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政府信息资源的供给体系是实现公众知情权的重要保障。分析了国内外政府信息资源公共服务供给模式的现状,提出我国政府信息供给过程中存在的主要问题,构建出以政府主导的多层次、多元化的供给模式,并提出服务模式下的策略和措施。  相似文献   

娄策群 《情报杂志》1997,16(1):8-10,18
认为信息市场供给与信息产品生产既有十分密切的内在联系,但在品种、数量、质量方面又有一定的差异。社会信息需求和信息生产力直接或间接地影响和制约着信息市场供给。信息市场供给的价格弹性小于物质商品市场供给的价格弹性,不同类型的信息市场供给有不同的价格弹性,信息市场供给的价格弹性随着信息商品化程度的提高而增大。  相似文献   

网络环境下的信息交流模式初探   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
郝金星 《情报科学》2003,21(1):57-59
作为人类生存和发展需要的信息交流在网络环境下已经发生了巨大的变化。本文通过研究网络对信息交流的影响,分析网络环境下信息交流的变化,进而提出了信息交流的网络模型。  相似文献   

分析了信息环境下图书馆服务对象、读者需求和阅读习惯、服务手段等发生的新变化,具体提出了图书馆管理与服务向全方位读者导向发展、管理模式向图书馆服务联盟转型、馆员向高素质信息服务人才转型。  相似文献   

信息环境下图书馆发展模式研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
刘贵富  辛杨 《现代情报》2005,25(7):103-106,109
本文在分析图书馆各种传统模式的基础上,提出了信息环境下图书馆的建筑模式、馆藏模式、设备模式、服务模式、管理模式、馆员模式。  相似文献   

网络环境下的信息服务模式   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘慎河  童霞 《情报科学》2004,22(12):1444-1447
从网络环境下的信息服务呈现出社会化、个人化、精品化、立体化、高优化等特点入手。分析促使多网络合作开发利用信息资源的原因.进而提出进一步推动信息服务业发展的策略原则。构筑全方位、多层次、多角度的元素集成模式。创建信息服务业供应链网络管理式结构及供应链管理思想下的信息服务模式等策略。加速我国信息服务的发展,提高其国际竞争力。  相似文献   

本文首先阐明了学术信息交流的相关概念,论述了传统学术信息交流模式和网络环境下的学术信息交流模式的优势和缺陷。以图书馆学为例,列举了目前五种网络环境下学术信息交流的主要形式。  相似文献   

网络环境下图书馆信息服务模式研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
张晶 《情报科学》2006,24(7):1034-1036,1052
本文首先分析了网络信息服务在图书馆活动中的地位,并提出了图书馆在开展网络信息服务方面所具有的优势。然后,文章着重对图书馆网络信息服务模式进行研究,从运营方式、服务类型、用户管理、数字化信息资源建设等方面深入论述了图书馆网络信息服务的发展模式。  相似文献   

农业技术类公共品供给的等次分析与供给模式探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章依据公共财政学关于公共品的分类方法,针对我国当前农业技术类公共品的供需特点,分析了农业技术类公共品的等次划分和等次转化的依据,提出了提高公共品供给效率的政策措施,并对供给模式进行了初步探索。  相似文献   

试论互联网环境下的科技信息传播模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们的时代是一个网络时代,我们正在进入一个全新的网络信息社会。21世纪,信息已经成为与物质和能源同等重要甚至比之更加重要的资源,整个社会的政治、经济和文化是以信息为核心价值而得到发展的社会。信息传播学是一门新兴的学科,随着传播技术革命和社会信息化的发展,这门学科在国家建设和社会发展中的地位越来越重要。本文针对网络时代信息传播发展趋势的现状,来对我国互联网环境下的二元模式、网络模式和单元模式三种科技传播模式进行必要的阐述。  相似文献   

This paper presents a research model to examine factors influencing information sharing and implementation in inter-organizational relationships. The model comprises seven research hypotheses with six constructs, including relational benefits, relational proclivity, connectedness, power symmetry, dysfunctional conflict and information sharing. The constructs are measured by well-supported measures in the literature. The hypotheses are tested via an empirical study of supply chains. Data are collected from 589 manufacturing firms that are among the top 1000 Taiwanese manufacturing firms of 2009 listed by Business Weekly. The results of the empirical study suggest that the role played by relational benefits is critical in ensuring the information sharing as it reinforces the connectedness between supply chain members and mitigates the dysfunctional conflicts in the process. The findings of the study provide useful insights into how supply chain members should reinforce their collaborative behaviors and activities so as to improve their relational benefits and connectedness and in turn enhance information sharing for the supply chain as a whole.  相似文献   

Despite growing emphasis on the importance of supply chain visibility, few companies to date have fully benefited from the information resources of their supply chain partners. A review of existing literature about supply chain visibility reveals that there are two essential forces at work, namely (1) collaborative behavior – i.e., firms willing to share information with supply chain partners in order to leverage social capital, and (2) opportunistic behavior – i.e., firms wanting to maintain some degree of information asymmetry in order to manage the behaviors of their supply chain partners. In order to identify the antecedents of IOS visibility, our operational definition of supply chain visibility, the two theories – resource dependence theory (RDT) and relational view (RV) – are used to cobble together a set of variables in a framework to investigate their relationships to IOS visibility. The data used in this study was collected from 124 intermediate component manufacturers in three different manufacturing industries. The results show that IOS visibility positively influences overall supply chain performance, as measured by operational performance. Regarding the antecedents of IOS visibility, factors including asset specificity, interorganizational trust, complementary resources, and joint governance structures are significant, whereas environmental uncertainty and interdependence are not significant.  相似文献   

曾敏刚  朱佳 《科研管理》2014,35(9):79-86
本文旨在研究环境不确定性与政府支持对供应链整合的影响,揭示环境不确定性分别对供应商整合、内部整合、客户整合的作用机理,以及政府支持所起到的调节作用。本研究以广东省珠三角地区180家制造型企业的调查数据为样本,主要采用阶层回归分析以及调节效应检验方法对假设进行验证。实证研究结果为:环境不确定性对供应商整合、内部整合、客户整合均有显著的正向影响,政府支持对环境不确定性与供应商整合的关系具有调节作用,政府支持对环境不确定性与客户整合的关系具有调节作用,然而,政府支持对环境不确定性与内部整合的关系不具有调节作用。研究结果表明,环境不确定性是供应链整合的驱动因素之一,而政府支持能够改变环境不确定性对外部整合的影响。  相似文献   

基于QFD/TRIZ理论的供应链信息流的集成研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"十一五"规划重点强调了企业自主创新能力的重要性,我国制造企业必须提高自主创新能力来提高其在供应链上的地位.在分析供应链信息流集成研究现状的基础上,提出了一种结合QFD与TRIZ理论构建供应链信息流集成模型的思想,给出了QFD/TRIZ在供应链管理中的整合模型、信息模型和信息展开模型,并以一个简单的三级供应链制造企业为例介绍了该模型的具体运用方法.  相似文献   

品牌形象是品牌延伸的驱动因素,如何构建品牌形象成为品牌延伸成败的关键内容。首先,分析了品牌形象与品牌延伸的关系,认为品牌形象决定品牌延伸的范围,当品牌核心形象由功能形象上升为情感形象,品牌延伸范围也随之扩大;然后,给出了基于品牌形象的品牌延伸模型;最后,提出企业在提升品牌形象,促进品牌延伸时应考虑的几个方面,即研究消费者行为、培育核心品牌形象、加强整体品牌管理。  相似文献   

随我国经济迅速发展,环境污染问题日趋严重,社会对高素质环保人才的需求越来越多,但目前环境工程专业学生的实践动手能力及解决实际工程问题的能力尚有待提高。文章在分析目前环境工程专业教育现状的基础上,从课程模式、教学体系和导师机制改革方面提出可行的解决途径与方法。  相似文献   

The possibilities and limitations of chemical reaction names as the basis for retrieving literature dealing with reaction types are briefly reviewed, as well as the capability of a mere substructure search in a file of reactants and products. It is demonstrated that reaction indexing ideally should be based on the identification of the reaction sites of the molecules involved, as well as on the representation of various kinds of relations between these reactive centers. The GREMAS reaction indexing of IDC is discussed as an example. Before a chemist can request information on reaction types that appear promising for a certain target molecule, he must be aware of their existence. The task of computer-assisted synthesis design is to submit suggestions of conceivable synthetic pathways to a target structure and so to alert the chemist to syntheses of which he had not yet been aware. The “reverse retrieval” technique is demonstrated to constitute a fundamental principle for this kind of information supply. If sufficiently developed and assisted by an effective system for the documentation and classification of reaction types, it can provide suggestions for syntheses at a considerable efficiency without requiring completion by additional principles. The IDC system of (Sub-) Structure search seems to be able to serve this purpose too, due to its flexibility, economics, and precision. The reverse retrieval offers solutions to a number of problems hitherto unresolved in information science.  相似文献   

从分析供需匹配之间存在的冲突入手,提出一种基于图模型冲突分析法来求解供需匹配问题的思路。首先在图模型视角下给出供需匹配问题的研究框架,分析不同类型的供需匹配问题,设定决策主体和决策策略;然后讨论不同匹配类型下的状态约简、偏好表达,进行稳定性分析;最后通过应用案例,将图模型法与群决策匹配算法进行对比分析,验证图模型求解供需匹配问题的有效性。  相似文献   

非对称信息下基于收益共享的供应链协调契约研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究多个供应商、多个零售商构成的供应链系统对称信息和非对称信息下的协调问题,非时称信息下,零售商成本为私有信息.设计非对称信息下基于收益共享的供应链协调契约模型,将供应商与零售商的收益分配比例作为协调因子.最后通过算例验证.  相似文献   

In order to solve the problem of the low leakage recognition rate of water pipes due to operating conditions influence in practice, a multi-source information fusion recognition method based on VMD and SVM is proposed. In this method, it firstly uses VMD to decompose the acoustic vibration signal of water pipes, and then a principle of IMF component selection is proposed. The IMF component selection is selected to extract the kurtosis vector of VMD, the sample entropy vector of VMD, the center frequency vector of VMD. Because the different eigenvectors to the sensitivity of different operating conditions have a great gap, the three eigenvectors become a new eigenvector by multi-source information fusion, which is finally input into SVM classifier for leak recognition. The comparison of experimental results show that this method can effectively recognize the signals of water pipes leak and other operating conditions. The recognition accuracy rate reach 98.75%, which is 1.04 times higher than SVM sorting technique, 1.18 times higher than that SVM classification recognition accuracy based on the sample entropy vector of VMD,1.14 times higher than that SVM classification recognition accuracy based on the kurtosis vector of VMD, and 1.11 times higher than SVM classification recognition accuracy based on the center frequency vector of VMD.  相似文献   

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