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卢钢君 《铜仁学院学报》2011,13(4):79-82,87
社会主义民主政治是历史上新的民主类型,是无产阶级的民主理想,是社会主义的本质体现;社会稳定是社会发展的前提和基础,是政府主要的价值选择,也是政府的执政目标:社会主义民主政治对于政治稳定具有积极作用,能够促使决策的科学化,为社会主义现代化建设提供政治保证,有利于预防和抵制腐败的盛行和危害,提高党的执政能力建设,可以防止独裁,保持政局稳定,社会和谐,还能够防止和抵御西方资本主义国家的和平演变。  相似文献   

创新公共财政,促进社会和谐重点体现在三个方面:一、大力调整优化财政支出结构;二、建立健全与事权相匹配的财税体制;三、完善税费制度改革调节收入差距  相似文献   

建立高校质量保障中介机构的社会背景与可能选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国改革开放和实行市场经济体制 ,政府通过法律、经济、信息等手段对高校实行宏观管理 ,以及教育评价理论研究的进步和实践探索 ,为高校建立质量保障中介机构创造了空间条件 ,提供了理论、经验和物质准备。文章阐述了我国高校质量评价中介机构的组织形式、鉴定方法和人员构成的可能性选择。  相似文献   

法律绩效评估是指法律实施一段时间以后,有关部门、组织或人员对其实施效果等进行评估,分析法律实施过程中的立法问题,从而进一步完善立法。法律绩效评估社会促动机制的理论基础在于积极公民权理论、参与民主理论以及公民社会理论,其触发的具体方式有提案、诉讼等。法律绩效评估的社会促动机制优势在于公众参与性强,在一定程度上保障评估结果的公正性与接受性,但是缺陷在于它缺少政府的回应,评估结论无法有效促成法律的完善等。  相似文献   

Conlon  Tom 《Instructional Science》1999,27(6):403-430
The technology of knowledge-based systems undoubtedly offers potential for educational modelling, yet its practical impact on today's school classrooms is very limited. To an extent this is because the tools presently used in schools are mostly rule-based expert system shells, which lack usability. We developed three alternative tools, using ideas from knowledge acquisition research, and compared their effectiveness to that of an established rule-based shell. Children working with the new tools produced higher quality models and developed more positive attitudes. We relate these findings to the forms of representation provided by the new tools and present evidence that modelling increases children's representational skill. We conclude that knowledge acquisition systems and alternative forms of representation can contribute to improved forms of knowledge-based modelling.  相似文献   

In one of his speeches, Professor Fang Lizhi, member of the Board of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said the following. We should attach importance to the graduate students we have trained ourselves. Now that our degrees are equal to those in other countries, we of course should treat them equally without discrimination. Recently, the newspapers have given a scholar who got his doctorate in West Germany wide coverage. We have our own doctors, so why don't we publicize them? Since it will have a very bad influence on students, I hope this kind of publicity will be stopped immediately. I happened to be in Japan at the time. When some Japanese asked me why we made such a fanfare about one who had merely received a doctoral degree [we used more space in this newspaper to cover this doctor than Japan did to report the Japanese chemist's winning of the Nobel prize], I was rendered speechless. Foreign degrees are not acknowledged in Japan; even a degree from Cambridge or Harvard isn't very useful in helping you land a job. Rather, you have to get your degree in a Japanese university—Tokyo University or Kyoto University, for example. This is a question of national pride. However, things in China are the opposite. Foreign doctorates are more welcome. One of my graduate students is now studying in England. I planned to have him study there for two years and then have him return to get his degree in China. But I was thwarted in my plan; the department in charge held that the student would show himself to be a failure should he return without obtaining a degree. Under the circumstances, he has no choice but to stay there and get his degree. Foreign degrees bring high pay and enjoy good repute. When such an atmosphere prevails, how can we expect graduate students to have a correct and healthy view on this matter?  相似文献   

大学生公益创业是大学生创办公益企业组织实现价值目标的过程。大学生公益创业有助于促进社会变革、助推我国经济高质量发展。当前,大学生在公益创业过程中遭遇制度欠缺与社会认知的冲突叠加、教育体系与外部监管的矛盾交织、创业素质与内部治理的匹配失衡等多重困境。要推进大学生公益创业,宏观层面上需加强顶层设计、营造良好氛围,中观层面要重构教育理念、切实履行职责,微观层面需提升创业素质、创新治理机制。  相似文献   

社会服务是高职院校的重要职能.提升高职院校社会服务能力,可以扩大社会影响力,增强自身办学的吸引力.常州信息职业技术学院在提升社会服务能力方面进行了积极实践,成效显著.为提升社会服务能力,高职院校应树立正确的社会服务观,构建社会服务体系,完善社会服务机制,丰富社会服务内容,深化内涵建设.  相似文献   

社会保障制度是实施人力资源开发的前提和基础,我国的社会保障制度目前仍不完善,影响着人力资源的开发。通过剖析我国社会保障制度的现状,提出了促进人力资源开发的四项策略。  相似文献   

综述韩国近年来阅读推广的发展状况、主要政策和法律法规,介绍韩国阅读推广的主要机构和项目,以此为借鉴,创新我国阅读推广理念,促进我国社会阅读推广事业的发展.  相似文献   

进行环境伦理教育,必须对我国古代优秀传统文化中的环境伦理思想、我们党和国家从伦理层面提出的保护环境的要求、伦理学界的专家学者所提出和阐发并达成共识的优秀环境伦理研究成果,特别是马克思的环境伦理思想进行系统的研究。必须构建教育启发与利益激发互动的、教育者与受教育者平等融合的、目标取向的一致性和具体要求的分层性的教育范式。要着重加强对公民个人、企业、行政机关的环境伦理观念的培育。  相似文献   

本文以1997年以来决策层有关文献为主要依据,对素质教育推进的决策演进做了梳理和辨析。文章提出有关素质教育推进至今的三个结论性判断:素质教育的基本涵义未发生根本变化;素质教育在教育改革中的重要性不断提升;素质教育的推进范围和实施重心在决策演化过程中呈游移状态。  相似文献   

新文科建设区别于传统文科,围绕新科技革命和产业变革、全球化风险社会和建构中国特色哲学社会科学的时代背景而展开。以新文科为背景,我国高校哲学社会科学研究面临理论场域和话语体系的拓展和重构、现代大学制度中的学科界限和壁垒的突破和超越、研究范式和研究主体的更新与改造等挑战。新文科背景下的高校哲学社会科学研究应当加快改造现有学科体系、推动知识生产模式转进、完善知识话语体系、打通科研与教学界限,以实现高质量内涵式发展。  相似文献   

Formative assessment is of critical importance to student learning. With learning and teaching, and also retention, high on the agenda of higher education, the professionalism of academics as educators is of increasing significance. A key component of educators' professionalism—formative assessment—is weakly conceptualised, and hence it is likely that the contribution of formative assessment to student learning and retention is not being optimised. The first, larger part of this article discusses formative assessment in the context of the current political and structural environment of higher education. The second part considers how formative assessment might better contribute to student development and retention, particularly in the critically important first year of a higher education program.  相似文献   

由于推广旅游目的地信息缺少营销平台,导致营销反馈数据响应频率较低.因此,研究社交媒体营销策略在旅游目的地营销推广方式中应用.对旅游目的地推广信息进行分析,确定推广信息的构成及传播方式,基于推广信息树立旅游目的地口碑,对社交媒体营销平台上的口碑信息进行整理,构建营销口碑下的推广模型,制定旅游目的地的推广策略,通过社交媒体...  相似文献   

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