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As a study in comparative colonialism, this research attempts to identify similarities and differences in the French and British models of colonial education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Differences in colonial policy were conditioned to some extent by settlement patterns, the role of missionaries and variations in local politics and economies, but also by the moral stances underlying colonial practice. By calling attention to some of the 'signposts' of British and French colonial education policy, this research attempts to contrast British and French ideas about morality and the colonial project in Africa.  相似文献   

通过对英国普遍性帝国援助政策和撒哈拉以南非洲独特情况的考察,认为英国援助政策本着自利的原则,仅在客观上有利于受援方发展。英国政府根据形势变化不断调整援助政策,较好地维护了自身利益。  相似文献   

Contemporary educational policy discourse in South Africa that seeks to serve the poor and address equity issues needs to engage with the roots of twentieth‐century social reform debates if it is meet its goals. One of the weaknesses of the templates for reform at the present time is that they often fail to engage with progressive traditions which have a long history. Present‐day reforms look to agency recommendations or comparative examples of “successful” emergent economies, but often fail to recognize the value and significance of previous initiatives which sought to address these issues. The long debate over the need for social welfare and educational reform in British colonial Africa has some significance in this regard. The period between 1930 and 1950 marked a key turning point in such policy in colonial Africa, and significant reform initiatives in South Africa from the early years of the Second World War provide the benchmarks for such investigations. The social welfare policies and the educational policy initiatives of the United Party government during the 1940s provide important signposts for such policies. This article attempts to investigate that legacy.  相似文献   

1929年对于怀特是很重要的一年,他的头两部作品问世(其中一部是与瑟伯合作完成的),并与凯瑟琳·安格尔成婚。然而,那一年并不是从写作成功或婚姻美满开始的。他最初的两篇日记这样记载:1月1日-23W.12.晨雨,在我窗外的宽敞平屋顶上忧伤地流淌,下午起雾,薄霭笼罩树木,如烟似缕,楼房恍若城堡,光影轻似气球。下午,迷雾中绕水库漫步两周,不停思忖:是否  相似文献   

教育系统是文化传承与创新的主要载体,一个国家、民族或者一个文化系统需要通过教育活动来教化国民,解决一个国家、民族或者文化系统中的人的理想信仰、社会道德以及制度建构等根本性问题。当下中国青少年出国留学呈低龄化、持续外流的趋势,暴露了中国教育体系的短板,出国留学热持续升温在为教育经济带来巨大收益的同时,也将引发国家教育安全问题,即学生和家长对基础教育、高等教育的质疑和不信任,进而危及国家的、民族的文化传承与创新。国家层面应采取提高教育质量、促进高校个性化发展、引进优质教育资源、提高教育竞争力、控制出国留学年龄、调控留学目的国结构等措施,以改变这一状况。本文从文化危机理论角度着眼国家教育安全出发,分析目前中国出国留学人数增长、规模持续扩大,留学目的地国家过于集中、结构失衡,出国留学年龄结构多元化、优质生源流失,留学"赤字"严重、教育服务贸易逆差巨大等问题。针对这些问题提出加强中国教育安全工作的对策建议:提高教育质量、增强国际竞争力,调整留学目的地国家结构、实现"两个均衡",限制出国留学人员年龄、开展国家安全教育,促进教育服务贸易平衡,吸引国外学生来华留学。  相似文献   


This article focuses on the work of three British Women Education Officers (WEOs) in Nigeria as the colony was preparing for independence. Well-qualified and progressive women teachers, Kathleen Player, Evelyn Clark (née Hyde), and Mary Hargrave (née Robinson), were appointed as WEOs in 1945, 1949, and 1950 respectively. I argue that the three WEOs endeavoured to reconcile their British cultural values, progressive education, English language instruction, and the intricacies of Nigerian cultures in order to prepare students for life and work in an independent Nigeria. Their roles were diverse, encompassing administration and teaching, teacher education, and leadership of girls’ boarding schools and residential training colleges where English was the language of instruction. Following an outline of the WEOs’ prior experiences, I compare and contrast their approaches to progressive education, beginning with Clark’s endeavours to make girls’ education “a graft that would grow onto and into their own way of life” at the Women’s Training College, Sokoto, in far Northern Nigeria. Then I discuss Robinson’s work in a men’s elementary training college at Bauchi where she dispensed a “down-to-earth practical” progressive education to prospective primary school teachers. Finally, Player gave girls “as complete an education as possible for life as a worker, wife and mother” at Queen Elizabeth School, the first government secondary school for girls in Northern Nigeria. Each situation illustrates the complex social relations involved in realising WEOs’ commitments to progressive education as an emancipatory project.  相似文献   

Part II of this historiographical study examines British education policy in Africa, and in the many crown colonies, protectorates, and mandated territories around the globe. Up until 1920, the British government took far less interest than in India, in the development of schooling in Africa and the rest of the colonial empire, and education was generally left to local initiative and voluntary effort. British interest in the control of education policy in Africa and elsewhere lasted only from the 1920s to the 1950s, as territories assumed responsibility for their own internal affairs as a prelude to independence. Nevertheless, critics were not slow to attack British direction of colonial education in the 1930s and thereafter.In retrospect it is clear that colonial education policy was fraught with much confusion of purpose and lack of resources, apathy and hostility. The literature has ranged from close scholarly studies of education policy in individual countries to passionate and more theoretically based critiques of colonial schooling. But as immediate passions surrounding demise of the Empire have receded, alternative analyses have begun to emerge.  相似文献   

This paper examines how politics have shaped Turkish Cypriot educational institutions and school buildings in Cyprus, focusing on the British colonial period (1878–1960). Unlike other British colonies, Cyprus enjoyed considerable autonomy on educational matters in the early decades of British occupation. During this period education, which was segregated, played a pivotal role in cultivating national aspirations of the two major ethnic populations on the island. The two decades following the 1931 revolt against the colonial regime was a period in which the British took serious measures in matters relating not only to education but also to school architecture. Atatürk’s reforms in creating a new modern Turkish society, on the other hand, evoked Turkish Cypriot ethnic nationalism. Without having the tension of the ideals of nationalism and modernism Turkey had to pacify, Turkish Cypriots embraced the modern as necessarily national and built their schools during and after the 1950s in a modern style.  相似文献   

近年来,教育决策与教育研究同时表现出日益密切的关系和不一致的状态。国外的一些教育决策部门通过推荐研究课题、提供研究基金、成立研究小组等方式加强与教育研究的合作,并努力消除教育决策与教育研究的矛盾。  相似文献   

美国高等教育起源于殖民地时代的学院。研究这一时期的美国高等教育有助于更加深入地理解美国高等教育体系形成的原因。结合殖民地时期美国高等教育发展的具体社会环境,从殖民地学院创建的动因、管理模式、经费筹措等方面,探讨美国高等教育有别于欧洲传统大学的形成原因有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

作为一种教育理念,多元文化教育自诞生以来,逐渐成为一场国际运动。国外的多元文化教育无论是在政策法规的制定、学校设置、师资队伍建设,还是在课程设置、教学语言等方面都有其自己的特点。国外的多元文化教育对我国的启示在于:树立多元文化理念;制定相应的政策法规,为多元文化教育提供政策上、法律上的保障;设立多样化的民族学校;加强师资队伍建设,提高教师素质;注重从小教育;设置多元文化课程;实行双语教学等等,以此推动我国多元文化教育更好地发展。  相似文献   

学习、借鉴英国职业教育经验 ,结合广东高职院校的实际 ,开展高等职业教育教学领域的改革 ,探索以学生为中心的教学理念、教学模式、教学方法、教学评估制度在高等职业教育专业课教学中的应用 ,调动学生学习的主动性和积极性 ,培养学生的创新精神和创造能力 ,促进广东高等职业教育改革和人才培养质量的提高  相似文献   

对国外教育信息化研究,有利于借鉴国外教育信息化发展的成功经验和失败教训,有利于促进我国教育信息化的发展。文章回顾了我国对国外教育信息化研究的基本情况,分析了我国对国外教育信息化研究取得的成就,指出了研究中存在的问题,并对将来的研究提出了建议。  相似文献   

In 1910 some 1200 delegates from Protestant missionary societies came together in Edinburgh, Scotland to attend a World Missionary Conference. In preparation for this event eight commissions were established to research various topics of importance to missionary societies. Commission III was dedicated to ‘Education in Relation to the Christianization of National Life’ and presented a volume of 470 pages as its report to the Conference based on over 200 responses to a list of questions under 14 broad topics. One of these topics pertained to the working relationship between missionaries and governments. This paper examines the discussion within the report regarding governmental attitudes to missionary education within colonial spaces. It provides a comparison between the aims of missionary education and the recorded experiences under various governments, particularly at times when they contrasted and conflicted. Taking a broadly comparative view, the paper shows the differences in concerns and objectives that various missionary bodies had in different colonial spaces, as well as the commonalities across colonial spaces in relation to governmental attitudes towards missionary education. This paper demonstrates the fruitfulness of a comparative approach to writing colonial histories of education, through elucidating both specificities and commonalities between different colonial education policies and practices.  相似文献   

This review surveys Femi Otulaja and Meshach Ogunniyi’s, Handbook of research in science education in sub-Saharan Africa, Sense, Rotterdam, 2017, noting the significance of the theoretically rich content and how this book contributes to the field of education as well as to the humanities more broadly. The volume usefully outlines the ways in which science education and scholarship in sub-Saharan Africa continue to be impacted by the region’s colonial history. Several of the chapters also enumerate proposals for teaching and learning science and strengthening academic exchange. Concerns that recur across many of the chapters include inadequate implementation of reforms; a lack of resources, such as for classroom materials and teacher training; and the continued and detrimental linguistic, financial, and ideological domination of African science education by the West. After a brief overview of the work and its central issues, this review closely examines two salient chapters that focus on scholarly communications and culturally responsive pedagogy. The scholarly communication section addresses the ways in which African science education research may in fact be too closely mirroring Western knowledge constructions without fully integrating indigenous knowledge systems in the research process. The chapter on pedagogy makes a similar argument for integrating Western and indigenous knowledge systems into teaching approaches.  相似文献   

国外高校应用伦理学的教育及其思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用伦理学在国外许多高校成为重要的专业课程,教学的内容从理论到实践的环节也比较完善,并受到社会的大力支持和帮助。我国应用伦理学的研究虽然有很大发展,但是对于它在专业教育中的重要地位认识不足,对学生普遍缺乏应用伦理学教育。我国高等教育需要树立科学与人文教育交融、以人为本的新型专业教育理念,体现教育适应和促进社会进步的要求,同时需要加强伦理学工作者与相关专业人员的沟通与合作,积极进行完善专业教育的改革与试验。  相似文献   

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