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This paper examines workload planning of academic staff in UK university departments. Two case studies are presented and links made to a third, previously published, case. The first case is located in the department of, what was at the time, a polytechnic business school and describes a workload planning system based on teaching contact. The second, more recent, case is situated in an old university and features an approach to planning academic workloads in actual hours. The previously published case focuses on workload planning principles in a business school of an established university. Drawing from these cases discussions centre on a number of major areas. These include workload planning principles, computerised decision support, the institutional contexts, the political dimension of workload planning and the management of change. Some comments are made on further opportunities for research.  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2005,20(2):77-82
In this article Carol Frankl focuses on the implementation of a strategy to reduce the number of pupils with Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and so reduce the workload of special education needs coordinators (SENCOs). This can be achieved through the integration of special educational needs (SEN) planning into whole‐class planning, creating group education plans (GEPs) that are the responsibility of class teachers, so allowing SENCOs time to become coaches and consultants for colleagues. This process is an important piece of change management and, in order to be effective, will need the wholehearted support of senior managers in schools and a carefully thought out strategy for implementation.  相似文献   

Progress files, involving personal development planning (PDP), are becoming a feature of many higher education systems internationally. In the UK they will become mandatory for all undergraduate students from 2005. This presents a major implementation challenge, because while reflection has been a cornerstone of practice in some areas of higher education for a considerable time, its generalisation as national policy changes its discursive location. The paper presents findings from a case study of the implementation of PF in one UK Higher Education Institution (HEI). It reports on how staff in one institution understand PF in the context of national policy, and on how they interpret the challenges they face in facilitating reflection for all students. The paper argues that pedagogical innovations take on a different meaning when applied to the system as a whole.  相似文献   

Higher education in the UK is under increasing pressure to manage the workload of its academic staff in a way that maximises the outputs from teaching and research. The emergence of this trend can be traced back to 1989 and the government legislation that introduced neo-liberal managerialism into the sector mirroring the laissez-faire approach to the economy that was prevalent at the time. This article examines the literature surrounding workload management and staff performance in the sector to try to establish whether the two have been conceptually linked. A desk-based narrative literature review was executed in order to scrutinise the literature and attempt to answer the main question: what does ‘performance’ mean in relation to an academic role and how is this related to an academic’s workload within the post-92 (referring to ex-polytechnics and colleges of higher education granted university title following the Further and Higher Education Act 1992) higher education sector? The results of the review show that the literature is dichotomous both in terms of the two areas being discrete and also in the conceptual stance taken by writers in each area. Whilst there are inferred links between workload management and performance, these have not been explored. The article concludes by outlining what further research is needed on the linkages between workload management and staff performance specifically, using socially-critical methodology.  相似文献   

李龙 《教育技术导刊》2009,19(11):154-158
微课作为一种新型的网络学习方式,其理论设计、开发制作以及应用创新是研究热点。当前构建三维动画型微课场景存在制作周期长、工作量大等问题。通过研究场景规划,提出一种基于模型标注与区域布局的场景设计规划方法,包括模型数据处理、预规划与计算实现几个步骤,对模型进行数据预处理与标注存储,通过基于知识的方法推导出场景预规划方案,并对模型位置进行动态计算。实验结果表明,该方法能自动生成三维动画型微课场景,场景模型位置规划正确率达到85%。  相似文献   

长期以来,超负荷工作已成英国教师"常态"。超负荷工作对教师身心健康、专业情感、教学投入、专业发展造成了负面影响,降低了教师职业吸引力,影响了教师招录和留用。英国于21世纪初开始"减负"行动,经过20年努力,"减负"成效渐显。该行动基于"系统调查—循证探索—经验推广"的路线,将自上而下的改革与自下而上实践探索相结合,形成了政策制度改革、"校本"探索、教师素养提升与人力资源补充的"合力"。对我国教师"减负"的启示是:"减负"需立足系统思考,制度"减负"与行动"减负"相结合,管理部门与学校和教师要形成"合力"。  相似文献   

英国学校改革新举措——“教师减负”工程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在英国,教师过重的工作负荷已成为制约学校进一步发展的障碍。教育部意识到了这一问题的严重性,开始采取一系列旨在减轻教师工作负荷的措施。32所试点学校名单的公布更是标志着英国的教师减负工程正式拉开了帷幕。  相似文献   

ApproximateFormulaeforCalculatingtheDeflectionontheSurfaceofFlexiblePavementHuangWei(黄卫)(TransportationColege,SoutheastUniver...  相似文献   

The prevalence of ‘life planning’: evidence from UK graduates   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
At a time when ‘personal development planning’ is being rolled out across the UK higher education sector, this paper explores young adults’ inclinations to plan for the future in relation to work, relationships and other aspects of life. Although Giddens has emphasised the prevalence of strategic life planning (or the ‘colonisation of the future’) in all strata of contemporary society, du Bois Reymond has argued that there are important differences by social class, with young people from more privileged backgrounds more likely than their peers to engage in such life‐planning activities. This paper draws on interviews with 90 young adults (in their mid‐20s) to question some of these assumptions about relationships between social location and propensity to plan for the future. It shows how, within this sample at least, there was a strong association between having had a privileged ‘learning career’ (such as attending a high‐status university and identifying as an ‘academic high flier’) and a disinclination to form detailed plans for the future. In part, this appeared to be related to a strong sense of ontological security and the confidence to resist what Giddens terms ‘an increasingly dominant temporal outlook’.  相似文献   


The trend towards demand-driven agricultural research has focused attention on the inclusion of farmers in research planning. Theoretically, this should enhance ownership and increase the applicability of research. However, in practice, several tensions emerge with regard to the operationalization of such ‘user-driven research planning systems’, and this paper aims to address these.

The paper analyzes a public and private research planning system by means of a comparative qualitative case study approach focusing on institutional aspects of research planning systems. While the systems have different approaches, the tensions are quite similar, dealing with the different and often limited perspectives on innovation of the actors involved, different progress monitoring and output evaluation criteria, and information asymmetries between the actor groups which influence there capacity to successfully act in the research planning system. The analysis prompts the importance of synchronizing perspectives on innovation and capacity building among all actors to enable them to successfully operate demand-driven research planning platforms.  相似文献   

高校发展规划作为一种治理手段或组织行动,其合法性来源:一是指高校编制和执行规划时有外在规定或规范作依据;二是指高校编制和执行规划得到内部单位与群体的理解、认同与支持。其合法化机制分为强、弱两种:强意义的合法化机制是指具备有效支持规划编制与执行的组织制度及方法;弱意义合法化机制是指规划的编制与执行组织、制度不够完备,方法通常采用非强制性。依据这两个维度,我国高校发展规划变革的历程可分为三个阶段:高校发展规划的创立阶段,高校发展规划的失序阶段,高校发展规划的转型阶段。战略规划对于转型阶段的高校具有重要意义,其意义在于:以内部合法性为主导的转型之路,使高校走出了依附式的发展模式,构建了共治共管的新机制,确立了管办评分离的基础。同时转型期的高校发展规划也面临着"项目治教"、合法化机制如何构建、内部合法性是否足够稳固等挑战。  相似文献   

新时代对大学生职业生涯规划教育提出新的要求,做好大学生职业生涯教育既是时代对人才培养的要求,也是培养新时代高素质人才的有效途径,本文通过数据分析、问卷调查和实地调查等方式,分析目前大学生职业生涯规划教育存在的现状,提出应提高学生认识、增强教师意识,加强教师专业学习,开展"五业规划"等有效途径来提高新时代大学生职业生涯规划教育的成效。  相似文献   

在高校发展规划系统中,规划的制定、实施和监控三个环节缺一不可。他们互相联系,构成系统闭合环。规划描绘的蓝图是规划之本,是系统中的主体,实施和监控环节则是两翼,一体两翼为系统发挥功能提供了稳定的系统结构。通过广泛发动,凝聚共识;知己知彼,准确定位;错位竞争,差异发展;突出重点,力所能及等途径,着眼制定可行性规划。按照指挥有力、鼓励创新、灵活权变的原则和分解目标、项目管理、突出重点的操作方法抓好规划落实。监控是实施规划的"推进器"、"控制器"和"协调器",监控的基本手段是评估,评估内容包括规划目标的达成度、实施规划中政策措施的创新性以及促进发展的可持续性等方面。规划的监控评估应贯穿于规划执行的全过程,和年终总结、制定新一年工作计划结合进行,保证规划得到切实贯彻执行,有效推动学校事业发展。  相似文献   

随着高等教育大众化,大学生就业问题逐渐成为一个群体性的难题,而职业生涯规划又是大学生择业问题上的薄弱环节。霍华德·加德纳的多元智能理论为大学生的职业生涯规划提供了一个新的视角,通过多元智能测评,让学生准确认识自身个性特质和潜在的智能优势,顺强补弱,定制个性化富有行动力的职业生涯规划;同时,深化校企合作模式,共同开发提高大学生职业素质和职业技能的课程,有效地搭建学生和企业双向选择的平台.赢得高校学生有效就业的份额。  相似文献   

大学生职业生涯规划课教学模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在高校职业生涯规划课逐渐转变为必修课的背景下。以实践性和体验性为特色的职业生涯规划课对教师以知识构建为核心的传统教学模式提出了新的挑战。高校结合自身办学特色,积极创新职业生涯规划课教学模式对激发学生内在需求、提高课程教学质量和毕业生就业质量有着十分重要的现实意义。任课教师只有遵循教育规律,从课前准备、创新课堂教学方法、...  相似文献   

Strategic planning was introduced to Australian universities as part of the Commonwealth Government higher education reforms of 1988. The ‘Dawkins Reforms’ implemented extensive structural reform, changed executive leadership roles and responsibilities, commenced the ‘managerialisation’ of the Australian university sector, introduced the Higher Education Contribution Scheme and facilitated the transformation of Australian universities from collegial academies to modern, ‘enterprise’ universities.

There is an abundance of published marketing material celebrating ‘effective’ strategic planning outcomes in the myriad of strategic plans published by Australian universities. Yet, a recent study indicates that strategic planning remains a contested internal leadership function in Australian universities almost 30 years after traditional academic planning was replaced with commercially-focused strategic planning. This paper will review the effectiveness of strategic planning practices in Australian universities guided by the rhetorical question: ‘how good are we and how do we know?’  相似文献   

"新闻策划"有悖于新闻的真实性,与新闻造假难有本质上的区别。"新闻报道策划"则是提升新闻传播力的有效手段,值得提倡。"媒体活动策划"更被称为"媒体再生的希望之星"。"公共活动策划"系指由国家、政府或大型公共组织发动的,引发公众广泛参与和媒体广泛关注的公共事件。无论是新闻报道策划、媒体活动策划还是公共活动策划,都必须遵循媒体的发展规律,做好"四个判断",处理好四个方面的"利益关系"。  相似文献   

大学战略规划在英国高等教育管理中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大学战略规划在英国高等教育管理中的作用和影响体现在四个方面:(1)在政府的高等教育宏观管理中发挥信息收集与政策导向功能;(2)确立大学发展方向和优先选择发展的领域;(3)转变大学内部管理的权力分配方式,尤其凸显了大学校长的领导作用;(4)转变大学内部管理文化;(5)促进高等教育的分层管理与定位。  相似文献   

This study discusses a yard planning system,which considers various resources such as storage space,yard cranes,and traffic areas in container terminals.The system is based on the function for estimating resource requirements of yard plans.For a given yard plan,the proposed system allows planners to check the feasibility of the plan which requires a certain amount of workload of resources in related blocks during a planning horizon.The yard planning system in this study is aimed at balancing workloads among the blocks and providing the ability to modify current yard plans by detecting blocks and periods with overloaded workloads.The system implements its planning function in a distributed manner in which planners construct yard plans under their individual control and send and receive only limited necessary information for the negotiation.  相似文献   

对近期建设规划的反思   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从近年来规划体系的变迁和规划师的定位以及造成城市规划建设失控现象的根源,来思考国家主管部门推出的近期建设规划工作。认为当前的城市规划建设失控现象是由多考因素造成的,不能仅以某种规划品种的强势推出来解决。否则会使规划陷入更被动的局面。  相似文献   

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