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The determinants of intentions to enroll in a high school science course were investigated, using the theory of reasoned action, among earth science students enrolled in a middle school located in a middle-income, suburban community in central Texas. The sample consisted of 5 of 14 eighth-grade earth science classes, randomly selected for this study. Classes contained Caucasian and minority students, male and female, of differing science abilities who were grouped according to general academic abilities—basic, average, and gifted and talented. The prediction of behavioral intention of sample participants was tested using four external variables, attitude, and subjective norm (Direct-Full Effects Model), attitude and subjective norm alone (Direct-Reduced Effects Model), and disaggregated data on attitude and subjective norm (Indirect Effects Model). Results of the study revealed attitude and subjective norm to be the sole predictors of behavioral intention for the aggregated data, but to be differentially effective for groups formed on the basis of sex, ethnicity, general ability, and science ability. Evidence is presented to show that the relative contributions of attitude and subjective norm to the prediction of behavioral intention varies among students depending upon their sex, ethnicity, general ability, and science ability. Results of the study are discussed in terms of increasing the enrollment of all students in elective science courses.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the utility of the theory of planned behavior model developed by social psychologists for understanding and predicting the behavioral intentions of secondary science students regarding enrolling in physics. In particular, the study used a three-stage causal model to investigate the links from external variables to behavioral, normative, and control beliefs; from beliefs to attitudes, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control; and from attitudes, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control to behavioral intentions. The causal modeling method was employed to verify the underlying causes of secondary science students' interest in enrolling physics as predicted in the theory of planned behavior. Data were collected from secondary science students (N = 264) residing in a central Texas city who were enrolled in earth science (8th grade), biology (9th grade), physical science (10th grade), or chemistry (11th grade) courses. Cause-and-effect relationships were analyzed using path analysis to test the direct effects of model variables specified in the theory of planned behavior. Results of this study indicated that students' intention to enroll in a high school physics course was determined by their attitude toward enrollment and their degree of perceived behavioral control. Attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control were, in turn, formed as a result of specific beliefs that students held about enrolling in physics. Grade level and career goals were found to be instrumental in shaping students' attitude. Immediate family members were identified as major referents in the social support system for enrolling in physics. Course and extracurricular conflicts and the fear of failure were shown to be the primary beliefs obstructing students' perception of control over physics enrollment. Specific recommendations are offered to researchers and practitioners for strengthening secondary school students' intentions to study physics.  相似文献   

Eighth-grade girls (N=257) randomly selected from nine different public junior high schools in central Texas were questioned in order to identify the communicators whom they perceive as highly credible regarding reasons for taking elective physical science courses in high school and the attributes associated with these communicators. Four persons were each identified by better than 10 percent of the sample as the best person to try to convince junior high school girls to take elective physical science courses in high school. In order of perceived credibility, these persons are “father,” “woman science teacher,” “mother,” and “boy high school student.” Slight variations in the order of perceived credibility were found when the responses from girls of the different ethnic groups represented in the sample (Caucasian, Hispanic, Black, and Asian) were examined separately. Attributes listed by the respondents for “father,” “woman science teacher,” “mother,” and “boy high school student” were examined and classified into the categories of prestige, trustworthiness, similarity, attractiveness, and power. Prestige and trustworthiness are the attributes associates most frequently with communicators identified as highly credible. Implications of the present study and suggestions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

在体育课堂教学中,老师尊重学生的兴趣;培养学生的能力,注意学生个体差异和不同需求,达到发展学生人格的目的。初中体育教学的特点决定其过程是发展学生人格的理想场所。以下是笔者在教学过程中,促进学生人格发展的几点做法。  相似文献   

对重庆市初中生的科学史学习现状开展了调查。调查表明,初中生对科学史学习持认同态度,但对科学史学习缺少主动意识;科学家的生平轶事是学生最感兴趣的内容;学生认为学习科学史最主要的作用是提高其学习兴趣;升学的压力和教师对科学史教学的重视程度是影响学生学习科学史的主要因素。提出了教师应充分挖掘科学史的"渗透"因素、不断提高自身科学史素养,以及采取多种途径促进学生学习科学史等建议。  相似文献   

Data were collected from students in grades three to eight (N = 377) in order to identify the determinants of their intentions to perform laboratory and nonlaboratory science activities. Fishbein and Ajzen's theory of reasoned action was used as the basis for the study. The theory posits that the immediate determinant of behavior is intention. Intention is determined by the weighted attitude toward the behavior and the weighted subjective norm. Attitude toward behavior and subjective norm are determined by combinations of beliefs, evaluations, and motivations to comply. Cores of salient beliefs related to attitude toward laboratory and nonlaboratory behaviors and cores of salient beliefs related to subjective norm for laboratory and nonlaboratory behaviors were identified. Hypotheses generated from the theory were confirmed. Attitude toward behavior and subjective norm explained significant amounts of variance in behavioral intention for both laboratory and nonlaboratory behaviors. Attitude toward behavior had a greater relative weight than subjective norm for both laboratory and nonlaboratory. The correlations between adjacent constructs in the theoretical model were significant in all cases.  相似文献   

To examine how school characteristics are tied to science and engineering views and aspirations of students who are underrepresented in science and engineering fields, this mixed‐methods study explores relationships between aspects of students' science identities, and the representation of women among high school science teachers. Quantitative analyses tested the hypothesis that percent female faculty would have a positive effect on girls' science interests, and perceptions in particular, given the potentially greater availability of women role models. Findings indicate that percent female science faculty does not have an effect on a range of science measures for both male and female students, including the ways in which they understand scientific practice, their science self‐concept, and their interest in science‐related college majors. As qualitative data demonstrate, this could reflect practical constraints at schools where female faculty are concentrated and narrow perceptions of science teachers and “real” science. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 44: 980–1009, 2007  相似文献   

在初中物理教学中实施情境教学法,通过创设导入情境、新奇情境、问题情境、开放情境、活动情境、递进情境,可以改变知识的传输方式,培养学生的科学精神和实践能力,把静态的教学变为全体学生主动参与的开放式动态教学,有利于提高学生学习的积极性,使学习活动成为学生主动进行的、快乐的事,有利于培养其学习能力,锻炼学生的创造思维。  相似文献   

提高初中物理计算题解题能力策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对学生解析计算题的能力不足的现象,通过对计算题中的审题、解题、思维、归纳提高等各个环节的系统分析,提高学生解析计算题的能力.  相似文献   

布置并指导完成适当的课后作业是初中生物课教学过程的重要环节.课后作业过程是学生学习成长的历程,是理论联系实际,关注生活,关注生产和社会实际的重要途径;也是培养学生学习兴趣,发展创造性思维,学习科学探究方法,形成实践技能的重要形式.对贯彻新课程理念,树立新的作业观,努力提高初中生物课后作业设计的有效性,进行了有益的探索与实践,取得了良好的效果.  相似文献   

留守初中生处于特殊的家庭生态环境及心理和生理都急剧变化的重要时期,容易产生各种各样的心理问题和消极人格。这些问题如果得不到解决,不利于其健康全面成长。虽然社会、学校和家庭等这些支持对其心理健康发展有很大帮助,但是留守初中生自身的积极适应也是非常重要的。留守初中生要改善自我认知,进行自我调适,合理疏解。强化心理成长,养成健康心态。  相似文献   

中学语文实行选科制的思想源于清末的分科制,五四前后正式兴起,南京政府成立后逐步取消.通过对其发展过程的梳理及对其兴亡原因的分析可以发现,为了使21世纪初的高中语文选修课程得以顺推进,需要对必修与选修课程的地位、价值作必要的区分以使二者相互配合;需要对中学语文与大学中文的课程内容作必要的区分以编写语文选修教材.  相似文献   

"单位"教学在整个物理教学中必须占有举足轻重的地位。因为如果只是数字而没有相应的物理量单位,则该数据就只能是一串阿拉伯数字,没有任何的物理意义。同时单位教学还可以在物理教学中起到承上启下、画龙点睛的作用。  相似文献   

在新一轮课程改革的今天,为了切实提高科学课堂效率,为了学生今后的发展,我们科学教师要认真反思合作学习中存在的问题,及时总结经验教训,使之真正成为一种有效的教学方式.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study investigated the progression in junior high school (JHS) students' conceptions of the structure of matter while studying a new instructional approach dealing with “Materials.” In particular, we studied the progression of students' learning along two dimensions: (a) the conceptual model; and (b) the context of application. Students were asked to draw the structure of several materials and to write their explanations about the structure of these materials in questionnaires administered five times during a 3‐year period. Results indicate students' progression in their microscopic conceptualization of materials. Toward the end of the instruction about 85% of the students used a microscopic model in their representations, and 36% were able to give a molecular model. About 83% of the students retained a microscopic model. Different profiles of JHS students' progression in the conception of the structure of matter were identified. The study suggests that a long‐term development of the particulate model requires: (a) constructing a solid foundation of knowledge about microscopic structure of materials; and (b) a spiral instruction. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 45: 132–152, 2008  相似文献   

Conclusions It should be pointed out that the results of this study showed the students did just as well, and sometimes better, in a gaming situation when compared with traditional revision situations. Therefore games were as good as, and sometimes a better revision aid than, other more traditional means such as video tapes and slides. Hence games could be useful as a means of providing variety and active student involvement in the classroom. Further, the acceptance of games did not appear to be dependent, to any large extent, on personality factors such as need for achievement, need for affiliation, and cognitive level. This seemed to be an indication that games were suitable for use with a broad spectrum of students.  相似文献   

物理教学中总出现科学规律与经验认识相抵触的现象,这种错位认识我们在教学中可作为一种教学资源加以利用.  相似文献   

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