Yet very little progress has been made in this direction with the parents of children with emotional and behavioural difficulties. Neil Dawson and Brenda McHugh are two ILEA teachers who have been using a family systems approach in the Marlborongh Family Service Education Unit for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties in north west London. In this article they explore the question, 'Why is it so difficult?' and share their ideas and experiences of possible solutions.  相似文献   

This Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR) study represents a collaboration with six students from alternative education to inquire about the experiences of vulnerable youth – students in alternative education and youth who have dropped out of school. Utilizing the Enhanced Critical Incident Technique, youth researchers asked their peers what helped and hindered their retention and success in mainstream and alternative education. Youth researchers engaged in authentic participation and took part in the iterative phases of YPAR – critical reflection and social action. Their involvement empowered them to advocate for their peers by disseminating the results and recommendations to key stakeholders within the community. Youth researchers conducted semi-structured interviews with 18 participants. Overall, the findings show that relationships with staff and peers, flexibility, psychosocial and academic supports, and personal circumstances are vital in helping vulnerable students succeed in school. Engagement in YPAR provided insight into working with vulnerable youth in a manner that promotes agency and social change within educational institutions.  相似文献   

Talk to Your Dog     
All of us often see dogs.As we know,a dog can’t1,but it can“talk”.It has feelings2as we do.Sometimes it may feel angry or afraid.If you watch a dog3,you can find outwhat it feels.You can see that it is4to tell you something.If a dog is5of you,it looks …  相似文献   

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