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This study examines the relationship between social competence and psychological well-being of adolescents. The role of academic learning disabilities with social competence and psychological well-being was also studied. The sample (n?=?412; 207 girls and 205 boys), one complete age group (mean age 15.5 years), was followed from last year of comprehensive school to their first, second and third year of secondary education in a Finnish city. Psychological well-being is related to increased cooperation skills and decreased levels of impulsivity and disruptiveness. Furthermore, cooperation skills predict the third year psychological well-being, when the strong influence of psychological well-being in the first year was controlled for. Academic learning disabilities (reading and mathematical difficulties) were related neither with psychological well-being nor social competence.  相似文献   

学校领导决策模型的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学校领导决策直接或间接影响学校教育活动的成败和效率。本文通过对公办学校校长决策过程的实证研究,探讨学校领导决策过程中所运用的领导决策模型的特点及存在问题,并分析其形成原因。根据决策主体的构成,文章将学校领导决策模型分为个体决策模型、团队决策模型(包括领导-顾问模型)以及参与式领导决策模型。无论是上述哪一种模型,领导决策在实质上都受到组织内外各种信息、因素以及人的意见的影响。学校领导决策要取得成效,必须建立在行动研究的基础上,因此,本文提出建立学校决策协作共同体行动模型的建议。  相似文献   

消费者在做出决策时往往会有自己稳定的决策态度或行为方式,这就是决策风格。关于决策风格的研究大都使用Sproles和Kendall开发的决策风格问卷进行跨文化研究,对其在不同的文化背景下进行验证和修改。文章提出未来的研究应该对决策风格的内部心理机制作出进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

青春期儿童的性教育是家庭性教育中的重要组成部分.青春期是儿童身体快速成熟的时期,生理和心理上发生的新变化会在生活和学习等方面给儿童带来一定的挑战.家庭性教育对于帮助他们顺利度过青春期,获得身心全面健康发展具有积极的促进作用.本文通过对处于青春期的儿童的父母进行性教育知识、性教育态度及家庭性教育开展状况调查,发现受访父母...  相似文献   

为探讨农村留守初中生自尊与自杀意念的关系,以及领悟社会支持在其间的中介作用和性别的调节作用,采用自尊量表、青少年领悟社会支持量表和青少年自杀意念量表对513名辽宁省农村留守初中生进行问卷调查.研究结果表明:自杀意念与自尊、领悟社会支持呈显著负相关,自尊与领悟社会支持呈显著正相关;自尊显著负向预测自杀意念,领悟社会支持在...  相似文献   

根据对文献资料的理论分析和对84名高中生进行开放式问卷的调查,构建了高中生自尊结构的理论模型。在此基础上编制了由76个项目组成的高中生自尊初始问卷,之后对高中三个年级共1070名被试(其中探索性因素分析553名,验证性因素分析517名)施测。通过对施测结果进行探索性和验证性因素分析及信、效度检验,结果发现:(1)高中生自尊结构包括自我胜任感、重要感、归属感与形象感四个维度,高中生自尊自评问卷由20个项目组成。(2)编制的高中生自尊自评问卷的信、效度均达到心理测量学标准,可以作为研究我国高中生自尊的有效测评工具。  相似文献   

饲养金鸡求偶行为观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道饲养环境下金鸡求偶行为,通过观察,发现不同饲养条件其求偶行为有一定差异.  相似文献   

在大学英语四、六级考试改革背景下,四级考试翻译部分由原来的单句汉译英调整为段落汉译英,本次改革对考生英语语言表达能力提出了更高层次的要求。该文章从大学英语四级考试(以下简称CET4)新题型段落翻译的变化及命题要求谈起,对目前两次新题型考试翻译真题进行分析,对CET4翻译部分的应试技巧进行探索,并提出具体解题策略,旨在帮助广大考生清楚地了解新题型段落翻译,并做好相应的应试准备。  相似文献   

中学生的人格五因素、感知的社会支持与自尊的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以北京和西安1432名初一、初二、高一、高二的中学生为对象,采用小五人格学生问卷、社会关系网络问卷、Rosenberg整体自尊量表,综合探讨中学生的人格五因素、感知的社会支持与自尊的关系。结果发现:(1)人格五因素中的情绪性、开放性,感知的社会支持中的社会性支持、冲突惩罚、满意度对中学生的自尊具有显著预测作用;(2)在人格与社会支持对中学生自尊的联合作用中,人格的作用更为显著,因而是主要的;(3)中学生的人格特征会直接影响自尊,也会影响感知的社会支持,从而间接影响自尊;(4)对男生和女生的自尊产生影响的人格特点和感知的社会支持特点不同。本研究对于促进中学生自尊和心理健康水平的教育实践具有理论指导意义。  相似文献   

This study is an exploratory product evaluation of the Manchester Motor Skills Programme (MMSP). A mixed methodology was used to explore intended, unintended, positive and negative outcomes for four Key Stage 2 (KS2) children with motor skills difficulties who participated in the MMSP. The children’s motor skills, social skills and self-esteem were assessed using standardised measures pre- and post-intervention and at follow-up. Semi-structured interviews and a focus group were used to elicit the views of pupils, the class teacher and the group leader. Results indicated positive yet variable improvements in motor skill domains which were sustained at three month follow-up. Qualitative data highlights some perceived improvement in children’s social skills, confidence and use of meta-cognitive strategies and an unexpected perceived outcome for one child with co-existing speech and language difficulties. The responses of this group highlight some individual factors which practitioner educational psychologists (EPs) should consider when planning motor skills interventions with schools.  相似文献   

本文通过2—丁醇在金属纤维催化剂脱氢反应的研究,建立了该反应的动力学模型,并提出了反应过程以表面反应为控制步骤,反应发生在双催化活性中心座上的观点  相似文献   

The authors explore their experience of a course for long-term unemployed people and reflect as to whether the traits identified by Tom Bourner on readiness for action learning actually relate to their experience. They conclude that based on the obvious development by the members of the group over the course, they observed, in some small way, the kind of evolutionary process of becoming ready for action learning that Bourner seems to imply.  相似文献   

This study aimed at establishing if the level of performance of 500 Jamaican Grade 11 students on an achievement test on the concept of respiration was satisfactory (mean=28 or 70% and above) or not (<70%); if there were statistically significant differences in their performance on the concept linked to their gender, cognitive abilities in biology, self-esteem, school location, socioeconomic background (SEB), school-type and school location; and if there were significant relationships among the six variables and the students’ performance. The sample (n=500) consisted of 212 boys and 288 girls selected from five all-boys’ schools (119 students), five all-girls’ schools (159 students), and six coeducational schools (222 students). The students were from six rural schools (137 students) and ten urban schools (363 students), out of which 291 were from a high SEB and 209 were from a low SEB. A 40-item multiple choice test on respiration and a self-esteem questionnaire were used to collect data. The results revealed that the students’ level of performance (mean=23.44 or 58.60%, SD=6.86) was regarded as fairly satisfactory; there were statistically significant differences in the students’ performance on respiration based on their cognitive abilities, and school-type in favour of students with high cognitive ability in biology and all-boys’ schools respectively. There was a positive statistically significant but weak relationship between the students’ (a) cognitive abilities, and (b) school-type and their performance on respiration.  相似文献   

Women describe a loss of autonomy during childbirth as a contributing factor to labor dissatisfaction. Shared decision-making with choice, option, and decision talk may improve satisfaction. Nurses (n = 29) received education on supporting women''s autonomy with a standardized communication tool (SUPPORT) to facilitate shared decision-making and create an evolving birth plan. This quasi-experimental pre-/post-test design evaluated participant responses to the education module. Participants supported the use of the SUPPORT tool for shared decision-making and developing evolving birth plans. Most recommended initiation between 13- and 26-weeks'' gestation. Nurses'' willingness to advocate for women''s autonomy increased significantly after education (p = .022). Shared decision-making with standardized perinatal communication may support a woman''s perinatal education and her satisfaction with labor.  相似文献   

"结构力学"是土木、水利、交通及桥梁工程专业为设计建筑工程结构提供理论依据和计算数据的重要基础课程,它以其独有的课程特性、难度和灵活的解题技巧而为众多相关专业的师生所高度重视。文章通过对"结构力学"主要知识点学习方法的论述及相关解题技巧的分析,旨在培养学生掌握灵活的结构分析方法,开阔解题思路,提高结构计算能力,为工程类专业知识的学习奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

高职教育招生规模的灰色局势决策研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对"十二.五"高职教育招生规模进行多目标灰色局势决策研究,得到其招生规模发展的最佳局势;对高职教育招生规模最佳局势的实现,提出合理建议。  相似文献   

Environmental attitudes depend on the relative importance that individuals attach to themselves, other people, or all living things. These distinct bases have been found to predict environmental concern, and may act as statistically significant determinants of pro-environmental behaviours. We claim that examining the complex nature of value orientations and concern levels among elementary school students as well as the interrelationships between these attributes could guide researchers and educators in Turkey. This study aimed (1) to explore Turkish elementary students’ ecocentric and anthropocentric attitudes, and environmental apathy; (2) to investigate their egoistic, altruistic and biospheric value orientations as well as their environmental concerns; (3) to examine relationships among environment-related attributes and (4) to determine the role of gender on these attributes. Participants seemed to be highly concerned and held favourable ecocentric attitudes. Furthermore, students with higher levels of anthropocentric attitudes tended to exhibit higher levels of environmental apathy, and those expressing biospheric concerns held lower levels of egoistic concerns. The findings suggest that girls were significantly more concerned about environmental problems and tended to value nature more for its own sake than boys.  相似文献   

听写题型是英语专业四级考试(TEM-4)诸多题型中失分较为严重的题型。高效的听写题型解题策略离不开对英语语音音变规律的全面把握。结合相关听写考试真题对词内和词界的音变类型及运行规律进行分析,既能帮助考生提高对该题型的掌控能力,也有利于夯实英语专业学生的语音基础。  相似文献   

本文从吃透大纲、注重基础、复习历年试题、熟记公式、选好资料、注意答题技巧六个方面谈了专升本《高等数学》的复习。  相似文献   

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