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Within a general framework of structure‐of‐text research, a new definition of readability is proposed, based on three textual variables: structure, “texture,” and informational density of text. For structure, three kinds of superstructures and three categories of sectional structures are described, and various combinations of these are placed on a gradient of difficulty. For “texture,” or explicitness, a continuum is sketched. Informational density is described in general terms. Empirical evidence for each of the proposed variables is reviewed. The interactions of reader and textual variables in the act of comprehension are discussed, the reader variables being world knowledge and ability to use learning strategies. A number of hypotheses for future research on readability are presented, and implications for teaching are suggested.  相似文献   

美国教育研究学会2009年会4月中旬在圣地亚哥召开,会议以"有规范的探寻:知识圈中的教育研究"为主题,展开跨学科的研究对话,多元与创新是笔者亲历此会的深切感受.  相似文献   

高校行政办公会(校长办公会)是高校行政管理的决策机构,在高等教育大众化的影响下,高校行政办公会要与师生诉求相响应,真正体现师生的根本利益,体现现代高校责任型、服务型、师生参与型的建设目标,建设公众性,服务性为特征的行政办公会响应性制度,推动高校科学决策、民主管理、全面发展。  相似文献   

教育心理学是教师教育的必修课程,是提升职前教师和教师教育者专业素质的关键所在,教育心理学教材更是其课程内容组成和实施的重要载体。本文选取中美两国各五本教育心理学教材,比较了其在知识结构、编排体例、呈现方式三方面的异同,总结出三条结论:宏观知识体系趋向一致,知识单元各具特色;编排体例随教学理念革新,形式灵活适学;插图案例活动种类丰富,种类背后仍存差异。在此基础上提出教材编写的三条建议:立足本土,夯实内容;网络为翼,丰富形式;以生为本,加强实践。  相似文献   

作者介绍高教学会实验室管理分会应坚持"学术立会、服务兴会、规范办会、创新强会"的工作宗旨,结合自己在北大实验室工作的经历,强调实验室应充分发挥人才培养、科学研究、服务社会三项核心功能;不断完善管理体系,更好地服务于学校的教学科研工作。  相似文献   

教育心理学:后现代主义的挑战   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
进入20世纪90年代以后,教育心理学面临来自后现代主义思潮的挑战。在本体论方面,后现代思潮挑战传统教育心理学的实在论倾向,主张心理是一种社会建构;在认识论方面,后现代思潮挑战传统的知识外源论和内源论观点,主张知识是社会互动和协商的结果,教育教学同样是知识建构的过程;在方法论方面,后现代思潮挑战传统的实证和量化方法,主张质化研究和量化研究的结合,力促教育心理学实现方法多元化。后现代主义的挑战有助于克服传统教育心理学的机械反映论、个体主义和方法中心等错误倾向。  相似文献   

自进化心理学产生后,传统的教育心理学受到来自进化论思想的挑战.进化教育心理学是研究人类朴素知识和学术知识之间关系的交叉学科.教育心理学在进化心理学的影响下提出了新的研究内容,包括:学习动机的培养、学习能力的改变、教育的性别差异,以及学校角色的转变.  相似文献   

Data-driven decision making has become an essential component of educational practice across all levels, from chief state school officers to classroom teachers, and has received unprecedented attention in terms of policy and financial support. It was included as one of the four pillars in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2009), indicating that federal education officials seek to ensure that data and evidence are used to inform policy and practice. This article describes the emergence of data-driven decision making as a topic of interest, some of the challenges to and opportunities for data use, and how the principles of educational psychology can and must be used to inform how educators are using data and the examination of its impact on educational practice.  相似文献   

当代教育心理学发展的问题与策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育心理学是心理学的应用分支学科,对学校教育改革具有重要的推动作用.加强对教育心理学研究重要性的正确认识,弄清当前我国教育心理学发展中的主要问题,探讨解决当代教育心理学现存问题的有效策略,是教育心理学发展演进过程中急需解决的重要课题.  相似文献   

The discipline of educational psychology approaches the new millennium with a distinguished history, a compelling mission, and a sense of anxiety: given the prevailing turmoil in both education and psychology, what should be the shape of our field in the decades to come? I argue for refinement rather than redefinition. Our foundations as an applied science are sound, in my opinion. The challenge ahead is to bring together the scattershot elements of our accomplishments to date. A cornerstone for coherence can be found in the object of our investigation: the institution of schooling. In an effort to satisfy diverse clientele, American schools have virtually "disintegrated" during the past 50 years. By focusing our efforts – theoretical, methodological, and empirical, – on the reintegration of schooling, we can both assist education and re-establish a sense of disciplinary integrity. Examples are presented in three domains of practical importance: (a) curriculum and the architecture of knowledge, (b) instruction and discourse, and (c) development and learning.  相似文献   

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