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Although progressive education was an international phenomenon, historical interpretations of it may be affected on the national level by academic and institutional contingencies. An analysis of how US and English historians of education interpret progressive education reforms in their respective countries identified a strain of condescension toward progressive education in history of education scholarship in the US, which often resulted in misrepresentations of the historical record. English historians of education tend to regard progressive education with critical sympathy. These findings are possibly explained by different institutional and academic circumstances of historians of education in England and the US.  相似文献   

本文选取了美国国家教育统计中心收集的长期跟踪数据,描述了美国都市和乡村高中毕业生在高等院校的学习持续性问题,同时分析了影响上述两大群体在校学习持续性的因素。  相似文献   


This paper contrasts approaches to supporting ethno-cultural diversity in education in Canada, the USA and India through the lens of the experiences of the Tibetan diaspora. All three countries self-identify as linguistic and ethnically diverse states that value multiculturalism. These shared values make them insightful comparative cases to consider the role of public education vis-a-vis its impact on ethno-cultural diversity within pluralistic societies. The case used to conduct the comparison is that of the Tibetan diaspora, an ethno-cultural migrant minority found in each country. Three prevailing ethno-cultural diversity orientations are identified – integration, achievement and sustainability – to describe prevalent approaches in Canada, the USA and India, respectively. The paper concludes with implications of the skewed orientations in each context, proposing a more balanced use of all three orientations for more robust and comprehensive supports for ethno-cultural diversity in education.  相似文献   

This article challenges the common-sense observation that Japanese and American education have been moving in “opposite directions” in recent times. Drawing on postcolonial discourse studies and cultural studies, the article extracts from this observation an Orientalist binary epistemology that continues to set discursive limits on the way Japanese and American observers make sense of each other's education. It is argued that the predominance of this Orientalist binary paradigm in comparative discussions of Japanese and Anglo-American education has resulted in the unfortunate lack of scholarly efforts to take full account of the common global structural changes in education driven by neo-liberal and neo-conservative impulses. As a crucial step towards the critical, reflexive engagement with the continuing colonial legacy, this article proposes a structurally oriented research paradigm that enables us to discuss localised and nationalised differences in education changes within the common frame of global structural changes in economy, state and education.  相似文献   

职业教育是美国教育系统的重要组成部分,是推动美国经济发展的坚实力量。为全方位升级生涯与技术教育系统并提升其质量,在经济因素、教育因素、社会因素、政治因素等综合影响下,美国于2018年7月颁布《加强21世纪生涯与技术教育法案》,主要以特殊人群、面向就业、绩效问责、简政放权等内容为运行框架展开了美国生涯与技术教育腾飞的宏伟蓝图。新法案呈现出以实现所有学生的成功为根本、以就业为导向加强与企业合作、以科学的治理模式激发生涯与技术教育发展活力、以法律"组合拳"推动生涯与技术教育发展的内生取向。  相似文献   

The present article explores home–school relations by analyzing how Swedish teachers and parents negotiate responsibility for children's education and rearing through school letters. It draws on participant observations using a video camera in families, interviews with parents, and analysis of school letters written by teachers to parents. The division of public and private responsibility for children is negotiated in terms of expertise. Teachers position themselves as ‘educational experts’, and are able to prescribe how parents are supposed to be involved in children's education. Teachers construct parents as ‘rearing experts’, and ask them to take responsibility for their children's behavior in school by disciplining them at home. The prescribed parental subject is adopted by parents, particularly mothers, as they position themselves as involved parents.  相似文献   

The pertinence and worth of arts in Quebec primary schools vary considerably from one institution and school administration to another. In this paper it is argued that well-integrated arts education would bring a large array of pedagogical benefits to students, not the least of which is the preservation and the development of aesthetic perception and creativity. Actually, teachers can rely on the syncretistic and amodal perception of the young child, a learning mode that is analogous to the aesthetic experience and fostered by art practices. The paper draws notably on Ehrenzweig and Winnicott to advocate that the school, through arts education, should preserve and make use of this precious perceptive faculty, and temper the educational bias that largely favours the logical or analytical mode of the child. It advocates for an essential developmental balance between the child’s intuitive and analytical faculties, a healthy equilibrium that arts education has the potential to instil. Children and society both have much to gain from the school’s fostering of arts education and aesthetic perception: children from their balanced development and society from future creative citizens’ contributions.  相似文献   

瑞典学者爱伦·凯(1847-1926)在1899年预言:"20世纪是儿童的世纪。"100年后的今天,历史证实了这一预言。"20世纪是儿童的世纪"这一观念推动了整个儿童教育事业的发展,并促使学前教育在20世纪末成为一个全球性的重要课题。当时代进入了21世纪,随着知识经济的发展,社会对人才的需求越来越大,对人才的质量要求越来越高,这必将使学前教育受到前所未有的重视。21世纪发展和重视学前教育的原因是什么?在现代史上21世纪开始后,美国成为了世界上唯一的超级大国,其快速的发展必然离不开教育和科技的支持。而日本一直以来都是十分重视教育的大国,尤其是学前教育在教育中的比重最大,他的重视必然有其重要的原因和现实意义。同样作为老牌资本主义国家的英国,一直在世界竞争中占据主导地位,不可动摇,他们大力投入资金和政策重视教育,都有其重要的原因所在。在已经跨入新世纪的今天,作为超级大国的中国,开始越来越清楚的了解学前教育在基础教育中的重要地位,更应该吸收和借鉴外国的先进思想,从外国成功的案例中收获启示,对发展我国的学前教育事业起到重大的指导作用。  相似文献   

美国整合性STEM教育框架基于STEM理念,阐明对整合性STEM的共识性理解,首次提供了涵盖K-12阶段的整合性STEM课程资源,绘制了STEM课程路线图,提供在课堂层次实施STEM的课程路线,为整合STEM方法的系统转型提供支持,以数据驱动STEM教学与评价,制定有效的STEM课程项目和STEM教师专业发展框架,推动整合性STEM课程实施与教学方法改革,培养学生运用STEM知识去解决真实问题,提高创新、批判性思维和解决问题的能力,培养21世纪技能。美国整合性STEM教育框架的课程理念、课程路径与课程支持系统,对我国在基础教育阶段推进STEM教育改革,开发全学段的STEM教育整体框架和课程路线图可以提供有益借鉴,包括基于标准的整合性STEM课程框架,赋能STEM教师的整合性教学实践和推动整合性STEM教育的系统性转变。  相似文献   

The current literature of school education, transnationalisation and migration explores actors, structures and social mechanisms, however, tends to focus on these analytical levels separately. This article advocates a more explicit analysis of the interconnections of structures, actors and mechanisms within and across schools and wider national and inter-national levels in the context of transnationalisation of school education. The article adds to the theoretical discussion of transnationalisation and school education by presenting a conceptual tool, which identifies gaps in the current literature and may help to structure future research and policy development.  相似文献   

法、美、德、俄在高等教育发展的历程中,致力于将工程教育和工程技术人才的培养视为国家持续发展的潜力所在和提升国家竞争力的有力保证,并以其“卓越”的教育质量享誉全球.其“卓越”缘由在于:分工明确的高等工程教育系统确保其功能的有效发挥;适切性、综合性、实践性的培养过程设计使工程本质得以充分体现;制度化、前瞻性认证基准及政策报告规约和引领高等工程教育改革.  相似文献   

基于对中国省域与美国州域面板数据的分析,本研究发现:美国研究生教育培养规模和累积规模每提高1%,区域创新水平会分别提高0.11%和0.52%;我国这一系数分别为0.26%和0.28%。由于存在一定的积累优势,研究生教育的累积规模的促进作用更加明显。区域创新水平的提高,有赖于各类人才尤其是研究生人才的不断聚集和累积。研究生教育发达的区域,创新水平更受益于研究生教育累积规模的扩大;研究生教育欠发达地区,研究生教育的培养规模和累计规模对区域创新水平的影响差别不大。因此,我国应积极利用研究生教育集聚化的发展规律,进一步匹配当地创新发展需求;积极发展研究生教育,充分发挥高层次人才的积累效应;大力促进地区间研究生人才的流动,优化高层次人力资源配置。  相似文献   


The present study provides an analysis of John Amos Comenius’s thoughts on moral and pious education, educational governance and school discipline as expressed in Didactica Magna. This is examined from the background of his view of education as a societal phenomenon, the purposes of different categories of knowledge for individual formation and the role of pedagogy in the upbringing of children. Theoretically, this paper expands on Michel Foucault’s ideas about governmentality and discipline, as well as on Henri Lefebvre’s spatial theories. The article argues that Comenius can be viewed as a significant contributor to the early modern shift towards new administrative techniques for school governance, transmitting the mode of disciplinary power into pedogogised and didactic forms. The article contributes to achieving more systematic knowledge for understanding the focused areas of schooling, the concept of discipline and the pedagogic premises of disciplinary practice in an early-modern European educational context.  相似文献   

This study explores the similarities and differences of relatively newly established tiered intervention models for the support of students with special needs in the United States (response to intervention) and in Finland (learning and schooling support). The current models in both countries consist of several tiers with fairly similar definitions. Despite the similarities, the history and political meaning of the tiered models are different in these countries. However, in both countries, part of the underlying political expectation is that the change to tiered intervention will promote inclusive education, but also diminish the number of special education students, and at the same time decrease the rising costs of special education funding. It is evident that there have been educational as well as political and financial objectives behind the restructuring in both countries. We conclude with a discussion on policy implications.  相似文献   

A century on from the height of John Dewey’s educational writings and the reputation of the Gary Schools Plan as a model of progressive education, the paper reappraises two key matters: the relationship between John Dewey and William Wirt, the first superintendent of the Gary Schools in Gary Indiana, and the coherence between John Dewey’s progressive pedagogies and the early years of the Gary Schools Plan. Through drawing on a range of primary and secondary sources of information, the paper analyses the connections between John Dewey, William Wirt and the Gary Schools Plan in their shared quest to extend progressive education into new urban and industrial schooling contexts. The paper highlights areas where existing assumptions require review and the extent to which the relationship and connections between Dewey and Wirt’s work were mutually beneficial. The paper ends by calling for further related research based on the archival material available.  相似文献   

This is the third of three articles which review recent developments concerning the internationalisation of higher education provision in the United Kingdom. The first two articles focused exclusively on offshore provision (i.e. transnational education) (see Bennell, 2019a; Bennell, 2019b). In this article, key patterns and possible inter-relationships between the numbers of onshore and offshore overseas students studying at British universities are examined. The three main conclusions are (i) the most dominant pattern is the inverse relationship between the status and ranking of a university and the relative importance of offshore enrolments; (ii) direct substitution effects between the two forms of provision are generally quite limited; and (iii) articulation and progression offshore enrolment is likely to be the only significant complementary relationship with onshore provision.  相似文献   

This study uses historical state-level schooling data, a direct measure of manufacturing productivity, and quantitative methods to examine the relationship between changes in the rate and distribution of public school expenditures, the organization of public schooling, and economic growth at state-level in the United States from 1880 to 1940. The determinants of public school expenditures at the state-level are examined and interstate differences in the growth and distribution of public school funds are detailed. The paper then explores if state differences in the growth of per student expenditures on teachers salaries and school infrastructure were related to later changes in manufacturing productivity. Significant and substantial effects for per student spending on school infrastructure are found.  相似文献   

This paper presents a field experiment examining the effect of drama education on the psychological development of grades 1 and 4 students. The drama curriculum was delivered after school for one day each week for 16 weeks. Students in the experimental group attended drama education classes, whereas students in the control group took part in the other unstructured extra-curricular activities. Pre- and post-tests of creativity, and story-telling test were given to the students. With respect to creativity, the experimental group was found to score significantly higher than the control group. Significant grade differences were also found, with grade 4 students scoring higher on the measure of drawing but lower on divergent thinking than grade 1 students. No sex difference was found. These findings have important implications for the educational curriculum which are discussed.  相似文献   


The development, quality and impact of environmental and sustainability education (ESE) in the Caribbean have received increased attention from a growing body of education researchers over the past few decades. This is not surprising given that the region has been grappling with various environmental, social, and economic sustainability issues, and education remains widely regarded as a key mode of response by a range of stakeholders, networks and commentators. Drawing on local to wider perspectives and initiatives, formal and non-formal ESE activities have been undertaken, to enhance knowledge and awareness, develop values, hone skills, and promote behaviours consistent with sustainable development. Whilst this increased engagement is significant and heartening, I argue that there is still scope for a renewal of focus in ESE in the Caribbean, honing in on four main areas: climate change education, the environment and violence nexus, teacher education, and universities as models of and for sustainability. These areas are consistent with regional sustainability imperatives and the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as ripe for deeper research-practice interlinkages. An overview of existing fields of educational inquiry in the Caribbean is offered, along with the four foci for further and future research, with the hope that new, emerging and established academics (as well as practitioners) work productively together to engage these crucial issues and critical imperatives for ESE.  相似文献   

This article analyses discontinuities between local, national and international discourse in the fields of education, protection of children, and child labor, using Benin, Namibia and Swaziland as case studies. In Benin, child abuse and child labor are related to poverty, whereas in Namibia and Swaziland they are also interrelated with HIV/AIDS. In these countries, the notion of childhood is seen as continuous with adulthood, and the change from education to work is not abrupt and age-determined, but a smooth transition. The international discourse defines children in binary terms (child or adult), and promotes free and compulsory education for children, without recognizing the direct and indirect costs of education. Projects based on an international discourse may have little relevance in a poverty context where it is natural to make children work to ensure food safety. Local communities consider children from a logic of community survival; the external aid agencies consider them from a logic of individual children's rights. There is a need to find a bridge between these two interpretations of childhood.  相似文献   

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