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教育发展的历史分期问题是一个最基本的理论问题,近几年很多学者对此问题进行了探讨,使这一问题的研究不断地走向深入。笔者在简单介绍关于教育发展历史分期问题现有观点的基础上,探讨和归纳了教育发展历史分期的划分标准,提出多角度划分教育发展历史分期的观点,并赞同以教育本身特征为标准来划分教育发展的历史分期,同时重点论述了关于教育发展历史分期问题的范围拓展、深度挖掘和以教育本身特征为标准划分教育发展历史分期的深层次思考。  相似文献   

神话,是原始先民们留下的宝贵文化遗产。司马迁在《史记》《殷本纪》、《周本纪》、《秦本纪》三篇本纪的开端,分别引用了殷、周、秦起源的神话传说。这些充满神秘色彩的神话,蕴藏着耐人寻味的文化内涵。研究探讨这些神话传说,既可以使我们进一步认识《史记》的伟大价值,又可以挖掘其蕴藏着的文化元素,从而探究原始社会的奥秘。  相似文献   

Anthony Sweeting 《Compare》1999,29(3):269-285
This paper directly addresses a fundamental issue concerning comparative education research: is it feasible to do comparative education research while focusing on a single society? From the outset, the answer is seen to be affirmative and based clearly on the belief that comparisons over time are at least as interesting and instructive as comparisons over place. With Hong Kong as the focal point and with particularities given credence, conceptual and methodological problems gain clarity. They include difficulties connected with periodization, the identification of agency in policy‐making, the accessibility and reliability of sources, and the generation and/or deliberate dissemination of myths. The same focus and approach facilitates discussion of themes and issues. These include the historic and current role of colonialism in education and the status it has been accorded by some generalists as conceptual skeleton‐key or, alternatively, as possibly a neo‐colonial myth. Current fashions in favour of quantifying quality are examined and both their provenance and their significance discussed, as are other emergent, as opposed to pre‐determined, themes. The paper concludes with a brief reconnaissance of world systems theory, dependency theory, critical theory, and postmodernism, leading up to an even more cursory consideration of the role of theory in research on comparative (historical) education.  相似文献   

We suggest that special education could die among common myths about it. That is, special education could cease to exist, at least as we know it, because its true nature and requirements for its functioning are misunderstood. We discuss only 12 common myths about special education, recognizing that there are many more myths and that the ones we write about could be stated differently. We conclude with comments about how the long roots of the idea that special education could become unnecessary might be traced to a publication by Evelyn Deno in 1970 and express our hope that special education will continue as a separate entity.  相似文献   


What are the educational implications of the rising tide of cognitivism and Aristotelianism in the field of emotion research and why have these not been heeded in education circles? This essay explores some of these implications and the somewhat incomplete attempts ('emotional intelligence' and 'multiple intelligences') to translate them into educational practice. It is argued that proposals about the teaching of emotional virtue in schools typically come up against a wall of 'myths' concerning the futility, if not the downright danger, of moral education in general and emotion education in particular. An attempt is made to dismantle some of these myths, paving the way for a more optimistic 'post-Kohlbergian' approach.  相似文献   

For close to 170 years the general consensus from historians has been that Edmund Rice, who founded the Irish Christian Brothers in 1802, was an unenthusiastic applicant to the National Board of Education in Ireland in 1832 and later withdrew his schools because he believed his education was incompatible with the philosophy underpinning the conduct of Board schools. Three myths were created and have circulated over many years to uphold and sustain a pretence that this was the situation which prevailed. These myths are that the Christian Brothers were reluctant participants with the Board; that the Board’s system of education was inimical to the Brothers; and that the Christian Brothers left the Board as a matter of principle. This paper contests these myths and argues that they made virtue of an internal rift that dramatically divided the Christian Brothers politically for over a century. This was a rift that sidelined Edmund Rice and those who supported him.  相似文献   

This essay explores the historiography of American and European education, considering how educational historians communicate powerful messages about the purposes and promises of schooling through their writing. I divide the historiography of American education into four interpretive traditions: traditionalism, radical revisionism, progressive revisionism, and plural revisionism. Each phase of the historiography, I argue, has supported particular myths about the relationship between public schooling and society. European historians have shared many of the interpretive assumptions contained within traditionalist, radical revisionist, and progressive revisionist scholarship, conveying similar myths to their US counterparts. Contemporary histories of European education, however, are distinct from recent histories of the US. In comparing the divergent trajectories of these two historiographies, I conclude by suggesting the strengths and weaknesses of contemporary scholarship in both fields, an assessment derived from a review of the underlying myths conveyed by each history. Recent US scholarship remains committed to narrative and draws attention to the educational experiences of marginalised groups. Scholarship on European education, in contrast, has explicitly embraced theoretical interpretive frameworks while also giving less attention to schooling on the margins. At the same time, many European histories of education have maintained a critical view of schooling, while some recent scholarship within the US has de-emphasised this connection, echoing older interpretive traditions and tacitly reinforcing faith in the ameliorative potential of public education.  相似文献   

The authors review some uses of myths and stories in counselor education and supervision. They note that collaborative supervision is especially relevant to the exploration of alternative views of supervisee growth that may be mirrored in myths and stories and in their multiple interpretations. The interpretation of the Greek myth of Psyche is examined as a possible vehicle for enhancing counselor growth in supervision.  相似文献   

长期以来,教育学饱受外界质疑:认为其仅从外部关系上去寻求教育的规律、规范、目的,而没有真正投身到蕴含着所有教育奥秘的具体教育实践中去探索教育的本真(本质、规律)和本善(价值追求),教育实践活动又缺乏检验、修正、贯彻、践行理论的内驱力,导致教育理论和实践发生双向脱离,教育如何化解质疑和信任危机,摆脱尴尬处境,不辱使命与时俱进,是教育工作者必须面对的课题。  相似文献   

分析卢梭的道德教育思想,能够得出其在自然教育与公民教育选择的困境、教育分期理论在儿童成长现实中实施的困境以及高尚的教育与教师何以产生的困境,这些困境的产生是卢梭理想的道德教育与当时社会现实矛盾的体现,但这并不否定卢梭道德教育思想的重要意义,相反,对其道德教育思想困境实质的分析,可以为我国当前未成年人道德教育存在的问题提供一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

许多教师在“创造性思维能不能教?怎么教?”这些问题上,存在着不同程度的误区,以至不能有效地开展创造教育。充分认识和理解创造性思维的本质和机理,并以其15种引发机制指导教学,以学生产生创造性设想的质量和数量作为评价教学的依据乃是消除这些误区的有效措施。  相似文献   

对词人的词作进行分期研究是全面深入研究其词作的一种重要体现.晚清词坛大家王鹏运现存词作750余首,在总结前人分期得失的基础上,结合王鹏运的生平仕履,根据其词集所收词作的实际情况,其词作分别归属于四个时期:裘马轻狂、锻炼词艺时期;台谏生风、屡举词社时期;满腔忠愤托于词时期;潇洒南游载于词时期.  相似文献   

由于中国职业技术教育学长期以来走入的种种误区,使学科发展缺乏独立性和鲜明特色,难以获得社会和市场认可,与经济社会和职业技术教育的发展越来越不相适应.因此,职业技术教育学必须走出学科发展的误区而准确定位,引入专业学位教育,形成学科特色;以市场为导向,培养满足市场需求的应用研究型人才;严格准入制度,着力解决生源和导师的专业背景问题而获得学科发展的生机,为经济社会和职业技术教育的发展发挥应有作用.  相似文献   

The article is a partial result of a wider research project, in which the commodification of science is interpreted, from one point of view, as a facet of the rise of neoliberalism, and from another, as a set of processes, classified according to a three-category taxonomy. Only one of the taxonomy’s categories is dealt with in this article, the one that concerns the processes that affect the programme of scientific research. First a sketch is presented of the historical background and the periodization of the most relevant epoch for the study of the commodification of science, namely, the one from the end of World War II to the present. The periodization is expressed in the notions of Golden Years science and neoliberal science. The ensuing sections have the aims: to show that, in Golden Years science, the processes shaping research programmes did not include commodification; to characterize the period of transition of the 70 s; to describe the processes of commodification that have impact on the research programmes of neoliberal science; to discuss criticisms that have been levelled against them, as well as proposals for better ways of conducting scientific practices, and their implications for science education (which are of the same nature as that of Science & Education’s editorial line); and finally, to bring to light the differences between developed and emerging countries as far as the commodification of science is concerned.  相似文献   

While there has been widespread take‐up of the concept ‘flexible learning’ within various educational environments—and equally frequent references to the flexible ‘natures’ of the computer and communication technologies that often underpin flexible learning initiatives—the relationship between technologies and flexibility is not a simple one. In this paper we examine some of the more persistent myths about technologies that are intertwined with discourses of flexibility. We highlight some of the more common ‘muddles’ that these myths can lead us in to and argue that the ‘mess’ that so often results from well‐intentioned moves to ‘be more flexible’ is largely a result of the ways that CCTs, or indeed any new educational technology or strategy, is theorized. Drawing on a recent study of online teaching and learning in higher education, we outline a new framework for examining these and related issues as they apply to teacher education.  相似文献   

我国长期以来在人生观教育理论和实践方面存在普遍而深刻的问题,解决问题的有效方法是运用心理学性格理论揭示人生观的奥秘:性格的态度特征就是人生观真实而具体的体现。这一认识及其应用,不仅能明显地提高人生观教育的效果,而且对人们的各种社会生活实践都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

After sketching in the background for conversation generally about theoretical and methodological issues in comparative education and more specifically about its historical dimension, the author seeks to identify theories that, despite widespread eclecticism and even support for atheoretical standpoints, appear influential, together with characteristic forms of historical analysis. With these preliminaries as a basis, he analyses strategies for clarifying the historical dimension. This leads him to focus both on the units/levels of comparison and on three structures that can be used for this purpose: the familiar (narrative) forms of diachronic analysis, the more in‐depth approaches opened up by synchronic analysis, and hybrid forms. The article also recognizes and explores problems associated with the use of the historical dimension, emphasizing those related to sources, interpretation, and periodization, while illustrating these problems and their possible solutions with specific examples from Hong Kong and elsewhere in the world. The article concludes by reaffirming the importance of the historical dimension of comparative education.  相似文献   

《楚辞》和《山海经》是现存先秦典籍中保存神话材料最丰富的两部书,其中的神话材料既各具特色,又有明显的趋同性,同时也存在着众多可以相互解释、相互补充的片断。它们载有相同的神山圣水神树,相近的神祇灵巫、神异禽兽,相似的长生不死思想与娱神习俗。从人类文化学角度考察,《楚辞》、《山海经》神话材料趋同揭示了这两部典籍在文化渊源上的同源关系。它反映了同一文化源头民族共同的原始神话思维。能够显示这种共同原始思维的原始文化就是以夏文化为核心的中原文化。  相似文献   

Based on case studies of a private and a public Mexican university, this research studied the economic strategies adopted by institutions of higher education to respond to financial stress. Rather than assuming that these strategies were selected primarily on the basis of their economic efficiency, the social processes that led to their adoption were explored.Economic development theory was employed to describe and conceptualize the universities' responses to financial difficulties. The concepts of institutional rules and rational myths in the environment and the processes that lead organizations to become similar to their environment were utilized to explore the role of the institutional environment on decision-making in times of fiscal uncertainty.Results indicate that financial stress was managed through economic measures, however the universities' institutional environment filtered and gave specific meaning to particular decision strategies. Institutional rules in the environment, acquiring the character of rationalized myths, pemeated and determined decision-making choices, and were evidenced in and sustained by mimetic, normative and coercive processes. In this light, the institutional environment pervaded and predicted rational decisions.  相似文献   

There currently exists a dearth of research on the transmission and assimilation of myths. To overcome this limitation, we developed a novel scale that measures belief in science-related myths. A total of 363 participants completed this new scale along with measures of personality (the Big Five factors), anti-scientific attitudes, and New Age orientation. Exploratory factor analysis showed that the items of the belief in myths scale could be reduced to two factors concerning human-related and non-human-related myths. Both factors were internally reliable, were moderately inter-correlated, and were not rated significantly differently by women and men (although human-related myths were rated as significantly more believable than non-human-related myths). Further analysis showed that only human myths were significantly predicted by anti-scientific attitudes and the Big Five factor of Extraversion. These results are discussed in relation to the promotion of scientific literacy.  相似文献   

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