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In Trinidad and Tobago, educational television is developed for the general secondary school population and is not generally designed to address specific learner needs. In this study, an instructional video production was developed and targeted to low-achieving students of the secondary school population, in the Junior Secondary sector. Content was drawn from the social studies curriculum and the focus of instruction was the acquisition of concepts and generalisations. There was sufficient evidence that the video production facilitated a moderate level of learning. It was also evident that there were areas of the production where instruction was not adequate. Two aspects were identified for further work. First, given the wide range of achievement levels noted in the current evaluation, there is need to identify more precisely the learning needs of the mainstream of the Junior Secondary population. Secondly, attention must also be paid to designing productions that could facilitate learner capability to link items of information and attain more complex levels of learning.  相似文献   

TIMSS 2019数学评价发现,中小学生的数学学习成绩正在逐渐提高,达到国际基准的比例也在提高,并存在区域、性别、领域和认识差异。同时,家庭与学校环境、师生教学准备、学生数学学习态度和数学课程与教学等背景因素都影响数学学习。为了促进我国数学教育的健康发展,我们要继承中华优秀教育传统,吸收先进教育理念,更新数学课程内容,优化教育教学评价,培养积极学习态度。  相似文献   

残疾儿童随班就读质量影响因素的调查   总被引:1,自引:9,他引:1  
对全国三类经济发展水平不同地区的14个县(市、区)的674名教育管理人员、教研员、校长和教师进行了问卷调查。结果表明:当前我国残疾儿童随班就读质量的提高受到政府部门的政策制定与执行、普校师资特教专业水平、特教中心(特教学校)的指导作用、普校对残疾儿童的接纳程度、资源教室的建立以及家长和社区的支持等各方面因素影响。因此,随班就读质量的提高应是一系统工程,应建立涵盖各方面因素的支持体系。  相似文献   

This article presents a theory of concept learning and development and a design for teaching concepts. It gives an overview of 30 years of programmatic research that eventuated in the initial formulation of the theory and the design and in subsequent refinements. The last refinement is presented in this article. The principles of learning incorporated in the theory are based on classroom experiments that identified the variables that facilitate concept learning at each of four successively higher levels of understanding: concrete, identity, classificatory, and formal. The development aspect of the theory indicates that individuals progress from one level to the next as they become capable of carrying out various mental processes. Both normative conceptual development during the school years, grades 1 to 12, and individual differences in the rate of development are identified. Principles for teaching concepts that take into account the learning and development aspects of the theory follow. The article closes with an indication of the powerful effects of focused concept instruction, preschool through college.  相似文献   

远程教育学的基本概念与研究对象之我见   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
千纪之交,在教育文献和大众传媒中出现频率很高的一个词汇是“远程教育”,这与同期以计算机多媒体和互联网为标志的电子信息通信技术的迅猛发展有关。我国远程教育事业发展很快,远程教育从业人员队伍不断壮大,实践发展呼吁远程教育理论指导和专业培训。对远程教育的基本概念和研究对象作出清晰合理的界定是开展指导和培训的基础。远程教育是一种教育方式与形式还是手段与方法?学校校园中对校内学生的网络教学以及西部中小学通过卫星接收站接收和应用东部优质教育资源是否为远程教育与远程教学?网络学习、在线学习、数字化学习和E—learning是否就是远程学习?该文综述了作者多年来对这一论题的研究成果。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of implementing cognitive learning theory principles in computer assisted instruction of educational psychology concepts. A total of 19 preservice deaf teachers participated in the study. We used a pre-post design to measure the learning and attitude changes of the teachers. The results of the analysis of pretests and posttests of cognitive outcomes indicated that significant learning occurred as a result of the computer-based instruction. Also, the majority of the students reacted positively to the quality of the lessons. The results also suggest that applying an appropriate theoretical framework to the design of instruction offers an avenue for meaningfully addressing the appropriate use of technology.  相似文献   

李强 《考试研究》2021,(2):3-13
浙江省2019年初中教育质量监测数据的再挖掘,揭示了初中学生学习品质的发展水平、结构特征及影响机制。结果显示,学生学习动力、一般领域学习策略以及数学问题解决策略和科学探究策略中等偏上,自主学习习惯及语文阅读策略相对薄弱。学习品质与学业成绩存在显著性相关,学习动力对学业成绩的影响最大,其次是特定学科的学习策略,再次是自主学习习惯。教师教学和家庭教育等因素能通过学生个性品质对其学习品质产生影响,也能通过对学生一般领域学习品质和特定学科学习策略的影响来影响学业成绩,这与2018年浙江省小学生学习品质评价结果一致。  相似文献   

义务教育发展不均衡表现为三个方面。其中,同一区域内校际之间发展的不均衡主要是因为:在建国以后的前30年内,为尽快提高人民群众的文化教育水平,国家和社会努力追求教育的普及,在短时期内建起了庞大的基础教育体系;当时的社会经济能力和特定的历史背景又使得我国的教育投入十分有限,不能保证高速发展的基础教育质量。矫正这一局面,需要明确界定政府的教育责任和应予均衡发展的教育要素,并科学划分学校类别,适时调节政府所掌握的教育资源,从而促进义务教育整体质量的螺旋上升。  相似文献   

With increasing numbers of students learning science through a second language in many school contexts, there is a need for research to focus on the impact language has on students’ understanding of science concepts. Like other countries, Brunei has adopted a bilingual system of education that incorporates two languages in imparting its curriculum. For the first three years of school, Brunei children are taught in Malay and then for the remainder of their education, instruction is in English. This research is concerned with the influence that this bilingual education system has on children’s learning of science. The purpose was to document the patterns of Brunei students’ developing understandings of the concepts of living and non-living things and examine the impact in the change in language as the medium of instruction. A cross-sectional case study design was used in one primary school. Data collection included an interview (n = 75), which consisted of forced-response and semi-structured interview questions, a categorisation task and classroom observation. Data were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results indicate that the transition from Malay to English as the language of instruction from Primary 4 onwards restricted the students’ ability to express their understandings about living things, to discuss related scientific concepts and to interpret and analyse scientific questions. From a social constructivist perspective these language factors will potentially impact on the students’ cognitive development by limiting the expected growth of the students’ understandings of the concepts of living and non-living things. A paper accepted by Research in Science Education, August, 2006.  相似文献   

维果茨基是苏俄早期一位杰出的心理学家,社会文化历史学派的创始人。他提出的“最近发展区”理论指出了儿童认知发展的两种水平:实际的发展水平和潜在的发展水平。认为教学应该走在发展的前面,引导发展。在该理论的影响下,新的教育理念与模式如支架式教学模式、交互式教学模式以及学习能力的动态评估等层出不穷,对教育教学实践产生了巨大而深远的影响,并从理论与实践双重层面给予我们深刻的启示。  相似文献   

The levels of involvement of six young deaf children were observed during three educational tasks. These levels were used as indicators of quality of education. The children were bilingually educated. The possible connection between language of instruction, type of task, teaching style, and level of involvement was studied. The children's observed overall level of involvement was high. Involvement was influenced by the type of educational task, but also by the teacher and by the language of instruction: Involvement was greater during activities led by the deaf teacher, using Sign Language of the Netherlands (SLN). Measurement of involvement of young deaf children turned out to be a good way to assess quality of education, not only for research purposes but in the context of general educational practice.  相似文献   

高等学校实施素质教育的难点和出路   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
素质教育是我国教育事业的根本原则之一,但目前我们的教育离真正意义上的素质教育还有很大的距离。关于素质教育的主要认识误区表现在:人们常常把素质教育当作一种具体的素质教育手段;一些人有意识无意识地把思想政治工作及德育工作同专业知识教学对立起来,把素质教育等同于德育和思想政治工作;人们往往只把高等教育当作特定职业的专业知识培训,而没有把它视作人的成长历程中的一种素质培养;实施素质民遇到的难点还与传统化模式和化观念的影响有关。从体制上确立高等学校素质教育模式的基本思路是:必须改革教学管理与运行体制,全面实行真正的学分制;必须打破专业壁垒。实行自由选择和转换专业的体制;必须全面深化教学改革,形成以学生为主体的自主学习机制;必须改革和完善现有的学生管理与指导体制,实行导师制;必须更新教学的质量观念,确立多元化个性化的教学质量观念。  相似文献   

随着教育现代化的推进和新课程改革的深入发展,以计算机、多媒体和互联网为标志的现代信息技术逐步成为当今教育的主流技术。中小学教师作为实施教育的主体,必须确立科学、先进的现代教育理念,具备现代教育知识水平和运用现代教育技术开展教育教学的能力。因此,提高中小学教师现代教育技术能力,已成为提高教育质量的关键因素。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of teachers’ biology-specific dimensions of professional knowledge – pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and content knowledge (CK) – and cognitively activating biology instruction, as a feature of instructional quality, on students’ learning. The sample comprised 39 German secondary school teachers whose lessons on the topic neurobiology were videotaped twice. Teachers’ instruction was coded with regard to cognitive activation using a rating manual. Multilevel path analysis results showed a positive significant effect of cognitive activation on students’ learning and an indirect effect of teachers’ PCK on students’ learning mediated through cognitive activation. These findings highlight the importance of PCK in preservice biology teachers’ education. Items of the rating manual may be used to provide exemplars of concrete teaching situations during university seminars for preservice teacher education or professional development initiatives for in-service teachers.  相似文献   

教育公平可分为教育机会、教育过程、教育结果的公平,我国残疾儿童教育在上述三方面均存在令人担忧的问题。在教育机会上,与普通儿童相比,残疾儿童义务教育入学率、学前教育入学率相对较低,辍学率则高于普通儿童;在残疾儿童内部,不同残疾类型、不同性别、不同经济发展水平地区的残疾儿童之间也存在受教育机会不均衡的现象。在教育过程上,残疾儿童随班就读质量较低,残疾儿童教育师资比较薄弱,残疾儿童受教育质量难以保障。在教育结果上,六年级以后残疾儿童在校生人数急剧下降,残疾儿童职业教育发展非常薄弱,造成了教育与就业之间的断层。所以说我国残疾儿童教育公平事业还面临诸多挑战,任重道远。  相似文献   

Classroom discourse can affect various aspects of student learning in science. The present study examines interactions between classroom discourse, specifically teacher questioning, and related student cognitive engagement in middle school science. Observations were conducted throughout the school year in 10 middle school science classrooms using the Electronic Quality of Inquiry Protocol, which is designed, among other things, to measure observable aspects of student cognitive engagement and discourse factors during science instruction. Results from these observations indicate positive correlations between students’ cognitive engagement and the following aspects of classroom discourse: questioning level, complexity of questions, questioning ecology, communication patterns, and classroom interactions. A sequential explanatory mixed-methods design provides a detailed look at each aspect of classroom discourse which showed a positive effect on student cognitive level during science instruction. Implications for classroom practice, teacher education, and professional development are discussed.  相似文献   

弗里德曼认为,政府只应该对学校教育进行有限的干预。政府在教育中的作用,除了为消除邻近影响而资助最低水平的学校教育外,还要保证被批准的学校达到最低教育标准。他反对政府对教育的集权和垄断,抨击了现行公立学校教育体制所造成的教育质量和效率低下等诸多弊端和危害。弗里德曼关于政府在教育中作用的理论,对深化我国教育体制改革具有重要的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Self-regulated learning has a positive effect on academic outcomes; however, little is known about whether and how teachers at various education levels promote it in their classes. Video-based classroom observations were conducted to assess primary and secondary school mathematics teachers’ direct and indirect promotion of self-regulated learning (SRL). Teachers’ implicit and explicit instruction of SRL strategies (direct promotion of SRL) and the learning environment they created (indirect promotion of SRL) were rated according to how conducive they were to self-regulation. In addition, semi-structured interviews were conducted with the secondary school teachers to gain insight into their subjective views on SRL. Although the teachers’ instructional practices could foster SRL, teachers spent little time explicitly teaching SRL strategies. Moreover, they taught mainly cognitive strategies and very few metacognitive strategies. These results were more pronounced at the primary level than at the secondary level. Primary school teachers provided learning environments conducive to self-regulation more often than secondary school teachers did. The interviews revealed that the teachers lacked knowledge about metacognition as an important component of SRL and were rather reluctant to promote it; however, most of them valued cognitive and motivational components of SRL. Primary and secondary school teachers need training to enhance their direct and indirect instruction of SRL. They could benefit in particular from learning about explicit instruction of SRL strategies and metacognition.  相似文献   

This study tested the effects of an entrepreneurship education intervention, the New Youth Entrepreneur curriculum, on lower socioeconomic black high-school students' knowledge of basic and advanced concepts in entrepreneurship. Ninety-five high school sophomores (over 85% black) from a lower socioeconomic neighborhood made up the sample for the experimental design: 51 in the treatment group and 44 in the control group. The two instruments used measured participants' knowledge of basic entrepreneurship concepts and higher cognitive levels of entrepreneurship learning, including comprehension, application, and analysis. The treatment group experienced the New Youth Entrepreneur (NYE) curriculum for one period a day for a semester, while the control group was exposed to basic entrepreneurship concepts at an awareness level as part of a general business education course. It was predicted and found that the treatment group significantly outperformed the control group on all dimensions of entrepreneurship tested. The study results confirm that appropriate curricular innovation can significantly influence the acquisition of entrepreneurship concepts and skills by lower socioeconomic black students. They also confirm that these same students can even be energized to the point of moving from opportunity recognition to initial business implementation.  相似文献   

任强 《天津教育》2021,(4):120-121
在素质教育和新课程改革的推进下,我国教育事业也进行了很大的革新与发展。各个学校和教师都在注重培养小学生学习能力,提升小学生学习水平的同时,对教学理念和教学模式进行了反思与优化。小学语文生活化教学模式被广泛地应用到实际教学中,并取得了良好的效果,有效地加深了学生对语文的认知和理解,值得我们进行深入的研究和应用。  相似文献   

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