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It is well known that the gap between academic research and industrial practice is particularly large in the field of statistical quality control, representing one special branch of the science stochastics. This paper introduces an intelligent medium, which is developed, aiming at fitting the gap by means of modern information technologies. The medium or system, as it is called in the remainder, can be used for training purposes in the engineering sciences as well as for solving problems in industrial practice. The system is hierarchically ordered, where each hierarchy consists of modules allowing an easy extension of the system. Thus, it is possible to have it always represent the latest state of the art.  相似文献   

人文社会科学研究中的事实与价值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
价值与事实的关系是人文社会科学研究方法论的重要内容。实践哲学试图弥合价值与事实的分野,科学主义和人文主义的对立与论争,人文社会科学(包括教育学在内)追求自身科学化的努力,都为我们讨论价值与事实关系提供了问题领域和背景。从历史的角度看,事实与价值的关系是一个永恒的哲学话题,人们试图彻底解决这个难题是不可能的,我们在人文社会科学研究中用什么样的态度、规则和方法来认识和处理事实与价值关系才是关键的问题。在哲学和人文社会科学研究过程中,在坚持价值与事实二分法的基础上,有人强调价值无涉,有人主张要遵循主观性原则,有人则坚持把事实与价值统一起来的综合论。但实际上,在人文社会科学研究中价值中立是不可能的,我们应该坚持事实与价值综合的辩证关系论。  相似文献   

很多领域都存在理论研究与实践应用之间的鸿沟,学习科学与教育实践之间也不例外。如何贯通理论研究和实践探索,从而形成相互支持的效应,是研究者和实践者需要共同面对的问题。学习科学推动教育实践变革的路径可以从理论诠释和合作实践两个方面展开。在理论诠释方面,研究者不仅要用易懂的方式言说,还要对理论进行选择和综合。指出理论和相关研究成果的实践意蕴,以案例展示实践的具体方法,将理论观点与实践者的先拥观念进行比较,以促进概念转变。在合作实践方面,研究者需要和实践者一起,将学习科学的理论和研究成果见之于特定情境的具体实践,从而形成一套适应这一情境的、定制性的具体实践方案或分析工具,或者通过对教学经验和教学案例加以概括和归纳,从而形成一般性的、可迁移的方法。实践者在整个过程中以合乎学习科学的方式,在实践共同体中将学习和实践融合,革新教育实践,发展专业能力。  相似文献   

The much-lamented gap between theory and practice in education cannot be filled by practical knowledge alone or by explanatory knowledge alone. Principled practical knowledge (PPK) is a type of knowledge that has characteristics of both practical know-how and scientific theory. Like basic scientific theory, PPK meets standards of explanatory coherence. However, its main function is not explanation or prediction but practical guidance. PPK grows out of efforts to solve practical problems, but it requires additional effort invested in producing knowledge that goes beyond what is required for the task at hand yet not so far beyond as to be unusable by practitioners. The Wright brothers’ construction of PPK to address problems of flight control is used as a model for building such knowledge in the learning sciences. Design-based research in the learning sciences may motivate research into basic theoretical questions, but it is unlikely to contribute directly to answering them. Extending design-based research to the creation of PPK can, however, increase the generalizability of knowledge produced through design work and provide a ladder leading to sometimes radical design improvement.  相似文献   


The paper examines the future prospects for educational research as conducted in UK universities and colleges of higher education in the light of current general changes in the organisation, funding and culture of higher education, and in respect of specific changes in the initial and in service training of teachers. It includes a critical examination of the claim made by some educational researchers that their research constitutes a special case, differentiated from other social science and humanities disciplines, both by the routes into educational research and the concerns of those who practise it. It is suggested that the special case argument for the alleged distinctiveness of educational research is largely unjustified, and does not contribute positively to the future prospects of that research or kelp to ease the relative isolation of educational researchers. Alliances between educational researchers, and those researching in the social sciences are advocated as one strategy which will help both partners. It is also suggested that educational researchers should try to ensure that novel and existing modes of training new researchers such as doctoral programmes, make connections with the training of other beginning researchers, rather than dividing would‐be educational researchers from their counterparts in other disciplinary or interdisciplinary areas.  相似文献   

Owing to the growing internationalisation of research, educational researchers in the Netherlands are increasingly expected to publish through the medium of the English language. Though this undoubtedly benefits the communication between scholars, there are also side-effects. This paper discusses problematic issues from three perspectives: (i) the use of a non-native language for communication between scholars in the area of education; (ii) the use either exclusively, or not, of a publication record of such publications for purposes of recruitment and promotion of staff; (iii) the relationships between research groups of different disciplines and/or universities. It will be argued that the demand to publish exclusively in a non-native language has damaging effects as far as the context of education is concerned. Not only will it lead to a denial of one's own background and culture, but the uniformisation, (which is the result of it), will also stifle the rich educational landscape by allowing the publication only of items of international interest. The model of the natural sciences is not adequate for the context of education because of the necessarily more local character of the content of educational problems and production of strategies to deal with these. Thus it will become clear that the integrity of the educational researcher is at stake as the research area is selected.  相似文献   

This paper surveys sociolinguistic research into language and gender in Latin America, and identifies a gap specifically in the area of gendered language use in interpersonal interaction. It also notes a general paucity of gendered research on bilingual behaviour, which extends beyond Latin America. Through an analysis of the very small body of such research which has been carried out in Latin America, it examines some serious implications of these gaps for the model of `bilingual-intercultural' education now gaining currency with Latin American governments and international agencies. It seeks explanations for these absences in the Latin American context (in Latin American feminism, in the role of language in Latin American nation-building and myths of mestizaje, and in the way sociolinguistics has been institutionalised there) and in wider theoretical debates within the social sciences. Finally, it raises questions as to how this lack might be remedied, in such a way as to further the development of culturally appropriate education programmes for Latin America's indigenous peoples.  相似文献   

Scores from the Australian National Assessment Program—Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) identify students ‘at risk’ of not meeting minimum standards deemed necessary for future success in school and employment. The NAPLAN tests include items related to numeracy but also mathematics content and skills. Research in the area of mathematics education examining the effectiveness of pedagogical interventions in improving student scores on NAPLAN and other international measures is not only shaped by the standardised testing regime, it also effectively corrals the problem within the school context. As such, it is unable to answer questions related to other factors implicated in the lives of those who continue to ‘fail’ in relation to numeracy outcomes. This paper critically examines the type of funded research being done in relation to numeracy and mathematics education, the ‘social’ turn and the disconnect between this research and the widening ‘gap’ in NAPLAN numeracy outcomes. It argues for a research approach informed by institutional ethnography that begins with the ‘doings’ of individual students labelled ‘at risk’.  相似文献   

Recent research shows that research programmes (quantitative, qualitative and mixed) in education are not displaced (as suggested by Kuhn) but rather lead to integration. The objective of this study is to present a rationale for mixed methods (integrative) research programs based on contemporary philosophy of science (Lakatos, Giere, Cartwright, Holton, Laudan). This historical reconstruction of episodes from physical science (spanning a period of almost 300 years, 17th to 20th century) does not agree with the positivist image of science. Quantitative data (empirical evidence) by itself, does not facilitate progress (despite widespread belief to the contrary), neither in the physical sciences nor in the social sciences (education) A historical reconstruction shows that both Piaget and Pascual‐Leone's research programs in cognitive psychology, follow the Galilean idealisation quite closely, similar to the research programs of Newton, Mendeleev, Einstein, Thomson, Rutherford, Millikan and Perl in the physical sciences. This relationship does not imply that researchers in education have to emulate research in the physical sciences. A major argument in favor of mixed methods (integrative) research programs is that it provides a rationale for hypotheses, theories, guiding assumptions and presuppositions to compete and provide alternatives. Similar to the physical sciences, this proliferation of hypotheses leads to controversies and rivalries, and thus facilitates the decision making process of the scientific community. It is concluded that mixed methods research programs (not paradigms) in education can facilitate the construction of robust strategies, provided we let the problem situation (as studied by practicing researchers) decide the methodology.  相似文献   

目前 ,对教育学的学科地位问题仍然有不小的怀疑和争论 ,原因固然是多方面的 ,但很大程度上是与教育学的学术声誉不好、专业化程度不高密切相关的。即长久以来教育学没有形成自己健全的学术规范 ,研究的规范化程度与社会科学中其它学科相比有较大距离 ,如何构建教育学的学术规范 ,本文进行了有益的探讨。  相似文献   

The paper analysed the trend and pattern ofgender enrolment in Nigerian Universitiesbetween 1989 and 1997. It critically examinedthe gender disparity in university enrolmentgenerally, as well as among some selecteddisciplines and the country's geo-politicalzones. The analysis revealed that gap existedbetween female and male in the universityenrolment with lower female enrolment in allaspects of the Universities. Specificallythere was a wide gap in the sciences andscience-based disciplines and also between theNorthern and Southern zones with higher femaleenrolment in the south than the north. Thepaper made useful suggestions to narrow thegender gap in the university enrolment in thenearest future, which included sustainedenlightenment programmes, fine-tuning labourlaws and accommodating female under the``educationally disadvantaged' admission policybeing enjoyed by some citizens of thecountry.  相似文献   

This paper identifies some of the most significant -- and counterproductive -- gaps between what research reveals about how college students learn and how to maximize student learning, on the one hand, and, on the other, current academic, pedagogical, and administrative practices and policies. Drawing on research evidence from the cognitive and neural sciences, anthropology, sociology, psychology, education, and other sources, the paper first summarizes what is known about how students learn and what instructional practices and structures appear to be most effective in promoting student learning. The paper then contrasts this research-based evidence with current pedagogical, curricular, structural, and administrative practices and policies, and discusses the implications for instructional and organizational practices and policies. The paper concludes with a discussion of five explanations of why the gap exists and what might be done to close it.  相似文献   

In 1953, at the Second Conference of Latin American Sociologists, the Brazilian sociologist Ramos first proposed a campaign for the indigenization of the social sciences. He urged his colleagues to discard the "canned sociology" imported from the developed nations and to set up a school of sociology suitable for the resolution of indigenous Latin American problems. This raised the curtain, on a world scale, on the indigenization of research in the social sciences. Indigenization represents a trend in research; it is not a strictly defined scientific term, and it is difficult to give it a strict definition. In general, the indigenization of social sciences may be understood in this way: The world is multicultural, and the issues studied by the social sciences are all profoundly influenced by culture. Meanwhile, social science researchers always live within a specific cultural setting and take as their objects of research social issues and social phenomena in the cultural setting to which they belong. Hence we have the indigenization of social science research. Sociology of knowledge also maintains that scientific knowledge or theory (especially social science knowledge or theory) is not generated in a vacuum, but is conditioned by given social, cultural, and historical factors. Actually, this theory of sociology of knowledge shares the same view of indigenized research.  相似文献   

The question of closer relationships between research, higher education and industry has been posed in France during the 1980s. The aim of this paper is to study the approaches in the building industry and it concerns especially research in the field of economic and social sciences as well as management. The type of interactions observed in industry and education, the benefits and also the limits that they represent are evaluated from the researcher's point of view.  相似文献   

In the first volume of the Oxford Review of Education Jerome Bruner (1975) showed how the upbringing of the very young is influenced by poverty, and how different kinds of upbringing shape human development. He called the paper ‘Poverty and childhood’ and baldly stated ‘With respect to virtually any criterion of equal opportunity and equal access to opportunity, the children of the poor ... are plainly not getting as much schooling, or getting as much from their schooling as their middle-class age mates’ (p. 43). Since Bruner’s seminal paper, the developmental sciences have exploded. New insights from neuroscience, genetics and cognitive psychology have provided accounts of the developing architecture of the brain, the course of linguistic and cognitive development, and more recently the development of resilience. Most of these insights focus on the development of the child, but usually from research in the laboratory or in the context of the family. However, there is also a new literature on ways that environments outside the home can support or hinder the child’s development. This paper will attempt to integrate findings from the developmental sciences with educational research on pre-school education. The first half of the paper extends Bruner’s arguments through a discussion of possible mechanisms that underlie the link between poverty and under-achievement, especially the capacity to plan ahead. The second half of the paper focuses on the role of the ‘enabling environment’ of the pre-school in supporting the kinds of early ‘executive functions’ that will later underpin educational achievement. The paper concludes with recent findings from the ‘Effective Pre-school, Primary and Secondary Education’ research (EPPSE; Sylva, Melhuish, Sammons, Siraj, & Taggart, 2014) on the educational pathways of nearly 3000 English children. The findings show that high quality pre-school provided the foundation for academic learning, but the newest research shows that it also nurtured self-regulation and the executive skills needed in planning ahead.  相似文献   

开展科学研究是西藏自治区高校的重要职能之一.改革开放以来,西藏高校科研得到了较快的发展,形成了有自己特色的研究领域,取得了一定的科研成果.但与西部其他省区高校相比还有较大差距.本文就2000年以来西藏高校获得国家哲学社会科学基金和自然科学基金项目数,以及在重要学术期刊发表论文数,与西部省区其他高校进行统计对比,以期了解西藏高校存在的差距,为西藏高校进一步改进科研管理、促进科研发展提供参考.  相似文献   

The current paper draws on data generated through group interviews with students who were involved in a larger ethnographic research project performed in three science classrooms. The purpose of the study from which this data was generated, was to understand science teachers’ assessment practices in an upper-secondary school in Sweden. During group interviews students were asked about their conceptions of what were the assessment priority of teachers, why the students were silent during lecturing and their experiences regarding peer- and self-assessments. The research design and analysis of the findings derives from what students told us about their assessments and learning sciences experiences. Students related that besides the results of the written test, they do not know what else teachers assessed and used to determine their grades. It was also found that students did not participate in the discussion on science because of peer-pressure and a fear of disappointing their peers. Student silence is also linked with student conceptions of science learning and student experiences with methodologies of teaching and learning sciences.  相似文献   

The experience(s) of undergraduate research students in the social sciences is under-represented in the literature in comparison to the natural sciences or science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). The strength of STEM undergraduate research learning environments is understood to be related to an apprenticeship-mode of learning supported by more experienced (post-graduate) peers, often through ongoing research projects. Studies of undergraduate research reveal that this is not typical in the social sciences, and students report facing specific challenges to the development of their identities as researchers that include fear, intellectual confusion and emotional unsettlement. This paper examines how a social science learning environment, designed as a research study itself, fostered beginning researchers communities of practice, realised a distinct mode of apprenticing based on peers’ similarly peripheral community membership, and enabled students to reframe emotional unsettlement. It argues that, effectively mediated, talk can powerfully improve undergraduate social science research students’ experiences.  相似文献   

近些年来,随着经济快速增长,城镇化率逐渐提高,随之而来的城乡收入差距问题也越来越严重。研究快速城镇化背景下城乡收入差距的演化效应非常重要。通过对河南省2005-2017年的数据进行整理,对人均GDP、城镇化率等对城乡收入差距的影响进行了理论及实证分析,从城乡收入差距的相对差距和绝对差距来与城镇化建立联系,剖析城镇化视角下城乡收入差距的演化效应。研究结果表明:城镇化率的提高能够缩小城乡收入相对差距,且降低城乡收入绝对差距的扩大速度,从而对城乡收入差距起到积极的抑制作用。  相似文献   

Inspired by BIO2010 and leveraging institutional and external funding, Truman State University built an undergraduate program in mathematical biology with high-quality, faculty-mentored interdisciplinary research experiences at its core. These experiences taught faculty and students to bridge the epistemological gap between the mathematical and life sciences. Together they created the infrastructure that currently supports several interdisciplinary courses, an innovative minor degree, and long-term interdepartmental research collaborations. This article describes how the program was built with support from the National Science Foundation''s Interdisciplinary Training for Undergraduates in Biology and Mathematics program, and it shares lessons learned that will help other undergraduate institutions build their own program.  相似文献   

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