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This paper provides a review of evidence on the way the maturation of the brain may structure the plasticity that is available for the construction of the mind. The evidence reviewed is that taken from non-invasive imaging techniques that make use of electrode potentials, magnetic resonance or positron emission. Such imaging techniques allow the brain to be studied as specific mental tasks are carried out. Sites and processing pathways can be identified and correlated with other evidence. A review of data on the development of the brain in terms of the grey (dendritic branching) and white (myelination) matter is discussed with respect to the clinical observation of stages of cognitive processing.  相似文献   

This two‐year, mixed methods study with surveys, observations, and interviews, documented student technology use and skill before and after the implementation of a new one‐to‐one tablet computing program at a private middle school in the United States. After one year with tablets, several differences in students' technology use and skill were documented, including: higher satisfaction with school technology, greater frequency of technology use in specific subjects such as math and science, greater frequency of certain classroom activities such as two‐way communicating, and greater technology skills on competencies such as editing collaborative wikis. New modes of student collaboration were evident after implementing the tablet program, including sharing notes and co‐editing wikis. Differences were inconsistent across grade levels and subjects, suggesting teachers are adopting the tablet innovation differentially. In general, technology use increased most in math, science, and social studies classrooms, with smaller increases in language arts and foreign language classrooms.

Différences d'usages et de compétences technologiques rapportées par les élèves après la mise en place de programmes informatiques individualisés

La présente étude fondée sur un mélange de méthodes a duré deux années avec des enquêtes, des observations et des entretiens; elle a relevé les usages et les compétences des élèves avant et après la mise en place d'un nouveau programme d'informatique individualisée avec des ordinateurs “tablet” dans une école secondaire privée, aux Etats Unis. Après une année d'usage des “tablets”, on a noté chez les élèves plusieurs différences d'utilisation et de savoir‐faire comme par exemple: un niveau de satisfaction plus élevé par rapport à la technologie de l'établissement, une plus grande fréquence dans l'usage de la technologie pour des matières spécifiques telles que les maths et les sciences, une plus grande fréquence dans certaines activités de classe telles que la communication à double sens, et un plus grand savoir‐faire technologique pour des compétences telles que la mise en forme de wikis collaboratifs. De nouveaux modes de collaboration entre élèves sont apparus clairement après la mise en place du programme “tablet” y compris le partage de notes et la co‐édition de wikis. Il n'y avait pas de cohérence dans les différences d'une classe et d'une matière à l'autre ce qui permet de penser que les enseignants adoptent l'innovation des “tablets” de façon différenciée. En général, l'usage de la technologie a le plus augmenté dans les classes de maths, de sciences et de sciences sociales, l'augmentation étant moins forte dans les classes de lettres et de langues étrangères.

Von Schülern berichtete Unterschiede in ihrer Technikanwendung nach Einführung von ?One‐to‐One Computing“

Diese zwei‐jährige, mit verschiedenen Methoden arbeitende Untersuchung, mit Umfragen, Beobachtungen und Interviews, dokumentiert den Technologieeinsatz und die Kompetenz von Studenten vor und nach dem Einsatz eines neuen One‐to‐One Tablett‐Computer Programms an einer privaten Mittelschule der Vereinigten Staaten. Nach einem Jahr Nutzung der Tablettrechner wurden einige Unterschiede beim Technologiegebrauch und den Fertigkeiten bei den Studenten festgestellt, einschließlich einem höheren Zufriedenheitsgrad mit der Schultechnologie, öfterer Technologieverwendung in besonderen Fächern wie Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, höherer Nutzung von Unterrichtsaktivitäten wie wechselseitiger Kommunikation und verbesserten Fertigkeiten und Kompetenzen in der Technologienutzung, z.B. bei der gemeinsamen Bearbeitung von Wikies. Neue Formen der studentischen Zusammenarbeit wurden erkennbar, nachdem das Tablett‐Programm eingerichtet worden war. Einige Differenzen blieben – abhängig von der Anspruchshöhe und den Testpersonen – widersprüchlich, was auch auf die unterschiedliche Nutzung der Programme durch die Lehrer zurückzuführen sein kann. Im Allgemeinen wuchs die Technikverwendung am meisten in Mathematik, den Naturwissenschaften und den soziologisch orientierten Fächern, weniger den Sprach‐ und Fremdsprachenbereichen.

Diferencias de uso y competencias en tecnologías relatas por los alumnos después de la introducción de la informática individualizada.

Este estudio de dos años y de métodos mixtos con encuestas, observaciones y entrevistas ha apuntado el uso y las destrezas de los alumnos en relación con la tecnología antes y después de la introducción de un nuevo programa “Tablet” de informática individualizada en un colegio secundario privado de los Estados Unidos. Después de un año con los “Tablets”, se notó varias diferencias en los usos y destrezas de los alumnos en relación con la tecnología, incluyendo: más sarisfacción con la tecnología de la escuela, un uso más frecuente de la tecnología en asignaturas como matemáticas y ciencias, una frecuencia más alta de ciertas actividades de aula como la comunicación bilateral y más destrezas tecnológicas en competencias como la edición de wikis colaborativos. Nuevas formas de colaboración estudiantil aparecierón claramente después de la introducción, del programa “Tablet”, entre ellas el reparto de apuntes y la co‐edición de wikis. Las diferencias entre niveles y asignaturas resultaron inconsistentes lo que conduce a pensar que los profesores están adoptando la inovación del “Tablet” de varias maneras. En general el incremento del uso de la tecnología fue más fuerte en las aulas de matemáticas, ciencias y ciencias sociales con incrementos más bajos en aulas de Humanidades y lenguas extranjeras.  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of self‐assessment training on student achievement and on computer self‐efficacy in a technology‐supported learning environment (grade 9 students using Global Information Systems software). We found that self‐assessment had a positive effect on student achievement, accounting for 25% of the variance across three measures. The treatment effect was as large for females as for males and for those with low initial self‐efficacy as it was for those with higher scores. In addition, self‐efficacy increased more in the control than in the treatment group. We interpreted the self‐efficacy results to be a positive outcome of the treatment: teachers may have used self‐assessment training to depress the inflated self‐perceptions of some teenagers.  相似文献   

In the current learning environments, technology is integrated in different ways. Teachers acting in the capacity of main change agents bring with them beliefs about teaching which effects their use of technology in the classroom. This study aims to examine the possible relationship between teachers' beliefs about teaching and uses of technology. Unlike past research on this issue, the results from this study show that belief in constructivist teaching correlates significantly with both constructivist and traditional uses of technology. However, a belief in traditional teaching is only significantly correlated (negatively) with constructivist use of technology. Implications for teaching training and future research are discussed.  相似文献   


Through an asynchronous discussion group on the Internet, students were given opportunities to interact in a community of beginning preservice and inservice teachers. They questioned, argued, and negotiated issues generated from their experiences in an introductory educational psychology course and school‐based practicum. This paper reports findings from an investigation into the social dynamics of a technology‐mediated environment and the extent to which community‐building occurred. Using a discourse analysis approach, the data were analyzed to determine the extent to which a technology‐mediated discourse community reflects the five main features that characterize the ethos of classroom communities: respect among members with open exchange of ideas, individual responsibility with communal sharing, shifting roles among members, constructive discussion/making meaning, and a participation framework. Illustrations of each of these categories that demonstrate an overall sense of community among the participants are provided.  相似文献   

This study investigated the degree to which applicants' perceptions of interview behaviors differed from interviewers' perceptions. Data were drawn from 188 actual employment interviews conducted under the auspices of a university‐operated placement center. Data analyses revealed applicants rating themselves and the interviewers significantly higher than the interviewers' ratings of either themselves or the applicants.  相似文献   

Extant academic literature, the media and views expressed by staff and students report that both local and international students are experiencing dissatisfaction with the lack of inter‐cultural student interaction occurring in classrooms, group discussions and teamwork in post‐graduate studies in the Australian higher education sector. It has been argued that increased interaction between local and international students may improve the overall student experience. This interpretive empirical study explores the potential of global study tours to increase inter‐cultural student interaction through the provision of opportunities for greater cultural understandings.  相似文献   

There are movements internationally towards curricula that incorporate values and citizenship education. In Australia, this movement has been illustrated with the adoption of a national curriculum in values education. This has arisen from the perceived need for citizens to hold values around the rights and responsibilities of functioning within a democracy. The Making News Today programme has been designed to develop a range of literacies enabling learners, for example, to read the media beyond the interests of the elite. The programme incorporates a journalistic process for television news production for middle school students using laptop and handheld video technologies, with embedded ethics and values education. The article reports on an analysis of the implementation of this programme with middle school students in Australia with reference to student adoption of ethical stances in the journalistic process and the implications for the use of this project in developing ethics, values and citizenship as part of the curriculum process.  相似文献   

This study presents the results of a web‐based questionnaire administered to 166 second language teachers and designed to obtain information about their use and needs of information and communication technologies (ICTs) as related to language learning (LL). Analyses revealed that, although teachers believe that second language acquisition is primarily driven by social interaction, they seldom use computers as a means to foster collaboration or interaction. ICTs are thought to be very helpful in individual learning scenarios but not for the interactive dimension of LL. Very few teachers incorporate interaction‐oriented digital tools in their language teaching, probably due to their self‐acknowledged deficient training in ICTs. However, instructors stated that they would like to introduce new interaction tools in their computer‐aided courses, which clearly shows the need for both teachers’ training in ICT and the technological development of proper interactive functionalities.

Die Auswertung computervermittelter Technik von Zweit‐Sprachlehrern: Kollaboration und Interaktion in CALL

Diese Studie zeigt die Ergebnisse einer Umfrage, die dafür entworfen wurde, Information darüber zu erhalten, die etwa Zweit Sprachlehrer verwenden, und den Bedarf an Informations‐ und Kommunikationstechniken (ICTs), die mit Sprachlernen (LL) generell verbunden sind. Analysen ergaben, dass, obwohl Lehrer glauben, dass der Erwerb einer zweiten Sprache in erster Linie von sozialer Interaktion angetrieben wird, sie selten Computer als Hilfsmittel verwenden, um Kollaboration oder Interaktion zu fördern. Es wird angenommen, dass ICTs sehr in einzelnen Lernzenarien, aber nicht für die interaktive Dimension von LL hilfreich sein kann. Sehr wenige Lehrer integrieren interaktionsorientierte digitale Werkzeuge in ihre – möglicherweise durch ihre selbstanerkannte unzulängliche Ausbildung in ICT – eigene Sprachlehre. Jedoch gaben Ausbilder an, dass sie neue Interaktionswerkzeuge in ihren computergestützten Verläufen einführen möchten. Das zeigt den Bedarf nach Ausbildung beider eindeutig: Lehrer in ICT und der technologischen Entwicklung von korrekten interaktiven Funktionalitäten.

L’évaluation dela technologie informatisée chez les professeurs de langue seconde :collaboration et interaction dans l’enseignement des langues assisté par ordinateur (CALL)

Cette étude présente les résultats d’une enquête conçue pour recueillir des renseignements sur la façon dont les professeurs de langue seconde utilisent et ont besoin des TICE spécifiques pour l’apprentissage linguistique.

Des analyses ont révélé que les professeurs utilisent rarement les ordinateurs pour stimuler la collaboration et l’interaction et ce, bien qu’ils croient que l’acquisition d’une langue seconde est avant tout entraînée par l’interaction humaine. Ils pensent que les TICE sont très utiles dans des situations d’apprentissage individuel mais pas pour la dimension interactive de l’apprentissage des langues. Très peu nombreux sont les professeurs qui intègrent des outils numériques à orientation interactive dans leurs cours de langues, ceci étant probablement dÛ à une formation informatique déficiente qu’ils reconnaissent eux‐mêmes. Certains professeurs ont toutefois indiqué qu’ils voudraient introduire de nouveaux outils interactifs dans leurs cours assistés par ordinateur ce qui fait clairement apparaître le double besoin de formation aux TICE pour les professeurs et d’un développement technique de fonctionnalités interactives appropriées.

Una evaluación de la tecnología basada en ordenadores por parte de los profesores de la segunda lengua: colaboración y interracción en aprendizaje de idiomas asistido por ordenador

Esta investigación presenta los resultados de una encuesta diseñada para conseguir información sobre las necesidades específicas para el aprendizaje de lenguas y el uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TICs) por parte de 166 profesores de segunda lengua. Los análisis han revelado que, aunque los profesores creen que la adquisición de una segunda lengua está fundamentalmente impulsada por la interacción social, en realidad hacen poco uso del ordenador para incentivar la colaboración y la interacción. Los docentes piensan que las TICs son muy útiles para la modalidad de aprendizaje individual pero no para la dimensión interactiva del aprendizaje de idiomas. Son pocos los profesores que incluyen herramientas digitales con orientación interactiva en sus cursos de idiomas, probablemente, como confiesan ellos mismos, debido a las carencias de su propia formación digital. No obstante, algunos profesores señalan que quieren introducir nuevas herramientas interactivas dentro de sus cursos asistidos por ordenador, lo que claramente demuestra la necesidad tanto de una buena formación en TICs para los profesores como del desarrollo tecnológico de nuevas funcionalidades interactivas adecuadas.  相似文献   


This systematic review of the literature focuses on the empirical research conducted between 1998 and 2018 at the intersection of leaders, teachers, and technology in K-12 schools. The question guiding this review was “what does the technology integration literature identify as key leadership practices that support teachers’ technology integration efforts?” Findings are presented in terms of the larger body of knowledge about effective leadership practices that are empirically shown to influence teaching and learning by applying a conceptual framework of empirically derived leadership practices. The researchers analyzed, deductively coded, and categorized findings from 34 relevant articles in peer-reviewed journals. Findings emphasized leadership practices for building professional capacity including providing teachers with opportunities to learn, creating communities of practice for them, considering their individualized needs, and addressing issues of access and support. In this article, domains of the conceptual framework are described and convey the findings about leadership practices in terms of IT and offer suggestions for further synthesizing the currently siloed work on technology integration in the leadership, teacher, and technology literature.  相似文献   

This study seeks to understand the value simulation‐based learning (SBL) added to the learning of Machining Technology in a 15‐week core subject course offered to university students. The research questions were: (1) How did SBL enhance classroom learning? (2) How did SBL help participants in their test? (3) How did SBL prepare participants for workshop practice? The findings suggest that SBL enlivened the learning of Machining Technology, and promoted autonomous and mastery learning. SBL made a deep impression on the participants’ visual experience, helping them remember the machine processes. SBL also helped learners to conceptualize their answers and provided them with opportunities to become familiar with the conventional machines before workshop practice. An infusion of SBL has the potential to add value to the learning of Machining Technology.  相似文献   

The study reported in this paper was designed to examine three reliability characteristics of the Harris revision of the Goodenough ‘Draw‐a‐man’ Test when used with five‐year‐old school entrants. The test was individually administered to each of 90 children on two occasions, with an average time‐separation of two weeks. Three persons undertook the administration and scoring of the drawings, and the investigation examined the reliability coefficients associated with i) temporal stability (same tester); ii) temporal stability (different testers); iii) marker error. The results indicate that when experienced testers are used, the reliability of the ‘Draw‐a‐man’ scale is of the same magnitude as that reported in previous studies involving older children as subjects. It is also suggested that with school entrants, the influence of different trained testers on the final rank order of scores is probably quite small. The present study shows too, that with the drawings of five‐year‐old children there is less likelihood of the scorer developing a consistent subjective marking standard than is the case with the drawings of older children. Scoring errors tended to be random rather than systematic due probably to the relatively greater number of occasions when uncertainty exists over the interpretation or naming of basic features of immature drawings. It is suggested that the test is more useful for the comparison of groups rather than individual school entrants.  相似文献   

In this paper, the reliability of contactor relay is studied. There are three main parts about reliability test and analysis. First, in order to analyze reliability level of contact relay, the failure ratio ranks are established as index base on the product level. Second, the reliability test method is put forward. The sample plan of reliability compliance test is gained from reliability sample theory. The failure criterion is ensured according to the failure modes of contactor relay. Third, after reliability test experiment, the analysis of failure physics is made and the failure reason is found.  相似文献   

Technology is important to all aspects of our lives, so helping students develop an accurate understanding of technology should be an educational goal at the K-12 level. Assessments are important tools in reaching this goal. We developed an instrument to measure the technology conceptions of children ages 8–11, the ‘What is Technology’ (WT) instrument. We gathered evidence for the validity of using the WT instrument to measure children's conceptions of technology, including changes due to an intervention, and we describe those changes. We used exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to establish scales, and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with new samples of subjects to confirm our hypothesised model of children's conceptions. For further evidence, we analyzed and coded the written responses children gave to open-ended questions asking them to explain their understanding of technology, then calculated correlations between these codes and the CFA-confirmed scale measures. We found that children tend to think of technology as artifacts that are powered by electrical energy; however, after instruction most children's conceptions become more consistent with definitions given in educational standards. The instrument is shown to be valid and reliable for its intended use, to assess preadolescent children's conceptions of technology, and evaluate the impact of an intervention.  相似文献   

Language samples of college and middle‐aged respondents were syntactically analyzed in order to determine if the use of college students is appropriate for generalizations to other elements of the population. Multiple Discriminant Analysis was employed to determine correct classification of written language samples based on syntactic categories. Twenty‐two college‐aged subjects and 22 middle‐aged subjects responded to a TAT‐type photograph. The correct classification of college and middle‐aged subjects was 93.18%. A second MDA calculated on a three‐way distinction (college/nursing home employees/educators) yielded 90.91% discriminability. Utilizing a four‐way distinction (freshmen/sophomores/nursing home employees/ educators], the correct classification was 81.82%. Finally, an MDA calculated for male/female resulted in 68.18% discriminability. These results cast doubt on the validity of a “science of sophomores.”  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to measure pre‐service teachers’ attitudes toward information technology (IT) after completing a discrete IT course taught in a student centred‐learning (SCL) environment during laboratory sessions. Evidence from this study suggests that there was a positive shift in the participants’ attitudes toward IT. Pre‐test results showed that IT‐competent participants who regarded IT as useful had more confidence and less aversion toward IT. Post‐test results showed increased mean scores on all three dependent variables with no differences between IT‐competent and low IT‐competent participants. The results were supported by interviews which indicate that after completing the IT course, participants were more independent, more creative and possessed collaborative learning skills. The results suggest that infusing SCL into a discrete IT course can help promote and enhance positive attitudes toward IT and enable students to be active participants in their own learning process.  相似文献   

Young people’s participation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) is a matter of international concern. Studies and careers that require physical sciences and advanced mathematics are most affected by the problem and women in particular are under‐represented in many STEM fields. This article views international research about young people’s relationships to, and participation in, STEM subjects and careers through the lens of an expectancy‐value model of achievement‐related choices. In addition it draws on sociological theories of late‐modernity and identity, which situate decision‐making in a cultural context. The article examines how these frameworks are useful in explaining the decisions of young people – and young women in particular – about participating in STEM and proposes possible strategies for removing barriers to participation.  相似文献   

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