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PISA:国际比较视野中的阅读评价观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文述评PISA的阅读评价观,详细分析其价值理念和具体内容,并结合样题进行了深入细致的阐释,指出其普世价值;概括了PISA的阅读评价观:旨在引导学生养成以思考为内核、以评判为形式、以人格提升和思维品质优化为目标的全新的"阅读能力"。PISA的阅读评价观启发我们阅读教育应尊重个人主体,释放表达活力。  相似文献   

作为极具国际影响力的基础教育质量评估项目,PISA2018在测试内容、方式与规模方面都呈现出新的特点。如对学生阅读素养进行了新的诠释,采用了基于计算机的测试和计算机自适应测试等。PISA2018结果显示,我国四省市学生阅读、数学、科学素养表现卓越,教育公平有所改善但仍有待提升,同时四省市教育发展中也存在一些亟待关注的问题。我们需要客观看待PISA测试结果,明确PISA的作用及其限度,并且通过对PISA数据进行深入分析与科学解读,为推动我国基础教育改革提供更为科学的证据支持。  相似文献   

PISA在中国:教育评价新探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对当前国际上颇具影响力的大规模教育评价项目——"学生能力国际评价("PISA)的评价理念和技术的解析,结合教育部考试中心开展PISA2006中国试测研究实践收获的启示,阐述了作者对我国教育评价研究与发展的思考和建议。  相似文献   

本文以PISA教育评价观的"能力本位"和"个人本位"为理论指导,分析当前数学课堂提问的现实状况,倡导学生自主提问,并从课前预习、课堂生成、课后延伸三个阶段阐述学生自主提问能力培养的策略与实践. 一、PISA的教育评价观 PISA的中文为国际学生评估项目.它是由世界经济与合作发展组织针对学生学习质量(含阅读、科学和数学三学科)做出比较研究的一项国际项目,其研究目的在于改善教育品质,优化学生素养.首先,数学能力评价的内容聚焦于"数学能力对事物理解、确认并且能做出充分判断这一系列行为,是作为一个具有建设性、参与性和反思性公民的一生需要".  相似文献   

专业视野中的PISA   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近来,国际学生评估项目(PISA)备受国内外关注。PISA项目缘于发达国家对基础教育质量的反思,是一项以改善教育政策为导向的跨国测试研究。本文解读了PISA测试独创的素养及其内涵结构,探究了PISA研究试图解释的学生素养形成与学生个人参与及学习策略间的关系,分析了PISA研究试图发现的学生素养与家庭影响、学校均衡、教育公平的关系。本文认为,公平而卓越正在成为发达国家和国际组织衡量基础教育质量的新尺度;多维度、多学科、重数据与国际参照已经成为教育研究与教育评价的重要发展方向;教育政策的制定应该建立在研究、数据和证据的基础上。  相似文献   

经济合作与发展组织(OECD)启动的"国际学生评价项目"(简称PISA项目)有极高的国际认可度,其评价理念和评价结果对OECD成员国的政策取向有着积极的导向作用。通过以PISA项目的阅读素养和数学素养为例,对PISA项目的测试维度、评价结构及达成水平标准进行研究,旨在探索其在评价理念、评价核心的界定、评价结构、评价内容及对评价结果的分析等方面对我国考试评价的启示。  相似文献   

本文分析了PISA数学素养测试的框架结构,比较了PISA与上海市初中毕业统一学业考试数学测试的异同,并在参与PISA2009上海数学素养测试的基础上提出了改进国内中学数学课堂教学的思考.  相似文献   

PISA是一项由经济合作与发展组织(Organizationfor Economic Co-operationand Development,简称OECD)统筹的学生能力国际评估计划,阅读素养是PISA评估循环核心之一。PISA视野下的阅读素养具有多维度、主体性和情境性等特征。培养学生阅读素养的目的是为了"增长知识、发挥潜能、参与社会活动",为立足于社会做准备。阅读的过程是个体主动参与文本之间进行积极互动与建构意义的过程,强调对文本的全面、整体理解是阅读素养观的主要因素。同时,在评价目的、评价内容与评价方法上,阅读素养观也区别于传统的阅读观。  相似文献   

PISA自2000年实施以来,受到世界各国的关注,其对学生的评价主要指向学生的学科素养,考查学生使用学科语言的能力。PISA对数学素养的评估有自己独特的理论基础、框架结构、题目设计方式和结果报告形式等。本文通过介绍PISA数学素养测试的相关内容,分析其先进的评价理念和特点,以期为我国数学素养评价提供借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>编者按PISA是目前国际最权威的大规模的对学生学习素养进行测试的教育评价之一,对提高学生综合素养发挥着重要作用。北京市房山区参与PISA,旨在通过PISA测试结论得出客观的信息,观察和反思自身的优势和不足,为政府教育政策的制定和调整提供更为客观、科学的依据,依托项目驱动的方式在实践中探索改进。  相似文献   

Large-scale assessments of student achievement provide a window into the broadly defined concepts of literacy and generate information about levels and types of student achievement in relation to some of the correlates of learning, such as student background, attitudes, and perceptions, and perhaps school and home characteristics. This paper provides an overview and outlines potential research opportunities of one such assessment—the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). In order to provide examples of the work that can be accomplished with these data, we describe and discuss the results generated from PISA 2000 and PISA 2003 in terms of international comparisons of achievement and the models of relational patterns of student, home, and school characteristics. We provide insight from the recent pilot testing conducted in Taiwan for PISA 2006, which has a focus on scientific literacy. This is followed by a discussion of the implications and potentials of the 2000 and 2003 datasets to facilitate research on scientific and mathematical literacy. The paper concludes with a look ahead to PISA 2006 and what researchers should be attending to in the research reports generated from the OECD and the research interests that they could follow given access to the datasets generated.
John O. AndersonEmail:

学生的数学素养具有多维结构,素养导向的数学学业成就测评需要提供被试在各维度上的表现信息,而不仅是一个单一的总分。以PISA数学素养结构为理论模型,以多维项目反应理论(MIRT)为测量模型,利用R语言的MIRT程序包处理和分析某地区8年级数学素养测评题目数据,研究数学素养的多维测量方法。结果表明:MIRT兼具单维项目反应理论和因子分析的优点,利用其可对测试的结构效度和测试题目质量进行分析,以及对被试进行多维能力认知诊断。  相似文献   

Finnish students’ success on all three content domains of each of the four cycles of the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) has created much international interest. It has also prompted Finnish academics to offer systemic explanations typically linked to the structural qualities of Finnish schooling and teacher education. Less well-known has been the modest mathematics performance of Finnish grade 8 students on the two Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in which Finland has participated, which, when compared with its PISA successes, has created something of an enigma. In this paper, we attempt to shed light on this enigma through analyses of Finnish mathematics classroom practice that draw on two extant data sets—interviews with Finnish teacher educators and video-recordings of sequences of lessons taught on standard topics. Due to the international interest in Finnish PISA success, the analyses focus primarily on the resonance between classroom practice and the mathematical literacy component of the PISA assessment framework. The analyses indicate that Finnish mathematics didactics are more likely to explain the modest TIMSS achievements than PISA successes and allude to several factors thought to be unique to the Finns, which, unrelated to mathematics teaching practices, may be contributory to the repeated Finnish PISA successes. Some implications for policy-borrowing are discussed.  相似文献   

学生基础能力国际研究项目(PISA)的教育启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PISA评价作为大规模的学生基础能力国际比较研究,是目前世界上最有影响力的国际学生评价项目之一。PISA应用了一系列目前世界上先进的教育测量理论和成熟的操作模式来评价15岁在校生进入未来社会所必需的知识、技能的获得情况,其评价结果具有高度的可比性、可信性和有效性,受到了各国政府的重视,被视为检验各国教育体制和未来人才竞争的重要指标。PISA项目为教育改革与发展提供了有益的启示,被誉为“教育界的世界杯”,是国际比较教育研究的重要成果。  相似文献   

本文对国际学生评价项目(PISA)中学生科学素养出现男女生差异做了总体性、科学本质和科学知识等维度的分析。并用相关PISA原题对我国230名学生进行了化学科学素养的测试,做了一致性判断与解析。从学习策略、自我效能感差异和课程资源等方面剖析出现性别差异的缘由。提出了关注学习策略的引导、树立女性学习的自信心和增加科学课程资源中女性材料的教学建议,以期使我国的科学素养培养与国际接轨,达到所有学生共同发展之目标。  相似文献   

PISA presents a new image for academic achievement, which has prompted Japanese education reforms over the past decade to innovate teaching and learning for ‘PISA-style literacy’. Supported by theoretical foundations, particularly with regard to the concept of ‘PISA literacy’ and ‘authentic assessment’, these reforms have accomplished progress in the focus on higher order competencies, such as application and the development of new assessment strategies. However, more recently, various critical discussions of ‘PISA literacy’ are underway in the Japanese academy. They interrogate it more critically and reveal the narrow emphasis on functional application and technical operation. Current assessment practices, which tend to fall into ‘criteria compliance’, are in urgent need of review. There is a need to extend the critical discussions in progress to the new assessment strategies. This paper responds to this, by considering the Japanese acceptance of ‘PISA literacy’ and its assessment, discussing the features and limitations.  相似文献   

The OECD “Programme for International Student Assessment” or (PISA) is one of the largest-scale international efforts that have been launched to assess students’ scientific literacy. Such an international assessment would likely exert a profound impact on the science education policies of the participating countries/regions, including Hong Kong. This paper sets out to examine critically how scientific literacy has been assessed by PISA through analyzing its assessment frameworks and released sample items. It was found that the PISA 2000 and 2003 assessments of science have used a narrower definition of scientific literacy, as compared to that of PISA 2006 and what scientific literacy was construed for science education. However, even PISA 2006 appears to be more valid in its assessment framework, its validity was also called into question when the sample items for the trial study were examined. Knowledge about science was found largely about the processes of science, rather than the nature of science as described in the assessment framework. Besides, it intertwined with knowledge of science in a hidden manner. The application of knowledge of science in novel, real-life situations was also jeopardized because of the issue of curricular relevance. Besides these major problems, the article has discussed the problems with the concept of scientifically investigable questions and identifying research question of an investigation. Overall, the findings raised concern over what the PISA’s measure of scientific literacy actually means.  相似文献   

随着国际会展业的发展,《会展英语》课程深受广大学生的喜爱。基于该课程的实践性和应用性特点,该课程实施形成性考核,以全面、科学地评估学生学习该门课程的教学成果,及时进行教学反馈和信息更新。考核设计中要严格注意考核内容的科学性,做到全方位、多维度地考核,并力求考核贯穿课程教学全过程。  相似文献   

This paper offers an insiders’ perspective on the large-scale, system-wide educational change undertaken in Ontario, Canada from 2003 to the present. The authors, Ministry and school system leaders intimately involved in this change process, explore how Ontario has come to be internationally recognized as an equitable, high-achieving, and continuously improving jurisdiction (Brochu et al. in Second report from the 2009 programme for international student assessment. Council of Ministers of Education, Canada, Toronto, 2011; Mourshed et al. in How the world’s most improved school systems keep getting better. McKinsey & Company, New York, 2010; OECD in Strong performers and successful reformers in education: lessons from PISA for the United States. OECD, Paris, 2010). The narrative of improvement in Ontario presented here was developed out of systematic interviews with Ministry and School Board leaders’ experiences of the literacy improvement strategy, and informed by document and data analyses. It addresses the historical and political context of Ontario’s change efforts, the shifting understanding of teaching and learning in the province, the essential respect for the professionalism of educators, the structures that facilitated the change, and concludes with key characterizations of the present culture of education in Ontario. While the paper focuses on the elementary literacy strategy, its wider objective is to outline the collaborative approach to shifting pedagogical practice that has opened the ceiling for what a public education system is capable of achieving by fostering local ownership of change while raising the floor by setting high standards for literacy achievement for all students.  相似文献   

近年来,在PISA、TIMMS等国际学业水平测试中的卓越表现使韩国的基础教育倍受关注。而这些成绩与韩国十几年来建构的以学业评价为主要手段的基础教育质量保障体系是密不可分的。本文试图以韩国教育科学技术部定期在全国范围内实施的"学业水平测试"制度现状及其问题为主要线索,来管窥韩国的基础教育质量保障体系。  相似文献   

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