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勾勒关键能力,打造优质生活——OECD关键能力框架概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关键能力是个人实现自我、终身发展、融入主流社会和充分就业所必需的知识、技能及态度之集合,是一种通用能力或横向能力,从而使得每个人具有追求完美人生的热忱,以积极公民的身份参与社会进步的本领和在劳动力市场获得充分就业的表现。关键能力框架的核心是"个体的自我认识能力",表明其心智成熟、道德完善,勇于为自我学习和行动负责。  相似文献   

How does schooling affect the development of intelligence in children? How should the amount of schooling be considered when developing norms for turning intelligence test performance into IQ scores?  相似文献   

《Distance Education》2012,33(2):271-278
This reflection outlines the problems associated with the Australian Government’s recurrent funding policy for non-government distance education. It demonstrates the policy’s inconsistencies with stated government educational policy and with commonly held expectations of fairness in a democratic society. A comparison of the current funding of non-government distance education to various long-standing educational delivery modes demonstrates that non-government distance education is yet to be appropriately funded by the Commonwealth. The discussion concludes by indicating that this emerging pedagogy is distinct from traditional schooling, that its students ought to be given the same educational opportunities as other Australian school students, and that the current policy ought to be redressed expeditiously.  相似文献   

This paper contends that powerful techniques to manipulate data, enabled by technological and economic developments, can be easily co-opted to serve the restrictive frameworks of hyper-controlling, managerial accountability that characterise current cultures of summative assessment in education. In response to these challenges, research is urgently needed to increase our understanding of the impact that assessments have on individuals and society. The paper concludes that social research ought to contribute to the identification of responses – educational, technological and political – that can minimise inequalities and potential abuses through the encouragement of data literacy across society.  相似文献   

学校教育面临着各种社会风险,同时学校教育中的一些风险因素演变成的风险事件也给社会带来风险。因此,我国学校亟待实施学校教育社会风险管理。学校教育社会风险是指社会上的各种相关因素、自然灾害以及学校教育活动与管理本身等因素变量演化成的风险事件给学校教育带来某种危险的可能性或后果,以及学校教育本身的一些风险因素演变成的风险事件给社会带来的某种危险的可能性或后果。据此,学校教育社会风险指标体系,是一个由学校面临的教育社会风险评估指标体系和学校教育对社会的风险评估指标体系构成的指标群。  相似文献   

This chapter addresses the origin, legacy, and persistence of intelligence testing in the United States as a process whereby education was colonized by the field of psychology. The convergence of events which fostered the development of intelligence tests and which maintain them in high standing link the history of schooling to the larger field of social change and reinforce the idea that schools are inseparable from the social climate of which they are a product. Intelligent tests were created as, and are, efficient sorting mechanisms in schools that reflect dominant values and contribute to social stability by justifying unequal educational outcomes as a natural and objective process. In spite of their seemingly meritocratic potential, intelligence tests are a primary mechanism for the reproductive role of schooling in society as reinforcing class, race, and ethnic biases.  相似文献   

社会主义和谐社会中的“和谐”是多方面的,它涉及人和自然、个人和群体、人和人以及社会和国家等多个方面。人和自然的和谐意味着,人的一切活动必须建立在尊重自然规律的基础之上。个人和群体的和谐意味着,自愿相互联合的个体和尊重个性的群体。人和人之间的和谐则要求社会各阶层必须相互开放,不得人为制造出知识和能力之外的障碍。公民社会和政治国家的和谐则要求:国家权力从公民社会中产生,而且后者对前者形成有效的制约。  相似文献   

构建我国职业教育体系的背景和依据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
职业模式的发展使得职技人才知识能力结构的技术含量、理论深度不断提升,其相应的学历层次必定随之高延.地区发展不平衡,各行业职业的发展程度也不尽相同,造成我国社会同时存在着不同阶段的职业模式.在构建职教体系时,必须顾及多层次、多样化职技人才的培养.现代社会职业行为的新定位以及就业新观念,要求职技人才具有适应能力和创新能力,这一要求应由职教体系中的学历教育与非学历教育共同完成.职教体系的构建应以终身教育思想为依据,发展和完善职教观;促进非学历教育从边缘走向核心,并采取相应的机制和举措.  相似文献   

Despite reservations expressed in the literature, there is a strong case in the context of schooling for favouring the view that students should engage in an assessment of their teachers for intellectual trustworthiness if credulity on the part of students is to be avoided. J. S. Mill's suggestion that the judgment of open-minded individuals can be trusted is explored and defended; and it is further argued that students are in a position to determine whether or not their teachers are open-minded by asking certain questions about their approach and manner.  相似文献   

应用型人才的培养应与社会的需要联系起来.学校首先应根据实际情况确立办学目标,然后通过教育教学改革、加强师资队伍建设等措施,完善教学设施,提高教学质量,为培养应用型人才打好基础,最终实现办学目标.  相似文献   

课堂教学既要注重知识的传授,也要注重能力的培养,教师应充分发挥案例教学在知识运用和学生能力培养方面的优势,让学生有实实在在的收获和提高,以利于学生适应未来社会和自身发展的需要。  相似文献   

创造教育的培养目标与学科课程的改革方向   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
创造教育的培养目标应该是形成主体的创造性人格 ,而不是构成创造性人格的个别或部分因素的发展 ;实现创造教育培养目标的学科课程的“课”应该包括哲学、科学和艺术三种实体性精神文化 ,学科课程的“程”应该呈现为螺旋式上升的轨迹 ,即形成一套螺旋式的每一教育阶段都包括哲学、科学和艺术三种实体性精神文化的课程系统  相似文献   

There is a lively discussion on how to evaluate competence-based higher education in both evaluation and competence research. The instruments used are often limited to course evaluation or specific competences, taking a rather narrow perspective. Furthermore, the instruments often comprise predetermined competences that cannot be adapted to higher education needs. The aim of this paper is to provide a flexible screening instrument into which practitioners/evaluators of study programmes can themselves insert the competences they are interested in, i.e. competences students ought to acquire through their study programme. The present study describes the development of the Competence Screening Questionnaire for Higher Education (CSQ-HE) in different domains of higher education. Results show that the CSQ-HE provides plausible screening information whilst fulfilling evaluation standards. It can be integrated into a higher education institution’s internal quality management system to demonstrate a programme’s legitimacy and enhance competence-based teaching and learning. Strengths, weaknesses and implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the policy issue of expanding schooling in a post-apartheid South Africa. The Project of placing about two million children of school-going age in school is viewed as central to the rebuilding of South Africa. The paper argues that this project should be located within the peculiar history of this country's educational underdevelopment. Challenging the constraining influence of the New Right context should be central in conceptualising the provision of expanded school access. Access policy should be based on a notion of educational development that is linked to the overall socioeconomic development of this society. The view is promoted in this paper that a policy of quantitative expansion of schooling should not ignore the quality of such schooling.  相似文献   

Age versus schooling effects on intelligence development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S Cahan  N Cohen 《Child development》1989,60(5):1239-1249
The effect of formal education, as opposed to chronological age, on intelligence development has suffered from inadequate empirical investigation. Most studies of this issue have relied on natural variation in exposure to school among children of the same age, thus confounding differences in schooling with differences in other intelligence-related variables. This difficulty can be overcome by a quasi-experimental paradigm involving comparison between children who differ in both chronological age and schooling. The present study applies this paradigm to the estimation of the independent effects of age and schooling in grades 5 and 6 on raw scores obtained on a variety of general ability tests. The sample included all students in Jerusalem's Hebrew-language, state-controlled elementary schools. The results unambiguously point to schooling as the major factor underlying the increase of intelligence test scores as a function of age and to the larger effect schooling has on verbal than nonverbal tests. These results contribute to our understanding of the causal model underlying intelligence development and call for reconsideration of the conceptual basis underlying the definition of deviation-IQ scores. Some implications of these results concerning the distinction between intelligence and scholastic achievement, the causal model underlying the development of "crystallized" and "fluid" abilities, and the notion of "culture-fair" tests are discussed.  相似文献   

We suggest that the assessment of intelligence (a) ought to be tied to measuring basic cognitive components (as opposed to more heterogeneous tasks found on IQ tests and developmental scales); (b) be "contextualized"; and (c) be embedded in developmental theory, unlike current psychometric approaches. As a first step toward thinking about the contextual nature and the developmental course of intelligence, we propose that infants and young children be assessed on four basic information-procesing components that appear to be involved in higher level thinking and reasoning (concept formation, rudimentary counting, visual expectancy, and long-term memory), and that they be followed over time on variants of these measures in order to gain information about rate and quality.  相似文献   

在高等教育大众化阶段,新闻传媒专业人才培养存在计划经济管理模式与市场化就业两张皮问题,人才供给与社会需求失衡。在传统教学模式下,新闻传媒类专业人才培养地位及培养模式、课程体系、教学方式方法等方面存在诸多弊端,影响了人才培养质量,不能满足社会需求。新闻传媒类教学改革应按照"从出口往回找"的原则,以一专多能的应用型人才为培养目标,强化素质教育和学生的职业能力培养,更新教学方式方法,提高教学效果。  相似文献   

促进学生发展的课堂教学评价   总被引:68,自引:0,他引:68  
多元智力理论、建构主义理论和后现代主义理论对促进学生发展的课堂教学评价观的形成具有启发意义 ;现实的课堂教学评价存在评价主客体单一、方式传统、内容浅显、作用甚微等不足 ;促进学生发展的课堂教学评价应注重多元性、整体性和过程性的特点 ,并遵循发展性、学生中心和全面性的原则  相似文献   

早期教育实践研究的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
婴儿0岁到6岁是智力开发的快速发展阶段,努力创设良好的发展环境,给孩子以快乐、尊重,多与孩子交流,给他一颗平凡的心,采用引导主动学习的教育策略,让孩子通过主动探索来学习,并把这种学习教育活动渗透到一日生活之中,点点滴滴地实施教育,为一生发展奠基,让孩子赢在人生起始阶段。  相似文献   

Given the relatively high intercorrelations observed between mathematics achievement, reading achievement, and cognitive ability, it has recently been claimed that student assessment studies (e.g., TIMSS, PISA) and intelligence tests measure a single cognitive ability that is practically identical to general intelligence. The present article uses three lines of reasoning to show that the outcomes of schooling can and must be conceptually distinguished from the intelligence construct. First, the conceptual differences between student assessments and tests of cognitive ability are delineated. Second, results from construct validation studies providing strong empirical support for the multidimensionality of the achievement measures applied in large-scale educational assessments are reported. Third, data supporting the differential development of educational outcomes in different domains are presented.  相似文献   

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