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The authors explored the connection between the facilitative conditions present within the supervisory relationship, the therapeutic relationship, and client outcomes. A correlational research design was used with a sample of 55 counselors‐in‐training and 88 clients. Results indicated a significant positive relationship between the therapeutic relationship and client outcomes and a significant negative relationship between the supervisory relationship and client outcomes.  相似文献   

高中生考试焦虑的团体心理咨询实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验研究了团体心理辅导在治疗高中三年级学生考试焦虑方面的效果。实验中,我们通过安排系列团体心理辅导活动,综合使用认知疗法和行为疗法,对检出的12名有中度以上考试焦虑的高三学生进行辅导,实验结果表明,团体心理咨询可以有效地降低高中三年级学生的焦虑水平。  相似文献   

为考察高中生学习效能感在班级环境与学习动机间的中介效应,采用学习动机、学 习效能感和班级环境问卷调查403名高中生.结果表明:(1)女生威信动机高于男生;男生 学习效能感高于女生;师生关系一年级好于二年级,女生好于男生;(2)学习动机与师生关 系、竞争、基本能力感和控制感正相关;基本能力感与秩序纪律负相关,与同学关系和控制 感正相关;控制感除学习压力外,与班级环境其他维度正相关.(3)基本能力感在秩序纪律 和学习动机间具有中介作用,控制感在竞争和学习动机间具有中介效应.高中生学习动机 的激发与维持的关键是提高学生的学习效能感,适当的竞争环境与相对民主、自由的班级 氛围有利于学生学习效能感的提高.  相似文献   

The Spanish educational system, in general, and particularly at the university level, is characterized by the lack of systematic and quantitative evaluative research. This lack of data based research is particularly problematic due to the significant reforms that are currently taking place. Decisions are being made at political, administrative, and educational levels that are not substantiated by meaningful research. To address these concerns, this study focuses upon providing empirical data from students who attend the University of Granada and who have sought services from Counseling Services. This paper provides data concerning the demographic, academic and psychological characteristics that impact students adaptation to the Universitys academic and personal challenges.Ph.D. student at the University of Granada in the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology.Received her degree in Psychology from the University of Asucion (Paraguay). She is currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Granada and has received a grant to work in Counseling Services.Ph.D. student at the University of Granada in the Educational Intervention in Educational and Developmental Contexts program, offered through the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology.  相似文献   

心理契约是企业组织行为与员工彼此认同、无需条文约束的一种心灵感受与协调。心理契约违背是高科技企业人才流失的主要原因,而违背原有的心理契约往往是不可避免的,关键在于如何采取正确的措施来降低违背发生的概率。高科技企业要充分认识到心理契约在组织管理中的重要性,把这种心理契约提升到企业的人力资源战略的高度,通过构建心理契约,以更有效的手段为企业留住人才。  相似文献   

We surveyed undergraduate college students from the psychology subject pool (N = 73) about where they would refer a depressed friend for help. Students from this sample were most likely to refer friends to the counseling center followed by social support options. Students were comparatively least likely to refer to other professionals, indicating that these students view the counseling center as their primary access point for mental health care. Implications of these findings for counseling centers include the continued importance of on-campus care, outreach geared at generating appropriate referrals from social support, fostering relationships with students' parents, and providing access to psychiatric care.  相似文献   

This article presents a model of a practice-research network that offers benefits for clinicians working at college and university counseling centers. We briefly describe the basic components of this practice-research network, challenges in developing it, and some of the empirical studies that have resulted from this initiative. We also describe possibilities for future research that not only will foster further collaborations between clinicians and researchers, but also will enhance our ability to understand and improve mental health services for college students.  相似文献   

This article reports on the integration of psychotherapy in a comprehensive dropout prevention program developed at the Dean of Students’ office of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel. The program’s psychologists conducted psychotherapy with a subset of dropout prevention program participants who had reacted with emotional turmoil to the risk of university dismissal or whose academic status had deteriorated due to emotional problems. Although these psychologically distressed students were presumably more vulnerable than others in the dropout prevention program, with the assistance of psychotherapy their rate of retention matched that of the rest of the program participants. The article includes a detailed case study of one program participant’s psychological treatment.  相似文献   

This experimental study examined the effects of an instructor’s face threat mitigation tactics on student self-efficacy for learning and perceived emotional support from the instructor in a written feedback setting. Participants (N = 401) were randomly assigned to one of two feedback scenarios in which level of face threat was manipulated. Student feedback anxiety was measured prior to being exposed to the feedback scenario. Results indicate that high face threat mitigation is positively associated with student self-efficacy for learning and perceived emotional support from the instructor. Results also revealed that feedback anxiety predicts lower self-efficacy for learning and less perceived emotional support from the instructor. Implications regarding theory, the measurement of feedback apprehension, and student–instructor communication are discussed.  相似文献   

Stigma is one reason that some people avoid seeking mental health treatment. This study tested whether a biologically based anti-stigma message affected various stigma-related outcomes in college students. One hundred eighty-two undergraduate participants were randomly assigned to see a billboard presenting the message, “Depression is a brain disease,” or a control message. Dependent variables included positive and negative affect, message appeal, stigma, and willingness to seek treatment. The biologically based anti-stigma message increased participants’ affect, was rated as relatively unappealing, and failed to reduce stigma or increase willingness to seek treatment. These preliminary findings raise concern about continued use of similar messages in college populations.  相似文献   

为了探讨高职学生童年创伤经历、成人依恋与心理资本的关系,采用童年期创伤问卷(CTQ-SF)、成人依恋量表(AAS)和积极心理资本问卷(PPQ)对515名高职大学生进行调查。结果显示:高职学生的心理资本在性别、家庭居住地、留守经历上存在显著性差异;高创伤经历的高职学生在心理资本和成人依恋中均显著低于低创伤者;高职学生童年创伤经历、依恋关系各维度和心理资本显著相关;高职学生童年期的情感忽视、依恋中的亲近、焦虑因子共同解释析心理资本的29.4%的变异,依恋的亲近和焦虑在高职学生的创伤经历和心理资本中具有部分中介作用,安全、稳定的依恋关系可以缓解创伤经历对高职学生心理资本的消极影响。  相似文献   

专家教授办学治校作用,主要体现为大学精神的引领示范作用、内部治理的核心支撑作用、院校发展的决策咨询作用、教学科研的主导决定作用。发挥专家教授办学治校作用,是现代大学制度的核心与关键,是党委集体领导下院校首长办学治校的重要内容和有效途径。  相似文献   

Many clients requesting assistance in Career Centers are mismatched with their career due to issues of occupational choice. In addition, personality conflicts with co-workers, lack of interpersonal skills, and the individual's personality characteristics can affect vocational success. Theories of personality are incorporated into several theories of vocational choice and development (i.e., Holland, Roe) resulting in some attention to personality. Likewise, client personality can affect the career counselor's ability to intervene effectively to assist the client in making effective career choices and decisions. More direct attention to the impact of personality on an individual's career and vocational success can enable the Career Center to increase the effectiveness of their interventions. This paper will discuss the methods for increasing the effectiveness of career counseling through the use of the Five-Factor Model of Personality into our therapeutic work with clients.  相似文献   

教师学术权利在大学章程中具有重要地位,不仅是大学章程建构的逻辑起点和价值重心,而且是大学章程的终极追求。不同大学章程中关于教师学术权利的规范,在形式和内容上既有一致性也有差异性,所以我们需要相互借鉴,取长补短,丰富和发展教师学术权利规范体系。在大学章程的修订完善中,应以大学理念和法治要义为指导,进一步强化学术权利的地位,丰富学术权利的内容,完善学术权利的制度、组织和程序保障,健全学术权利的救济机制,使大学章程真正成为教师学术权利保障的利器。  相似文献   

The purpose of this initial, exploratory study was to examine the utility of the Counseling Center Assessment of Psychological Symptoms-62 (CCAPS-62) as a repeated measure tool at one university counseling center. This study investigated whether clients engaged in individual counseling changed in symptomology while in treatment and when (e.g., session) changes in symptomology occurred. To answer these research questions, reliable change indexes (RCIs) were calculated for each subscale of the CCAPS-62. Results indicated that all eight of the CCAPS-62 subscales demonstrated reliable changes from initial to subsequent administrations, and that changes occurred between sessions 3 and 6 at this specific university counseling center. Findings suggest the importance of incorporating CCAPS-62 information into counseling sessions to inform treatment and assessment.  相似文献   

This study investigated how attentional control and study‐related dispositional flow influence students' approaches to studying when preparing for academic examinations. Based on information‐processing theories, it was hypothesised that attentional control would be positively associated with deep and strategic approaches to studying, and negatively associated with surface approach to studying. Based on flow theory, it was hypothesised that flow would partially mediate the relationships between attentional control and approaches to studying. A sample of 237 university students completed the Attentional Control Scale (ACS), the Dispositional Flow Scale‐2 (DFS‐2), the Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students (ASSIST) and the Evaluation Anxiety Scale (EVAN) one week before examinations. Multiple regressions supported all the hypothesised relationships. The implications of these findings are outlined.  相似文献   

We conducted the present study to investigate whether college students adjust their study strategies to meet the cognitive demands of testing, a metacognitive self-regulatory skill. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the two testing conditions. In one condition we told participants to study for a test that required deep-level cognitive processing and in the other to study for a test that required surface-level cognitive processing. Results suggested that college students adjust their study strategies so that they are in line with the cognitive processing demands of tests and that performance is mediated by the study strategies that are used.Margaret E. Ross is an Associate Professor of Educational Measurement and Statistics at Auburn University. She earned her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Kansas. Her research interests include the role assessment plays in influencing student learning strategies, assessment issues and policy, and educational program evaluation. Samuel B. Green is a Professor in the Educational Psychology Department at Arizona State University. He holds a Ph.D. in Measurement and Individual Differences Psychology from the University of Georgia. His research focuses on statistical procedures. Jill Salisbury-Glennon is an Associate Professor teaching Educational Psychology courses at Auburn University. She earned her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from Pennsylvania. Research interests include college student self-regulation, metacognition, and motivation. Nona Tollefson recently passed away. She was a Professor of Psychology and Research in Education at the University of Kansas and held a Ph.D. from Purdue University. Her research focused on student assessment  相似文献   

《Child abuse & neglect》2014,38(12):2044-2052
Childhood maltreatment represents an important public health concern, as it is often associated with a host of negative outcomes across development. In recent years, researchers have begun to examine the link between negative health-related behaviors and history of childhood maltreatment. The current study considers the relationship between history of childhood maltreatment and sleep disturbances in adolescence. Further, the role of psychological distress is considered as an explanatory link between childhood maltreatment and adolescent sleep disturbances. The current study is a secondary analysis using a subsample (N = 73) of child welfare-involved youth who participated in the initial and 2-year time-point of the Maltreatment and Adolescent Pathways (MAP) Longitudinal Study on the variables of interest. Youth reported on lifetime maltreatment experiences, psychological distress, and sleep disturbances, in addition to the other measures administered as part of the larger MAP study protocol. More severe childhood maltreatment was related to increased sleep disturbances during adolescence, and psychological distress was a significant mediator of the childhood maltreatment-adolescent sleep disturbance association. The results demonstrate that a history of childhood maltreatment represents a risk factor for sleep disturbances in adolescence. The findings highlight the importance of inquiring about health-related behaviors in child welfare youth and the need to promote psychological well-being within this population.  相似文献   

现代医学病理认为,疾病的治疗就是弥补结构缺失、改善功能,用负反馈方法使其平衡恢复。文章把中国高等教育当作一个有机体,以《大学的意义》为镜,以民国时期蔡元培为代表的教育家进行的现代高等教育先锋探索与实践为对照体,以此对照当下中国高等教育发展定位不准、特色不明显、盲目跟风、成效不大等现象,用心理医学的方法来诊断,得出阻碍中国高等教育发展的心理病症——自傲、自弃、自怨、自卑,并针对病症一一开出药方,希望通过治疗,能弥补其心理结构上的缺失,改善其心理功能,恢复其心理平衡,最终达到身心健康的目的。  相似文献   

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