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关于遏制高校学生考试作弊现象的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校学生考试作弊的方式和原因较多,管理中应着重从加强对学生的教育引导,努力打造他们诚信、自立的人品;实施教考分离,建立合理的考试模式;加强考务管理,严抓考场纪律等方面入手,最大限度地遏制考试作弊现象,提高考试的信度和效度,让考试发挥应有的作用。  相似文献   

大学生的考试作弊违纪现象不容忽视,分析了大学生作弊原因、形式。提出了加强诚信教育、改进教学和考试方式、营造公平竞争环境、提高学生心理素质等防范考试作弊行为的教育对策。  相似文献   

A total of 232 college students in six different courses in three departments participated in a study to examine the effect of perceived course mean on course and instructor evaluations. Following a midsemester exam, students were given their actual earned exam scores and a manipulated class mean that was either ten percentage points higher or lower than the actual class average on the exam. Participants then completed an evaluation of the course and instructor. It was hypothesized that students scoring above the manipulated mean would rate the course and instructor more highly than students scoring below the manipulated mean. It was further hypothesized that students who were told that the class mean was higher would rate the course and instructor more highly than students who were told that the mean was lower. Results supported the first hypothesis. However, hypothesis two was not supported. Students receiving the lower manipulated class mean rated instructors more favorably. Results suggest the need to consider both individual exam scores and class averages in understanding the grade-teaching evaluation relationship.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between individual student self-reported ratings of progress on relevant learning objectives and performance on exams administered during a college course. Across three sections of the same course taught by a single instructor, 188 students rated themselves at the end of the course on two objectives identified by the instructor as either essential or important. They also rated themselves on 10 other objectives the instructor identified as having minor or no importance. Self-ratings on course-relevant objectives correlated significantly and positively with four out of five exams and the course total, whereas ratings on irrelevant objectives did not. Students who rated their progress as either exceptional or substantial generally performed better on course examinations than those who rated their progress as moderate or less. These findings support the validity of student self-reported ratings of learning.  相似文献   

While enrollment in online courses has tripled in ten years, little is known about the impact of different exam-taking environments on learning. A recent study of economics students found that online students taking un-proctored exams scored one letter grade higher than online students taking proctored exams. However, there were no apparent systematic safeguards against cheating in the un-proctored section. This study adds to the literature by comparing student’s performance in online classes with proctored exams to the performance of online students in a carefully controlled online testing environment (Respondus Lockdown Browser [RLB]). Methods: Data refer to 287 students enrolled in a criminology course at a Carnegie research-extensive university. The experimental group consisted of students in online sections who were called back to campus to take exams in a proctored environment. The control group took exams off campus using RLB. All sections were taught by the same instructor. The dependent variable is the score on the standardized final examination. The central independent variable is the type of exam environment: proctored vs. the RLB environment. Results: Controlling for other constructs, there was no significant difference between student exam scores in the proctored sections and the sections employing RLB. Conclusion: The results suggest that the judicious use of RLB can level the playing field between exam scores in proctored vs. nonproctored online sections. Technology such as RLB, which minimizes opportunities for cheating online, may provide tools for fairness in grading. Future work is needed for other courses, other fields, and other types of academic institutions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether criminal thinking interacts with the rational requirements of human decision-making in a group of college students. A convenience sample of 315 undergraduates (114 males, 201 females) completed self-report measures of criminal thinking and estimated their likelihood of cheating on an exam given different levels of certainty of apprehension. A repeated-measures analysis of covariance revealed that students were significantly more likely to seize on the opportunity to cheat when the certainty of getting caught was 10% than when it was 50% and that students with higher levels of criminal thinking were more likely to take the opportunity to cheat than students with lower levels of criminal thinking. In addition, students exhibiting moderate proactive criminal thinking and moderate to high reactive criminal thinking were significantly less likely to be deterred from cheating when the odds of getting caught were low.  相似文献   

大学生考试作弊的本质是有意识的人的实践行为.行为的产生和发展是有其内在规律可循的.深入把握学生作弊的行为规律和影响因素是有效防治作弊的前提基础.作弊行为产生一般而言可分为考试期望形成、作弊意识形成、考试作弊策划和准备、实施作弊行为前的权衡、作弊行为实施以及作弊结果对价值观念影响等六个阶段.在各个阶段中,学生思想、行为和行为决策都是在各种主客观因素的综合影响下产生变化的.  相似文献   

本文对内蒙古某民族高校两学年期末课程考试作弊行为进行了分析,在对考试作弊行为分析的基础上,提出高校应从加强大学生考前教育、强化监考教师考前培训和改进高校的期末课程考试内容和形式等三方面预防学生考试作弊。  相似文献   

考风建设历来是高职院校教学管理中的一项重要内容。本文以考试作弊次数为自变量,以学生基本情况、中学时考试作弊情况加上计划行为理论提出的作弊道德观、作弊态度、作弊收益与代价估计、感受压力、学校政策共7个模块20个项目的因变量进行回归分析,并根据回归结果提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

In the class session following feedback regarding their scores on multiple-choice exams, undergraduate students in a large human development course rated the strength of possible contributors to their exam performance. Students rated items related to their personal effort in preparing for the exam (identified as student effort in the paper), their ability to perform well on the exams (identified as student ability), and teacher input that might have affected their exam performance. Students rated most student effort items higher than teacher input and student ability items. Notwithstanding, across all exams, ratings of student ability and teacher input correlated more strongly with exam performance than did student effort ratings. High and low performers on the exams differed significantly on ratings of student ability and teacher input, but were more similar on ratings of student effort.  相似文献   

Research shows that students struggle to develop higher order thinking skills and effective study strategies during the transition from high school to college. Therefore, in addition to teaching course content, effective instructors should assist students in developing metacognitive skills, that is, the practice of thinking about their thinking. An effective assignment that assists students in thinking about their exam performance is the exam wrapper. The objectives of this study were to examine students’ metacognitive skills, evaluate the correlation between study behaviors and student performance, and assess student perception of exam wrappers. Exam wrapper assignments were offered as extra credit after the first 3 exams in a large introductory Food Science and Human Nutrition course, and student responses and exam performance were analyzed. Many students with poor exam performance overestimated their exam scores, indicating students’ self‐assessment skills could be sharpened. However, students demonstrated the ability to make and implement goals to improve study strategies throughout the semester. A modest relationship between use of study strategies and improved exam performance was observed, particularly for students with a B exam average, suggesting that students in the middle of the grade distribution may benefit most from this type of intervention. Finally, most students expressed a belief that exam wrappers helped them improve their study habits and exam scores, and that they planned to use the exam wrapper process in future classes. In summary, this study shows that the exam wrapper is a valued and effective postexam reflection tool for improving students’ self‐reported study habits.  相似文献   

This study examined relationships between student perceptions of teaching behavior and learning outcomes in college biology. One-hundred one students who enrolled in an introductory college biology course reported the frequencies of 20 overt, in-class teaching behaviors exhibited by the instructor and rated the instructor on 12 measures of teaching effectiveness. Achievement tests were administered periodically throughout the two-semester time interval. A series of simple correlations between teaching behavior factors and both achievement and student ratings revealed a complex pattern of relationships. Moderately strong relationships were found between student perceptions of “information-transmitting” behaviors and achievement, while generally stronger relationships linked behavior factors with student ratings of teaching effectiveness.  相似文献   

大学生考试作弊是不讲诚信的表现.文章在紧密联系实际的基础上,分析了大学生考试作弊的危害及成因,并就考试作弊而引发的诚信教育进行了探讨.  相似文献   

当前高校结课考试中的作弊现象十分普遍,本文从一种新角度对该问题进行分析。首先将考试分为选拔性考试和通过性考试,将学生分为绩优学生和绩差学生。在分析不同考试背景下两类学生作弊心理基础上,提出重点监考绩差学生,采用开卷考试和提高试卷质量,监考教师认真监考,作弊处罚落到实处共4项应对考试作弊的对策。  相似文献   

目的:分析大学生考试作弊相关影响因素,为降低考试作弊率提供科学决策依据。方法:采用自愿填写问卷调查表的方式,对600名来自浙江宁波三所高校的大学生进行问卷调查,并采用logistic回归模型分析不同因素对大学生作弊的影响。结果:“学习成绩”“年级”“教学质量”“作弊被抓概率”“作弊惩罚力度”对大学生考试作弊率没有影响,“性别”“对作弊的态度”“效仿作弊情况”对考试作弊率影响显著。结论:为了降低大学生考试作弊率,学校应积极对监考老师进行相关培训,大力加强对大学生的思想品德教育。  相似文献   

大学生作弊心理的调查研究与教育策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对大连四所高校大学生作弊心理抽样调查研究表明,有过作弊经历的大学生占调查总数的一半以上。作弊时大多数学生的心情是紧张的,但是对于作弊行为的负面评价较少,说明大学生在心理上对自己与他人的作弊行为大多数持宽容态度,教育管理者应提出相应对策。  相似文献   

课程学习和考试的目的是促进学生完成学习任务。考试的主要作用是衡量学生掌握知识的程度。高校考试存在着作弊问题,作弊的实质是学生道德诫信的缺失或失落。解决考试作弊问题必须从道德诚信建设和法制建设的结合上着手,并以道德诚信建设为主去进行。  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of universities are offering courses in online and hybrid formats. One challenge in online assessment is the maintenance of academic integrity. We present a thorough statistical analysis to uncover differences in student performance when online exams are administered in a proctored environment (i.e., in class) versus an unproctored environment (i.e., offsite). Controlling for student grade point average (GPA), no significant differences in mean overall course performance or exam performance between the two groups were found, nor were there any differences in the mean vectors of individual exam scores. The study reveals that the group taking online exams in the unproctored environment has significantly more variation in their performance results. In examining potential causes of the greater variation, analyses were performed to assess whether an increased level of possible cheating behavior could be observed from performance results for students in the unproctored section. No evidence of cheating behavior was found.  相似文献   

大学生考试舞弊的成因及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对大学生考试舞弊这一现象,文章从社会、学校、教师、大学生本人这四个视角,对考试舞弊原因进行了深入剖析,从而提出扼制大学生考试舞弊的有效管理对策。  相似文献   

大学生考试作弊,尤其是在英语考试中作弊,已成为大学校园里见怪不怪的现象,它不仅破坏了考试公平、公正的原则,而且败坏了良好的学风和校风。不健全的法律制度和不完善的考试管理机制是大学生考试作弊的主要原因之一。基于此,通过考试作弊开除学籍的法理分析,对大学依法治校、依法治考进行反思。在此基础上,建议建立健全大学生的诚信机制,建立学生诚信档案;改革教育评价体系,注重学生实际能力;通过立法形式规范考试管理,以期进一步净化大学考试环境。  相似文献   

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