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这篇论文讨论了美国高等教育国际化的一个方面——美国的跨国学生流动.文章不但分析了学者们之前发表的研究性文章和公开的相关数据,而且还探讨了美国高校在跨国学生流动方面的特点、鼓励学生流动的原因、美国政府的角色和举措.文章还讨论了美国高校跨国学生流动的现状与问题.  相似文献   

经济全球化的飞速发展加速了人口的跨国流动,从深层次来分析,影响人口跨国流动主要有政治、经济与自然等三方面原因.同时,全球化时代下的跨国人口流动也是一把双刃剑,它从政治、经济、社会等诸多方面对国家安全构成了重大挑战.在此情况下,中国更应在处理跨国人口流动问题时谨慎而行.  相似文献   

劳动力流动是社会经济发展的必然,经济全球化使得劳动力的跨国流动成为可能并得到发展。加入世贸组织后,我国将会有更多的劳动力向境外输出并且接纳更多的外来劳动力。本文分析了我国劳动力跨国流动的现状及其对我国经济发展的影响,据此提出了促进劳动力跨国流动合理有序化的一些建议。  相似文献   

西方关于跨国高等教育的研究:概念与问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
跨国高等教育在西方国家已经成为一种发展迅猛的全球性教育现象。本文从跨国教育的涵义、出现原因、推动跨国高等教育的行动者、对输入国的影响、政府管制和教育服务贸易协议六个主题出发,综述了西方学者的跨国高等教育研究,并对其优点与不足加以评介,以期为我国学者在这一领域的进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

跨国资本:对中国归国学术人才的评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从国际国内政治经济影响、政府政策以及个人因素等四个方面分析了海外学者回国的原因,力图通过对归国学者和本土学者在能力与贡献、国际联系、报酬和认可度、回国的比较观念以及短缺专业领域需求情况的调查与分析,客观地评估归国学者的“跨国资本”价值,并指出随着中国国际化进程的加快,归国学者所拥有的跨国资本将越来越受到重视,在中国学术机构中他们将处于主导地位。  相似文献   

以往中国学术界主要研究国内苗族。近些年来,跨国苗族群体研究进入国内学者的视野,苗族的跨国文化和跨国分布也是国际学者关注的热点。国内学者关注包括老挝、越南、泰国和缅甸等东南亚国家的苗族群体,希望能够推动有关研究。西方学者从事东南亚苗族研究已经有一百多年的历史,来自欧美的人类学、民族学研究者和传教士留下了大量有关东南亚苗族的研究著述。文章追溯自十九世纪以来本领域研究的历史与发展,尝试对有关东南亚苗族的文献进行理论梳理,加以总结,为国内外苗族研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

以往中国学术界主要研究国内苗族。近些年来,跨国苗族群体研究进入国内学者的视野,苗族的跨国文化和跨国分布也是国际学者关注的热点。国内学者关注包括老挝、越南、泰国和缅甸等东南亚国家的苗族群体,希望能够推动有关研究。西方学者从事东南亚苗族研究已经有一百多年的历史,来自欧美的人类学、民族学研究者和传教士留下了大量有关东南亚苗族的研究著述。文章追溯自十九世纪以来本领域研究的历史与发展,尝试对有关东南亚苗族的文献进行理论梳理,加以总结,为国内外苗族研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

在新媒体背景下,跨国新闻流动日益频繁,全球新闻伦理问题随之凸显。本文对全球部分学者在全球新闻伦理领域的探索作了简要回顾与分析。鉴于各国文化背景及价值观的的差异,本文认为各国媒体在作相关报道时应注意本土认识论(即经过本民族的习惯和思维方式的影响重新阐释的文化,是本土独创的一种认知形式),从而避免不必要的误会与冲突。非西方国家应积极应对全球化的挑战并被西方媒体赋予平等的话语权。  相似文献   

跨国经营是当今高度社会化、现代化和国际化经营的必然趋势,是国际产业分工与合作、国际技术和资本流动的需要,代表着现代企业的发展方向。中小企业跨国经营已成为我国企业跨国经营的一个重要组成部分,其成败会直接影响到我国“走出去”战略的实现。本文从中小企业跨国经营的优势入手,阐述了中小企业跨国经营的思路。  相似文献   

经济全球化在教育领域最直接的体现是跨国教育的蓬勃发展。近年来出现的以教育资源的跨国流动、全球性的教育现象和在全球范围内进行的教育活动等为代表形式的全球化教育趋势,表明跨国教育正成为这个世纪教育发展的重要内容。  相似文献   

In this article, we analyse the impact of academic mobility on the construction of knowledge for Chilean scholars who have studied abroad. We conducted 41 semi-structured interviews with Chilean-born scholars in the social sciences and humanities, who accepted jobs at national research universities in Chile after receiving their doctorates abroad. Findings show that international academic mobility allowed these participants to question legitimised ways of doing knowledge, where they can stretch the academic harness that increasingly rules their knowledge construction. Our main argument is that knowledge construction process is neither linear nor unidimensional and it occurs as a rhizomatic process in a multidimensional space.  相似文献   

Accounting has been faced with a severe shortage in the supply of qualified doctoral faculty. Drawing upon the international mobility of foreign scholars and the spirit of the international medical graduate program, this article suggests a model to fill the demand in accounting doctoral faculty. The underlying assumption of the suggested model is that there is enough qualified international accounting doctoral scholars who are willing to work in the United States because of natural and artificial benefits, such as the existence of national innovation, knowledge‐intensive clusters system, favorable working conditions, and career and earning prospects. A 10‐week International Accounting Post‐Doctoral Program (IAPDP) is designed to prepare academically competent international accounting faculty to be qualified to work in the United States at AACSB International‐accredited institutions. A survey was employed to examine the viability of the proposed model. Our results indicate that qualified international accounting doctoral scholars are interested in the suggested model and the nondoctoral U.S. accounting programs will represent the major job market for these IAPDP graduates. This article should be of interest to accounting educators, business schools, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) International, and the American Accounting Association (AAA).  相似文献   

Internationalisation: a new challenge for universities   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Four factors have led to the evolution of the modern mass university in Europe, namely demographic and democratic developments, the university's role in economic development, the pattern in scientific advances and political developments in Europe. These trends are linked to certain developments in the labour market, and they reveal the demands which lead to the modern university's dual role as a regional as well as an international institution. The internationalisation of the university has been furthered by innovative exchange programmes which promote the mobility of students and scholars and flexibility in academic programmes and institutions. Nonetheless, the programmes add a political dimension to the existing academic and research aims for mobility, and the success of the exchanges appears to depend on the development of adequate capacity within universities to support expanded international flows of students and scholars.  相似文献   


Travel has become ubiquitous for most social groups as holidaying abroad has become ever cheaper and ecumene. This paper considers how travel can be understood as part of family practices around children’s educations and futures. Drawing on Kaufmann’s concept of motility, we examine how spatial mobility might become a form of cultural capital to reproduce privilege or facilitate social mobility. We generated data on family spatial mobility during the act of international air travel itself, interviewing 22 participants. We argue that spatial mobility and its link to social mobility is differently conceived of by our working, middle, and global middle class families, but that all three seek to use travel overtly as a form of cultivation for their children. This leads us to suggest that international travel may illuminate new ways that social class differentiations and lines of striation are being forged through movements across transnational spaces, offering new insights for education professionals and scholars.  相似文献   

Through expanding flows of labor and knowledge on a global scale, academics are increasingly mobile as higher education institutions compete for talent that transcends borders. However, talent often flows from the periphery to the core as scholars seek out employment in recognized institutions of higher learning in developed economies. This study examines faculty mobility in a reverse direction: from the core to Kazakhstan, the largest country in Central Asia. What factors persuade faculty members to relocate to Kazakhstan for full-time employment? What types of individuals pursue this relocation? Through interviews with international faculty members based in Kazakhstan, the study identifies push factors that trigger departure from one’s previous country of residence: job market, unsatisfactory work conditions, age, and marital status. Alternatively, Kazakhstan attracts scholars via pull factors that include salary, sense of adventure, and the opportunity to build new institutions and programs as well as conduct research. Unlike previous studies that highlight boundaryless mobility and individual agency, this study reveals constraints that mediate international faculty mobility. Furthermore, salary plays a limited role as a pull factor particularly among early career academics who are seeking research opportunities and meaningful contributions in building new academic programs and institutions.  相似文献   

This is a documentary study of education abroad policy in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) between 1978 and 2009. By examining the dynamics underpinning the PRC state’s efforts to shape the flow of Chinese students and scholars from and into China, this article reveals the major strategies that have enabled education abroad to become a source of brain gain. It argues that China’s brain gain strategies feature three characteristics: a proactive diplomatic approach to international educational relations; strategic dependence on foreign higher education resources and a decentralized economic mechanism to raise foreign-trained human capital. The paper concludes by discussing the implications of Chinese experience for our understanding of the complex and dynamic relations between the state, the market, universities and international relations as relating to cross-border academic mobility, international educational relations, and national development in a globalizing world.  相似文献   

"全球化"时代的高等教育国际化-历史与比较的视角   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
伴随着经济全球化 ,高等教育国际化呈现出新特点 ,主要包括∶高等教育国际化越来越受经济利益的驱动 ,并进入全球范围内竞争阶段。此外 ,其内容不仅包括人员交流 ,而且还包括课程国际化、跨国教育、建立区域性和全球性协作组织等。国际化主要在高等院校层次展开 ,院校成为实施主体。在许多领域 ,国际化已上升到特定区域范围内国家间的合作与交流 ,并开始扩大到全球范围 ,追求全球标准化 ,高等教育国际化趋于朝高等教育全球化方向发展  相似文献   

Considering the rising tide of international student return mobility, the UK needs to pay attention to the long-term circulation and development of international student returnees. This study analyses the mobility, variations and pathways of the transnational in-between identity of Chinese student returnees from the UK, an under-researched group in the changing dynamics of international student mobility. This longitudinal study uses original data from 48 semi-structured interviews to show how student returnees’ identities change over time in transnational sociocultural contexts. This study develops a spider chart comprising multiple manifestations of transnational selves to account for returnees’ intermediary and heterogeneous states of transnational in-between identities. Based on the empirical evidence, the study finds that transnational in-between identity is characterised by a ‘self-in-between mobility’, seeking compromises and connections between the polar extremes of essentialist and non-essentialist approaches to identity. In such an identification process, the changing dynamics of agency play a pivotal role in (re)shaping multiple identity pathways as variegated temporal outcomes of mobility. The findings not only advance the theoretical and methodological constructs of identity, but also have implications for relevant concerns in international education.  相似文献   

Many countries are working on the design of an external quality assessment agency for higher education. Such an agency has to fulfil national needs and expectations. However, higher education is as such international in scope. This paper draws attention to the need for internationalisation of quality assessment. The national frontiers are too narrow for validating our standards. Looking at the situation in Europe, the author discusses the need for a European dimension and makes a proposal for a European Centre for Substantial Equivalence. In the future a European or international quality hallmark will play an important role in student mobility, staff mobility and the mobility of employees.  相似文献   

This paper unpacks the meanings and implications of the mobility of international students in vocational education – an under-researched group in the field of international education. This four-year study found that transnational mobility is regarded as a resourceful vehicle to help international students ‘become’ the kind of person they want to be. The paper justifies the value of re-conceptualising student mobility as a process of ‘becoming’. Mobility as ‘becoming’ encompasses students’ aspirations for educational, social, personal and professional development. Theorising mobility as ‘becoming’ captures international students’ lived realities and has the potential to facilitate the re-imagining of international student mobility with new outlooks. By theorising mobility as ‘becoming’, this research suggests the importance of drawing on the integrated and transformative nature of Bourdieu’s forms of capital in understanding the logics and practice of the social field – international student mobility.  相似文献   

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