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The increasing amount of empirical research shows that the role of regulatory processes is critical in CSCL and collaborative learning settings. However, the current conceptual definitions and specificity of the findings vary. This is most probably because of limitations in the methods investigating regulated learning in a collaborative learning context. This study aimed to provide empirical evidence for how self- and shared regulation activities are used and whether they are useful for collaborative learning outcomes. Eighteen graduate students worked in collaborative groups for seven weeks in a CSCL course and the data of this study focuses on three one week online collaborative learning phases in the course. Temporal and sequential analysis of chat discussions and log file traces were matched to find evidence about whether the students' collaboratively planned regulatory activities became shared in practice. The results show evidence that collaborative planned regulatory activities become shared in practice. The groups that achieved good learning results used multiple regulatory processes to support their learning and also reached shared regulation. The four microlevel examples demonstrate simplified patterns of the activation of self-regulation and shared regulation. In conclusion, individual socially shared regulation plays a critical role in successful collaborative learning.  相似文献   

班杜拉社会学习理论述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
班杜拉的社会学习理论摈弃了传统行为主义对环境的依赖,指出人的更普遍、更有效的学习方式是观察学习,强调了人的认知因素在学习过程中的重要作用,认为行为、认知及环境三者之间构成了动态的交叉互动关系,重视人的自我调节和自我效能感。  相似文献   

自我调节学习和高效学习环境   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
自我调节学习作为成功进行学校学习与终身学习的核心概念,是教育心理学、学习心理学研究的热点问题。文章在探讨自我调节学习含义和剖析自我调节学习特征的基础上,阐述了支撑自我调节学习的高效学习环境的结构、功能与构建路径。  相似文献   

Self- and co-regulation are central elements in skillful student-teacher learning. Studies have confirmed the interrelation between positive academic emotions and student engagement in self-regulated learning. There are also indicators of student-teachers experiencing co-regulative learning activities as highly significant. Yet, we know surprisingly little about the emotional landscape of the self- and co-regulation of learning among student-teachers. Hence, in this study, we explore the kinds of academic emotions that primary school student-teachers experience during self- and co-regulated learning. Altogether 19 Finnish primary school student-teachers were interviewed. The data were qualitatively content analyzed. The results showed that both self- and co-regulated learning experiences were emotionally activating. Student-teachers reported primarily positive emotions (80%) in self- and co-regulated learning. The results also showed that positive activating emotions, such as enthusiasm, were emphasized in all regulatory phases: goal setting and task analysis, strategy use and monitoring, and reflection. Our findings on the high frequency of various positive emotions embedded in self- and co-regulated learning confirmed that positive activating emotions are essential elements in student-teachers self- and co-regulated learning. The findings imply that self- and co-regulated learning can trigger a positive cycle in student-teacher learning in terms of both emotions and productive learning.  相似文献   

This article reviews the terms and concepts that have been used for describing regulation of learning during cooperative and collaborative learning and suggests differentiating them on the basis of which parts of a regulatory feedback loop model are being shared. During cooperative and collaborative learning, not only self-regulation but also the regulation of the group process is important. This regulation might occur on both an individual level and a social level. Several modes of regulation have been identified, but the terms used for them vary tremendously—including social regulation, socially shared regulation, coregulation, and other-regulation. This article seeks to clarify the diverse terminology. To this end, we use a theoretical framework based on Winne and Hadwin's (1998) model of self-regulated learning to analyze how the different terms are used in the literature. We make and exemplify suggestions for a consistent usage of terms.  相似文献   

In recent studies of learning theories, a new methodology that integrates two prevailing metaphors of learning (acquisition and participation) has been discussed. However, current analytical techniques are insufficient for analyzing how social knowledge develops through learners' discourse and how individual learners contribute to this development. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to analyzing learning from an integrative perspective and present a social network analysis application that uses learner discourse as input data: Knowledge Building Discourse Explorer (KBDeX). To investigate the utility of this approach, discourse data analyzed in a previous study is re-examined through social network analysis supported by KBDeX. Results suggest that social network analysis can qualitatively and quantitatively support the conclusions from the previous study. In addition, social network analysis can reveal potential points that are pivotal for social knowledge advancement in groups, and can identify each individual's contribution to this advancement. On the basis of these results, we discuss how social network analysis could be integrated into existing in-depth discourse analysis.  相似文献   

Research on self-regulated learning has focused predominantly on a static individual level to explain various strengths and weaknesses of learners. However, much learning today is highly interactive and technologically enhanced, which an individually oriented perspective to regulated learning does not consider. In this article we discuss regulation by bringing situational and contextual variation of regulated learning into focus. We introduce a situative perspective on regulation of learning and give arguments and examples on how it can offer a way to conceptually and empirically grasp multiple layers of regulated learning in social contexts. We also compare the given perspective with sociocognitive and sociocultural perspectives to regulated learning. We conclude that the situative perspective can significantly enrich understanding about individual and group learning as a regulated activity, because it offers a way to examine regulation beyond the individual while not losing sight of learners as individual subjects.  相似文献   

This study examines a person-centered approach to self-regulated learning among 606 University students (140 online, and 466 in blended learning mode). Latent profile analysis revealed five distinct profiles of self-regulated learning: minimal regulators, restrained regulators, calm self-reliant capable regulators, anxious capable collaborators, and super regulators. These profiles showed that: (1) differences in academic success are associated with a learner’s capacity for motivational regulation and self-regulated learning strategy implementation, (2) online learners are more likely to belong to profiles that are more adaptive, and less reliant on collaborations with others, (3) for learners at the lower end of the self-regulation spectrum, an increase in both motivational regulation and adoption of self-regulated learning strategies may be academically beneficial, and (4) high motivational regulation and strategy adoption can be all for naught, if the student is also highly anxious with worry and concern regarding performance.  相似文献   

成人教学的实践表明,自我效能感是影响成人学习的重要心理因素,个体自我效能感水平在很大程度上影响着成人学习者的学业成就。本文在分析影响个体自我效能感的因素和利用教学提升成人自我效能感的必要性的基础上,从教师和学生的角度,探讨如何在成人教学中提升成人学习者的自我效能感。  相似文献   

综合实践活动应当以“过程导向”的后现代课程观为理论基础,其开发、设计和实施必须“坚持学生的自主选择和主动探究、促进学生个性发展;推进学生与自我、社会和自然之间在联系的整体认识与情感体验,谋求自我、社会与自然之间的和谐发展;强调走向社会,走进生活,拓展学生的学习空间;提倡自主参与式实践性学习,改变学生的学习方式”等基本概念。综合实践活动课程具有以下性质:它是一种正式和必修的综合性、实践性课程;既是国家课程,又是地方课程和校本课程。  相似文献   

动机是推动学习的一种内部驱动力,通过调查发现,它的四个成分对自我满足程度有不同程度的影响。从目的角度来讲,证书和社会需要影响较小,个人需要和性格影响相对较大些,性格影响尤为明显。但强烈的动机并不能对自我满足程度有决定性影响,外部条件诸如教学方法、激励系统也是很重要。  相似文献   

随着高等教育自学考试改革不断推进和网络学习的日益普及,自考网络学习以其自身独特的优势被越来越多的人所重视。网络助学作为一个重要的平台,对进一步提高自考助学质量、降低学习成本、提高自考生一次性通过率有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

The relation of stress hormones and activity in stress response systems to the development of aspects of cognition and behavior important for educational achievement and attainment is examined from the perspective of the developmental psychobiological model. It is proposed that research in neuroendocrinology supports three general conclusions, namely (1) that there is a neuroscientifically definable optimal level of stress arousal in children against which various curricula and teaching and learning activities can be examined; (2) that consideration of the time course of stress arousal indicates that optimal levels of stress arousal are temporally limited and can be matched to specific instructional activities; and (3) that alterations to stress response systems through processes of allostasis and allostatic load, particularly for children facing early psychosocial disadvantage, can impair the flexible regulation of stress response systems needed for effective learning in school.  相似文献   

Complex, interactive, and far-reaching change ushered in by globalisation processes compels educators, scholars, and policymakers to consider a pedagogy of the future. No other institution than public education is in the position to take on the "reeducation of humankind" that Paul Kennedy professed is needed to face the continuous change taking place worldwide. A pedagogy of the future—one that addresses a social reality in flux and an ongoing redefinition of political, moral, and social foundations—is one fundamental way to respond to such an immense undertaking. The pedagogy I propose in this article aims at nothing less than creating a new consciousness, beginning with preparing socially conscious, multidimensional citizens of the world. Using a sociocultural perspective on learning and development, I lay out a few key pedagogical goals that show great promise for facilitating the necessary shift from an industrial model of preparing individuals for a hierarchical, routinised, and predicable workplace and social world to a knowledge and information model that calls for integrative collaboration, flexibility, and technological versatility. I use the example of an innovative learning environment called La Clase Magica (The Magical Class) as the foundation for a new pedagogy of the future, organised around a system of artefacts that engenders possible visions of an active global citizen and worker capable of taking on a new global identity and responsibility.  相似文献   

采用问卷法调查某职业技术学院252名学生的英语学习动机、学习策略和成绩。结果显示:高职生的英语学习动机以融合型动机和工具型动机为主,最常用的学习策略是补偿策略和情感策略,最不常用的是元认知策略和社会策略;成绩优等生有更强的融合型动机和内部动机,更频繁地使用补偿策略、元认知策略和认知策略;高职生融合型动机和内部动机与其英语成绩呈显著性正相关;各种学习策略与其英语成绩都呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

通过调查,发现当前幼儿园教师在自主学习方面存在许多偏差和局限,结果表明教师注重“外在的”、“技术性”的在职学历进修;现代信息技术在学习中的运用较差;学习内容的选择确定,组织方式大都由管理者发起;学习研究过程中缺乏合作研究意识;学习过程中的自我反思自我调控评价能力不同。解决这些问题的对策有转变管理理念,端正教师学习动机;加强软件投资与建设;增强合作意识;建立自我评价机制。  相似文献   

This discussion paper for this special issue examines co-regulation of learning in computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environments extending research on self-regulated learning in computerbased environments. The discussion employs a socio-cognitive perspective focusing on social and collective views of learning to examine how students co-regulate and collaborate in computer-supported inquiry. Following the review of the articles, theoretical, methodological and instructional implications are discussed: Future research directions include examining the theoretical nature of collective regulation and social metacognition in building models of co-regulated learning; expanding methodological approaches using trace data and multiple measures for convergence and construct validity; and conducting instructional experiments to test and to foster the development of co-regulated learning in computer-supported collaborative inquiry.  相似文献   

This article describes Teacher Work Sample Methodology (TWSM) as one piece of an in-place accountability system for the initial preparation and licensure of teachers that includes evidence of student learning. The underlying tenets of both the methodology specifically and the notion of accountability systems generally are explored from the perspective of using evidence of student learning. This discussion includes the argument that teacher do indeed influence student learning and thus can ethically be part of an accountability system. However, the author also argues that the teaching and learning context is important and must be taken into account within such systems. The author also describes why, especially at the preservice level, the notion of accountability is part of a broader “social contract.” Finally, the author argues that the aim of any accountability system should be to develop personal, professional responsibility rather than to develop an external hammer for performance. A summary of the differences TWSM has made at the individual teacher level and within the institution, the state, and the nation generally is presented. The author concludes that the intended impact of the system—to develop personal, professional responsibility—has been largely achieved.  相似文献   

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