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通识教育一百多年前诞生于美国,日本在20世纪四十年代掀起了通识教育的热潮,近年来通识教育也在我国高等教育中受到重视。应用技术型大学在培养技术技能型人才的同时,也不能忽视对学生人文综合素质的培养。英美文学课程应本着通识教育理念,从特色教学内容和实践型教学模式出发,切实提高学生阅读、写作、批判性思维以及跨文化交际等方面的显性技能。  相似文献   

文章围绕人与自然这一主题,阐述了体现从学生的需求出发,以学生为中心发展学生创新思维,促进学生人格发展;以语言为基础把语言学习与文学学习相结合,加强学生语言技能的发展,增强学生对英美国家文化的认识和以主题为编排教材内容的原则等特点的多维度英美文学课程设计的实用价值。  相似文献   

英美国家在以青少年文学督促完善青少年教育方面走在世界前列,加之教育国际化趋向日渐明显的现实形势,阅读和研究英美青少年文学经典和热点文本,可以从中为国内青少年的教育发现以下借鉴价值:侧重探索精神、创造性思维和成熟心智的多维智育强化,个人修为和社会公德心的双面道德培养,自然美、社会美与艺术美的综合式审美教育.  相似文献   

提升学生的核心素养是教育的终极目标,且“创新能力”是核心素养的高级层次,所以,“创新”就成了数学这一基础学科的主流。实施创新教育,需要营造和谐的教育环境,培养学生的创新意识、创新思维、创新技能以及创新个性。从营造良好的创新环境、培养创新意识、培养创新思维和技能、培养创新教育的情感智力这四个方面阐述了如何培养学生的创新能力,由此得出了教育必须以学生为主体,发挥学生的主观能动性,培养学生的创新意识、创新思维和创新技能的结论,以及我们要用创新情感与学生沟通,才能获得良好教学效果的结论。  相似文献   

文章针对近年来英美文学教学萎缩的现象,从语言能力、人文素质教育以及情商教育的角度分析了英美文学教学在高校教育中的重要性,以及英美文学与教育之间的各种关系.  相似文献   

英语专业多年以来遵循的以"技能训练"为核心的"补习"式模式弊端重重。以阅读经典为核心的英语专业教育,一方面提高英语技能,一方面完成了人文通识教育的使命。回归经典阅读意味着文学教育重归英语专业教育的核心地位,而英美文学教育之关键在于避免对象化,树立阅读经验的核心地位。  相似文献   

英国的思维教育及对我国的启示   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘朔  刘颖 《外国教育研究》2002,29(10):14-17
越来越多的国家意识到教授思维技能的重要性。2000年英国以培养学生进行有效思维和学习为出发点,正式将思维教育纳入国家课程,将培养思维能力渗秀到普通课程中,建立了思维教育课堂教学模式,该工体现了建构主义的学习理念,启示我们应以学生为中心,以培养思维技能,团体协作精神和自我管理能力为主要目的,构建课堂教学模式,使学生在课堂情境中学会学习,学会思考。  相似文献   

英美国家的社区非常重视中小学生的闲暇教育。他们认为学校、家庭在闲暇教育中固然有着不可或缺的责任,但有一定的局限性,社区闲暇教育则可以弥补这种局限性。英美国家的社区通过成立社会闲暇教育组织、开设闲暇课程、开展闲暇活动等措施来实施中小学生闲暇教育,并取得了一定成效。  相似文献   

在英美文学课程中应注重发展学生的各种技能,尤其要培养学生的认知技能、释密技能。以技能培养为核心的英美文学课程能提高学生的语言能力,拓宽学生的思维,提高其对美的鉴赏能力、跨文化交际能力和创新能力。通过在认知理论指导下的实践教学论述了如何在英美文学课程中培养学生的综合技能以提高其语言能力和文化修养。  相似文献   

姜蓉 《考试周刊》2014,(17):173-173
英美等发达国家非常重视英才教育,把其作为保证教育公平和保持其全球化时代和知识经济时代的国际竞争力的着力点之一。英才教育是一项具有国家战略意义的事业,因此必须重视英才教育。  相似文献   

英国教育与技能部先后公布<14~19岁教育和技能白皮书>、<技能--在商务中增强,在工作中提高>白皮书,意在大力推进英国职业技能教育的改革与发展进程,其着眼点十分明确,牢牢抓住了"教育、技能、经济"这一核心要害与未来的发展路向.这对我国职业教育改革具有积极借鉴和建设性启发.  相似文献   

Early years education and special needs education have been the focus of UK government interest in recent years, with a strong emphasis on ‘joined up thinking’ across professional boundaries in order to plan and provide cohesive and increasingly inclusive programmes of education and care. This article considers the potential for joined up thinking and action across the early years and special needs education domains with the argument that there is often neglected common ground between the two, such as the shared need for a holistic perspective, partnership with parents, multidisciplinary collaboration and developmentally appropriate practice. Examples are provided from the UK context but the debates are relevant more widely. The article ends with an exploration of why this potential has often not been realised, arguing that separate histories and vulnerabilities and a desire to avoid parallel stigma are partly responsible.  相似文献   

Recent discussion of future models for development in UK higher education pay insuffcient attention to the long-term structural development of higher education systems in Europe and the USA. It is argued that, contrary to widespread belief, the US system has itselfrelied heavily on state and federal funding since the period of its major expansion in the inter-war period. It is also suggested that the problem with the UK higher education sector is that is has always lacked the level of private funding available to the US system. There are therefore few grounds to support the view that expansion of the UK higher education sector can be based on an increased level of private finance; this has never been available to a signifiant degree, and even the US system does not noeo rely on it as much as on state funding.  相似文献   

关键能力在英国职业教育中的演变   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
关键能力是当前职业教育改革所关注的一项重要内容。英国职业教育中关键能力的演变,从20世纪70年代末开始,到现在巳经有20多年。文章从英国国家职业教育系统的视角出发,对英国职业教育关键能力的演变作出阐述和分析。  相似文献   

创造性思维是当今素质教育中提倡培养学生的一种基本的思维能力,校外科技教育在学生创造性思维培养方面有独特的优势,本文着重论述了校外科技教育中学生创造性思维的培养。  相似文献   

Lateral Thinking and Technology Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The emergence of lateral thinking in recent years is a natural reaction to the enormous increase of information a human being is bombarded with, in the post industrial revolution era. Vertical thinking, with its sequential and fixed-order rules, which has been the foundation of traditional education, is increasingly being complemented by lateral thinking which aims at freeing the mind from the imprisonment caused by already established concepts and patterns. Thus paving the way for restructuring thinking patterns and generating new ideas. An attempt is made to show the context of lateral thinking to recent educational psychology developments. Developing lateral thinking skills has already become a pedagogical challenge to many educators. An analysis of technology education and its relevance to lateral thinking is presented in this article. Prospects for utilizing technology education as a platform and a contextual domain for nurturing lateral thinking are discussed. The main notion is that technology education, which is characterized by reconstructive learning activities of designing, making, using and evaluating of matter, energy and information in real-life situations is an appropriate environment for developing complementary incorporation of vertical and lateral thinking. Initial findings of a case study implementing lateral thinking through technology education are encouraging.  相似文献   

In this paper I develop a cross‐cultural critique of contemporary critical thinking education in the United States, the United Kingdom, and those educational systems that adopt critical thinking education from the standard model used in the US and UK. The cross‐cultural critique rests on the idea that contemporary critical thinking textbooks completely ignore contributions from non‐western sources, such as those found in the African, Arabic, Buddhist, Jain, Mohist and Nyāya philosophical traditions. The exclusion of these traditions leads to the conclusion that critical thinking educators, by using standard textbooks are implicitly sending the message to their students that there are no important contributions to the study of logic and argumentation that derive from non‐western sources. As a case study I offer a sustained analysis of the so‐called Hindu Syllogism that derives from the Nyāya School of classical Indian philosophy. I close with a discussion of why contributions from non‐western sources, such as the Hindu Syllogism, belong in a Critical Thinking course as opposed to an area studies course, such as Asian Philosophy.  相似文献   

作者分析了当前高校体育教育专业学生存在的问题及学生应具备的教师技能,对如何提高高校体育教育专业学生的教师技能,多渠道开辟培养途径及建立有效的体育教师技能训练体系进行思索。  相似文献   

随着信息技术和因特网的迅猛发展,世界上许多国家都在大力开展远程教育。目前,我国现代远程教育与发达国家相比还有一定差距。通过分析当前美国、英国和澳大利亚远程教育的发展进程、结构和特点,结合我国现代远程教育的现状进行比较和借鉴,对加速我国现代远程教育的发展是很有必要的。  相似文献   

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