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Educational Studies in Mathematics - In 1990, Dr. Jean Schmittau (1937–2015) traveled to Russia to study the Davydov elementary mathematics program. Later she worked closely with Davydov to...  相似文献   

At the turn of the twentieth century, the sound of presidential address changed from an orotund style to an instructional style. The orotund style had featured the careful pronunciation of consonants, elongated vowels, trilled r's and repeated declamations. The instructional style, on the other hand, mimicked the conversational lectures of the professor. The shift from orotund to instructional was activated by the arrival of millions of foreign language–speaking immigrants, the increasing power of the working class, and concerns over the effects of sedentary employment on the men who had formerly dominated politics. These pressures culminated in a questioning of the manliness of the orotund style. Theodore Roosevelt, whose manliness had been questioned in the 1880s, responded by writing volumes about manliness and adopting the instructional style in his presidential oratory at the turn of the twentieth century.  相似文献   

HenrywasfromtheUnitedStatesandhehadcometoLondon1aholiday.Onedayhewasnotfeel-ing2,sohewenttotheclerk(服务员)atthedeskofhishotelandsaid,“Iwantto3adoctor.Canyougivemethenameofagoodone?”Theclerklookedinabookandthen4,“DrKennethGrey,61010.”Henrysaid,“5youverymuch.Isheexpensive?”“Well,”theclerk6,“healwayscharges(收费)hispatients(病人)twopoundsfortheirfirstvisittohim,and1.50forlatervisits.”Henrydecidedtosave(节省)50p,sowhenhe7toseethedoctor,hes…  相似文献   

尹志远  龙桂珍 《初中生》2002,(18):40-41
根据图画及短文给下面每个空填上一个适当的词。Henry was from the United States and he had come to London1a holiday.One day he was not feeling2,so he went to the clerk(服务员)at the desk of his hoteland said,“I want to 3 adoctor.Can you give me the nameof a good one?”  相似文献   

B. Sury 《Resonance》2016,21(12):1065-1068

Women workers are at the bottom of the industrial scale. In almost every trade they do the least skilled portion of the work and the wages average not more than 12s a week. They work long hours, partly because their occupation is in workshops or the home rather than in the factories, and their trades are for the most part those in which overtime is allowed; and to this legal overtime is freely added, often . . .without payment. What a mockery to preach self‐help to women so placed! They cannot help themselves . . . Wages in the trades which are filled by women are always tending to fall lower and lower. The women are unorganised, and they will take work at any price. 1 1Karl Pearson, quoted in H. Morten, ‘Technical Education for Girls’, Fortnightly (January 1901), 174.   相似文献   


Activities of the two state boards having jurisdiction over community colleges in Illinois were determined by examining records and board minutes for the years between 1969 and 1975. It was possible to categorize most activities of these agencies into topics of a governance function, either control or coordination. It was found that about twice as much time and effort per board was devoted to control as compared to coordination. Moreover, of five problems confronting the boards, the data showed that four directly pertained to the coordinating function. Three of the problems—those upon which politicians were taking stands as ascertained from legislative records and by questionnaire to 20 legislators—were deemed political issues: financing, duplication of programs, and fragmentation of the system. Each of these issues was related to the legislative intent in mandating the boards. It is argued that a state agency (or agencies) with greater power to control the institutions may be necessary if competition among the institutions is to be handled within an educational system.  相似文献   

Mybrother,Henry,hadaverygoodjobatabank.Icouldntbelievehimwhenhetoldmethathehaddecidedtoleavethere.Itriedtomakehimchangehismind,butIfailed.“Youshouldreconsideryourdecision,”Isaid.“Youhaveal-readyspentfiveyearsinthebankandyoucouldhaveawonderfulfuture.Youmightbecomeabankmanager(经理)bythetimeyouarethirty-five.”“Iknow,”Henryanswered.“Ihavegotnocomplaints(抱怨)withthebank.Itisapleasantjob.Thebankmanagertoldmethatmyfuturewasbrilliant.”“Thenwhydoyouwanttoleave?”Ia…  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the Olympic dilemma from the perspective of social psychology. Specifically, the contact theory is applied to the interaction of organizers, athletes, and spectators at the Olympic Games. The literature investigating the relationship between interaction and the development of positive feelings among participants is reviewed and, where possible, hypotheses based upon the contact theory are developed. Finally, changes are suggested in the Olympic format which would increase the opportunities for positive outcomes from interaction.  相似文献   

This article examines challenges to the classical paradigm of education in Sweden that followed in the wake of state-initiated attempts at school reform in the first decades of the nineteenth century. When the internal disputes of the so-called ‘Genius Committee’ resulted in a failure to overcome the increasing divide between reformers, a prolific opportunity to argue the value of practical subjects and natural science arose. This article demonstrates that this conflict over knowledge was characterised by a humanistic consensus that rested on the idea of formal education as well as on the shared commitment to a moral education. As a result, challengers attempted to attribute the same value that gave classical study its supremacy over their rival subjects. The article argues that this aspect of the European educational debates is an overlooked key to understanding the continued relevance of classical education throughout the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

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