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上个世纪70年代,西方翻译理论界兴起“文化转向”。文化导向的翻译理论以佐哈尔的“多元·系统理论”为发端,并从图里与勒弗菲尔的“翻译规范”和“改写”概念中汲取补充养分,形成了较为完整的“多元系统派”理论。梳理该派理论的改良和发展过程,并以其为指导充分研究相关案例,将有助于对该理论的合理性、系统性和应用价值作出更加准确的判断。  相似文献   

多元系统论是由特拉维夫翻译学派的伊塔马.埃文.佐哈尔教授提出的有关翻译的理论体系。在此理论的指导下,同属该学派的左哈尔.沙维特教授提出"儿童诗学翻译论",对儿童文学翻译进行研究。这种对边缘文学翻译的研究体现了多元系统论的基本思想,是将多元系统论在实践中的拓展性运用。  相似文献   

特拉维夫学派的代表人物之一吉迪恩·图里创立了翻译规范理论,指出翻译是受规范约束的活动,至少受到两种语言与两种文化的影响。图里把应用在翻译中的规范分为预备规范、初始规范和操作规范。这三种规范制约着翻译的不同阶段,影响着译者在翻译过程中的实际抉择。基于图里的翻译规范理论,译者在翻译实践中所作出的抉择行为是其个性情感、源语文化与译语文化共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

多元系统理论彻底改变了现代翻译研究的理念,提升了翻译研究的学术地位,更进一步拓展了翻译学科的研究领域。本文从多元系统理论对翻译教学研究的价值入手,根据佐哈尔本人以及图里等人的后续研究,着重评价了其对翻译教学与研究活动的影响,以及其具有的局限性。  相似文献   

多元系统理论由以色列学者伊万-佐哈尔提出,并在以色列另一著名学者图里的描述性翻译研究中得到进一步发展。多元系统理论将翻译文学置于整个目标语文化系统内部,超越了传统的翻译研究只关注文本的语言学模式,打破了翻译学术界欧美学者占主导地位的局面,承接了翻译研究从语言学转向到文化转向的过渡。  相似文献   

吉迪恩·图里是低地国家翻译理论界代表性的人物,他在对希伯莱英语翻译文学进行大量描述性研究的基础上,发展了埃文·佐哈尔(Itamar Even-Zohar)的多元系统理论和霍姆斯(James Holmes)的描述翻译理论,形成了一套完整的描述翻译学理论和方法,在翻译界产生了重大影响.本文意在对图里本人及其翻译理论作比较全面的介绍.  相似文献   

本文拟从人类的科学精神和人文精神两大分野的角度,对当代翻译理论的流派予以大致划分和简要论述,借以揭示当代译论的发展走向。当代译论可粗略地分为科学派和艺术派;科学派又可具体分为语言学、交际学和社会符号学译论,艺术派又可具体分为文艺学和文化学译论。总体而言,当代译论主要呈现分化与综合辩证统一的发展走向。  相似文献   

图里是描述性翻译研究的领军人物,他的翻译规范理论为翻译研究提供了一个新的方法。图里将翻译行为规范分为三类,分别是预备规范、初始规范和操作规范。《简·爱》是英国小说家夏洛特.勃朗特的代表作。以图里翻译规范理论,分析黄源深译本的《简·爱》,并尝试对之作出评价。  相似文献   

翻译常规是图里翻译理论的核心。图里不仅提出了翻译常规的概念和分类,还指出了翻译常规对于翻译实践的重要性,即掌握翻译常规是成为一名翻译的前提。图里对于在学校环境中译者培训的建议对中国翻译教学的改革有着重要的启示。  相似文献   

随着翻译理论在实践中的不断应用,传统语言学和篇章语言学的翻译规范研究有很大的局限性.在这种情况下,描述性的翻译规范论应运而生.本文以图里的代表作<翻译中规范的性质与作用>为主要研究对象,对图里翻译规范的主要思想加以分析,进而指出图里翻译规范论的贡献以及不足,希望能对当代的翻译研究提供新的启示.  相似文献   


This paper describes an internal evaluation performed on the BSW curriculum of the School of Social Work of Tel Aviv University, Israel. It focuses on the inductive, participatory method by which the evaluation was designed, and on the measure that was developed. The aim of the paper is to encourage internal evaluation of social work curricula and to provide a model for doing so that others can adopt.  相似文献   

This study, by Dr Dafna Regev of the University of Haifa and Professor Tamie Ronen of Tel Aviv University, examines the perceived image of the special education teacher as portrayed in the drawings of Jewish and Arab student teachers in Israel. Of the 187 female participants in this study, 82 were from the Jewish sector and 105 from the Arab sector; they were all at varying stages in their training. The drawings were analysed by three art therapists, and differences found between Jewish and Arab perspectives and between perspectives across the training programme are discussed. This article raises questions about the relationship between attitudes and behaviours and the perspectives of future special education teachers.  相似文献   

ON THE COVER: Anatomy students studying the head and neck region in a virtual dissection class at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel . The students learn the detailed anatomical structures of each region utilizing living individuals' CTscans, assisted by working‐sheets, osteology specimens and anatomy atlases. In this issue of ASE, May and her colleagues present their new CT‐based anatomy curriculum. This paper describes motivations and reasoning for development of the new curriculum, the CT‐based learning system itself with practical examples of virtual dissections and students' assessments of the new anatomy program.  相似文献   

An electronic performance support system (EPSS) is a method that integrates learning and task performance into one single action by providing information and guidance during performance. Wide‐range EPSS effectiveness research has been conducted by Tel Aviv University in tandem with a large telecommunications firm implementing EPSS solutions. The objective was to identify the factors that were instrumental in the realization of EPSS's potential in corporate settings. This article focuses on effectiveness differences in two common organizational environments: the learning and the working domains.  相似文献   

Performance support (PS) platforms, also known as electronic performance support systems (EPSS), offer real‐time learning and performance enhancement. In 2008, Tel Aviv University and an Israeli telecommunication firm began researching implementation success factors. Preliminary findings and conclusions were discussed in an earlier Performance Improvement article (Gal & Nachmias, 2011). The current article focuses on the effects of users' attitudes on implementation issues and suggests a model for incorporating EPSS in organizations.  相似文献   

In some respects this article is redundant. Af ter all, a growing number of Jewish schools, both day schools and supplementary schools, have included Israel in their curricula in a prominent way. We mention Israel in our prayers. We teach the history of the Land of Israel. We recruit teenagers for Israel summer programs. Why then should the Gulf War have any impact on how we portray Israel in our schools? Has this war opened an educa tional window of opportunity? My question is rhetorical and the answer affirmative. Seeing Scud missiles fall live on Tel Aviv via CNN has temporarily transformed the perception of and the relation to the Jewish State. Maybe at long last we have the chance to make a very illusive Jewish symbol into a concrete reality for Jewish students around the world. Let me explain why this is so necessary and how I propose to make it happen.  相似文献   

The main research question that underpinned this study was whether there is a link between staff perceptions of school climate and staff attitudes towards the inclusion of students with recognized learning disabilities. This investigation was conducted with reference to the notion of ‘changing’ or ‘moving’ cultures. The study relied on the perceptions of headteachers, counsellors and teachers in five secondary schools in the Tel‐Aviv area, Israel. The method of enquiry applied was the survey approach via a questionnaire to all staff at these schools and the interpretative approach via a smaller number of in‐depth interviews with a subset of these staff members. The analysis and conclusion indicated that although most schools now demonstrate ‘moving’ cultures and a collaborative climate, attitudes towards students with learning disabilities are ambivalent. The paper ends with suggestions for further research to enhance connectivity between of management culture and special educational needs.  相似文献   

This study applies qualitative methods to evaluate a model for the improvement of university teaching. According to this model, a departmental instruction specialist comprehensively treats issues concerning the quality of instruction within the department. This specialist gets to personally know all faculty members in need of teaching improvement and initiates preventive measures prior to the development of severe problems in instruction. Two years of implementation in the Physics Department at Tel Aviv University have shown an increase in quality of instruction and in faculty motivation and attitudes toward both instruction and students, suggesting that this approach has potential for department-wide teaching improvement. This article illustrates the complexities of the processes underlying teaching improvement, the longitudinal effort required to comprehensively improve instruction, and the reasons for failure and success in these efforts.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, Atlanta, GA, April 1993.  相似文献   

The ‘intercultural’ is now omnipresent in most departments of teacher education in Europe and elsewhere. It can be implemented under the guise of, amongst others, multicultural, transcultural, global and/or development education. In this paper, I problematise post-intercultural teacher education. The context of this study is that of Finnish education. Famed worldwide for its ‘miraculous’ educational system, Finland is rarely talked about for dealing with diversities in education. In this article, I explore the impact of a course on ‘multicultural education’ given to a cohort of ‘local’ and international student teachers studying to become Newly Qualified Teachers. I taught the course myself and decided that since only 8?h would be devoted to the issue of interculturality, the course would have to help the students to learn to develop quickly critical competences towards the many and varied approaches to diversities that are ‘available on the market’. The methodology rests on the use of a documentary on ‘extreme’ intercultural dialogue that the students discussed at the end of the course. Set in Israel, the documentary follows a class in a multicultural school in Tel Aviv during the second Gaza War in 2008–2009. I hypothesise that the documentary, which is often conflictual, would help me to evaluate the students’ learning and how they discuss and problematise such a case of ‘intercultural dialogue’ in education and relate it to their future practice.  相似文献   

Using a single score for summative teacher evaluation by students   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
In spite of the hundreds of studies done on teacher evaluation by student ratings, there are still several major controversial issues of how to construct evaluation instruments that best serve their purpose. The present study contributes to one of the ongoing debates of recent years that addresses the number of teaching dimensions to be considered in decision making, namely, whether to use a single score or multiple scores for teacher evaluation. The study demonstrates using a short form on which the global score overall teaching performance can almost perfectly predict the mean of all teacher-attribute items. The questionnaire used in this study was administered eight times—twice a semester for two years—for all faculty members and TAs in the departments of physics and chemistry at Tel Aviv University. The composition of teacher attribute items was different for the faculty members and TAs, reflecting their different teaching functions—lectures versus recitation problem solving. Results show that while for the faculty the global score can simply replace the mean of all instructor-attribute items and serve as a single score that faithfully represents all dimensions of teacher ratings, for the TAs, a linear transformation is needed.  相似文献   

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