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学校教育离不开社会、家庭的配合,加强与家长的联系,做好家长工作,不仅是学校教育的一个重要方面,更是培养健康健全少年儿童的必然途径。只有家校形成合力,教育效果才可能叠加。但是学校与家  相似文献   

李鑫 《河北教育》2007,(9):19-19
炼就识人的慧眼 在一所学校里,不同的人有他强的一面,也有他弱的一面.  相似文献   

一位家长在准备把孩子转到我校前问我:你们是实验小学,都搞些什么实验呀?实验可能失败,搞实验会不会影响孩子的学习呢?实验学校和其他学校有什么区别?看来,这位家长非等闲之辈。对这些问题,我一时半会儿还真说不好。事后,我不断反思:农村实验小学到底该如何实验?  相似文献   

“科教兴国”战略的实施使教育的地位空前提高,新教育形势使普通高中迎来了历史上发展的好时期。笔者根据多年的实践和感悟,提出“以‘ren’治校,强校兴校”,以此创建名校,造就名师,培养创新人才,为振兴教育和中华民族的伟大复兴作贡献。  相似文献   

娄小明 《教书育人》2012,(23):35-36
《国家中长期教育改革和发展纲要(2010~2020)》中提出,"实行县(区)域内教师、校长交流制度。"虽然这项政策还没有全面普及,但是在我们周边地区已经存在着若干教师流动的迹象,对之加以分析,给我们颇多启示。一、是被环境改变,还是改变环境某地教育在90年代声名鹊起,涌现了多位特级教师,冒出了一批特长学生,相比较于其他地区的学校,水平高出了一大截。为了推广该地教育经验  相似文献   

目前,很多农村学校教师素质偏低,自我反思不得要领,常常陷入消极反思的泥沼。反思的内容“大而空”,一旦“挣扎”之后发现“没有出路”,就会渐渐失去继续尝试的热情和耐心。“百思不得其解”,处在困惑中的教师又对自己的行为作了错误的归因,而错误的归因又导致教师采取新的错误的行动。例如:有的教师将自己不能自觉主动实施新课改的原因归结为:课改的外部环境不具备,课程资源不配套,没有成熟的经验可借鉴,农村学生素质差,评价制度没改革;有的教师虽然发现了自己与优秀教师之间的差距,却找不到解决问题的办法,只好将产生这种差距的原因归结为自己学校条件差。这种抱怨环境、消极等待、被动应付的心态,不仅无助干教师自身的专业发展,而且会抑制教师教学研究的积极性。  相似文献   

在我主持学校工作的16年中,离我而去的优秀教师虽然不是很多,但也不下20位。其中,由组织上调任局级领导或出任校级领导的有近10位。他们奔赴各自的岗位后,都与我保持着深厚的感情。每当我们相聚在一起回忆过去的时候,总是那么情意绵绵。满腔情怀。他们中的好些人,在离开我时都有过一段段动人的故事。  相似文献   

林义 《福建教育》2006,(9A):10-10
“细节决定成败”,人性化管理要从细节做起。  相似文献   

随着新课程的不断深入实施,特别是校本教研工作全面推进以来,教研部门普遍开始将教研工作的重心下移,把教研场所从教研室、教科院、进修学校转移到一线的学校和课堂中。教研员的角色也发生了转变,教研员和教师之间的关系正逐渐从“领导管理”转为“指导共进”,教研员除了组织协调教研工作外,更多地扮演着教师专业成长伙伴的角色。[第一段]  相似文献   

This prospective, longitudinal study showed that an intense educational program significantly improved academic performance in underserved students who were selected solely for their desire to participate in the program and their parents' willingness to support them. Mean performance in six representative components of the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement–Revised improved at a rate that substantially exceeded one year for each year in the program. During three years of attendance, performance levels increased from below to more than two years above grade level.  相似文献   

新督导模式是通过借鉴发达国家和地区教育督导的先进经验,特别是中英甘肃基础教育项目的成果,结合西南地区项目县的实际情况,融入新的督导理念和方法,探索和形成新的中小学学校督导模式。论述新督导模式与传统督导模式的区别与联系,指出新模式对督导工作的启示。  相似文献   

This article presents lessons learned about successful professional development for promoting technology integration from eight exemplary schools. Through a qualitative investigation into school leaders’ and teachers’ intentional goals of improving student engagement and achievement, formal, informal, and individual opportunities are described from these schools. The data led to a deep understanding of the ways these schools implemented PD; in most schools purposeful reconfiguration of the entire curriculum was a corollary to the professional development. We found that the most effective models incorporated district wide, school based, formal and informal opportunities that accommodated preferences in both learning and delivery models.  相似文献   

Large-scale randomized studies provide the best means of evaluating practical, replicable approaches to improving educational outcomes. This article discusses the advantages, problems, and pitfalls of these evaluations, focusing on alternative methods of randomization, recruitment, ensuring high-quality implementation, dealing with attrition, and data analysis. It also discusses means of increasing the chances that large randomized experiments will find positive effects, and interpreting effect sizes.  相似文献   

谈校本课程开发的管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着课程权力重心的逐步下移,以及学校校体课程开发机制的逐步建立健全,校本课程开发的管理就成为学校管理中亟待研究的问题。那么,学校应该如何适应国家、地方、学校三级课程管理体制,从而有效地进行校本课程开发的管理呢?笔者就这个问题提出一些建议。一、关于校本课程开发管理的目标与原则(一)校本课程开发管理的目标。校本课程是由学校由自主管理、开发和实施的课程,同时它需要与中央政府和其他有助于课程开发的机构之间相互交流协调而进行课程的设计、实施和评估。学校对于校本课程开发的管理应达成以下预期的目标。1.根据本…  相似文献   

李吉林老师是一个不倦的学习。她刻苦学习马克思主义教育理论,学习语言学、美学、现代心理学和脑科学的最新成果。她善于从外语教学中运用情境、进行语言训练得到启示,借鉴我国古代论中的“意境说”,吸取传统教学中注重读写以及近代直观教学的有效资源。她从暗示导向原理、情感驱动原理、角色转换原理及心理场整合原理,找到情境教育的理论支撑。她不仅向书本学习,向专家、领导、同行学习.还向孩子学习。  相似文献   

In this commentary I discuss three international school consultation experiences, highlighting aspects that serve as lessons for professional development and the implementation of effective and helpful strategies that meet the needs of children and youth in school systems. Relationships developed and maintained between the consulting teams and the consultees were oriented toward three intervention goals: psychoeducational services, well-being in adolescents, and instructional procedures. In general, the projects described in the three articles were successful and support the utility of international systems-level consultation as a means of helping improve the quality of outcomes in the school contexts in which they worked. I end my commentary by providing some general observations and questions to be considered when engaging in international school consultation.  相似文献   

The Midwest Expansion of the Child-Parent Center Education Program (MCPC) is a pre-K to 3rd grade intervention program aimed at improving economically disadvantaged children's school success by enhancing continuity in instruction and increasing parental involvement. Opened in Chicago in the 1960s, this school reform model has undergone significant changes and is currently being expanded in five demographically heterogeneous school districts in Illinois and Minnesota. This article describes the collaborative process that has contributed to effective implementation of the expansion project within at-risk communities. Three themes of collaboration are emphasized: (a) improving the quality of data, (b) establishing and maintaining implementation fidelity, and (c) using research to inform practice. We discuss lessons learned from our partnerships with a number of collaborators including those involved with implementing the pre-K program, researching and evaluating the project, and providing professional development to teachers. Consideration is given to advancing the field of implementation science by successfully initiating and enhancing exemplary partnerships in comprehensive school reforms through effective research design.  相似文献   

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