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文章尝试以概念隐喻理论为分析工具,对经济新闻文本中的隐喻进行分析。首先从China Daily和Business Weekly的经济新闻语篇中选取定量隐喻样本,分析了旅途隐喻、战争隐喻、人类隐喻、机器隐喻、容器隐喻和竞赛隐喻等六类概念隐喻。然后,进一步分析了隐喻在经济新闻语篇中一些较为显著的功能,如信息功能、文化功能、命名功能和解释功能等;而且结合所选经济新闻语篇,对其进行了深入阐释。  相似文献   

李楠 《考试周刊》2011,(38):35-37
本文运用系统功能理论中主位结构分析,进一步探索英语新闻语篇中隐含的语篇功能。句子或从句的语义结构由两部分组成:主位和述位。主位和述位共同传达出句子的信息涵义。多种多样的主位推进模式相互协作构成完整的语篇。本文对英语新闻语篇所采用的分析方法对研究媒体所要传达的根本意图具有指导意义,强调媒体利用语篇自身功能作为其宣扬意识形态的一种工具。  相似文献   

批评性语篇分析是由批评语言学家提出的新的语篇分析方法,主要研究语言、权势和意识形态的关系,多用于对新闻语篇的分析,尤其是政治语篇.目前我国对政治新闻语篇的批评性分析侧重于国外发达国家或发达国家对我国的报道,很少涉及发展中国家的新闻语篇.本文从这一角度入手,对最近发生的斯里兰卡宗教冲突进行批评性语篇分析,具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

新闻语篇分析是批评性话语分析的主要研究对象之一,具有重要的理论和实践意义。传统的对新闻语篇的批评性话语分析建立在研究者选择的单个或者少量文本之上,主观性强,可信性差。将语料库技术应用于新闻语篇的批评性话语分析可以有效弥补传统新闻语篇研究的片面性,主观性以及缺乏代表性等不足。  相似文献   

陈蕾 《考试周刊》2012,(3):16-17
作为功能语法的重要组成部分,主位和述位的划分对分析句子的功能和句子的信息分布有很重要的作用。在对语篇进行分析时,会发现信息是通过主述位的变化向前传递,这种方式叫做主位推进模式。依靠分析语篇的主位推进模式,我们能够更好地理解语篇,并且还可以起到指导翻译实践的作用。本文探讨了主位推进模式在新闻语篇翻译中的应用,提出了三种不同的主位推进模式,利用这三种模式来分析英汉新闻语篇的特点,以此来指导英汉新闻的互译,从而达到提高新闻语篇翻译质量的目的。  相似文献   

通过采用批评性话语分析领域的代表人物Fairclough的三维分析模式理论,从批评性话语分析角度对一篇CNN报道进行了分析。从中反映了在新闻语篇中体现话语文本互文性的“话语表现”与“杂语性”是相互交织、相互作用的,同时也体现了新闻语篇中代表不同权力阶层的“声音”是如何被很好地融合、搀杂,以用来表现不同权力阶层的意识形态的。  相似文献   

文章选取一则美国救援海啸受灾国家的新闻,运用Fairclough的语篇分析方法及功能语言学的有关理论,从批评性视角对语篇进行了文本描述、文本阐释、文本说明,揭示了意识形态对语言的影响。  相似文献   

语篇分析四大流派中的系统功能语言学派理论是西方近30年来影响较大的语言学理论,也是语篇分析流派中的重要一派理论。语域理论是系统功能语言学的重要理论之一,也是系统功能语言学家经常探讨的重大课题。新闻语言又以其独特性、新颖性和创造性被誉为反映社会、文化发展进步的语言,所以如何有效地解读新闻语篇一直是国内外众多语言学家研究的重点。鉴于此,在把语域理论作为理论框架的基础上,建立新闻语篇的"语域分析模式",通过语域分析,探讨并提出新闻语篇的翻译原则及方法,同时以定量与定性的双重分析保证了研究的准确性与客观性。  相似文献   

朱青 《文教资料》2012,(29):37-39
新闻语篇作为特定语体,具有其自身的特点。本文利用新闻语篇的具体分析,发现新闻语篇的连贯手段受到诸多因素的限制。新闻语篇连贯建立在能体现新闻英语特点的手段上,受到新闻语篇内容的语类限制.还与新闻报道中语域词汇的运用密切相关。  相似文献   

20世纪六七十年代,人们开始研究语篇衔接问题,这一问题为当前语法研究开辟了新的领域。本文试图通过新闻联播语篇这一特定的语体,分析新闻语篇中出现和未出现的衔接手段的原因,发现新闻语篇的衔接特点和规律。  相似文献   

The paper addressed to supervisors of ethnographic research is intended to be a contribution to debates on the training of qualitative researchers. It is argued that research training in the ethnographic tradition should include a critical awareness of the tasks of writing ethnographic accounts. Both the novice and the experienced researcher need to acquaint themselves with the range of available literary and rhetorical conventions. They need to inculcate an understanding of the analytic implications of alternative textual devices.  相似文献   

与其他文本不同,法律文本有其自身的特点和规律,这就要求译者在翻译时选择恰当的翻译原则。在文本类型的视角下,结合教学案例去探讨法律文本翻译原则,可以让读者更好地理解法律翻译原则以及其在翻译教学实践中的作用。  相似文献   

Automatic Chinese text summarization for dialogue style is a relatively new research area. In this paper, Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) is first used to extract semantic knowledge from a given document, all question paragraphs are identified, an automatic text segmentation approach analogous to Text'filing is exploited to improve the precision of correlating question paragraphs and answer paragraphs, and finally some "important" sentences are extracted from the generic content and the question-answer pairs to generate a complete summary. Experimental results showed that our approach is highly efficient and improves significantly the coherence of the summary while not compromising informativeness.  相似文献   

In this paper an experiment is reported on the influence of two variations of instructions on learning performance and thinking-aloud protocols of 64 pupils from secondary schools. Furthermore, differences between successful and less successful pupils in self-regulatory processes during text processing are described. The texts consisted of instructions on how to use a computer keyboard and a text-editor. Learning performance referred to both knowledge and application. The variation in instructions did not influence the learning performance and the thinking-aloud protocols (either quantitatively or qualitatively), but the variable Marks/No Marks did. The main differences between successful and less successful pupils occurred in orientation processes, especially with regard to Reflection on Foreknowledge and Gaps in Foreknowledge. Differences also turned up for processes such as Process Selection and Making Summaries. The results are discussed in light of the results from a prior study with an informative text.  相似文献   

读者对作品接受是在文本基础上的能动的创造,包括对已言文本和未言文本的创造。读者在能动的阅读中,不断发挥自己的创造力,成为作家的共写者。  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that writers and editors of all ages and abilities have trouble correcting errors in texts. In this study, we were interested in discovering whether people do not correct these errors mainly because (1) they do not have the knowledge to correct them, or because (2) even though they do have the knowledge to correct the errors, they do not use it. The first case would point to aknowledge deficit, or a deficit at the cognitive level; the second case would point to aprocessing deficit, or a deficit at the metacognitive level. The study compared the number and type of implanted errors corrected by high school and college subjects working on two different texts under three different conditions. We found that, for both ages, the biggest stumbling block in correcting errors was not the knowledge of how to correct them, but rather a failure to detect them: They did not use their available knowledge to find the errors. This processing deficit may be the result of a dearth of available error-finding strategies, or knowledge may not be activated because of lack of motivation or because of a failure to perceive the nature of the task.  相似文献   

相信作为80后、90后的一员,你肯定曾经、或者至今仍是一位短信狂人。无论何时何地,你都可能拿起手机发送短信。遥远的祝福、说不出口的道歉、轻轻一声问候、一则笑话趣事……这一切,只需通过拇指轻轻滑动便能越洋过海。痴速短信的利弊仍待商榷,但不能否认的是,现在,连老爸老妈也拿起手机按个不停了,咔咔~生活大变了啊!外国青少年更是把短信功力发挥到极至,一起来感受一下吧。  相似文献   

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