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社区教育是我国终身教育体系的重要组成部分。考察我国发达地区和中心城市社区教育体系建设的实践,社区教育体系至少包括政府支撑体系、公共服务体系和施教机构内部的服务体系三大体系。这些地区的社区教育,从政策保障、领导机构到业务管理部门,从管理体制到运行机制、评价机制,从技术平台到服务组织等顶层设计和建构,都比较完善。重庆市社区教育政府工作体系和公共服务体系建设都存在差距,必须提高认识,转变观念,强化市、区(县)政府职责,依托广播电视大学系统,加快社区教育体系建设,促进社区教育大发展。  相似文献   

要区域性地整体推进心理健康教育,必须建立起一个健全的组织网络。经过长期不懈的认真工作,至2003年底,杭州市已建立起由市级、区(县)级心理健康教育指导中心、学校心理辅导站构成的三级心理健康教  相似文献   

清末所确立的乡村学校体系制度框架延续至今,未曾有根本性的改变.改革开放以来,我国乡村教育的管理体制经历了由县管到乡镇管再到以县为主的体制变革,然而我国乡村学校的体系并没有随之而做相应调整.现有乡村学校体系由教学点、乡村完全小学、中心学校、初级中学构成,中心学校、乡村完全小学(教学点)、初级中学各自独立分设办学.由乡村社...  相似文献   

2006年2月6日,"浦东新区社区教育指导中心"正式成立,它标志着浦东社区教育载体的三级网络已全部构成(区社区教育指导中心——街镇区学校——村(市)民学校)。  相似文献   

我国中小学生心理健康服务管理机制在政府层面主要由政府组织管理机制、制度建设机制、队伍管理机制、评价机制等构成,学校层面主要由组织管理机制、业务运行机制、社会与家庭的参与机制等构成,社会层面需要建立健全省级学生心理健康研究中心、地县级精神卫生中心、公共卫生服务站(中心)三级管理机制.  相似文献   

廖全明 《教育探索》2009,(1):109-110
我国中小学生心理健康服务管理机制,政府层面主要由政府组织管理机制、制度建设机制、队伍管理机制、评价机制等构成;学校层面主要由组织管理机制、业务运行机制、社会与家庭的参与机制等构成;社会层面需要建立健全省级学生心理健康研究中心、地县级精神卫生中心、公共卫生服务站(中心)三级管理机制.  相似文献   

美国约翰·霍普金斯大学的爱波斯坦教授提出家长参与到孩子的家庭作业中(简称为TIPS)的家庭参与模式,并开展了实验研究。其目的在于让教师通过对交互式家庭作业形式的实施,让学生和其家庭体验到更有积极意义的家庭作业,以更好地建构家庭与学校伙伴关系。  相似文献   

美国和日本两国“后大众阶段”的高等教育体系均为三层结构,但在具体构成上存在差异。美国高等教育体宗由私立大学、州立大学、社区学院三种类型、三个层次的高等教育机构构成,分别对应精英、大众和普及三种“理想型”;日本高等教育体系是由国立大学、私立大学和短期大学、高等专科学校、专修学校构成的三层构成,经历了一个调整完善的过程。我国缺乏面向大众化和普及化的制度设计,必须根据“后大众阶段”的发展需要,加强高等教育体系建设。  相似文献   

以往对家庭作业的研究总是纠缠于作业多少的问题,这样的视角掩盖的问题甚至比发现的问题还要多.因此对家庭作业的研究需要有新的视角.从伦理关系来看,家庭、学校、社区(社会)是不同的伦理实体,各有功能,不能互相替代.研究家庭作业首先就要看其是否符合三种基本伦理实体之间的伦理关系.家庭作业有这样那样的前提与价值预设,研究家庭作业,就要审视这些预设是否有依据以及是否得到了落实.当然,研究家庭作业最重要的是看家庭作业施行的伦理后果.家庭作业的普遍、长久施行,使家庭变成了"附属学校";使家长变成了"助教";使学生变成了没有下班时间的"上班族";使学校没有边界、责任没有尽头;使社区变成了"学区"、社会学校化.家庭作业所带来的问题不容回避,需要理性、诚实面对,以超越数量、负担的视角去寻找解决之道.  相似文献   

我国社区教育由政府主导在运行过程中出现了一系列矛盾,居民对于教育资源的需求与社区教育资源不足之间的矛盾、社区教育与区域其他教育机构的合作机制欠缺等矛盾,已成为制约我国社区教育可持续发展的重要问题。美国高职教育与社区教育的互通融合模式、合作经营模式、网络经营模式、联盟经营模式,无疑为我国社区教育的可持续发展提供了借鉴,社区教育的健康发展需要充分发挥地方高等职业院校的功能,构建完善的社区教育体系;地方高职院校也需要加强服务社区的力度和广度,促进学习型社区建设;参与社区教育也是由地方高职院校本身的特点决定的;和其他教育类型相比,职业教育具有自己的特色,在开展和探索社区培训方面具有先天合作的优势。  相似文献   

An Approach for Evaluating the Technical Quality of Interim Assessments   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Increasing numbers of schools and districts have expressed interest in interim assessment systems to prepare for summative assessments and to improve teaching and learning. However, with so many commercial interim assessments available, schools and districts are struggling to determine which interim assessment is most appropriate to their needs. Unfortunately, there is little research-based guidance to help schools and districts to make the right choice about how to spend their money. Because we realize the urgency of developing criteria that can describe or evaluate the quality of interim assessments, this article presents the results of an initial attempt to create an instrument that school and district educators could use to evaluate the quality and usefulness of the interim assessment. The instrument is designed for use by state and district leaders to help them select an appropriate interim assessment system for their needs, but it could also be used by test vendors looking to evaluate and improve their own systems and by researchers engaged in studies of interim assessment use.  相似文献   

近20年来,中国农村社区已经从传统的“全耕社会”演进为“半耕社会”。乡村社区的转型导致乡村教育也面临一些新的困惑:学校管理以县为主还是以乡村为主?中小学布局调整是“就近入学”还是“集中办学”?学校对社区是开放教育资源还是实行封闭式管理?乡村学校如何开展素质教育?面对这些困惑,笔者建议:一要根据乡村社区发展的需要重新界定乡村教育的性质与功能;二要重现审视教育管理体制,避免乡村学校管理中出现的权力真空;三是在多元文化理论背景中重新构建农村教育的课程模式。  相似文献   

胡小伟  刘徽 《教育研究》2012,(3):151-155
宁波市北仑区以高校与区域的合作为基础,围绕"课程文化重建"构建学习型区域创新网络,这个网络具有多层次性、整体性和开放性的特征,形成了区域与高校之间、教科所与高校之间、中小学校与高校之间、校与校之间的互动学习机制以及以上各种主体之间的非正式交流,在学习型创新网络中形成了北仑区新的课程文化,即关注师生幸福的课程文化、鼓励探究创新的课程文化、倡导关心合作的课程文化。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the issue of separate schooling. Diverse societies use schools to develop shared value systems, strengthen democratic engagements and provide better educational outcomes. However, in Europe, the United States, Australia and elsewhere groups of parents and communities have been invoking human rights claims to challenge the state, often successfully, to demand separate schools for their children or the right to send their children to a school of their choosing, irrespective of the consequences for society at large. Yet do such separate schools reflect an increased respect for the rights of minorities and a commitment to help them reach their full potential? Do they help remove marginalization and can they ever lead to the establishment of stable and peaceable communities? Or do they undermine societal commitments to intergroup harmony and perpetuate stereotypes, racism and ethnocentric thinking? Do they keep existing inequalities in place and deny young people the opportunities they need to become full-fledged members of society? It is argued here that regardless of location, separate schools are part of the problem, not the solution.  相似文献   

美国中小学都有自己的家庭作业政策。其家庭作业政策一般包括家庭作业目的;教师、学生、家长的责任;家庭作业时间;家庭作业内容以及家庭作业帮助方式及内容的介绍等。我国之所以家庭作业泛滥、学生负担沉重,其中主要原因之一就是缺乏相关的政策引导。因此应根据我国的国情,制定切实可行的家庭作业政策以规范、引导教师、学生、家长等的家庭作业活动。  相似文献   

The paper used district level students’ pass rate in a nationally conducted basic education certification examination to assess the effect of school electrification on learning outcomes. The results show that school electrification in addition to the traditional school-level inputs, such as class size, pupil–teacher ratio, ratio of core textbook to students, and sanitation, help to explain a significant portion of the variation in performance across districts. The analysis further showed that in districts classified as deprived, electrification of schools is a mediating factor for improving pass rate in English and mathematics. In a spatially differentiated developing country like Ghana, this finding is indicative of the need for policy congruence. Ghana has achieved substantial progress in extending electricity to many communities across the country. However, distribution and consumption of electricity is still skewed in favour of urban and affluent communities over rural deprived communities. Students’ performance in the standard national examinations follow similar skewed pattern. The results of this study suggest that electrification of schools could boost students’ performance, and the gain is more significant in deprived districts.  相似文献   

This short piece of action research seeks to identify the characteristics which ensure that the impact from external interventions delivered by Southampton Advisory Outreach Service for SEND can be sustained over time. It considers how the service can work with schools to establish self‐sustaining systems which reduce dependency, thereby freeing the service to focus resources where there is greatest need. The research suggests that sustainable progress depends on the continued setting of specific targets which allow progress to be measured and evidenced over time. It also suggests, however, that schools need to consider the wider progress made by pupils, which cannot be captured by narrow progress measures. Furthermore, the research identifies some key factors which ensure pupils continue to make progress once external support is withdrawn. These include consistency in how support is delivered, and effective communication systems that help to maintain consistent approaches to support and allow for adaptation as part of the cycle of ‘assess, plan, do and review’. The article also considers how schools retain motivation to continue with recommendations once external support is withdrawn and the conditions that are needed to foster ongoing commitment.  相似文献   

Although homework is generally believed to be an important supplement to in-school learning, research has not yet fully clarified the relationship between homework and achievement. This cross-cultural study analyzed the relationship between homework time and mathematics achievement drawing on data from 231,759 students in 9,791 schools and 40 countries who participated in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2003. Multilevel analyses found a positive association between school-average homework time and mathematics achievement in almost all countries, but the size of the association decreased considerably once socioeconomic background and school track were controlled. At the student level, no clear-cut relationship was established between homework time and achievement across the 40 countries. The results highlight the need to use multilevel analyses and to control for confounding variables in homework research.  相似文献   

农村学校在教育能力、教学水平等方面还有待提高,农村家长的教育意识也有待提高。文章从培养学生的良好学习习惯出发,具体分析农村学校家校互动的重要性,具体阐述农村学校家校互动的措施,最后提出基于家校互动的学生学习习惯培养策略,强调帮助学生养成预习习惯、复习习惯、作业习惯的重要性。  相似文献   

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