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以江西青年职业学院对现代学徒制的实践为例,探讨现代学徒制在人才培养过程中的成效及践行过程中存在的问题,在分析和思考的基础上提出合理建议,以进一步推广现代学徒制。  相似文献   

中德汽车职业教育项目(SGAVE)就是类德国模式的"现代学徒制"在中国的尝试,经过4年全国25所学校的试点,已在学校遴选标准、师资遴选标准、师资培训方案、师资能力模型、学生选拔方案、学生考核标准、教学大纲(含企业实习内容)、学校认证标准、教学设备清单、考官工作标准10个方面取得了实质的进展。文章对基于SGAVE项目的 "现代学徒制"的试行背景、实施历程做了介绍,并主要从教学组织形式、教学模式、校企学习任务衔接、双导师育人、过程导向考核几个方面,阐述"现代学徒制"如何培养学生这个关键问题,最后对所作的探索和实践进行提炼总结。  相似文献   

现代学徒制为企业和职业院校双方联合培养高素质技术技能型人才架起了桥梁,真正实现了基础理论教育与通用技能培养、职业教育和产业发展间的有效结合,对学生顺利完成从学校到就业的过渡可产生不融小觑的积极影响.文章主要围绕现代学徒制主题,在分析国外职业院校开展现代学徒制的实践模型和我国职业院校开展现代学徒制的实然状况的基础上,进一步深化我国职业院校开展现代学徒制的必要性.继而,着重从校企联合招生;校企综合管理;双师培育,在岗成才;产教融通,提升能力四方面探讨职业院校开展现代学徒制的可能方式,以期为职业教育发展研究提供些许参考.  相似文献   

现代学徒制是以学校本位教育与工作本位培训的紧密结合为典型特征的新型学徒制度.在归纳现代学徒制的意义和总结现代学徒制研究现状的基础上,以浙江工贸市场营销专业与孩子王公司合作探索现代学徒制为例,从合作原则、合作模式、合作方案、合作效果等方面进行了阐述,初步探索出一条适合区域经济发展的现代学徒制实践新路子,打造了具有区域特色的、以学校为中心、企业参与、市场调节的"现代学徒制"职业教育模式地方样本.  相似文献   

本文通过走访新型学徒制试点企业和试点学校、开展问卷调查、查阅相关文献等方式,总结分析了各地政府督导当地企业和学校落实学徒制试点政策的效果,以及试点企业与技工院校合作组建师资队伍、共同制定培养目标、设计培训模式、协商培训课程、采用多种形式开展教学等举措,全面客观地展示了"企业新型学徒制"试点工作的现状,为进一步开展"企业新型学徒制"试点提供了有价值的参考。  相似文献   

职业学校广泛开展现代学徒制工作,并取得了一定的成效,但由于职业学校在人才培养过程中缺乏系统的顶层设计,校企合作仅仅停留在表面上,特别是如何以岗位能力为培养目标,以岗位标准为主线,构建校内、校外实践教学体系,以及如何深入开展校企合作、产教融合等问题难以落实。为此,通过对基于现代学徒制的实践教学体系的探索,提出了在现代学徒制实施过程中提高人才培养质量的有效路径。  相似文献   

天津市现代学徒制试点工作的开展推动了现代职业教育事业在新时期的发展。在试点过程中,天津市各试点单位在双主体育人模式、双招一体化招生机制、合作企业等三个方面逐渐形成了鲜明的本土特色;同时,也在主导权、师资队伍建设与利益诉求三个问题上出现了困惑。文章针对这些困惑问题进行了理论探讨,并提出具有操作性的制度层面的建议。  相似文献   

以认知学徒制4个维度为指导,从教学过程、教学内容、教学方法和教学环境4个方面介绍基于认知学徒制的新闻摄影课程教学实践过程,最后对教学实践中遇到的问题进行总结和探讨。  相似文献   

英国政府为促使本国现代学徒制发展,从开征学徒税、给予青年学徒经费援助、加大对小型规模企业的经费投入、给予贫困地区更多关注四个方面入手,实施了新经费制度,旨在提高企业参与的积极性,调动各方资源提高学徒培训规模与质量,这对我国完善现代学徒制法律法规具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

现代学徒制通常是指将职业院校人才培养与传统的"师傅带徒弟"模式的学徒培训有机融合,由职业院校和企业合作实施人才培养的一种现代职业教育制度。文章通过对高职院校开展现代学徒制试点过程中出现的问题展开分析,为高职院校与企业合作开展现代学徒制培养提出意见和建议,同时为完善现代学徒制人才培养的体制、机制建设提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines a ‘critical friendship’ over a period of one school term. A secondary English teacher and a university lecturer in education came together in school to consider the possibilities for mutual professional development. They drew upon a belief that both their practices could be improved through mutual critical discussion. Here they present illustrations from their experience as a means towards a discussion of some principles for the development of participative reflective practice based on working partnerships. This experience and the lessons derived from it may be of relevance to others considering possibilities for forging stronger links between schools and higher education institutions. A general conclusion is that there are important practical constraints to come to terms with. Moreover, even in a relatively confident and relaxed working relationship there are great sensitivities on both sides. These need to be acknowledged, rather than submerged in mechanical routines.  相似文献   

基于现代学徒制的育人机制研究与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In this article I examine a number of conceptual priorities for critical practice and their potential application in community-based English as a Second Language (ESL) programs. I begin by outlining a brief history and development of community language programming in Canada and Toronto. Based on these origins, I argue that community-based ESL pedagogies should be informed by educational discourses that are more socially and ideologically focused. I then discuss key concepts such as community and identity and their relevance to classroom concerns, after which I propose that community ESL be conceptualized as a form of critical practice, comprised of both a transformative and reflexive dimension. These 2 dimensions of critical practice are then explained and developed in respect to a lesson on the 1995 Quebec referendum on sovereignty and the related issue of how notions of citizenship are addressed in ESL. From this example of community-based ESL, I conclude with a few generalizations and suggestions for other language programs.  相似文献   

印刷技术专业作为传统的制造业,实施现代学徒制进行人才培养具有良好的适用性。本文以印刷技术专业现代学徒制课题体系设计为切入点,对印刷技术专业实行现代学徒制进行阐述。  相似文献   

Based on the ethnography conducted by Magrini in three midwestern United Methodist congregations, this article examines the development of “ethnographic intertextual voicing,” which describes multiple contexts and the ways in which these contexts influence representation of the participants and in turn, create in a community of learning. The ethnography studied children's interpretations of biblical meal stories, Eucharist experiences, and reflections on daily meal practices. Magrini's hospitable pedagogy approach was applied with 25 children ages 5 through 11. The hospitable pedagogy approach created a teaching and learning environment through which ethnographic intertextual voicing emerged. The author argues that ethnographic intertextual voicing is influenced by familial, ethnic, and faith contexts, as well as those of the researcher, and can create a community of learning as a result of the ethnographic research itself through the practice of hospitable pedagogy as a research methodology.  相似文献   

在高职水产养殖技术专业的现代学徒制教学模式实践中,确立了校企合作双主体育人,学校理论学习—企业生产实训三次循环提升的人才培养方案与相关课程体系;校企双方联合制定教师、师傅、学生(徒)考核管理办法。经过三年实践,毕业生对教学满意度高,就业率、就业满意度及创业能力等方面取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

高职院校技术类的专业大多以校企合作、工学结合等方式着重培养专业性技术性人才,师徒制的人才培养模式是提升学生高技能的重要途径。文章主要以口腔医学技术专业为例,通过学校与企业深度对接,校企合作,共同探讨师徒制顶岗实习管理模式。  相似文献   

Fiction and Repetition is and will remain a distinguished deconstructionist guide of literary criticism. However, after detailed and systematic research, I also find some shortcomings in this important academic work: Firstly, written in the metaphysical language, Fiction and Repetition can never succeed in escaping the logocentrism and binary opposition inherent in this language.Secondly, based on Saussure's argument on langue, the monograph's view of indeterminacy of literary work's meaning is theoretically correct but practically inadequate. Last but not the least, Miller's proposal on repetition also has some limitations. By taking into account both the work's merits and demerits, we can gain a more comprehensive outlook on Miller's idea of repetition as well as the deconstruction theory of literary criticism in general.  相似文献   

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