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近代巴尔干民族主义的兴起经历了一个从文化民族主义到政治民族主义的过程。它的中心任务是反对异族压迫,争取民族的独立与自主;同时又具有浓厚的宗教民族主义、大民族主义和大国操纵等特征。它既是巴尔干诸国争取民族独立的一面旗帜,又是帝国主义列强争夺这一地区霸权的工具,巴尔干各民族之间发生冲突的重要根源。  相似文献   


To gain insight into the educational opportunities for European foreign national prisoners, an online survey was distributed among educational providers and prison managers (N?=?108). The results demonstrate that courses for learning domestic languages are most frequently offered. Other educational courses mostly relate to primary education and psychosocial courses. Based on the online survey, four organizations are investigated in depth to gain more information about how they work. We conducted 12 semi-structured individual and one group interview with professionals and prisoners. The results of the hybrid thematic analysis showed that different models exist to organize education for FNPs. The findings make contribution to the development of European pilot projects that provide distance education to FNPs offered by their home country.  相似文献   

This paper examines what can be learnt from ‘new rhetoric’ (focusing on the work of the American rhetorician Kenneth Burke [1897–1993]) about (national) identity and discusses how nationalism can be taught from such a rhetorical perspective. Despite the ‘deconstruction’ of nation(alism) as a grand narrative, there is a new tendency towards emphasizing national identity, caused by trends such as globalization and multiculturalism. In the language and literature teaching curriculum, this paradoxical situation often causes frictions for teachers who very often are expected to teach standard language and national literature. The hypothesis is that rhetoric is a tool to deal with these tensions in the curriculum. This paper focuses on Flanders as a case‐study. Together with pre‐service teachers it analysed the rhetorical construction of Flanders from a dramatistic perspective. It is argued that Burke’s concepts are useful tools to make students ‘symbol‐wise’: to understand the way national symbols work, and to develop critical engagement with, as well as on behalf of, those symbols.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, research in the field of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) has increasingly focused on the relationship between culture and learning. Researchers such as Kumaravadivelu (2003) have been vocal in their opposition to the practice of cultural stereotyping. In the current study, Holliday’s (2005) model of Culturism was used as a theoretical basis. Six Australian TESOL teachers were interviewed to determine the nature and extent of the cultural stereotypes that they held, particularly as they pertained to specific learning-related behaviours. A qualitative analysis of the data revealed that teachers most often grouped students in terms of national or regional cultures and believed that cultural background strongly influenced student learning behaviour, resulting in the formation of a number of stereotypes. Despite this, the findings also demonstrated that teachers were self-aware of the pitfalls of cultural stereotyping and took other factors influencing student behaviour into consideration.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to investigate whether the Japanese government’s attempt to promote a ‘gender-equal’ society in recent decades and the improved status of women are reflected in patterns of gender representation in Japanese English as a foreign language textbooks. The study made an analysis of four popular series of English language textbooks published in 2011 for local Japanese students with corpus linguistic tools (e.g. concordancing, keyword in context) to investigate the ratio of female-to-male appearances, the extent of use of gender-neutral and gender-marked constructions, the common adjectives associated with women and men, the common address titles for reference to women, and the order of appearance of women and men. The findings revealed some evidence of gender equity, including common use of gender-inclusive vocabulary (e.g. salesclerk, waitperson) and the neutral address title Ms for women. The ‘male-first’ phenomenon, however, is still prevalent in contemporary Japanese textbooks, suggesting the secondary status of women. Variations were found in different series of textbooks pertaining to the representation of women and men in the domains of quantitative balance and gender stereotyping. It is suggested that specific guidelines be compiled by the education authorities to help textbook authors write educational materials that help promote a gender-fair society in Japan.  相似文献   

This article explores the intersection of aspects of imperialism and internationalism in discussion of cinematography at the League of Nations, at the International Council of Women (ICW), and as they played out in the imperial, national and local flows around educational cinematography in the work of Suzanne Karpelès at the Institute of Buddhist Studies in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It focuses on the 1931 ICW cinematograph conference organised by Laura Dreyfus-Barney at the League’s Rome International Institute for Educational Cinematography (IIEC) and on the IIEC’s 1934 cinematography congress, when Dreyfus-Barney fed Karpelès’ ideas about educational film into the congress. The article looks at the notion of rapprochement (of nations) within internationalism as this became articulated at both the League and the ICW with notions about mentalities within imperialism. It also traces the intersection of rapprochement and mentalities in Karpelès’ promotion of educational cinematography from her base in Phnom Penh. The article concludes that various elements around the cinematic at the League, the ICW and at Phnom Penh illustrate articulations of internationalism in the domains of nationalism and imperialism as well as articulations of the national and imperial in the domain of the international.  相似文献   

民族主义是民族国家在政治、经济和化领域表明自己态度和立场的观点和行动,是民族精神在理论和实践中的具体化。从理论上阐释和分析民族主义、民族主义与民族精神的关系问题,特别是在全球化语境中,正确估计民族主义的走向及其对民族国家发展的影响,对于深入研究民族精神的弘扬与培育,防止狭隘民族主义倾向,无疑具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

We examined five-year-old-children's age stereotyping using a modified Piagetian conservation task. Children were asked if two lines of objects were the “same” after one line had been made longer (transformed). A conversational account posits that children's answers reflect assumptions about the asker's motivation for the question (Schwarz, 1996 Schwarz , N. ( 1996 ). Cognition and communication: Judgmental biases, research methods, and the logic of conversation . Mahwah , NJ : Lawrence Erlbaum . [Google Scholar]). We reasoned that when asked by a young adult (puppet Experiment 1, experimenter Experiment 2) children would assume the question is to ascertain if they have noted a perceptual change and would provide answers focused on the change (length). If older adults are assumed to be in decline because of negative age stereotyping, however, children may assume an older adult (puppet, experimenter) is seeking clarification about line equality and would, therefore, give responses focused on the similarity of the lines (number). The expectation that a focus on length or number should differ across puppet/experimenter conditions was supported in both experiments and provides behavioral evidence for children's old age stereotyping.  相似文献   

Civic education has been assigned the mission of preparing critical thinking, responsible, participating, multidimensional citizens and is also used to serve the function of instilling a sense of national identity, loyalty to the nation state and patriotism In 1996, before the return of sovereignty of Hong Kong to China, the Hong Kong Education Department published theGuidelines in Civic Education for School (1996), which includes education for democracy, human rights education, global education and nationalistic education This survey adopted an amalgamate framework of five types of nationalistic education to study the understanding of nationalistic education of civic educators in secondary schools in Hong Kong The initial findings showed that the civic educators were basically strongly eclectic in terms of education for cosmopolitan, civic, and cultural nationalism and moderately eclectic in terms of anti colonial nationalism but rejected education for totalitarian nationalism This eclectic understanding can be said to be heading towards a more liberal, rational, open and inclusive type of nationalistic education, which is compatible with a cosmopolitan and pluralistic society such as Hong Kong  相似文献   

The paper addresses the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) as a public policy instrument, whose worldwide circulation is mediated by processes of reinterpretation, negotiation, and re-contextualization, where national, local, and international agencies intertwine. It is focused on the active reception of PISA in six European spaces (Francophone Belgium, France, Hungary, Portugal, Romania, and Scotland) along its first three cycles. The paper identifies two contrasting developments: the Program's divergent uses and its attractiveness in different social worlds. The paper gives particular attention to what is called the ‘update of reference societies’ in the context of national receptions of PISA. These ‘updates’ are analyzed as part of a composite process that involves domestic reasons, either related to current agendas for education or to deep historical factors, and injunctions related to PISA's rationale and PISA objects.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to study the construction of the Spanish education system and its relationship with nationalist education policies. Throughout the 20th century, there has been a great deal of tension between Spanish nationalism and Basque and Catalan nationalism, in particular, over the establishment of a national curriculum that is the expression of different conceptions of national identity. In this period, the Spanish education system evolved from centralisation to decentralisation, and as a result brought about the creation of the Spanish national curriculum. The educational contributions made in Catalonia and the Basque Country were included in this process, which partially satisfied the aspirations of these communities.  相似文献   

外语课程价值取向的正确与否不仅关系到国家的政治、经济、科技发展,而且关系到国家的安全、文化传统的传承以及下一代整体素质的提高。外语课程价值取向的历史演变是国人开放意识与开放智慧的具体表征。通过回溯近代以来外语课程民族性与世界性价值取向的历史演变,可得到几点启示:外语课程应体现开放的民族主义文化认同价值取向;课程目标应体现跨文化人才世界性与民族性的双重标准;课程内容要兼顾中外文化;课程地位的确定要适切本国国情与国际发展的形势。  相似文献   

论孙中山的民族主义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙中山的民族主义是不断发展的思想理论,其内涵有一个丰富完善的过程和从功利到理性的飞跃,开放性和自主性为基本特征,"天下为公"、"世界大同"为终极追求。它来源于中国传统文化和西方资本主义文化,而之所以能兼纳两种不同,与他生活的时代社会和个人特有的经历有关。在推翻皇权专制的过程中,孙中山的民族主义具有积极意义,同时为今后处理国内各民族的关系指明了正确的道路。"恢复民族精神"的强调,加速了中华民族意识的觉醒,增添了民族凝聚力,促进了古老的中华民族向近代民族发展和进步。其"反帝"主张的明确提出,弥补了早期民族主义的缺陷,推动了中华民族反压迫斗争和民主革命运动的发展。  相似文献   

The present study investigated English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers’ attributions of success and failure. It also set out to investigate whether these attributions vary by teachers’ age, teaching experience, gender and educational level. To do so, 200 EFL teachers were selected according to convenience sampling among EFL teachers teaching English in Language Institutes in Mashhad and Tehran, two cities in Iran. The participants completed the language teacher attribution scale measuring four attributions: teaching competency (TC), teacher effort (TE), student effort (SE) and institution supervision (IS). The present study yielded mixed results regarding English language teachers’ attributions of success and failure events. It was also found that these attributions vary by their age, teaching experience and educational level, but not by gender. The discussion and implications of the research are further presented with reference to the earlier findings.  相似文献   

The likelihood of resisting gender‐stereotypic peer group norms, along with expectations about personal resistance, was investigated in 9‐ to 10‐year‐olds and 13‐ to 14‐year‐olds (= 292). Participants were told about a stereotype conforming group (boys playing football; girls doing ballet) and a stereotype nonconforming group (boys doing ballet; girls playing football). Contrary to expectations from gender‐stereotyping research, participants stated that they would personally resist gender‐stereotypic norms, and more so than they would expect their peers to resist. However, expecting peers to resist declined with age. Participants expected that exclusion from the group was a consequence for challenging the peer group, and understood the asymmetrical status of gender stereotypes with an expectation that it would be more difficult for boys to challenge stereotypes than for girls.  相似文献   

三民主义是孙中山五权宪法的理论基础,由此可知,作为三民主义之首的民族主义对五权宪法的意义尤为重要.这种意义主要体现在三个方面第一,五权宪法要维护民族自主,即始终坚决维护民族主权;第二,五权宪法要实现民族自强,使中华民族迅速走向富强,不再遭受外侮;第三,五权宪法要坚持民族自信,自信从中国所拥有悠久历史文化中能吸收充足的文化养分来推进中国的宪政建设,而不是照搬外国的文化.  相似文献   

伊拉克和伊朗长期以来存在着领土纠纷、边界冲突,阿拉伯河对伊拉克来说具有重要的经济和战略意义,对其国家安全至关重要。复兴党是有着强烈的民族主义意识,一贯推行强硬的外交政策,它刚一上台执政就在阿拉伯河问题了提出绝不放弃主权的要求。为何到1975年伊拉克向伊朗作了让步,签订了这一对它来说是丧权辱国的阿尔及尔协定?本文重点从当时它的国内国际因素进行分析。  相似文献   

全面抗战前,作为抗战准备的重要内容,南京国民政府开始进行抗战精神动员。抗战精神动员既包括在教育、宣传、文学艺术等方面弘扬民族主义与爱国主义的种种努力,也包括新生活运动、国民精神动员的全面展开。南京国民政府的抗战精神动员激扬了爱国热情,增强了民族凝聚力,对中华民族最终取得抗战胜利具有重要意义。但是南京国民政府的阶级本性及其执行的“攘外必先安内”的思想路线大大制约了这种作用的发挥。  相似文献   

This historical study reflects on history curriculum debates over the last 20 years in Taiwan. To open up possibilities for contemporary Taiwanese to rethink themselves in terms of national culture and subjectivity, this paper explores the construction of Taiwanese subjectivity in the past. It focuses on the history of Taiwan under Japanese occupation as a key issue in history curriculum debates. Particularly, it examines language issues in the 1920s, an important theme in the histories of the formation of Taiwanese consciousness, ideology, and cultural nationalism during the Japanese colonial period. Rather than addressing issues of identity (national or cultural), identifying who Taiwanese really were, or looking for Chinese or Taiwanese consciousness, this study explores how meanings of “Taiwanese” in the 1920s under Japanese occupation were constructed in the discourse of language reform for civilisation. The analysis of the New Culture Movement discourse suggests that the classical Chinese language of Hànwén as a valuable cultural resource and flexible linguistic instrument played an essential role in constituting Taiwanese subjectivities that shaped Taiwanese practices of the self for distinctive civilisation.  相似文献   

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