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The purpose of this study was to determine whether mildly handicapped students working on a one-to-one basis with tutors would show a greater academic gain than students working in a small group with the resource teacher. By using a pretest-posttest control design it was found that after a three-month period, students who had tutors did show a more significant gain in reading (especially in the area of reading recognition). Teachers advised that no more than two tutors from one classroom be assigned to the tutor program, and teachers further felt that they could not supervise more than two tutorial pairs.  相似文献   

Neuroanatomy education is a challenging field which could benefit from modern innovations, such as augmented reality (AR) applications. This study investigates the differences on test scores, cognitive load, and motivation after neuroanatomy learning using AR applications or using cross-sections of the brain. Prior to two practical assignments, a pretest (extended matching questions, double-choice questions and a test on cross-sectional anatomy) and a mental rotation test (MRT) were completed. Sex and MRT scores were used to stratify students over the two groups. The two practical assignments were designed to study (1) general brain anatomy and (2) subcortical structures. Subsequently, participants completed a posttest similar to the pretest and a motivational questionnaire. Finally, a focus group interview was conducted to appraise participants’ perceptions. Medical and biomedical students (n = 31); 19 males (61.3%) and 12 females (38.7%), mean age 19.2 ± 1.7 years participated in this experiment. Students who worked with cross-sections (n = 16) showed significantly more improvement on test scores than students who worked with GreyMapp-AR (P = 0.035) (n = 15). Further analysis showed that this difference was primarily caused by significant improvement on the cross-sectional questions. Students in the cross-section group, moreover, experienced a significantly higher germane (P = 0.009) and extraneous cognitive load (P = 0.016) than students in the GreyMapp-AR group. No significant differences were found in motivational scores. To conclude, this study suggests that AR applications can play a role in future anatomy education as an add-on educational tool, especially in learning three-dimensional relations of anatomical structures.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of assessing young children’s meta-cognition in different contexts (i.e., individual learning (IL), peer assisted learning (PAL) and self-reports). Additionally, the contributions of declarative and procedural meta-cognition in IL and PAL, TOM and language ability on children’s cognitive performance (recalling a series of pictures) were examined. Sixty-four 4–5-year-old children (M = 5.14; SD = 0.72), randomly selected from two Israeli kindergartens, participated in the study. Children were first asked in an individualized setting to recall a series of nine pictures; they were then asked (self-report) to tell the interviewer how they tried to recall the pictures. Finally, they were asked to assist a peer in recalling the pictures in a PAL situation. All the children’s verbal and non-verbal behaviors were coded and analyzed. In addition, the children’s language ability and Theory of Mind (TOM) were assessed. The findings indicated significant differences between children’s declarative (self-report) and procedural meta-cognitive behavior in IL and PAL. Procedural meta-cognition in PAL and TOM predicted cognitive performance even when procedural meta-cognition in IL, declarative meta-cognition and language ability were controlled for. The findings are discussed in light of recent research on meta-cognition in young children.  相似文献   

Conclusions For the population of subjects, and the films and kinescope recordings used in this series of experiments, it made little or no difference whether a given film was represented as being a “kinescope recording” or a training film, or whether a given kinescope was represented as being a “training film” or a kinescope recording of a TV program. This study was in no sense a comparison of the teaching effectiveness of training films and kinescope recordings as such. Since we did not have a film and a kinescope presenting the same material we could not compare the instructional effectiveness of a film and a kinescope. The results suggest, however, that substantial learning resulted from seeing all the films and kinescope recordings used in the study, but the exact learning gains, as measured by pre-and post-tests, are not solely dependent on the films or kinescopes, but include also the effect of the pretests. A possible reason for the discrepancy between these results and those of Jackson is that the “novelty effect” of television has “worn off” since the date of his study (April 1952). The reluctance of audio-visual communication researchers to replicate previous experiments has doubtless resulted in the acceptance of many invalid conclusions. Missing from social science research is that drive which is one of the characteristics of research in the physical sciences: to either verify or refute previous findings by repeating the experiment. In this study such a replication has been made of an earlier experiment—and with different results. Paul M. Hurst, Jr. is an instructor of psychology at Idaho State College. This report is based on a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of requirements for the Master of Science degree at Pennsylvania State University.  相似文献   

This article first describes the state-of-the-art of model building and empirical research in the field of self-regulated learning (SRL) and then focuses on self-regulated learning in Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments (TELEs). We present recent research results obtained in a European project (TELEPEERS) in the context of which we evaluated TELEs in a peer review manner with respect to their potential for supporting self-regulated learning. In addition, data were obtained on a sample of TELEPEERS students working in these environments and comparative analyses were made across the European project partners.  相似文献   

This article studies the differences in student learning outcomes associated with changes in the format of online learning resources. We compare completion rates and degrees of student achievement across several economic education learning modules produced by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Initially designed as a long-form online learning module focused on unemployment, the virtual lecture “The Story of Unemployment” was later chunked into four separate short-form learning modules. We find across-the-board evidence of increased completion rates among registered students and statistically significant increases in average differences between pre-test and post-test scores. We also study how the increases in scores are distributed across students by comparing pre-test grade quartiles. Finally, we document that chunking online instructional materials increases retained learning and consistently boosts information absorption at the item level.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that students with learning disabilities may differ from other students in their expectations of how peers are likely to propose engaging in misconduct. This study followed up on these findings using a methodology that did not require the participants to produce their responses verbally. Participants were 74 students with learning disabilities (53 male, 21 female) and 85 students without disabilities (40 male, 45 female) from high schools in three types of communities (urban, primarily black; urban, primarily Hispanic; suburban, primarily white). The students were presented with a series of pairs of statements that might be made by a teenager trying to entice a peer into misconduct and were asked to indicate which statement in each pair was the more persuasive. The results partially replicated the earlier research. The methodological and social implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Learning to assess students using peer review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Educational research assumes reflection on teaching examples to have positive effects on pre-service teachers' professional development. The role of teaching quality in such examples is unclear, however. In a field experiment with a pre-post-design, we taught “planning self-controlled learning” to 83 undergraduate pre-service physical education teachers and assigned them to three conditions: they either reflected on good teaching or problematic teaching examples or they compared both types of examples. We found that the comparison of examples supported their instruction planning more than reflecting good or problematic teaching examples only. In addition, comparing examples changed the pre-service teachers' beliefs.  相似文献   

学习型学校及其创建策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
党的十六大提出了全面建设小康社会的目标,指出:要“形成全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会,促进人的全面发展”;“发展继续教育,构建终身教育体系”。学校担负着为未来社会培养人才的重任,在建设学习型社会中具有奠基作用和辐射带动作用。为适应社会的发展,满足人们终身学习的需要,发挥建设学习型社会的作用,学校必须把自己建设成学习型学校。一、学习型学校的界定学习型学校是根据学习型组织理论创建的一种学校管理模式。学习型组织理论是20世纪90年代以来提出的被认为是代表新世纪管理趋势的新型组织管理理论。学习型组织是通过培养弥漫于…  相似文献   

中世纪英格兰的地产主如果没有男性继承人,其女儿即成为“女嗣”,并可以依据普通法继承规则继承其父家产.但是直至中世纪末期,女嗣的继承权利屡遭削弱.地产主设计出限嗣继承和地产托管两种家产分配方案,以限制、削弱女嗣的继承权利.女嗣继承权利的消长,不仅反映出地产主对女嗣这一特殊家庭成员因情感与理性要求的矛盾而造成的态度变化,还反映出地产主控制财产传承的能力不断增强,相形之下,封建法规则显得刻板.  相似文献   

Two complementary studies, one in the laboratory and one in the field, compared the usage patterns and the effectiveness of interactive videos and illustrated textbooks when German secondary school students learned complex content. For this purpose, two videos affording different degrees of interactivity and a content-equivalent illustrated textbook were used. Both studies showed that in contrast to previous studies working with non-interactive videos, the effectiveness of interactive videos was at least comparable to that of print, probably due to the possibilities provided for self-regulated information processing. It was shown that the interactive features of the videos were used spontaneously. However, features enabling micro-level activities, such as stopping the video or browsing, seemed to be more beneficial for learning than features enabling macro-level activities, such as referring to a table of contents or an index. This finding is explained by students’ misconceptions about the use of features enabling macro-level activities.  相似文献   

Rats received pairings of two stimuli with reward noncontingently in the Skinner box. During noncontingent pairings, the bar was immobilized. For Group CC 100% of the presentations of both stimuli were rewarded (S1 ±, S2 ±), for Group PP 50% of the presentations of each stimulus were rewarded (S1, ±, S2±), and for Group PC one stimulus was followed by reward on 50% of its presentations, while the second stimulus was followed by reward on 100% of its presentations (S1 ±, S2 ±). A fourth group received the stimuli and reward nonpaired. In a subsequent rewarded test phase, the response facilitating effects of the stimuli were evaluated. In the test phase all groups that received reward paired with S1, and S2 performed better in the presence of S1 and S2 than the group for which the stimuli were not paired with reward. For groups that received the stimuli paired with reward, a difference due to schedule of reward occurred when schedule of reward was varied within Ss (Group PC), but not when varied between Ss (Group PP vs Group CC). The specific form of this finding was that Group PC’s performance in the presence of S2 ± was more vigorous than its performance in the presence of S1 ± and was more vigorous than the performance of Groups PP and CC to S2. Group PC’s performance to S1 ± did not differ from that of Groups PP and CC to S1.  相似文献   

汉代是中国古代家学发展的一个重要历史时期,无论从家学的内容上,抑或从家学的形式上都起了奠基的作用。其时的家学具有三个特点:一是经学已在家庭文化知识的教育中占据了主导地位;二是教育对象不限于家庭成员,具有开放性;三是妇女也能接受家学教育。汉代的家学在传承社会文化,培养造就各种专门人才中,发挥了积极的历史作用。  相似文献   

We compared two forms of automated guidance to support students’ understanding of climate change in an online inquiry science unit. For specific guidance, we directly communicated ideas that were missing or misrepresented in student responses. For knowledge integration guidance, we provided hints or suggestions to motivate learners to analyze features of their response and seek more information. We guided both student-constructed energy flow diagrams and short essays at total of five times across an approximately week-long curriculum unit. Our results indicate that while specific guidance typically produced larger accuracy gains on responses within the curriculum unit, knowledge integration guidance produced stronger outcomes on a novel essay at posttest. Closer analysis revealed an association between the time spent revisiting a visualization and posttest scores on this summary essay, only for those students in the knowledge integration condition. We discuss how these gains in knowledge integration extend laboratory results related to ‘desirable difficulties’ and show how autonomous inquiry can be fostered through automated guidance.  相似文献   

学习分析:正在浮现中的数据技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着教育信息化的普及与逐渐深入,学习管理系统已经获取并存储了大量的有关学生复杂学习行为的数据,从这些数据中挖掘出改进教学系统、提升学习效果的信息,在教育信息化领域一直有着巨大的吸引力。因此,有必要从分析数据以改进学习的角度,对日益受到关注的学习分析技术进行解读。首先,学习分析技术是测量、收集、分析和报告有关学生的学习行为以及学习环境的数据,用以理解和优化学习及其产生的环境的技术。接着,综述学习分析技术的发展,指出其在教育中有着广泛的应用前景和巨大的发展潜力:学习分析技术可作为教师教学决策、优化教学的有效支持工具,也可为学生的自我导向学习、学习危机预警和自我评估提供有效数据支持,还可为教育研究者的个性化学习设计和增进研究效益提供数据参考。最后,提出学习分析技术也存在隐私、准确性和兼容性等诸多挑战和问题。  相似文献   

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