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医学学术期刊应加强医学新闻报道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙静  韩锟  游苏宁 《编辑学报》2009,21(3):215-217
医学学术期刊在向民众传递最新医学知识的同时应重视医学新闻的报道,主要阐述在选择和撰写医学新闻时需要遵循的基本原则和伦理道德,并建议有关部门加强对医学新闻的评估和监控.  相似文献   

46种委托办中华医学会系列杂志栏目设置分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李贵存  刘小梅 《编辑学报》2003,15(4):251-253
为了了解中华医学会系列杂志栏目设置的现状与问题,抽检2000年出版的46种46期中华系列杂志。存在的问题是:导向栏目少,争鸣栏目少,合二为一,含义不清,使用不当,表达不切,烦琐累赘。建议:既要确定相当数量的选用栏目,又要给责任编辑一个选择范围,以便责任编辑根据需要选择确定栏目;从创品牌栏目做起,向创精品刊物迈进。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to analyze the extent to which the visual coverage of the final stages (April/May 2009) of the long-lasting Sri Lankan Civil War relied on war and peace frames. Based on the revolutionary conceptual work of Norwegian scholar Johan Galtung, who viewed war and peace journalism as two competing frames in covering conflicts and wars, we examined news photographs available from Associated Press (AP), Reuters, and Getty/Agence France-Press (AFP). To date, this topic has been discussed from mostly normative viewpoints, and only little research combined the peace journalism concept with visual framing and/or the role of newswires as gatekeeper of information. We tested this concept empirically by using content analysis of editorial news photographs of the conflict in the three leading Western newswires. By and large, our results suggest that overall visual coverage of the conflict waxed and waned over time, but was primarily driven by visuals originated in the Sinhalese-dominated regions of Sri Lanka. Further, newswires are serving very different purposes and news markets: the AP–and to a lesser extent also Getty/AFP–with their focus on external events (therefore qualifying for peace journalism) and Reuters with a stronger focus on the conflict itself (thus qualifying for war journalism). Overall, the stock photo agency Getty/AFP was found to be the newswire that is most likely to provide media outlets with photographs highlighting peace frames, with the most balanced coverage between the two conflict parties and a particular emphasis on peace demonstrations worldwide, negotiations and summit meetings.  相似文献   

1946年4月,国民党军队向东北解放区发动大规模进攻,全面内战一触即发。此时,国共谈判仍在进行,谈判地点由重庆移至南京。为争取和平,在上海地下党的推动下,6月18日上海各民主党派和爱国民主人士组成“上海人民和平请愿团”,准备赴南京请愿,呼吁和平,反对内战。上海各大、中学校也纷纷成立反内战团体。6月19日,“上海学生争取和平联合会”成立,发表宣言,要求美军撤出中国,永久停止内战,并在全市学生中开展反内战签名运动,组织学生到上海北火车站欢送请愿团代表晋京,进行反内战宣传活动等。本辑史料选录了上海学生“和平联”及部分学生反内战团体的宣传材料,供研究者参考。档号D1-1876,由杨雅伦整理。  相似文献   

谢景  章敏 《编辑学报》2003,15(6):454-455
以《国外医学》系列期刊为例,通过对其现状的分析,阐述该类期刊在我国医疗卫生事业发展中不可替代的作用,并探讨该类期刊今后的生存与发展问题。  相似文献   

The current mission statement of the Medical Library Association states that it is "dedicated to improving health through professional excellence and leadership of its members in the ... provision of information services and educational programs ..." With this goal in mind, retractions offer medical librarians a professional challenge to become involved in the scientific process. Through results of a survey conducted among the consortium of South Central Academic Medical Libraries (SCAMeL), this paper reveals opinions on the importance of retraction awareness and who is responsible for disseminating this knowledge. The paper also reports what the Louisiana State University Medical Center at Shreveport Library and other SCAMeL member libraries are doing to promote awareness.  相似文献   

Clinical medical journals have not been effective in meeting the information needs of practitioners and bridging the gap between clinical research and practice. The slow adoption of results of clinical research is at least partly due to the failure of clinical journals to disseminate information in a way that would motivate practitioners to change practice. Although implementation is primarily a local process, medical journals are in a unique position to advance implementation by modifying their focus and adjusting their contents. Strategies that may be useful include publication of pre‐appraised evidence summaries and ‘clinical bottom‐lines’ and giving importance to systematic reviews and large evaluative research articles as they represent higher levels of evidence and have greater potential to change practice. Clinical journals should encourage researchers to consider how and by whom the findings will be used and provide information on implications for implementation such as possible strategies that may work, cost‐effectiveness, side‐effects and potential barriers to implementation. Medical journal publishers should explore ways to cooperate so that findings of landmark clinical trials could be shared thus reducing the ‘scatter’ of medical information. Electronic media offers numerous advantages such as quick accessibility and linking of information, and medical journals should capitalize on such innovations. There is a paradigm shift in health care practice as evidence is consciously and explicitly incorporated into individual patient care. Medical journals need to change to reflect this change in practice and provide practitioners with valid and relevant information.  相似文献   

郭剑波 《历史档案》2003,(3):96-101
鸦片问题是中国近代史研究领域令人关注的课题,许多学者已对鸦片走私数量、中国吸食人数、白银外流数量等问题作过研究。但对鸦片战争前中国内地鸦片流通问题却语焉不详,缺乏有深度的研究。笔者主要根据档案资料拟作初步探讨。  相似文献   

顾佳  游苏宁 《编辑学报》2011,23(2):114-116
由学术期刊编辑撰写导读,向广大读者简要介绍当期杂志的精彩看点,是强化期刊的导向作用和服务功能、激发读者阅读兴趣、提高期刊及文献利用率的有效措施;然而,调查结果显示,我国生物医学期刊的导读类栏目仍存在数量少、重点不突出、形式单一等问题。认为,学术期刊编辑应深化对导读的理解和认识,在自觉树立读者服务意识、努力提高科学素养、逐步增强写作能力的基础上,积极开展导读工作,不断创新导读内容及形式,力争实现科研成果和编辑思想最有效的传播。  相似文献   

中华医学会系列杂志编辑队伍现状调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对中华医学会系列杂志编辑队伍现状的调查,进一步分析目前我国学术期刊编辑队伍存在的问题及社会环境对学术期刊发展的影响。认为应建立学术期刊编辑队伍管理制度,包括:1)准入标准;2)考评与监督体系;3)继续教育体系;4)问责机制;5)职业素质与职业要求。  相似文献   

介绍新媒体大发展背景下中华医学会系列杂志积极开展移动出版的实践,探索适应市场需要的新型产品和可行的盈利模式.为传统科技期刊在新媒体技术发展和推动下如何获取更大的发展空间,实现期刊的立体化转型,提供参考和借鉴.认为传统科技期刊应该借助并利用新兴媒体,以简单、经济、迅速的方式提供有效的信息和服务,扩大影响力,把新兴媒体打造成有效的工作平台.  相似文献   

中华医学会系列杂志的质量管理体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石朝云  游苏宁 《编辑学报》2010,22(3):237-239
截至2009年12月,中华医学会系列杂志已发展至123种.为了对如此庞大的期刊群进行全面、系统的管理,从而保持较高的出版质量,中华医学会杂志社参考国内外其他期刊评价体系,建设了以期刊综合评价、自检、分级错误处罚等为主要内容的质量控制体系.文章总结了该体系的应用经验,认为在建立期刊综合评价体系的基础上,应针对不同专业期刊的特点,给予更全面、更合理的评价,才能营造出有利于科技期刊发展的良性环境.  相似文献   

废止内战大同盟成立情况史料一组   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"一二八"事变前后,上海民族资产阶级因不满于国民党政府的"攘外必先安内"的不抵抗政策,呼吁要求停止内战,共御外侮.1932年5月,上海金融,商业界人士吴鼎昌、徐寄庼、林康侯、张公权、刘湛恩等,倡议发起废止内战运动.  相似文献   

介绍第二次国内革命战争时期国统区和苏区的书刊报出版情况;在此基础上,对这一时期书刊报内容特色及价值与利用进行深入的阐释。  相似文献   

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